% they have had ample time to d PAGE 3.3 = poo Ciremindion la the Ares Largest Genes Newspaper | THE UNION PRESS. COURIER Patton Courier, Estab. 1808 re hourier’ Bulldog. 35° EE 18 Union Press, Estab. 1938 Thos. A sud Prank P. Oumtnarats, EE Aventis, “ Stenid »o- , 1538, Tone. Patton st Patton, ny. Lh Thomas A. Owens FRANK P. CAMMARATA Mitat THOS. A. OWENS JR... _ FRED) J. OWENS : in Business M er ai iis Managing Bai lor ; ce Clrenlation anager $2.50 Yearl Count y NATIONAL DITORIAL | as HON The endeavor of the Union Press.Coutisr is o represent - ained Lavoe in ai) elorts to obtain economic frvedom. Matera) 10 Dub. domi must be signed by the ‘writer ss an etidenee of good faith The Union Press-Courier gives its advertisers the advan rombined titions of two lnrgely-cireuinted werkilee and Bas a aan haRats Fatton « ali major mining toss In Northern Camila “> High Speeds Fatal A pretty good argument that speed is (he cause of most seed | dents, especially those of a fatal nature, is demonstrated in the comparion of accidents made by the state authorities between the | Turnpikt and the Lincoln and William Penn Highways, the three most Jira veled routes in the state. During 18560, the wrnpike, which | allows ‘speeds up to 70 miles an hour, had the most fatal accidents, 88, chieily because when a wreck does occur on the high-speed highway the car occupants receive fatal injuries Oui the William Penn Highway, where speed is restricted to 50 miles and to 35 miles an hour in maiy places, the deaths Jat your numbered 56. On the Lincoln Highway where lowér Speeds are required deaths nombered 48. On h cf theses routes Bower, the number of non-fatal sccidents was mich her than on the superhighway. All of which means that h on the super-highway make most of the scridents fatal Running On A Record Cificials who are serving you in an official capacity can be ty their actions, their qualifications, their ability. because display thes¢ various aptitudes, or Othernimi, as the case may be When an election comes & Ey as officials cant seek re-election on prom Y if re-elected; rather must thay be judged by what t Have ilotie in the past. and solicit your support on a Piri gi 4 contisistice of that record-—-and inteiligent voters will judge them ding snimosities when the members saw differently upon some few occasions. {Ereat deal of spathy in Lhe J. Hartnet | vital and sources i UNION PRESB-COUMIER “As | See It” By ... STATE SENATOR JOHN J. HALUSKA Now that the World Beviea matier of record. it pron ajtain, that the American pubic off the whole, is in deep sympathy with the “under.dog The New York Giants, as we know by this time, performed a near miracle by putting themselves into the World Heriea: one swish of the bil netted them three runs and sant the Brooklyn Dodgers into baseball oblivion as never bafore £4 only goes to prove hat noth ing is ceriain in through Jife Now, cur minds turn to politics and, although there has bern a pire sent County election we will see things getting hotter as the can didates go down the hame stretch to wind up their ramprigns Thus far, the campaign has iboen very clean. Both Democratic and Republican candidates have carried thelr candidaciens en a vary high plane. Would it AE oar travel in that manner” Nothing is more deplorable, to the American public, han last minute filthy literature and last trust that that day is over when any such candidates who conduct themselves in such manner bt condoned hy the American | public, i Fortunately for Cambria Coun iy, it must be said thal he pre mnt County Officials wha wre now serving at the House bois Democrats and Hepublicans have conducted their elles In a | vary honorable. manner. They have ben conscientious and sawere Court any kind, could be laid ut their doorstep and on the while, are 2 | entitied in grep consideration Hy thie voting public. County Commissioners Thomas Owens and Pal Farrell must be commended on the canduct of ‘thelr offices and should bw re | turned to their reapective Pog [tions with an overwhelming vole bath Davia and Apel: Bave been good citizens and, it appeary to uh that Ernest Apel will pro bubly get the ‘nod’ County Controller Michael C Chervanek, Prothontary Joseph i of Wills Michael Clerk of Courts Jos epih