UNIQ i a o A Chas AR owns n te ae | SQ Oo Jrench Corll Cambria Women, 4-H Girls Asked [=i 2. oor J. =| Sm mss ening rush hour and inbound and | Fed oth sire Of Electr ™ penpe provide BER Ell 7“ “BY | To Exhibit Clothing At Farm Show [cuba devaed trams wre ule fo ny which circulates steams WEL 4 wo. ’ 5 of Great Oecca : re ao u g i Breause _ - A emergency com bollers throug Cae A j : : mergency om bollers 1) ® the oN i % | - By Mrs. June K. Griffith ; i ek os A — County Commis henting system: The 3 Sih y ; » ng of gi H . I dat Shwe vfore 4.7. Mm. on y vim | | ng System oF nanging ¢ ome F \ resentative | 4 tion, Cuasbeia wig a—— onomics Reptesen Priday. January 18. U.S. CHEMIST GETS NOBEL AWARD Somer Ist week received court mew been plint® it | : ol | MENON 0 purchase an slectric | the np A lh : Agel family reunions & lant | Competition Is keen in clothing For other details in regard to mp withom! through the Plumbing Johnaste®nl. | fg the French-Canadis htion | clas t the P Aivania State Xhibits, women and 4H Club] : ng a SUE the Flambing Ca. of i a au of “Jour de LA" J | clases a ennsy aris Sta frie gre advised to consult the | PeTtising for Mis 1, cucitioning the court BF BE ol 5. Bf Farm Show. Wome and 4-H 1957 premium list and contact the mission th make s diner JEN am - Club girls are sdvided 16 check Extension Office in Ebensburg lov the corsrriasioners Said BE ; £m | The ponclusion of Q hb day (Carefully the garments (hey plan one of these premium lists. cause of the scarcity @ BTU : IE | fy the signal for a [reilER, ro | 0 exhibit OEY System for the Bb pumps. they did not BEE Cl : e tooking and baking § in In the open class division, any | : At the pres. would receive : | J teady for an overfio tives | #oMan iN © tia County is eh fo gible to make entries. We ‘sug. " there are Wo woth anils tisements ‘ } bo ; Ef " bd 4 lw aod visftors thst mar i ; a npn ie ans a ten of the first day at gest that each would-be sxhibitor | PE 4 soost Canadian of tang {Olan & copy of the premium ; ty : ” he? a ; SRA carefully the Bah ail list and obwerve L Mass is reiebrated wd x ules and reguia’ ions for saeh | : : § Christmas time a { “lanm in which she plans to enter | Je Taint men of Whaon Bier oe The “Patriareh” { garments for competition ' Jo akin B A a fnember " the : : En ohnstown-Cambria County A'r. inporiant man on | i All open class exhibits must be Authority was announced re- As each member heh-Cana. | 60! or brought to the shew not onily by fhe Camda County dian family arises first id Aler than 6 p. m Janusry 12 Commissioners. : : ; TRL BAY LAN articles of clotRE sheild ; Mr. Blick is one of three i ——— | of each ee Ahi mks Ol 8 | have been made in 01 by the per: I c dar word father of hat been | persons exhibiting them. Jona appointed to the seven mem- g i ae wy : bys % a i p r : ie Vs ia : to ask for | The 4-H Club classes are open the Soard oY ona bis blessing Indiy all mem: {to all 4. ; i! 0 all 4-H girls wht have have gerved sines the authority atticien in the cohiths in whith : ub (was established are Thomas FP " | ctama———— |i oe i hey belong. Exhibits migst mest ‘ Relatively New, |g | a Re I ; BE | iwlected through elimination in a FANdoiph Myers, Ebensbu:g LH Club round-up. These articles The authority waa establ shed : : o 7 ? : | will be selected by the extension ‘0 May, 1950, to supervise open Nn ime 3 ” g representative tions of the Municipal Airport in All articles for exhibit in the Rishiang Township Until (hint oo ; \ iH Club classes must be sent to Lime. the airfield had been undier i The Gregorian calendar has boon the Agricultural Extension Office direct supervision of the city in popular Usage only since the ists . | Cemppt Bose Ebenshurg, before Four other members of the B i, 18th century, and w : er LAF ia ry vi £34 ' board, sll appointed by Johnstown as the Hest ] anuary 8 Mra Griffith will see City Council, are Ralph How Calendar to bring about Such Ei that artis § L Artisdes are taken to the d j . world unity on the time front show “gid displayed in the proper Chairman. Walter W. Krebs, Wil Yet : Re play, lam H—Eatterson and Frank A et. il has not satisfied everson a y : : Womer In tact. someon in always tying | hers of the Be... ACRIng of exhibits will be 4 - to Introduce a new on * Et on berdea (completed by the time the show ~ - 0 : ohe. Iinee to asx, gk: Eive mie yar opens Monday morning All girls $150.00 DAMAGE CAUSED : ha of these concocied by a! blessing.’ a father exiofids | 0d women who vial! the shaw Philadelphia (PN8i-- A fivie- Cw HHOWbDOY bowl the time of te g hard snd PMay God hisses | 11e tirged to visit the ching salary fire haa gutted a wataly- first World War, Wis dered | you. my ei eis you with ull hibits fromt groeery warehoose here Aina | SUING A Wi att isi is Buckhokm, King Gustav Adott Oefl), : seriously for many years. | was | my heart” SU Exhibitors in the cldhing cadsed damage agiimaled 81 elope | MoMillan. A Dr 4 td : win M | ven brought to the attention of con Just as at " : tlassen are remainded that their to $THO.000 SNixty mnployees fipd | ward co-winder, Dr, McMillan, of the University of Calin : Etess In IS and the countries of the Tornke ew hs, averyony in fneticies cannot be removed from to safely bat two others had to! . fornia. was one of three Americans honored. ( International Radiovhote) ry a may Fo chureh, after sco seiamsin b § : . ESR ron Uren: Bite sho wed | whieh the reunion gels wn ob derway. orig and daughters ! citine the Edwards Perpetual begin ta # 3 and thoy ton, {iv . and Ar, the plan offers Moking | fist to I of the house fur _ lala from the present Grego- | his bless : aa —- 3 « 20 dart, New Yesrs Day i The ding ‘he day I» salmon : , | . fade yumm # not attach : yess, any ES the a feast fU Ususily conaisls a hry 1 Monday in Richie. 4 N of soup, . esl balls, tart . : A . v | rolls. © sid fruits [n on a Ways starts the week, with $ ! . and Sunday st the end of th bor Aller 4B hours are spent In | a ; hg oo aig where, It would se Sethe g COREE faong the older fami 4 or be al ; "es, 8) fly sen ; while the children x ‘ ; 5 There ate 91 days In ens rer. play. & ; Sa. A | Fd rr enon Ge ar YEAR Sra two months of & quarter: 31 fn the | Of the JE 811 the married mem. Sd third, sivth nitth snd thaifth bers 3 Hlamily fake & turn atl "hh 2 i“ i . hing. hg, months of (he your. Christm } 34 invitin, family over for a “fri ’ ; ” : : J Fy Tn birthdays and all they holidays tol, > togeitinr, the iden being wold alwys tall on the day that # rl 8 custom which wil) suchi year, and. » feature appealing oo’ ". course af ihe year, to the superstit there ] ER reer vii + Fawn | Jolley | Date And, lest wo forget, something for i ; Fal Modern i i i { $ LD AT AA I SINR ANIA the gals, leas year would be & distinct Jv hour pitied between | June and July one more chance. MEBlom of welcoming in the The celender was worked out by | NewiiBr on January | is 3 rela. Willard E Edwards. A leutenant | UvellBodern one. Down through ¢ holiday was 8 movable ! nog I i ny people and nations cel the delegates to the bral #t different times of the conference in 1948 Ww met YOUR with much s, ol. Hs was soon vernal equinox, March 22, was of the world seclaiming the pro y the Jews. The Greeks cel Bowever, x on December 31, the time of passes an snd the pages ; of the i ter suistice. The autumnil Gregorian ca Still replace | SOX. September 22. marked the themselves, year ber year. ; t ing of a pew year for ancient — — was not until the coming of thé , ian calendar, instituted by Gregory in 1581, that the : > andwork was lald for a univer John Whi P FF. celebration. The continent of te ost pice, having celebrated New B's on March 23 since medievnd » Lt - | en, wa The tat Io ep Veterans of Foreign Wars rd watehies thelr flocks lendar popularly. Chatham Islands, New Zes Yel it was not a complete adop- he. C1 welcome The Year POU Great Britain provided the Patton, Pa. eight that finally tipped the scale i favor of Gregory's eslendar in 3752. when ihe Yritish parliament fofficially established New Year's ‘day a» January 1. ‘Bible Foretold Future On New Year for Scots The carly Scots believed that it was possible to foretell the events of 8 coming year by turning to the Bible on New Year's Day. It was Jong a custom to place the sacred book upon a table and open it at random, placing one finger on the printed page. The entire chap ter then was read carefully, with the belief that the message ft cw ried described in some way the happiness or misery in store for the person adhering to the practice. a A odo