i INR a “As | See It” December B, 1961 — BF +»; RTATE SENATOR JOHN J. HALUSKA Well, the tax battle at fitate Capitol has finally come to 4 satisfactory conclusion Al & midnight session last week the State Senate Separate measures which will give | * ser night Sh nT adopted five in $n million ad Thursday happened last have at! well Sen. Haluska We are happy that House Bill and 384 sealing with increas es to school teachers and school subsidies, t when the have been approved was steadfast thr the entire tax de curtain fell, teachers would was rightfully due them will all receive the commit. that were promised by the | ture. "the enactment of the vici. Income Tax which teachers of our Kh Lao the point tha! Was necessery io en. ao Tax if they were 3 any consideration : heed to upset your regular budget | Christmas rolls investrpent Bicame Duivember, ¥ the i i i hate | the | receive | olltown, Penna. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. | the i mufficient of this became possible | The Yi AR fis} power: profession is a ann aried wi bat Feehor by Mr. John fent of the Penn- ation Associa Mr lamley was the origin. of the Income Tax move he felt that unless that tax was adopted HB 338 and HB 3342 would never berome Law We advised him differently but he could not see the light Now that the Bills have passed Mr. launley, no doubt, is happy, and we quote here a letter dated December 8 1851, from him “Dear Seantor Haluska: “As president of the Penn sylvania State Education As sociation 1 want to express the sincere appreciation of sar org- anization for your support of HB. 338 and H.B. 334. The en- actment of this bagisiation, as you know, will make it possible for Pennsylvania to take Is rightful place amoag the states in its salary and subsidy pro- gram. Public education is the bulwark of democracy and your support of good educational Irgistintion assures the future of our boys and girls, o “Very sincerely yours, “JONN MM. LUMLEY, “President, PSEA" In addition fo taking Hd lenohers, we Tax Revenue te give a 15 percent Cacroas-the-board to the teaching <> §3 group in Pennsyi gtd must he tf hve were lod a i $1 ¥% pre 8 3 svivania State Edu rent rare assed Measures Increase entire ow state payroll, including the Liquor Store This clerks and Btate Police also was made possible without the State Income Tax aiid we believe oud readers will recall that in our articles we pre- around . . . a in our Christmas “sxtra” funds for 1852. of ; f i sounag tory | Janugry (11% months i gressional reapportion iment | Philadelphia be i made | gesaian { weeks i meet fake dicted these things to to pass And position Fax sh While Ce still we that the have taken vicious never become law Gir position is while we sr id very voied for Appro- priation Bills, the record shows we voled for taxation to meet all the expenditures for which the Commonwealth it committed Therefore, another chapter been written in Persylvania his- of a Aght tha' started in and which has now gone and vet the end of Session is not in sight Cone i5 now which must "adjon sine has the battle getiled hefore we Gir next mao be die Legislation Jr dealing with the subject. which will be brought to the public limelight within the next several! dave will be a nasty problem. Bringing a lof of loose ends together of the work being done for the last 114 rrunths will rafiniire stme time are hopeful that we will home hy Christmas When the above remark was last July in our column, it brought quite a laugh in political circles All in Wri Hast all. we within and close the ceniple of nirselves for grind during the lLegisiature will January 1, 1953 to just where wi are leaving hope to the next prepare political Then rgnin up another 1652 ! off rw SEN. JOHN 1. HALUBKA BAKERTON By M. 8 FPANCZAK Walter Kucholick, Korean War Yeteran, Discharged Walter Kucholick, who for the past fourteen maoanths has been serving with a signal corps out- fit of the I! 8B Army in Korea has been honorably discharged and ix pow visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs Cstherine Kucholick * +» Mra. Elizabeth Cole, who be came seriously {1 while visiting among relatives in Johnstown has been removed from the Mem i i {of Kingwood { orial Hompital in Johnstown to the Minera Hospital and Mrs " | tors inst week at rand Mrs Hpangier Anthony Sample Va, were visi the home of p ery fe 