Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, November 15, 1951, Image 4

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    AS Al HIEF MET HIGH BRASS | EA "Wildlife ln Color’ | CHURCH NOTICES Turkey Shoot
Phone pi, a ahan | Si. Benedict Freshvierisn Charred | A
#, nN ’ pimp ign od A : 4 i ; i: x : \ i Plommee Hervey BPM Minster - | oR . 5 :
H 7\fou ud ee Unies Pr. Press ¢ ourler | as 00 J Maw IR | Sungsy, Nor 18.845 x ri, Wor | Cereofitown Vetoes of Fan
Dial 3161 he WE So Lore ! { vil i fried Service, ThankBeg ving Moose by eign Wars will a | ar ,
is gL ih 5 a Pe HWuvvilay 7 3
| Be rT. ere LOUSY shoot and socidl at
y (Patton Church Is | ; . iH | 453 Mustrations Fednesdars Gh ar youth ¢ iF Fe Sin . - wr Son.
a ak 4 a e : { esr 8% 7 i} i¥ aye Eis 4 .
Pr at To The shoot will start at 10 a,
3 Ee , arije pants are ashed to
Copies to Be Available | . 41 “ir own rifles. Open
i } i: x 2 is it J : : 5 A 3 # a
ar e f W ddi , a i iy 4 ; Fy : Glasgow Et R Charge may he frend free 4 .
(ene o eaain on : - d Beginning This Thusday | Rev. OF Sease. Pastor mpper aise wil ne setved.
S8krodinsky daugh- | Last Saturday Nov 10 in th : PR he Ls 4 qt ia : The National Wildlife Federa- 1 Bugle Noy : in a : The YFW ia looted shomy
A Skrodinsky, be- | Presbyterian Church, Patton. the | a d il ft hol yr | Loh this week announces the pub- | USE on 1. and Jeli Service brick tomd to Lovetts, ab the
carpe. a Wiss of Joseph So ; aw 3 Zanon: | ! J 3 tication of 8 new and spectacular | % : en Aer ee OR BE Dmar SVIVAR Park site ’
\ BI tiile | marriage of Mrs tose Zanon: | : : 5 ‘a oa om Mi ip
of Mr and Mrs John Sot- | and Firmin Bailly, both of Patton | a book, Wildlife in Color.” | Remsiand Chur Mriue Servic ; an
tile on Monday. Nov. 12, at © a [was solemnised The ceremony | ; Roger Torp Peterson. The [3% 7 3 p © "ina ager y ®oneol a COWS NEED EXELCISE
m, in 8t. Marv's Catholic Rev. Phintes | w ‘will be Available beginning today. Tang Jackwon, Bi «i. Cows stablad for the.
¢ Church | was performed by Rev. Plummer | A Alletkar sviite flr aadny 15 ;
Patton. Rev, Fahtes Rupert Harvey pastor of the chureh i i L ; H i Some 158 full eolor illustrations | St PW a om. Tress (Hassow sip should be turned into
i OSE. pastor, perform During the arrival of the guests | {from the famous Wildlife Sta Pallentimber Chustch. 8 inday Srhomi cise Jot for at least
od the ng R = 3 series of the federation highlight | ** #3 a mm Mewsrd Glass Pp
cerinion v Mrs Plummer Harvey sang i: = ] | the book text by Mr. P or | Olsigow Pleaenns Hit: {hoiesh Ris wice fach dav, a
bride was given in marsi- | Love You Truly” and “O Perfect | i : : oom. bre with lavish coloe | NF, eh: OM st 3.9 y kare Pedn oe dairy
3 by her uncle. Carl Ott Miss | Love.” She Was accompanied by | reproductions on nearly every! Pott Thanksaivig sy er A shad — of I ee cows a a hed gut
SRY Macihlus cousin of the Mrs John 1. Bamard who als Foun Of OUR TOP MILITARY COMMANDERS meet in Korea for a chat aller thay sttetided a Sth Alr Pores page, makes it one of the mont | 487 31 7 oy PW ib Rarcw Lathe 2nd ol oe ato morn
Bridegroom, was the matd of hon [played the traditional wedd) bat briefing They are (1, to r.): Gen. Hay! 8. Vandenberg, US Air Force Chief of Staff. Gen James valuable and asuthorstive books | ** gn barn pv be cleaned ut that -t that —
of and Alar Shrodinsky, brother | marches : A. Van Fleet, Commander of the 8th Army; Mal Gen. Frank F. Everest, 5h Air Foree Commander; and Lt nm wildlife yet published The best bhsicess | i a
i ride served As best man Mr aan Mrs Joseph fs OERN HE (ips re P Weyland, Commsisler Far East Air Forces, 1 was revealed shnrtly after the nhote we taicen that Wildlife in Color” in unique in ‘ne io SLAY Wp “ = ya i 4 Cate - lor
