Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 13, 1951, Image 10

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    Seti fib
litzin Formulating Plans | Mow HOME TOWN _occcscme By STANLEY |
T { Lk (eo ACS! THE pocroe NRE ne DOC LD SURE
o Enlarge Water System = |) 2= 22s SOM cosine
LIM TOPHEAYY * DIAGHO Ae a Fi 1 vg} NL 3 |
I » i t a w | ; 3 & " - : 24 “ : ¢ : i: P i
* munity. The borough owns ant PE hi? > : S13 HAD // i fi ow FI 2 2% 1 ro w EE
: eservoir vg SLIPPED DOWN ! : | Ey "
operates the system ; ; ’ ;
Along Bradley Run | In addition to the present reser- | i ££ \ a ; \ dhe a :
| voir, an impounding dam is main- | PF = 7 A - : *
Gallitzin Borough was caugh! | tained near Oriental Ballroom to | A ly Tn IR ADNSTIY
with its water supply down during | assure sufficient water pressure | : . ; SH “TE
jast summer's prolonged drougnt|in the borough Holding 600.000
but steps are now being taken to | gallons, the impounding dam is
see {hat is doesn't happen again [kept filled by pumping water |
Council has announced plans to from the main reservoir. A survey |
establish a five-man water author- revealed that under normal con |
ity to enlarge and improve the ditions water pressure in the |
borough's. present water system borough measures between 112]
Cotineil President Robert M and 150 pounds. |
Harlow said last Thursday even-| Council found last Thursday A :
ing that the proposed enlarge- that Bradley Run is producing ap- | : 0 Z ZK A U\ : ,
men! and improvement roject proximately 500 gallons of water | J . 38 p id al ¥ nd : NT | America hes
would cost Between $40 060 ject per minute or 720000 gallons | We. rc A} — a made Chevrolet durable channel-type frame,
$50,000, each 24 hours. In the recent] pe’ OF gan TE h hf 5 | vance-Design trucks its rugged reer axle ond dotens
Cemncil, it was explained, would drought, the stream was produc-| Fp 3 YAY IaA hl ARN No. | thoive, becouse Chevrolet of other
1 : RE ing 200 galions per minute %: py % wack : money-saving odven
| : chs consistently do more work tages, Fellow The lead of
be unable to borrow the necessary
: : Records show that the borough | ie ' i a :
amount to carry out the project| oo 0 approximately 112000 Ki - 1 YP cil : , i for the money . . . cul hauling
without putting the issue to 8 dav tats. } snl ] ” he ; bios op 1 i
vote Under state law, a borough | Salons of water each day Coun 7 Sas || | Fy —— : costs. Thin outstonding econ
is permitted to borrow sums only cil also pointed out that consan yh. fg # on b
up lo @ set percentage of bor- | FOE Supply Jossibly woul a Eat, PLAYTIME. DOWN AT THE y vems from Chevicier's Advence-Design Truck ond
ct new imghastry to UU MITOURH | nl ps) Tg LS MOE HAS. DLE WOPwS greot engineered-in fo — in
: wl AS satures save! Come in and 100 vi—ond
powerful volve-in-head engine, get the right ruck for your job.
ougli Assessment. Anything in ex- sit Pl Hod —
cean of the set amount must first| In the past. 3 as said, severs!| ost we
he approved by soters 5 industries declined the move ints |
he the borough because of the walter
A waler authority is not so supply | ®
eohetet an od 8 I (i sep oo | Safe Toys for Children Vary
borrow the needed money. 4 o
Under the presen pan, the au: £3 nudes, Mnf Gs Lv A vordin Age of Chil
2 » to 4 i i 3 ¥ t d
aorit's ral move 'inid be 10 | ugh revered to pemasng eter | ACCOPAING 10 ALE O 1
Has : spl . '| from Summit Water Co, a Penn
callind Bradley Run, a stream nest " ; : Hie)
4 Counci n : syivania Railroad affiliate which : { believe, so give them toy house
Gatlin a8 dam men ER mere | cPerates nesirhy Bear Rock Re Ball, Washable Animal | hold appt 5 >t ephons poi
and thai a breast and overflow | SeTvOir Said Best for Babies | doll furniture, Nght toy took,
could be constructed without ex-| In addition to the new Toser | musical instruments, and sturdy |
tensive preparation. | voir, council sien plans py Help Santa Claus make this a| vehicles including toy trains.
