Many New Christmas Stories Featured In This Issue : x Three Sections — 24 Pages ; Teen-Agers Gift Goes to Good Causes Fred McCann New Member Of Patton Park Commission Council Ready to Order Traffic Light for Corner Two sppointments were made io the Palton Recreation and Park Commission at a special meeting of Patton Council Friday evening in the borough office In the Fire Hall Burgess Theodore Off submit tsi the names of Fred J MoCann and Francis X Young Mr Mc. Cann was named to AH the ur expired term of E W y #4 representing the Paltor bord on the commission requires twos sohood be members of the : i The ther schon director repre sentative is Dr. E PF. Cooper. Mr 4 | | Young was reappointed for & five. | year term | Council also was notified during | Serving ‘Northern (Cambria (ounty PATTON, PA.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 195] AL: UNION PRESS-COURI Ek Single Copy be I Si lsh il Kids Invited to Party On Saturday Afternoon NSsitarday of ibis werk will bee a hig day for kids of Pat. fon whe are 17 years of age Nr Younger. It's the date for the ansnl Christmas Party sponsorsd by Patton clubw--VY FW, American Legion, Eagles, Moose, Sans of Italy, and Slovak Cithrens Att the Grand Theatre, the event will begin at 2:30 p. m sharp. Santa Claws has pro midad to be there, fon. and a trem will be given to every child The fotertaloment «il In ehnle 5 movieg picts. AH chibiren of the tows Aho are IZ or under are avited There is Ao charge A———— William P. Leary ——————————— aR, ——— Sebastian Biancos Married Half Century : y 13ames Studie Proto, Peten) at Moosehentt and at Boys’ Toun, and the Annaal Child. | en's Christmas Party at Patton wilt int fromm 360 Sven to the | Club here. The night of Sation for | | Order of Moose recently by the Teen-A its donated the money to the LOOM In thelr hall for dancing and me Munday discussion with : officers of the ght St the | pers decided to rs Th at age tub Jue | hry to right; =xre John Franklin, Moons y. and John Raivigh and Dave Albright. pres chairman of Teen-Age Club, respectively. gp BE Boy Rev. Vance Clark To Report Jan. 28 a Ay Rev. Vance N. Clark, pastor of 's Neck [Hastings Methodist Church, will y ‘report to active duly with the uy. B Air Force Jan. 28 to The Northern Cumbia minis was ter received « fiat lisutenant's | half Ae ep the past week by the State High. ‘way Department at Harrisburg ‘thst un traffic light for the corner of Magee and Fifth Aves. has bewn approved The light will op. drale on a “stop-andgo” basis at bisy times of the day Borough Becretary Albert Hal tka has been Instructed to get Bender, Moose jovernor; Fred J. Me. Prices on the type of light ap. (proved and submit them to coun. cil as soon as possible, Just when (installation will be made is not hs yY8 delerminable Burgess Ott siso this week is. | ued a proclamation that all tay. ens and clube in the town re | main closed from 109. m Christ mas Eve until 2 p. mn. Christmas Jay. The proclamation will be fund elsewhere in this issue Pathing meters receipts for the November were $275.55, ; Which half $137.58 was paid * Meter company as pay- an the meters and the other | the tremsury. To | The door 1s closed, but qnly to keep out M7 Frost. The wreath says, “It's Christmas, the birthday of the Saviour. All are welcome.” This 1s the spirit of Christmas in America. The family gathers for the celebration. Friends visit and greetings are exchanged. Ours we offer now to all of youl. Fre Co th Term As hl. Fire Co. President | === “Patton Couple Wed oa Ss frat rac] Proclamation Here Vu ho CY Gales (90 YEAPS Dec. 12 held on Ts Hig of De all Sebastian Bianco, Wife gc ged i vy ve. Javernsf Clubs to Close Married In Italy, 1901 v voile . fo iy i. i Early Cliristmas Eve Mr and Mrs Sebastian Binnco of Patten celebrated wedding ansiversary ih pesday. Dee. 12 They ak snded a Hi El Mas® for ssecial intestion in St Marya C He Church ie the morning and in the evening + the family gathered nt {ha Christianity. | Bianco name and fitting! Mr and Mrs Blanco recived the Pat. few wadding bands from the tunity reflect (his Spi Members of the family My. and HEATH that hig great | Mra Jomeph loon and deughter Inataiintion of {liduy was traditionally intended. SRd Mr. and Mrs Ben Hote also to take Place ak Ihe HER regular | Therefore, I Theodire Ot pers ovening FAY IAd pave : Re TITAS . argeas of the Borough of Pat Rosary. besds to Mr. and Mrs thew day ative Funeral Today For en oe wg gts Father J. P. Padden. § on Wop College, Carlisle and Wastminster Joan 3 ” C Topor miners ee a To e113, Chest Spri Ings, - | ‘He will conduet his last services Lin the Hit he on Sun Rev Father James P. Padden, a ar ho burch pastor of St. Momlea's Catholic | RALEIGH SALESMEN MEET # The Raleigh salesmen held » . The sales meeting at the Commercial Ro- Hotel, Putton, Tuesday evening in Alexian Brothers of this week, Following the meet. igabeth, N. J. He wits | A disner was served to the whout 71 years of age. men and heir wiven, A native of Ireland. Father Tee | Padden took over duties as pagtor | vf Bt Monica's following the tleath of Rev. Father Join Dug. kan in 1908 Father Padden, who had been ill the past two or three yours. actively served the Chest | Parish until Christmas Day, 1 han he was forced to enter the died al 8:45 p | Altugns Marcy Hospital for treat. Go ment. Later was admittest for sociely. some lime to Miners Hospital | Bpangler. He has been a patient {in the New Jersey institution for about one month. During the past year, Rev. Fa. | tor at Bt. Monica's. to the Chest! pr ach hl 2 oe ther Fader 20 peal ST : ‘the body to 1 eh ay il o' g i Church, Chest Springs. and onetarea of East Carroll Twp. near of Northern Cambria auntys | {ther Paul Lenz, a native of Gall. | Simin. his satyed a4 sasistant pas- TE 2 | Historical Society Given Plot Of Land At Eckenrode Mill —.— : years ago. also, it was planned One of Original Sites 14 eres! & warnnnent on the mile Of Old Kittanning Trail = ‘Acquisition of the plot climaxed 8 move insogursted about 10 j yours ago by the late FP J Littie former president who first al wiety has acquired the deed to ot \ 4 oe gver which the oid Killan- | Lamptad to gain the land tor he ning Indian Trail passed in the The Kittanning Trail was the main thoroughfare through Ubis Eckenrode Mill | ection during the plomesring days 1 Announcement olf this fact WAN | of Western Prnnayivania. It was | ‘made st x meeting in the Cam-imade by the Indians and ran [brian County War Memorial Arena | fromm the headwaters of the Juni at Johnstown My Robert F. Pro- sta River at Frankstown in Blair ner. Westmont, director | County, weroms Chest Creek at | The deed to the land was trans. | Fckenrode Mill past Hart's Sleep HHerved to the society Thursday of | ing Place, and on through Chevry | lasik week az a public service by (Tree lo Kittatning on the Alle Mrs. Olive Eckenrode, who re gheny River : [sides at Eckenrode Mill, and Mr. | Speaker at Friday's meeting and Mrs. Leonard Yeckley, who was Mis Margaret Greer, leacher ireside on an adjoining farm IM ment Af pper Yoder High The friva bong t Sat Who mad Uae Ff & Map {oie ad J el of feck. | {she mada last year for the Johns. lenrade Mill near the lan of | town Bewgscentonnial celebration the Henry Gooderham farm. Mr. '® pointing out Nstorical points if . e of interest in the area Gooderham is president of th . Bhe also stressed many “firsts” ilo which Johnstown may lav a The deed covers two lracls of | chien She pointed out the city land. one measuring one-half sere! was Best in the mumaufecture of end the other 150-by.-30 feet The | jon rails. then first in the manu- (Iwo areas never hnve been cult | ro dure of steel rails She briefly vated {aketehed the lives of the city's Baciety officers were authorized business pioneers King, Morrell {in a resolution adopted at the! Fritz and Kelly meeting to lake steps to have! The next meeting will be held anh Cambria County Historica His death marked: the close of | suitable markers erecied where sometime in March atl a date to Hanany. than 40 years in Christian, the trail is distin uishable Some be announ ed later. “% Local Crib Contest Carrolltown Fire Co. + Offers $50 In Prizes Names Mark Buck Judging to Be Done Director to Be Elected Sometime Next Week At Meeting January 3 Interest is reported wide In the Mark Buck was elected presi community-wide contest for the dent of the Carroiltown Volunteer {beat indoor and outdoor cribs, or | Fire Company atl the reorganiza- | “creches,” in the Patlon area | tim meeting of the unit Thursday ! The contest, for which a totaltof lof $50 in cash prizes have been Club In Carrolllown. (announced, is being spormored bY! Other officers named are ber. | the | Patton Local 431, United Brick & | man Karlhetr, vice president; | seCria he: dend Clay Workers. The local spon-|Oharies ter. 5 | took piace yesterday ane at (sored 4 similar contest last year. || ish Br . clock. Office uf the Dad wil The contest is open to anyone hief; : recited this Thursday morning | Who resides in Fatton or Within {ant