The brifle was attired in a | ere the attendants | Gen Vandenberg had stated that the Air Force is fighting in Korea with obsolescent fighters and hombery [hal Hs presents its subjects by | oo 0 ot 0 taxes But hove ahem a y :
beautiful wo ac ; For her wedding the bride wo a : : | © “Avie nts Birds, animals, fish, | Mr LANES, bu yore when all he has to De is
rhite lace ballerina | because U. S. industry so far has turned out only a trickle of new planes (International Soundphoto) orients Topo ip ot jo’ wiih business
0% with a fitted satin jacket | ® dress of sheer grey wool, brown | i ssp 4 trees, fdwers, and insects ail soe | LB . any suiih business Pea
and wore ik finger tip veil hold in | Bat and brown accessories, and » ~ grouped by BEabitat and ares in BE a
Pe § 3 . | shoulder of yellow ree : . which they are found. There are |
Tied a while prayer book with crepe and she had DAVY 8CCERs aia fy * orphant andi John Senits reiarned te Virgin Fedpesdsy, Nov 21. Mid-wtek pray: country. the South. the phil
. J . 1% fist 3 Bits Christmas y $i , real ¢ si: Fale en # j Ld £# WV ¢ §
white ¢hrysanthemums 4. len and # bouquet of red roses GHAR Lin aller spending a week al nd pial BER 2 apm oumtry, the desert, the Went and |
streamers y ane | Following the ceremony a wed | Pan home of his {athe Mr ride te thm ta ime tn WHEN. Ta ihe far North and the Aretie : - By WIRLIAM HTT
The maid of honor wore a vel ding didner for the family was! g | Benita woh Sundey from 83 1 Bm. ane All through the many intimate | Central Press Writer
low taffets and m arguisette ball served in the Commercial Hotel Women of Moose Here i Miss Dalores DietriekR of Fh = J 348 o a : po pr a he Rg 8 El mipim into natural history IN CANADA gaits & number of | ro under. Take another Tonle, pros,
efins Fowl with a matchin he | Patton. Dun the afternoon delphia spent the week end with = bd Ts reer mt i RESP Me. # conservation theme is er hockey sary are yonning fos | fesuny. the
ture hat d : d Sonal] reception was held in the F et i” Aid Mooseheart Children her mother, Mrs. Rose Dietrick | seh of Cod in Pation woven. The stories snd descrip. thiament But in the v ¥ " boys are Just wearing:
Be ea A Moose Ballroom r. and M y Miss Mildred Christoff, wh : tions are in ontechnical langu- | FO te’ bt Cart ic SHES > BR | football helmets
oh yellow ® and white | Bailly will reside int Pation F ut he : hes $ og and yg fo > amployed at the Navy Dept 51 Calvary Baptist Church . fe that makes it extremely read. i athlete a tually satisfied i hes | ' y ’
mums with streamer . 68 i 3 g ud oth ng pes i w it '| Washington, D.C, spin? ths wed lai 8 EAA Bm. Hepp we tn Sth young and id i Just elecied lo the All-American | The cawals of Venice ae fe
A wedding dinner was held at) s R14 4 wan sent oa Moose atid} Mr 1% it £3 p © fie PRCT and tditle In Color” will be of | ted i Aare speed cops. Instead of be
fon | with her Durenis
Sottile home followed by Bart for chibliren st Christmas g shin £3 rit i { i Hints sendy particular interest 10 all Jovers of | i | he
on Mijone ne. The couple ue) Iss oro off eSUng Thay men of he Mis, John Curistof Gunday Nor 48-8 am. Mornin the outdoors, sportamen. fisher. | : ah a ind biliboards theyll
a apiey nan, lat Cpl. Rayinund Blevens, » BE se Rewditel od Tui men. travelers and nature sty. Tua New Baolivd scientists | hide in subrinrines
H Miose Home Q ' : : $18 ®rst $3430
ll reside ut Nicktown hy 4 D. IW At t if ening, The next ses. | Deen stationed a . Richess i, 1 re : derits ar well a9 tenchers, boys | "MV wice can be Tanah! to Bokt, | £4 4
ws e de ace be held Nov. 22 and 7:30 | Aska, for the past I} months, 12] gg, 4 Baptiv ‘ Nureh, Pation and girls. The 483 color llustes- | 79% onay or acl ax peace makes Macaroni Week Week lol
he - sas — Library Chapte: | tending a 30-day furlough with d , mn Suds; HONS represent the work of 18 | Fak! what cals? Ora Jonking hich be