Canstyne : ri | ments on the present dam ans | truly Merry Christmas by select Ave rtm Pt pd TR
Clnstructon of the Bradley lan | M1 08 008 PESLLigg or the | Late gis hat Gromiee hab coy too Heavy for child handing
nt jie £ breast and raising of the over |piness fof the New Year! | alectrical iter With
reservoirs At present, witter 8 vir | electrical ems, and toys with
: flow. At present, the reservoir] A gift should not be the cause |.) 4 ¢ olayi i
sectired from a reservoir ho ated ' ; : . : ‘ : . a ” . culling sages. any pmytang that |
N 0 Mi the com- holds an estimated 2 million gal | for grief later on Plan for, your | sendily flammable
near No. 10 Mine near TO¢ © [ws Improvements would increase [children's safely as carefully as
— — — the supply by 1.5 million gallons | you plan their happiness, _— i You begin lo encourage your
Upon completion of the project | Here are some shopping sug- | hild'a budding creative talents al
E THAT : ing off of bonds, Coun yrestions as compiled ty / Lhe in- | from four lo six years of age. and
CUR an paying out. the authority | 11tute for Safer livirg of the | simple, practical tools are enjoyed
el pointe : of | American Mutual Liability Insur- | a8 are crayons, drawing books, a
HEA DA CHE J fould be Gitte ved I on | ince Co | blackboard, doll dresses and hou
would return to borough council If your child is under two years | for girls, and sport items for |
Ea Ne rther discussion of the pro-|f age. brightly-colared objects | DOYS |
‘ wifl take place at sihse- have the most appeal, but be sure | For children of this age avoid h © aud
t council meetings {that theses objects cannot be | poorly-made or wobbly: tricycles | ; : BD aii 4 Im reassnste
at also announced that pwallowed or broken lund toy wagons, toy guns ete | § p_-—r= a —
; : 3 i {that shoot missles, cutting and | 2 : n : givin ~ w—r i
can collections will be discontinued Suggestions: Large soft ball, | . spd > a Cc | .
until further notice, Plans are] a sturdy pull toy, a stuffed, | "harp pointed tools or instry-} J i : : HEVRO | 3 J
now under way to offer residents | washable animal or doll, round | manta i saat vy frome i
od wooden blocks, an essay -to- | . " chil A skibm
year-round collection . ) | From six to eight and older, 8] .
C 5 handle rattle. wide variety of gifts become | {Contiommation of thondard sguipmend nod tim They
Avoid: Any toy that will burn, [available Included are approved | " - din that) ADVANCE - DESIGN TRUCKS ;
Gallitzin Firemen any with sharp edges or urge | electrical toys. construction sets, i
narrow handles or paris, Very See wis Rita, skates, sturdy ; :
mall playthings, glass or wnt FgRE tools, Kites, games, | Pp A Y T
Nominate Tuesday eyes in stuffed toys, any object atl play yard equipment Avoid | ON AU ! ® CO. MAIN S 1 GAR A Gk
: .
painted with lead-base or water any toy that taxes the growing | x
: poluable dves. Use only those | yosingeter's abilities or strengih, |
Officers for 1962 were nominal | guaranteed non Ppoiscnous poorly-made apart lems, darts PHONE 2171 PATTON PHONE 2181 TC :
ed by OCallitsin volunteer Fire] Toddlers from two lo three air rifles and sharp targe missiles, | CARROLLTOWN ;
Company at a meeting last Tues | years like toy vehicles, a tricycle sharp cutting tools, non-approved A p
day night in the fire hall. A. J. ior kiddie car, small chairs and electric toys, Sammable frineks |
Srneltzer was “nominated without! { furniture and the jike. Avoid any and costumes sms csi —— Wo - *
tion for the presidency How [toy with sharp or uneven edges | The key to your childs holiday | : — :
ever. other nominations may beltoys easily tak.n apart, any fam- | safety ites in careful thought as |
made at the election meeting ear- mable object, marbles and beads to gift selection, ruling out any | €
| ly in January. From Seren to four years, lems that you feel may « ause | [ ;
i her children live in » land of make injury Yu
president-—Joseph Ba so pp" a Bs uo For PARTICULAR
«++ 10 do more work for your money
EE a -
et AR A RR
BR «doo oF
it mm BA
sinski: secrelsry ek Bhort .
