, November 8, 8 ADDITIONAL SPORTS Down the Alley B® Rb BEUNIER A —— a 8 last week's Patton Fraternal | and oh me oh ————— lon Well folks here’ results of the Bowling League, my, ahother night like last Mon- | day and the olf Eagles will have ne feathers left at all The Legion dumped over the | FORE, four to, well, I'm not tell- ME you except that it was ths by 17, 141, 28 and 184. The winners were paced by Lalle- mand, rolling h single and 3- game total of this young season With a 229 and 574. for the hon ors of the week. But say, fellows, STANDING OF CLUBS Won Lost al Loyal Order Moose MH 2 Slovan Fitisna Clady i s Fratunal Order Eatites | 8 Legilon 1 k; rik Foreign Wars & 12 4 i AAG Ss Mosday is too close Sunday, so let's cliange our Monday matches to Saturday because that's on the other side of Sunday and maybe We touid do better. Well anyway you lock at it, the FOE los. four, oven if they were by their Caplan Harm, yout know who | 'Welsko, with Miu 45 458 while | i841 came with high single | of 179 plus the y score of the LH you ‘want to know jer score look at the sum. 8 below, you what it was, because Rene Lome Just uay dnd tell 4s whet. want your fuel oil af (ur truek is at your | ie at the appointed t would give me H--- I'm not telling | if 1 did. Well, believe it or not. but the | unbelieveable happened. Yes sir, {the old Moose finally i by the Sons of Italy for 17 i | NEXT WIER'S GAMES Nas, Byes vs. Slovak Club ov. 13—-Eagles vs. Sons of italy Nav. 13-Legion vs. Moose 1 and 65 pins and coming out 2-2 in the match. The SOI was paced by Passeretti with a 524 d-game high, closely followed by Dibeilo who rang the bell with high single of 201, plus a 511 3 ame high. The Moose had Eddie comer, (look) with their high single of 174 and 3-game high of 477. Oh yes, the SOI had total Pins of 111 for their second point Well last Thursday night we found the Vels and Slovak Club on friendly terms, inasmuch as they performed a split. Yup, it was Vets 2. Slovaks 2. The latter club took the fired and third sets by 52 and 24, while the Vels took the middie set by 138 and total pins of 17 for their 2 points John Fudak paced ths Slovaks with » 441 3-game high and Yahner | (that's Ted) scormg a 193 for the evening's high singie and Yencho pulling the high scoring trick for ithe Veta with a #88 and 180 high single. Bay, Johnny, last week I'd ask you to tell me how to hit those new pins to roll 198, you wouldn't tel Passeretti, didn't you” i The week's honors go Lallemand with 0674. Nice going! American Legion 8 i iS 13 Ln to 179 410 150 147 134 149 } 0 1218 106 434 13% 40 113 08 | Oresko i Lal a 184 30 178 15 4% TH Mn a 8h 54 ne a a ne iW 1% 147 On 152 a He 11M 15 had his | | horns twisted around each Other | pins | in the very first set, but he ‘came | right back and kicked the boys in! the pants taking the next two by | me, but you did tell | 574 | wn Ww 36 i Bouth Fork st Shade Twp SAT ‘RDAY, NOV. 1» Meow Cuetie Johnstown Adams Twp at Winder New Florence at Armes Williamsburg at Saxton MONDAY, NOV. 12 Spangler st Barnesboro (15.4 Ferndale at Sisirsviile LOCAL COLL. SATURDAY. NOV. 1} Ohic State at Pity Syracuse at Peun State Bt Vincent! st Wapnesliuge * Indiana BTC at Shippemshurs Lehigh st Oxrosgie Teoh Allegheny at Westminster Oenievs st Bethany West Liberte at Oniliforviie 27 Sperry Rock st Clarins Edinboro at Brookport W. Va Teeh ai Olenvill Cirove City Ninntata South Oa t Wes: Virginia Bawitne x Youngstown Potognas Btats W Va Wesieran HOHNSTOWN JETS HOUKEY (JAMES FRIDAY. NOY. & Now York at Johnetitven SUNDAY, NOY 11 Plitate’nh a t Jakinast WEDNESDAY. NOV 1a Atlante City at Johrnstow: HIOHN SCROOL RESULT WEDNESDAY, OCT 1 Brangier 27 Nants -G THURSDAY. NOV Dale 35 Hell®ood 8 Portes 18 