In Contract Mix-Up | Miss Dorothy Bott, daughier of | {oy : his wife and parenis M bf ‘ i 4 ie tsing W aby fd America’s foremost wikilife ‘ v4 | ing strictly
Mrs. Martha Bott of I. woud] ri : snssch 43 wv I Mra Herbert Blevens of hiv fi tate pei. an #artista There are alae y :
i Pla tend the secohd of ee Becemning A Hierant of Cod y MARY ex. bolls
| Ave, Patton, and Stephen Koppert | ene war ' neh and p ad Kir | AVERUS En iiay oe 3.7 ow. YouRs Sent ine drawings contributed October. sav the mon of the man “ia
. Boniface, were married on ie 10 be held tonight Nov | Among the out-of dawnt ELE | People's Hewindy wy r f£r80n reat desk. is such o beautifd
Sat y Nov. 10, at 9:30 a. im. | 5 a 15 ack in the meeting | sttending the Skrodinsky Bott anal a Shor po Aon | Vie in color ia 192 pages | meth thot ever! the perennial po fined
in Bt iface Catholic Church, ..... at the local Mooss Home wedding were: Mr and Mrs rij 17 Maur G0 8B hs pracy { The publisher is Houghton Mn | nice! om : : PNG hug just forked over STOR.
i 4 ! f e at compagni cont spol Ss Faw
in Bt. Boniface. Rev. Fa . % 8 It of Bewickley Mrs ampany. It will be available Sk wx} for Lhe purchase of six
ther George Brugger, pastor. of-| si. Michael Petkash and dau- | Daisy of Morrisdale. Mra Jo through the National Wildlife Pe AR she dupes Britishemiade Himounines,
ficitted. ghter. Dans Jo. of Cleveland. O. | Skrodinsky of Conemaugh Lent i 91 Killed. 368 Hurt derstion. 3308 Fourteenth Breet After 8 study of ir ver » Mr M must have read :
Attendants were Miss Dorothy is spending this week with Mrs | Chiristoff of Florida, and My a! N. W. Washington, D, C. Price] ™0led scientist rays it's his bel thal tiére might be 8 shortige of
Ma#i Cherversko and Willlam Petkashs parents, Mr. and Mrs | Cathy Whim of Washingior per copy in $8. Orders are Being | American leads are gel cars
Kopera, brother of the bride | Bam Steir After spending a 30-day fi 0 Cambria Roads | necepted by the federation row
room. I Mr and Mrs Burt Knight and [lough with his parenls. Mr. an Sms
The bride was attired in a navy children of Newark NJ, visit. [Mrs Norman Swisher of Herr
Ihiue sult and the maid of honor ed over | week end with the lman Ave, Plo. George UU Bwishes pt ov orean
§ we
wore a rust colored suit { tmedv's rend M and Mera [has returned to Bermuda #
Mr. Kopera ia employed at the Charles Crowe fhe ix statimed with 1h perstns have heey
a i . Bodice Royse Fu % # 3 ‘ a & *
Phillips-Jones Corp. Patton and! Mr. and Mrs Clarence Kartheim | Police Squadron al Kindsey } cifled and 36% injired fn PAffic y
1 her husband is employed at the : spent the week ond at College | Me and Sex Nog may 5 ¥ iach i a w Ea ios turing Crnnty
PRR Altoona. Following » ‘ Park, Md, and Washington, D © and sons, George amd { a an ihiphwaos ths year, sooording to) He
trip the couple are | with relat | Mrs John Bona an « tla ugh! er . die 3 rt by sate poli
i or Linwood Ave. Patton | Mr and Mrs Raymond Dietris the i Con 1 home a Lo the Fbenisburg barracks
r. 1.02 of Bt Pani ERE es thi #1 vs i F's i 4 i ig hes! fn the etane Administration wid
with relatives | 0B 0 Mt gibier of Brie. Mich ponding period of ny Drier {CLR 15 Wi Ruvitw 1 previously
visited over the week end wf the : a. i Cet aih 1 yi i atiprived applications for vo-
: hoonard Holl hone of Mrs Marion Hube i D : W oe 4 sv Koren Th ning rom disabled
Mise Helen Ww hatrlon and bos Mr. and 3 Loo Prusser were | UA LIT EUR G0HaT | B tenn velerans io determine
of the regula: | Mend Miss (Cathy Keinis all of , RIA £8. 1 ¥ % Fk whethet (hey now might be
. $ visita FR ! Tie fe . { £9
High aetmbly 1am | washington. D. ©, spent the past [TO#0t visftors at Mr. Presser Ihe Oiober report shows (hat | eligible under Public Law 170.
