ny: December 13, 1951 to Flying Start The Lurrent drive of the Johnstown Socie the Prevention of Tuberculos a off toa good st This said sales are 33 percent ahead of | { year's dccordng to figures nounced Monday of this Renben Alwine and chairman campaign. This vear's goal as that for 1850. 320,000 Reports rom the proldably will be sent SOCielY's office in Johnstown Bank & Trust Building until ear- Iy Janmary, according to Mr. Al wine. Frank J Idonahn seci'elary. said the funds Carnabria County bre three ways Eighty-e ght will stay in the county to be sp for educational a medica in local communities The remaining be divided oq rally between head aguariers of Natirnial Tubsr-: § cuiomis Society in New York and’ the Pennsvivania Tuberenlos's and Heulth Society with headquarters in Philadelphia The 8 cont sent to the state sovietv : used for e@ucation, guidan ir de vit ra wt £4 3 that t £3 § Trae IELY 8 1 4 Ore tony’ of § he ty prea fund-raising the aunty wet the well ” eR’ ds $4 12 Det wii thea EY HLT sped SEALS TUBERCULOSIS UNION PRESS COURIER GLASGOW St. Augustine Nun i = Rebekah Lodge Here Dies Last Sunday * **'To Hold Christmas Party funds ger noiety for mone } expand its hat sale of Pro vides ita only Anand: al roel BOP RO pit Ror fren possible the [oals th ay pnt ante Wn AY MARSTELLER By MEX FRFD SOCHRM K d& Mis Flabns and : tad Sunday in Coslp } 1k AM i810 al A { het Hoader A RWRCOT Freerahi Court Sentence Deferred Pending Burglary Charge Puss t ¢ Mae Homng ies pede} ality 8 4 {ik veer % Boop we was feferred ne £31 % urea girs? Win it i TE in Phe Monday Passsraily wala vir West ge sen tones ry 1 place a ERIE ON in the Isrcenvy . po trad fF haat? off al 338 from y x ’ Fini 8s ¥ $4 ong oF The ee . § a CaF £ in Mra Meade Wor Te nd Mrs © Wo wn aa af materials # al raserihe E Saas in wnship ) ’ ; t BT a : {a reall oe ¥ £1 $ * oe \ @ 5 land NE 0 AE 1 EE ER NARA NAN UNA ELT sHRISTMAS SALE! All Clothing & Shoes Reduced for December! E NYLON SHIRTS, boxed free . § GABARDINE SHIRTS, boxed free 3 LATEST TIES, boxed free ALL WOOL SWEATERS ... $4.95 & $7.95 Boys’ VE SWEATERS $1.9 Bove DRESS OXFORDS, special up to 6, $3.9 Men's DRESS SHOES, special $4.95 Man's WINTER JACKI , as low as $9.95 FOOTWEAR FOR MEN & BOYS AT LOWEST PRICES THIS YEAR CUT -RATE STORE i Aeros from the Vernon Theatre BARNESBORO $4.95 $2.98 98¢ BCR » TTI NN RIN. her yes will maski when se sc inisistute df 3 Youngs- Brrr 9 Ae AO Aen a» LNirdon Bame were Mr Roy : Beraasd ¢ Baitimore Recent Deaths ‘Mrs. Margaret Martz Biandbure Margar Chan: Msrig 5 : Mr ig Martz dice rn Idec. RB at hor Bb AK: seen Mav 15 1 m" The deceased 38 NE: Pe following children {Kinney of Portage iWalter 1. Mariz | Clayton HM ang Har of Blasdburg. and Willa Lancaster Ton grande id fees greal-grandohii vive Mrs Martz waz a Anita Clark of Ray Funeral services I Tornday afters len of bore and interment visiting | Pleasant Hil Can nneth Wilhaorn is foul visiting Bia parents Mer Flassell Wi Fred Whistiserolt of Oi, spent a few dav ai the Jack Howasrh Ore TERE * KTH ret visitors al the Hoy and Mv» rhildren ot | and Mrs ehiidren Jeep Chirden J» BBG England and Mr Chirdon and gigiev “Ne i w o New of MEY Mra John Hi D CC. are Me. and Washington Wika Toa melery tbang {with Mrs Helen Hollen Hollen eniered by ‘Hary exchanged | tng pamed tn the honor roll from i and ifois Kelly "Twas the night before Christmas : Mirhael Mrs, Jones Mrs Helen Hollen in Washington Murphy ths Force Jast Satnrday A Christmas Party members of local VPW Aaxi- | oii Dec. IR Gifts will b=! snd a covered dish tanrhaon Will he served #iodents in tae local school bee visited lawl} D.C and Charles U 8 Air | | Mrs. Elizabeth Cole Bakerton Mra ElimiheDd 60, of this place died om jday. Dec. 10 at Miners Hospi | Bpangler. Her husband, Charle died tn 10M A son. Haigh in 1800 I Mrs. Cole ia survived Pplvildren: Mra John (Green (John Cole both of Bakerton The deceased wai a sow iMra Im Horner of Johinaton {and William Kirty of Cleveh Kelly and James Baker.