Conilusbhes 13 FRIDAY, ROV._ »¢ Barpssboro 48 Carroll Somereet 7. Cresson O Scuth Pork 28 Litiy © Tradyretvsmrdy *1 freessabteorg 12 Ebenisbiurg 37 Conematieh Twp 28 Ahade Twp 6 Adams Twp 13 Richland & Bedford 20. Everstt 7 Poawell 38 Meéyergianie N Hontingdan 31 Blairyviils 8 New Pioretior 42 Twn fRoarine Boring 42 13 Beiiwood 13 Holildavein Purrall * Alrwns Tyros 20 Lock Waven © Phitiembirre 18 Belief on ie SATU RDAY, NOY } wh “ 3 were faa ha) Perndaie a; "er nt 0 sda BE OB Want perl Beli Twp 6 Eders Riles Waahingion Twp HW Honer ity 0 i vf Ret HESULYTS HIUNDAY, NOV. 3% Bt Pesncis 36 Vins Clubs Top Record In Ladies’ Bowling Loop Last Week The Clube topped the lenpin re card for Just week in Lhe Pattor Ladies’ Bowling League by scor- ing one-game high of 717 and 3 game high of 2.081 They are al ve OIAMEN vay iF Porlags © Mastigottiery Moathinnnon ri 8 £ 6 4 so credited with 10-game high of |’ in with 780, while the Hearis | a5 retain S-game high of L187, | The Hearts took the first game from the Diamonds by B57, at the matches last Friday bul were de- feated 3-1 as the latter squad] rocked up 5, 62 and BO total pins. Diamonds are now jeading | the league with three game win over second-place Clubs The Spades loat 4-0 Clubs by #2, 110, The Spades, who have been pick. | ing up lately, had to be Aat ified | with two dummy stores of 75 and did very well considering this handicap A SEA A 5Y ANDING or Fd et Tubs & Hi ih Sette mle v Nt Mary Bhatrosky's 149-167 Thelma Steir's 1687 were beat In. dividual performances of last week. Donna Merriman 143-158; Dolotes Burkey, 140-153; Bernie 141-148: Leora Weakiand 134-148; Mildred Baranick, 138. 145; Anna Marie Huber, 139, and Mickey Rogers, 134, were other high scorers. ary Shatrosky aiso racked up a 434 J-game score with Donna Merriman, 437. Bernie R . 410; Thelma Steir 407; Mildred Baranick, 403; Leora Weakland, 402, and Dolores Buriiey 3 397, the other good 3-game scorers rediy Marie Huber is top sor er of season with 3-gamne hgh of 456. She also hung up a 185, the first week of bowling, which was overlooked, for the season's 1. game high. Individual averages follow: to the So and 88% and 200 pins | UNION PRESS OOURIER Galitzin Grade School Football Team Ends First Season Above is the squad of the Gallitzin Public (irsde Sehobnl Football Team, which (left to right) Ketner, Staniey, seman First row | R. Liteinger, Me Tavish and Nichol: ner). Quinn, J Riley, NN. Nichol 18 Mildred Sr erietiay i Maury gy I i nick of 13 Thr rt § Exsdtorws Lv arRey “% " 35. Theis Lo Bhd Far i Baie imperw { gi Fin Brick i rata # 113% Mutw] Sri} iS 31 har | Helen Nome 1 1a Mick f Lumsden D | Angie aul E | Jean i and tas Ree i Gallitzin Graders ‘Have Fir ine Record {| The Publ {otha ll ea beed {season winning four | suffering only defeats. In Ffirst season (he Wee's conched by Bruno acord | “Pe McTay i Their record | Grade Behool | was two wir toy end up in | ils: defeated Iwo occasions lines will lose (this year due because of age | Five members part the league | test two weeks ago at own They were Charles Tavish, Richard Litzinger Terry | Ketner Eugene Hmel and Jach | McTavish Lucky Titler and Gary Nichol and Eugene Riley also were selected for the All-Blar game but were later dropped for failing to altend practice sessions CARROLLTOWN By MRS. THOMAS A owes J Phone NEL 491, M81 or A very successful card party was held in the church basement on Wednesday night of this week under the sponsorship of the Ladies’ Bodality The proceeds will be given ta the Carmelite Nuns at Loretic Banna of marriage were pub. lished for the first tinte in St. | Benedigl's Church Bunday for Charles Joseph Shank of this place, and Miss Mary Aghes Dunegan of Ebensburg weddin i scheduled 10 Oh