. " i Bomwe in Cresesan i alher hae , § ,
were vocal and instrumen | week end and holiday at Ih py ae Ey Fo . His ia ike A : ate police investigated 33 acct dated Cet. 11, 1951
been very ill for several weeks
. jbame of Mr and Mra Omer] wey John Makepeace 8 spend pis in which I persific Were The veterans whose requests! ¥
wi 1 3 IEEFE Rd La et $ m3 : . & : : i " wt ; ; I ; , Soy
Yvonne, Mana. Shirl : i Wh trian Ling several weeks in Portags Rusiesh, #3 Wife apie ant 83 au | had bein turned down. need not :
Eve Dranchak, three o Dr. and Mrs It H Giashurg of a tomobil cs were damyged. THe | file now applications. VA added -
Arve high school students in] Aloons visited last Baturday 4 ; $d ARMiage Fre asanted $e The reitew will Be t fe
. t # Ramygs it ¥ 3 3 5 ARR 1% 3 © Patton r terin WN ¥ % hi - “ ow : . a i uy fanaa and’
, and the other two stu. | ening at the Hugh Remelsherger Atlan Freshy: . wi * is = 121.500, making » total of S206. | veterans eligible under the new
at Run grade school |p, Subusy Nov 18-0 a wm. Sundsy TW for the year to date law will be notified
» Nancy Lowers A : . » a p. as ¥ ileatha thie we in 5 | : FB
¥ ; rx Marion Huber of 1060 5th School los ioe spa $11 & 3 'i deaths this YeAr 8 | Baden Public Aw Was 1 f i
onlor, played, “Carnival of i ‘ fen the engapenient Worship Service rin be Daal 5 syd mblshve the total for hw | . i 170 i
" AVE, announces Lhe CNBREEMent | Le pm. Westaiber Pires ta | 36104. ocational training for the ;
on the ota clarinet and! io. i. ® § wUBREer PW Lowi dd last Wed: - ff ;
Fhe Maharajah of Mysore
a ar Cor hr
Gon. P. 1. Mow
of Gen. P.T. Mow (above)
Hi i
of her daughter, Miss Anna Marie Farris a RR § 199 peig of
two | Hubert ¥ * lafiay M Suller of Hutt Rhus is there Of souship aust { accidents nob in juries Korean veterans Was Hmited io
Girls Chorus 3 2 $1 £ S : : : "a $ those with service connected din
numbers, “These Foolish ings” i Ly i# Mick Wedtieagdny Choy rehire a { has Ba ave {i raased hroportioante- 3 : y >
and “Music Masstro, Please. Cpl Albert Skrodinghy of the ™ | Property loss estimates have abilities: » ting from combat or vy q 1
iy . AIEES. RTS fg he Friday Nor 8-2 pm wsihiy 13 upert) exirs-hikzardous servite oulside of 3 ) R { Boos s Bi
es U 8B Marines spent the wedk end | Reting of Weston tele o sii af 1 | i regsed 1M percent over inal combat 3 : : Choose from high style
mo . at the home of hig mother, Mrs | M F Mitchell home 103 Mss Ave vo ; . - 2 : GF Ie ave de.
- ICBU to Meet Tomght the home of hig mother, Mra i Fr ahd as Maras Shefis RY Nevertheless. VA received some | : ¥arments that
Anna Bkrodinsky of Patten R, D :
‘ lf : SOE applic ws velerans whose x ; signed to eater to the
The ICBU will hold a regular| Miss Nor O'Haws of Scranton “Nore: The sanual Ublos Thanks : J. Meredith Dawn: New Saabintion, $0 ot fall im slither | ot :
Nov. 15, at {was a week end visitor at the ziving Servier will de held in Tri 3 44 er vis , aid : needs of the season.