8: _» Mr. Mm edimver of Utafiville BR. D. spent Saturday {here at — Home of the lady's i mother, Mrs Panczak Mr. and Mrs as Lehmier of Honolulu, Hawail, announce the birth of a daughter Mrs Lehmier in the former Marv Kelly of Carrolltown. The Lehmiers left for Hawaii in October, where Mr | Lehmier took up werk as a Boy Scout executive Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polites and daughter of Akron, OO. spent the week end here al the ry nick and Polites homes Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tirabassi announce the birth of twin dau. hierk at the Miners’ Hospital in ae ih Rabe da he ‘ Jaughter Bonfilf of Mr of Mrs V John x Buckere | oe . em. ployed by Buckeye Btemship Co. Cleveland. the week end here at og "home of his mother, Mrs Monica Rogerninsky. Top Scout Award Given Clyde Little Clyde Little, 13-year-old mb ensburg lad, received the Goid Honor Medal for life saving. | highest award presented by the | National Court of Honor. Boy Beouts of America during = Court of Honor Monday night for Tioop #9, Holy Name Catholic Church, burg. The event Was held in Cambria County Courthouse, Wbensburg. Young Little, som 5 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Little, 801 East High Btreet. crawled out on thin ice almost two yelirs ago to save the life of a companion, Jimmy Palenscar, who had broken | through and was floundering in Fbensburg Reservior. The rescue Monday Bights prescitation was made by thairman of or mie District advance ment commitiee. A letter from the National Hastings Teachers To Get Paid Early the | Income } UNION PRESS COURIER SANTA’S LITTLE HELPERS AT WORK dolls, with sn sssis! now Judge McCann lssues Warning for Holidays A warning district mat wie issued Monday by Judge Jo? H Mollann who sald her entirely too m drunken dr ng and thers: are loo many ht run acidencis in (Cambria County Judge Mean gave his Ww at rourt in Fhenshitg Snurthongs “oh PALEY # BErYvihg now, a that brpug ht charge is | of Be ig found gaily” “A hit-run driver 8 than a drunken drives had enough (od Knows ist said The Judie & Warning had given & man a drunken Ari rina Beh Riff on Te? a Bile § ie he sentency I he publicized ao ease for prope, AVE 8 ‘or Ving if: TNE Warn ni 8 Ww £5441 there will be BO eX who [abl 1a vey Cite Use of Chains Gives Better Traction Will vour bome be a oy or one of sorrow his reins T If you or some member of family ss in a hospital as sult oo fa traffic injury, or actident in which you wre ved has sent someones cise hospital, Christmas for you wii be a hollow day instead of a hol day! : Chiefs of Police of Cambria County reminded m ists yesterday thal Chrislinas which lends an added incentive to everyone to avoid tragedy, on quently brings some of driving weather of the vear Al though his area 3 currently ex periencing a litle oold spelt ares chiefs reminded hotige of Bring Viriay Thee ¥ inven {doug the country comes withdut notice In the role of Banta Claus bBelpers, area police chiefs yester day advised wise motorists how they citn help steer holiday tragedies Driving carefully, of course, is half the battle, they ssid, but on 'y half. The safe winter-condition- | ing of autos and drivers’ know | now to combat the added hazards of winter ia the other hall Noting that statistics show the millionth person will die sometime this winter as the result of a traf. oRning we to 8 Northern the worst? | motorists | thal real winter in this section of | clear of pre | THREE YOUNG DAUGHTERS of members of 8 New York post of Veterans of Forelgn Wars pack Christmas toys for war National Homie in Eaton Rapids, Mich. wood, Mary Heght, and Torrence Lockwood and then from tha phars st the VIFW tor.) Valerie Lock iniforms on the { Interndtitnal) The girls Drunken Drivers In County May Be Handed Jail Terms rials Where sige aid iver # jail wy ArEnk ine iy In For edd WERE BRO WM fent is 1a five the dod ve of paving a Xe Bye ning an days in all siteornint fine fie North Cambria Police Chiefs Urg ¢ Motorists to Avoid Traffic Tragedy { #4 § lent, The chiefs Hated SWINE puinlers I Be sure vour: pgnta wind Hi Wipers and Camden #lormie Coie rRITY f{aEieTs 5 wd Ei MeN fig Draken ning pr iy tive cohaitis, ew Lifer A use when needed on wa, MM you don’it bave beiter get sone. When BOVE BROW or pe vondilione pre ¥iil, good driving Babits conbined Wilh Tire chaans ate far and