place ankngiving Day at Holy | Name Catholic Church, Ebens. | burg Give us news you know Next Saturday evening American Legion will hold Armistice Day banguet in Benedict's Church basement snd | Armistice Day services will : held on Maondas ¥ with a Hi be | Mass at § a mm. in St Bene. | dicts Catholic Church : Mrs. Esther Blum with her son-in-law ter, Mr. and Mr» in Philadelphia, relatives and more, Md Rev. Fathers Conal and Pleister, OSB. of 8t. Vincent's Archabbey, Latrobe, were Sun. day guests of their father and sister, leo V Mildred Pfeister. Miss Ann Murphy, Mrs. Henry Snyder and Mrs Lem Cymbor, Were recent visitors at "thaca N ¥.. where they were guests of Miss Edith Hunter, a former re- sident of St. Benedict. Mrs. Josephine Bordenski underwent surgery st the | Colver a onpital and is convalesc- i Hing # Heer H 5 Iw: : % wi oy Batin Mink H Galliteir ou | teary cepef A ERITIeS and their Fes were famprmy anid Eh for Cambria ao Fuostball League and three osses fourth piace They Colver Colla on The little Grem. total of 11 boys | to graduation or i= R tf the team took All-Blar con. Carroll Me | the | { ah iH Vint ng and otis John Donel | as well as with | friends in Balti | Aduin re- | {spent the week the Misses Mary and Marcells | Surse at a Alvin Bharbaugh is a Jatient at Miners How- | Mr. and Bill Callahan and | amily of I Detroit. Mich. and La and Mrs. Ed Churan and son, Shnine. of New York City, En a we week end visiting with | Callshan's and Mrs. Churan’s Mr. and Mrs James Dan “Hurley of Akron, Ohig, | end visiting with | relatives here. | Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Maucher of Pittsburgh were week end visitors with the former's sisters Miss Mary Budicky, a student ! 3. Francis Hespital, in pent the week end des Jarents, Mr and several aban ny wee visit Mich. - Miss Nos sherbaugh, = pital, Pittsbu the t week end an. local relation as hone on Mr M.D. Connell. su wih “irs 3 eH a i Gay : of Pleister and Mins | second row.—#. 1 angosky Lacoviteh, Romainl, Tiler, Peters (manager), (trainer), Fleck, Bertochi, Villerenl, Litzinger, Sylvester snd riers {ang ger) Miners’ Mrs there Weber with Mr the pend Wer Fr will hey and Werriet sine oF Lior daughter Mra Fal rR Ciatde Kaylor of Washington D.C. in Spending the week ut the hottie of his parents Mr and * BAKERTON By M.A PANCZAK Sandie and of Harrisburg parents Mr v Ard Bt ey in Mise Dasmniniek iting their Nance [ernini Mrs, James Master al i alent st Sin Cleveland Ohin Pr zen {OF Wilts Were awarded following peoples at he masjusrade dance in the Hak orton Athletic Club lsat Wadnen. evening Mra Edward Ber Mra James Cray Mrs ymbor Miss Camilla (al Josephine Bre vis aed i Mrs rn reali the nN hae TOMAR Y Paul C | umbus Mr Wilkes-Barre spent the pas week here atl the hone of the for. mer's mother, Mrs. Joseph Fan. CRax Miss Agnes Muir patient al the Miners Bpangier Miss Imelda Schilling of Har- rishurg npent the wiek end here Bt the home of her parents Mr and Mrx John Rchilling Mins ita Wentz of Pittsburgh spent the week end a! her home it 8&8 medical Hospital in : Ad fad jer ed ts first Gines, ¥. Riley, Lupinetti, Perry, Dillonto, Hemel, {eomeh), F. MeTavish (conch): Gulleta (trainer), Regalia (tra- third row. Hospital Patients’ Record wy ng i the Ni if nnd disse eg Miners Hospital, Spangler pt a8 to Nos 53 1851 MEDICAL ADMITTED Mrs Florence Hauge Marstol- | Fussell J Riddell Rarneshore Ronald Fern, Cherry Tree BB. DD patietits at the fream [Mrs Mary Frailey, LaJose B.D i William Shen | wan Ziance, Cleveland | 3tuart fF Tanna ker | Haluska, Patton: Ola Krotendotr | ! Spangler i ; Dewra atid Mrs. Stanley Panczak | ! bape ‘ony Brinzo, Bmith, hip, Mahaffey Fallentimber Barnesboro, Edward | Ernmeigh larry Buree! Spangler. Mrs