| Puneral services will be Eighth Shirley Suckinos (9 a m today in Bacred Beverly Lidwell and | Catholic Church. Bakerton Patricia Holtz. ifterment will be made Additional Ashville News will : Benedict's Ostholic Church be found elsewhere in this asus | tery. Carroiitown GET CHECKS EARLIER J } M. O'Br; Se. Ben hers in Patilon Borough's | hoods receive paychecks esarfier x Sey = each December due to the Christ. | oy pe iy 5 or he inst Basturday. Dec. & at MAS holidays. | following an exirnded i Ni ght Before | a ot Maite Chiistsncs : Tommy will he oid Be 1am and fifth to eighth grade are: Fifth Dascanic. Thomas Bur | goon Patricia Gibbons: Beventh ally Matthew aa Nin ine * in # deg} Bore He | | OReilly) {VBrien I He ia survived by his mot i i Mrs. Mary MeAuley: his widow | ‘the former Grace Scally; : children: Matthew J. Ebensburyg Fhe all through the town, Mrs Orace Merritt, Kalamazoo | The Frigidaire tracks Mich : John F. Colver: Mrs. Mary | sped through streets, up and Denning, Indiana. Pa: Rita ann, down. IR. N. at Windber Hoapilal, a} home, and Hugh Rober: serving | with 17. 8 Navy Five grandchild | (rem alms survive. He was 8 brother of Hugh O- Brien. Patrick O'Brien. Mike Mo Auley and Mra Ann FEivin all of Derby, N. Y.: Joh McAuley of Buffalo N Y. and Mra Margare! Charleston, Williameville N.Y A Requiem High Mass was held at $ a om. yesterday in Holy Farsily Catholic Church, Calver by Rev. Father John J Cura pastor and interment was made in Holy Name Cemetery Ebens. rg. ® James H. Isenberg Blandburg James H. Isenberg 80, of this place. died at T35 p m.. last Tharsday Dec & in 1) Philipsburg State Hospital He was born July 2 14T) In Hunting don County. a son of Ephriam and Ann Elizabeth (Updike: Isenberg He is wrvived by following sis ters: Mra Iva Christ, Jeapetie Mrs. Bertie Tourmey of Osceoln: (Mrs. Ida David Janesville and Mrs. Esther Woods and Mrs Ethel Cassidy, both of Juniata. Funeral Som Fay gels a range ‘Mrs pd ne Bix local men came home last week with deer. Four bagged! their buck on Monday and (wo last Saturday Making kills Mon- | day were James Lovell 10-point; Francis Thomad S-point, Allen Glass. fhpoint; Wade Alken, 5 point. Carl A Campbell Jr, and James Muthollem got their bucks Aaturday. Mr. ihpatnt deer 2 S-potriter Jack B. Kough of Akron, O., sent te past week visiting at the Walter B. Kough home Mri Howard FF. Ghss ¥lenn Wadnesiay visitors in Alloona Pobert © Gates of Rahway, N J spent the past werk visiting | relatives and friends here Mr and Mrs Eugene Ratchford arsed mops, Harold and Freddy, of | Dysart, visited last Thursday ev. sning the Michast R atish Marie Pet. William Lender of Port Knox, Ky, who s&s enjoying » furlough at the hame of Me and Mex Fred Aikens killed a five pont Bek ast weal 8 Emanuel Cardinal fdren of Brishon visited at MH. Cc Tharsday Mrs. Dorothy Dawson and Mes. | and Mr. Mulbholiem | ait and the Sylvia Jenkins were last Friday iter, Yvonne, Campbell felled a = Mulholiesn home Jast’ : Joltistown recently nnn sd Bn | visitors in Coulport. evening. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Criste’ Howard Gwin spent the wee of Dysart R. D., visited here last | snd at his home here. Sutin 3 b Jessie L. Fah wes last | The Muintaindaie Sewing rie visitor in { held its meeting inst K Mrs Wm. C. Thomas and dau. DOME of Mrs were last Satur. tending a visitors in Altoona. Mrs r. and Mrs Mike Morris vis Corry, ited recently " Aliouna at the Hagel Gates, Mrs Frank Mogpis : hollem, My. and Mrs "Michael R. Mat. Sylvia Curry. isk sind son. Ro visited jast Everett McCuriney of Pitts BSundey at the | Ratchford | (burgh was a recent visitor here home in Dysart, Palmer Beckwith of Pittsburgh Oebrge Jesikilis of Cleveland, is spending a fow days with his a. week : nT Teri rd At he | sarents; Mr. and Mrs Gus Beck: Glass ware id | glen Mary Downs spent the With (Mr. and Mrs a Ney oms j Coon 24 of Wire ff Glass : Sunny with. Miss Essie Peter. SPIN MOUNTAINDALE By DAWN BESCOX Thomas Trosell, John Deve and Edward Plogsted of Ohio spent » few days recently with the for- mers parents Mr. and Mr Clarence Troxell Lawrence Stnmers visiled te & M thee country will more than $23.030.000 in § dwy con pensation this VeRv, was announced ocay by Ralph W. Burger, presides: of the ( chain Every employee with ss much an mix months’ service will rereive a part of the annual fund voted hy the company’s board of direct- ors. Distribution is scheduled for tomorrow, Dec. 14 in Charlies and Cetilia Hescox vis ited in Smoke Run last Sunday ! . . te This smart Bittle box Beg would male hor Christmas tho merriest one ever. Thre are many more lovely handing styles to choose