§ this evening. These aees
B | 7:30 o'clock In the Bons of Italy| home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bin. | Methodist Church. Nov 0. ot 16» = (go oo hoy amis Head [2° are the cases to
at E will be completed for the Seg % Mary O'Brien is sponding Patton Methodist Church 1 Y itshare Kiws was =iected oe AYA uid 8 i. Puhite
wi RN : ao pl time 1h her daughters fr: | Bey J KE A Bucks. aston president of Hsrnesborn Kiwanis | imitations
Endicott. N Y : : - Sunday, Na [Bo cnuih Soh tat Club af a reorganaalion mesting Under the new law. a veleran
Mr. aod Mrs. Jack Weise of | Morning Worship of J088 « m5. ser | Monday evening bs BL A Thomas may be eligible for the vocational | ) ‘.
New Kensington visited a few W089 “BePayias 00d” snd music te | Parish Hawi, Bars slo, rehabiliiation training if (3; be 3 _- T . :
the chotr; Evening Worship st 79 gueceed Richard Todhunter Jr. received a compensable service. || : in fitted and fared sty.
, days recently with the lady's par Si : rn’ anrvics and
PB om FEOF Char sig serve sa Robert B § eq 3 usurious fabeics
Lents, Mr. and Mra Oust Warner sermon. “The Masters Joa Cemmeta | Other officers Are F.| connectpd disability any time af les In
{of Patton BD County Hymn Sing a1 3 p wm. in ths | MeAnalty, vice prusident: James |g. Jurie 27. 1950; (3) he has a} i ; Fur trimmed and plain
en i . DS of FL. Meade rihureh. Youth Pelloeskip =t €.6 p J Jong Jr. reassures Diredtors EE : 4 : oth st
= Ima { at a week end Ioave a1 | wat amsener aa arbiions Is | are John J. MeCurthy, . Alvin ; hel ; es Bien
a: ¢ BPE i gANE Bl Fatiers, some sions ni ; : : i 4 3
the Frank Callahan home ; ctoye of Patricia LAr and Marth | srille, James Rorabsugh and ihe training to overcome | FF BE ,
Master Sgt. and Min Fred Hope tmnity chor | TOSCO Previte. the hanficap of his disability. | oN DRESSES . . .
"Henn ho had : : Tuesday. Nov 0-Cottmunity hol | The next meeting of the Bar ’ Law 170 CF | A
fMIGAZEr, W heen station- rehearsal at 730 pom neshosys Chis will be held nen’ Unde Public “Fe the Ais : | ? 3 ! 1 - . : in taffeta. crepes, ny-
ed in Bermuda for the Past three! Wednesday, Nov. Zi Prayer Seevior | ability may have
, int TIO BMW | Monday evening
Fears, spent a wook with the for- | Mo Sg Bo 2. Union Thanks. y oo. where in the world--sot neces
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred ing Servies st Lats olitireh at 10 &
Benninger of Beech Ave. They oy Rev, Piumhmer Harvey, will preach Spangler Recreation Unit
uit Tueaday for Westover Field, i ihe wrmas oh »
Mass Planning Turkey Bazaar
My and ars HH. Neh ‘ Trinity Episcopal Church S
this place, their son-in-law el Donald Dunosn. Priest dn -<harge me pine tan Co
Rr Lu Sei [0 vl
turned home Monday after spend. | | 2 Phirntay 2 -Thanavios | Home aw evening. Nov. 18 | es & : You'll find
ing » fow days With Mr. apd Mrs | PF Moly Compton Wt 8 am Mem} of the committees Are o. policies pro- | walt
Nehrig's son. Meade, who is Al Church of God Chapt Simon Lanizy, chairman; Robert i ne
student at Duke University, Dur | Caldwell and Verner W. Hanson.
asm, N. C [Levi OO. Goesuels. Pastor | The general public Se | |
Thue whe spent the week end | yormnere ps erach. | invited to attend ils event : n he I A I
wed < L :
camping and Busting at the Tab [ng Berviees SL 11 a Wi. ana 74S p Fwill ‘begin a“ a » tan
ton Camp, Clinton County, -
George nd Ed and . tha 8
Sits, 3 Boom Hg Ho LONDON'S LORD fraiia ars different, Dowever. | ing" variety, Our selec
hel 1 Tom and uy 2 [VA | tion is complete in all
at Man
the home of Ber parents, Mr, and
rs. Qucar Bihder of James Ave. :
Helen and atherine
; Carrolltown. Dies
1 i Halen. By
fof this week al the
are Me for
your mection
i te wing in opposite