Ethel Bd. Mise Agnes Muir Rak- Weakland, Barnes. | ard Mra Ann Yukna- orton: Jerry RD vieh, Patton SURGICAL ADMITTED Tirry isn Capp Linda Mas McCrystal, Bpangier; Mrs. Angeline Yannello, Barnes | Jane Tutlle Patton: Mos. Elnora Zemrose, Bakerton: Anti. Patton: Mrs. Elaine! Patton: William Lowi Hastings; Clyde W. Trexler Pat- tos RD: Spangler: Carroiftown: John WN. Buck, Carrolitown: Arthor Mich sels, Jr. Emeigh: Junior Morris | Rum meil Barnesbore RB. DD Jam 2 Leo Kilae, Hastings: William Bush, Hastings: Mrs. Almeda On RD Mrs _ Mar. a Judith Patterson. Bar | [Restore R. D.. Mrs. Mary Shar. | baugh, : i ary Gay Goodin, Commodore; Romald Burkhart, St. Benedict: Mrs Rose Bilko, 8t Benediot: | ra. Catherine Bherman George Kit a hangler: | ale; Madeline Cavallo Hast Delphine 8tifMler, Muhaftey: Her ibert Beck, Cherry Tree: Mrs | Florence Brennan, {D.. Mrs. Miurgaret Plunket! Pat ten: Bruce Mumau, Mentele: Tom | Gray, Spangler, Mrs. Helen Toth Barnesboro i yer. Cherry Tree. MEDICAL IMSCHARGED i Waller Reliichmer, Marsteller: | Mrs Julia Masserio. ‘RD LR. D ‘Mrs Mes Peter Catherine Gantles, Emeigh: | Ciara Piaver, Westover Breth ay eh: | Fatlentimber Miss Helen | garet Ansty, Barneshoro: Mrs. | Westover HR. Cherry Tree R DD, D. and Wilbur Mo- | § Jowsil Keith, Barnssboro | ames Roman, Barneshboro: | Clymer RD, daughter, Nov. 4 € Gergl. Barneshoro: Tony | ton, son, Ot. 31. Mr. and Mrs. John EE matront M30d Mrs Sin Mr and Mm a a. Pat. ‘ton, daughter, Nov. 1. Mr and Mra Max Weisel som, Nov, 2 Mr. and Mrs Charles Kopp. Westover R D. son. Now 2 Mr snd Mrs William Salts | wiver, Patton R D., daughter, Nov, - Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Burnattl, Barnesboro | | Bakerton, son, Nov. 3 Mr. and Mrs Kenneih Bailey, Mr and Mrs Timothy Sheehan, | Patton, daughter Nov, 4 William Bhome | Oil, | (Carvolltown. Mra. Almeds O'Ship, | Mahaffey, Mrs Marie Hastings, and Merle Kinsey Ira BoTO | SURGICAL DISCHARGED Inilon, | Bar. | Clyde Kevin. Marsesbors: Terry || { Allen Capp. Spangler. Helen R26i- Lim Jr Exieigh. Mra Troxell Hastings: Jumes Leo Kine Hast ings, Arthi Eh Mra Birmora Michaela Jr. Hiedin Geprge Robert Emmet. | nell, (lem Campbill: Jane Tuttle. Pat- lon. Mra Genevieve Wiggins Bag . | Heat. | MLVEE TOP soWLITZ nesboro;: William Lewis ings: Mra Catherine Sharkey. | Bpangler: Wasa Hulls, Marstel}- | (tr; Mrs Madeline Cavallo, Hast. ings. John Bock, Carrolltows: (atherine Pliillips, Efneigh: Ben jamine Nishiauer, ” phine SUM, Mahaffey: Mary Gay Joodlin, Commodore Mrs. Elaine Bmith, Patton RR. D | Thomas Reiva, Hellwood: Mrs i Helen Reba, Hellwood, and Mes RT Greenaway, Spangier Mr. and Mra. Donald Eastbourn | Hastings, daughter, Oct. 29 ! Mr. and Nirs. Richard Sherwin Burnside, soi. Oct. 29 i Mr. and Mra. Ira Mothersbaugh | | Mamty-Glo, smn, Oct. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Abert Schrenksl | Batnerhure, son, Oct, 20 r i Glen Campbell, daughter, Oct 30. Mr. and Min. Joe Glinsky, | teller, daughter, Out. 30 Mr. and Min. Anthony Kaschak, | Benedict, daughter, Oct. 30 Mr and Mrs Austin Craver | HR Soa IRN A HS ASA i : Bt Shortencarrier, § Gott yg. burg; Margaret Rammell, Barnes Mrs | and Mrs ined ie | bv Margare; | i Lia one Williams Bush, | —ALE —PORTER We Weer a Fue in Wereing Parties Pontes Weddings Be PHONE 7741 HASTINGS Bottling Works FOR RORZ DELIVERY ® STOP RUST IN YOUR FUEL SYSTEM WITH NEW ANTIRUST SINCLAIR GASOLINE b VES) You put powerful surge, plenty of “00” under And you Pout vw, muney-savig » Sst syuien when you vie Sinciei Sateiie She stared tt inhibir 0-119 fat stops rt dnd foot. your . Sinclair Sorasion, preventing the kind of domoge io gos tonks, fuel linet, fel pumps, ond F100.millen or more aortnters Thor oo ee, soch yoo! for repeinst