away (ihe Dest salely and no-#tall Er ante I The area that testa Fue Kid Pj fw PW i ont greats {oRfs Wilh tonventionsl nislural { rubber 1 so equipped. The { now prevalent cold synthetic rub her tives wear better, stop and LEO Tine on dry or wel pavesnenis but tests showed they are only {about two-thirds as effective as Enabaal tires in tractive &ffNiency On WMOwW or ice They risguire tehaing on relatively minor grades | of hard. packed snow or je { In stopping lests, reinforced {chains proved ito he 39 percent hetler on hard-packed snow than even natural rubber tires, and 63 percent betisr on glare ew, If voli have be iii ti ¢ §:t yorar Ye peaay Tow P Know Haine ie 10 8a ¥ harg i 8 Thay haing had 373 per ability than itaciive ires ue ‘MOTHER RECEIVES SE SRA ARI A ts GOOD NEWS | Kreen cern fixtures and Hghling. rooms will provide guiel und come | | pat falard the Se RG I hone : Bre | Lo BE § 4 Wards Reopened 2 After Remodeling At TB Sanatorium Complete Remodeling Program Completed Four large wards in the men's Bospital setbtion of the (Cresson Ranatorium have been to admit patients for (reatiment way announced Tursday of this week by Dir. Harry W, Weest medical director of the hospital The wards were remiodiied dur BE the summer nto He two-bed quiet rooms aid eight bed wards in order (hat pat ents can reteive belter gt tention Pret ised ware fair new Batheioms and iavatories with walls covered green glazed ~ith the bath ub and Finished in pastel ard farnished wilh ihowera ahiades thy sok read Een M fortable facilities fon cvery bed has an indirect ing hHght snd radio ouliet nected with a two channel F radi or public address from the Administration Building A nurses signal or all avstem was likewise provided lor each ent in the privals Mace Each section has ils own squp ped nurses statiom that! commands full view and control of sil the patients’ heads in the secon During the next few weeks 84 male patients will be admitted treatment the robiibilitated wards according the schedule admitting patients suihorized through the buresa of tubsroulos. iw control, Dept risburg four in ty fonr Wagner Retained (as Dealers’ Head i A Wagner of Jihnstown waa reclecisd president of Cambria Deniers Association st a meeting Monday night of this veodlt in the Duncan Beck Budlding, Johnxiown Mr Wagner has headed Hh unit | Me first was for past 13 years fiamed president in val until 1945 In wax named execuliye dispior However, nx¥ year he 188 and ser & fhdmecutive director was abo | shed Chairman 8 charge of reopened | and | stud! fe ba and | uded in the remodeling pro | i tie and equipped’ id | the new | system | ef Health, Har the | County Retail Gasoline tht yewr he | . Was re. elected pradident and the powition | the ! | group's activities in the VETIOuS | Sarnedbore { dintriet inciude the Jollewing: | School | Hiry Diebold Ebensburg 'Reorganizes . tien Miller, Cresson: MJ has On Monday matter, Carrolitown: HaroM | Stephen P. Sediock was tie | Hoover, Spangler: Joseph Grillo, | we | Buneshore: RB. 1 Cums | president and Charley Cowsa | Hiests Robert Forsythe, Pat- | named vice president of Burnes ik ee, te ae | ore orc Be a tay nn age ir mnization new | Laney, Bouth: Fork, and Thomas ight of this weak ne" Monsaf Presson, Nasty Silo. Remainder of (he board ia cote : nesta tio of officers will take | prised of Stanley 1Tirieh. HS de : i pince at the next meeting, Mon ine evening, Jan M. ; Paul Walter and Charles Brascats i Boomomy is & vi and pub-| Miss Betty Haddow 3 (lic debt a grave wr, this | member, fa secretary Jol | statement being as true today asi wis appointed janitor of 1 in the days of Jefferson. who ut- Roosevelt School to succend Ad | tered it fred Cartleage Sr, rewigned, certs You'll love its heavenly RUBIA i STAR RRS EA There are 2 Ways you can give Red Cross Shoes for Christmas! 1. BUY A PAIR . . . if correct size 1s known 2. GIVE A RED CROSS GIFT CERTIFICATE . let them personally choose the style and get a perfect fit. . Paul’s Shoe Store | Phila. Ave., Barnesbore Nc es de NESE ERISA WS Sy 4 NAA PR Ee a A SDs aria For that uporiant re ® PRACTICAL ® ALWAYS POPULAR i $3.50 “ $9.95 ® Shirts $2.95 “ $4.50 on - We've come to the conclusion that never before has there been such a wide line of men’s clothing for Christmas buying! ® Ties $1“ $2.50 ® Gloves $2.50 © $4.95 * Pujamas $3.50 $4.50 ® Socks 35¢ “© $1.75