, WVAM, WISW Announcing Plans | aaa Shoppers . . .
five x ve svar | To Consolidate Stations In Altoona |
{jam McMahon, Jfoseph Levo, Jos: | In a joint statment released 1413 Eleventh A i |
8 . ‘ : Lh ye. Altoons, wil | ESIGN
eph Plisinsk| and Patrick Short ast Saturday by Atty. Emanuel he Ged and the programs will be | | The D
. rohane 20V- | . ’ ‘ . i
Fireman voted 10, PY IS. laapold, president. of General | broadeast ovat WVANS hire to: | you prefer . . .
eral pi of auxiimry fire-fight- pa wers above Bdgewould Drive
ing equipment. _ Brogdoasting Co. Altoona, and Mr. Wolt will join Myer I elaon |
Herbert T. Wolf, president of Al and Mr. Leopold of Altoona on | 18 p i 3 4 - t Ge Bs + jis : ;
loops Broadeasting Co. the con- | the board of directors of the com. aE = > 5 > -3 The QUALITY
sodidation af radio slations WVAM ¥. The management and staf ? 3 , Tar E 5
and WISW, Altoona, was an will be composed of James Moren, Ro fg ag : Oa - n vou demand
ousted. | vice president; Robert Walter Fd .- on
The consolidation will becomes | gemeral ma and program
emer” manager aiid | Ts ISTIERS. A :
effective within a short time and | dirsctor] Miss Jeannie Lin 8 i “ : Sar i W |
just us soon as the required tech- | traffic director; Charles Fiyan “oe. : il it } r 4 LO
nical changes and improvemenls mune director and announcer
can ‘be made. All changes in op- | Tom Torrisi, fibrarian and an
eration will be announced Opera: | BOUNCE, Skip Miller, sporls dir
tions will Le continued by Lhe sctor and appouncer, and John | 14k : # : Ei 4 : ee you never
{1 General Broadscating Corp. using : Reily, local news director and an BEL Be NEARS mem Lc of
lita present (frequency of 1430 | nouncer. The sales sal is com . : Takis ET a Sy dreamed .
and ity present power | posed of Will Union, Paul Melan- 111 SRE ‘11 — .
«1k '
of 1000 watls gay and ‘eon, Peter Stenger and Guy
: and at 1411 and
Studios HChappie
: Si
Taecretary, and Frank Schullz of | : - a a mm
LL Aoditors named include George ih hE Reg. 1578.00 Value
| Carrolitown, J. J. Trybus | LL
} Barne ahd William O | : , | $279.00
Phe newly-elected president dis | : Be Bal. 3 PIECES
ctiawed pling for the coming year |
nd announced that he will ap- |
point commitiees at the next ses: |
What nicer gift for the home than
{ Installation of officers will be 8 aus i lovely new living room suite . . . ; :
Barkeepers | y Barnes o ET a iovely 8 ‘
uid Bundy. Pec. A in NhATEe Se ail Years of comfort, beauty and good
fof Mr. Calvetti, a past president. 3 Hg taste is embodied in every one of
Hy T—— Ee YH : our smite: in modern styling und LAY-AWAY
: for
Sgt. Paul R. Myers of A shville | 1 edhe y long wearing fabiics.
«| wis among 1,140 Korean War vel
erans and 45 Japandse War brides
who arrived last Saturday in
| Seattle, Wash, aboard the navy
dts apt + 8 meme] Lt Our Selection Reflect Your
LL ON 77TH BIRTHDAY | “ .® . 0
ADDIT IONAL “Priced from 349 95 Mode
FURNISHINGS The newest of modem
T0 ¥ a | : 3 i lamps are beps in »
i fF very wide selec.
tion to choose
Priesd from .
Coffee Tables and
Inexpensive and nice . . . a
gift any couple will appre