fire chief, 10 @'elock, followed bv a jhe mile from the borough Umits | haugh engineer. eal Most | However, no entries will be accep- m clubs or organizations baugh, L. J. Lacey and Joseph | Trustees include Lieb Fara-| : Cooney ting principal Members electad , and Miss Yvonne Yer ior directors include P. Ww. " Russell Bianco, and Louis A.leqn Herman K ribeim, Charles aluska. They will visit the Ertter. Lieb Farabaugh, Francis | homes 18 inspect the enlries dur-| Bearer. Paul Lieb. Joseph Bwite- | ing the week of Dec. 25-20. ler. Dennis Stole LeR uh Sst Pras of $15, and sc Weber ws ond of $10 wi n Ten direct ere - ifor the best outdoor cribs, and ed Howat tn Yockiey Sod similar amounts will be awarded Vincent Shero tied for 10th | {for the best indoor-manger scenes. wishing to enter ye cone con i ¢ ; domt are asked to c r. xt meets Thursds, ar Pa ST ea Tor Ine ing . Jan. 3, r at Patton 2462 so that the PY will know which homes to Native. ingenuity wd Sima keep laying. 'a tension ke» prize ae win. A HR SER > RRA Hastings Miner Injured woods, on nt Thasday fast week atl the Firemen's | firemen will hold | 1m. Mereby proclaim that in the slag party on New interests of our people, their | the fire hail families, and of our religious ob Shervy (8 chajrman for the even WIreances, that ALL taverns | lensed club, or other vendors i! slcahalie Deverages, will close Cithelr various aces of DdDusinedss Jatnes Garay, 34-year-old Has from 10000 o'clock PP M Christ. ings coal miner suffered injury fo mas Eve. December 24 1951 the left knee Monday morning of until 1.00 o'dlock in the afternoon ite af work in the of Christmas Day. December 215, i Hill Coal Mining Company 18561. AR the above plates are to August vented frovg thelr premises by | Hastings ve ail patrons snd puests ' $i ec} PM an Christmas ; the extent Eve «Monday comlition is listed THRODORE OTT Burgess of Patton Borough Lost Altoona Hunter Comes Out of Woods At Blandburg * i" » Brown Boome pear Dysart and Hears Strip Mining tien returnd fo the oily Amsymernan wen! hunting with Machine to Find Way an uncle. Donald WW. Ammermian of Altoona, after school Thursday afternoon. They sighted a deer dnd Decsme faetarated nn their : phrsait. Sharily after four o'clock the untie rturaed fo the road . and waited until sx o'clock for # the oth curly last dh pl aie oil vif any i. the nephew before enncluding thal morning. while sarohing partios | : . : Be : . " . the youth was oat. Herbert ar combed the aress where they had : ; sen fist a n rived a! the Brown home abogt aL hoe apn kis LIE Thursday night William Dieber, 41 of ALOORR. |, Deibler's siajus gras dizoovered who went huniing Mone last: ngetiy ster dark Thursday ev Tan y Ad a op able To Thussday morning, found his way ing when Mrs. Deibler had fri to the Central Hotel, Blandbar® gndy drive her up Wopay rond and | CL earky inet Friday marning. state they found lis cpr parked aioag | police reported, after having 10) yp highway, ghout two miles be spend the night in the woxis iw the Cumbria-Blalr County Huorbert Ammiermian 17 of Al ine toon, nd his way lo the Mu Re} EE _— " oka roses x RA MTS MIs Contae ted by telephone Friday Blanco Mr. and Mrx Blanco were both ‘horn in 1879 In Haly. Me. Blanco snd the former Mary Bruno were married In Italy Dec 12. 100% iand came lo America in 1903 They resided In Pittsburgh for five years and then came to Pad tor where Mr Banco soured snployment at Patton Clay Man- ufacturing Co ny. He worked there until Nas retivemnt last They are the sarints of four children Runssll Bianco Mrs Robert Rowland Mrs, Joseph Carnicells and Mra. Gilbert Frog: iy. afl of Patton There are ¥x grandehildren Mr. and Mrs Bans are bolh in excellent Beslth They joy gardening and laten io the radian They spend & great rt of they Lime wilh they grande dren Mr. Hanes is 8 member of the Patton Sons of Teaty Madys a wr A SS marping at the hotel, Duibler ree ported that he had Rept going in the woods until tired out, when he built 8 fire and swaited for daylight. Early Priday morning he heard the sound of coal steip- ming ‘machinery, follows! if, apd came out in Blandburg whout § ‘Em Bis five, he said was ball faeveral miles fram Blandburg “3 didnt got a deer but [| saw & panber of thes 1 don't ww what [ would have done with one iH I had got BB I lost my Way when it got dick quickly” he re- | ported. Mrs. Deibley brought him baek | home fram Blhandbarg Inter in the MAFRIng Ee ED Al Aaa Christmas Season Ushered In With Presentation of Cantata. I SERRE A Sa AB dT TOE AE