C. Wess and Coroner Joseph Govekar, have done a marvelous job and who could ask more of aly public servant” District Al- torney musl RB DiFrancesco hus made quite a record for him- self. as a “first-termer”. he has » * » Assistant Home Feonomics Represemtative, Cambria County Lighting Is Important One every individual's most of valuable personal re- eyesight, There Is little be done about good eyes t them and safe- them as much as possible. that can mt be | grand to see the campaign £m | minute radio accusations and we will | public servants and no scandnl, of | As to the Minority Commissioner, | eyes 1 do nol protecting them rjulni- 3 and sincere He Bas hee ty in al inauguraled many new the Office inistrict and we feel he ghould be re-elect ‘ed by = landsiide A! any rats, il wili be inlgresiing to walch the oulcome of the Tnel results nex! month Dennis 1. Weatriek serRing the office of Treasurer, is 8 man of greal ex perience and the finances of the ‘ounly would be very safe in his care. Robert Forsythe of is running Tox Rectrder of Deeds: he is & newcomer in politics but, wilh the aid of Mark Brown, who | presently is depuly in this office, i Mr. Forsythe, also, could muke a record for himself The same pro- ably could be maid of he Repub lean candidates who are sesking various positions bul (here ia AN ‘oid saying in politics that “one shotild never trade a record for a 3 promise” Now, leaving the County for a moment, we can all assumes that ensrgel ic, haneat ef his endeavors vd VETY who i. { aunty reforms in Attorney | Patton | 4 more Limid members There is | | The | €¢ )) | D. A . Comments oil Dugnet R. Pt mi GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER . Unless 8 case is impropesly in vestigated snd inefficiently pros secuted, & defendant can estape fustice orily becuse hres rea- ion: First. becapss he in trady pnocent. secondly becgine the Available evidence against Wim is Linsufficient legally to sustain a» jcomvietion. and ihirdly, because ithe jury, for some unknown rea som, has seen Ht lo scquit him despite the fact that the evidence i saflficlent for a conviction When the Istter occu fire those who cry out fway with murder ¢ The Diitriet Attorney has done ‘hits daty when be has efficiently produced the available evidence, {i The juige has dome his duty {when be has fairly conducted the { trini snl ine ; structed the jury. It in then that the often Hn pieasant duty of the Ljury begins to delibernte and render a verdict oi me tordance with the law and the evidence of [the came When = (An anpipalar Mr. DIF rancewcs verdict of acquittal otcurs, and a defersdant appears io escape from justice, it is the jury who a re sponsible and not the Court ithe District Attorney A jury i» composed of 12 peo fide What sonsderslions may iaway its agEregale judgment are quite often unpredictable A un ‘amimous verdict is necessary Be cause unanimity is required. 1 is possible for a person of a dom. neering or influential personality # of there He gent BOT to control the verdict by imposing | ions aggressive oo... his will on the slso invalbired the question of res- sonable doubt Under our Ameri. oman systems of jurispradence, reasonable dou The reasonable doubt oflers the hesitant jMrOr an avenue of es cape from the unpleasant duty to iconviet 8 fellow man However a reasonably doubt should not be ir , from the evidences. It! should not [Were | evidence al was rendered defendant is presumed to be NNO : ry Thal "a Br A, a ‘cent until proven guilty beyond a | of KE ¥ th mur be {omrefully prepared | presented The It must arise fairly the — who will criticize our record bu | um in some cases thers have been scquitals. It is to these cri tics and to these who might be affected by such unfair prope. andin that this article is direrte) i i® to thers that we say: The duty of the District! Attorney (s to prosecule, but it is the duty of the Jury to acquit or comvict Bch IHR ey, throwy the full force fice and te Tarlitien vrstidat ih ERAGE the case involving (hw mutiinted ard charred body of murdered wotran This case Rad the sprmarks of a perfect crime, Lal i was broken and solved by two dave and twee nights of cam tried and determuned investign. tar by the District Attorneys Office snd the Mats Palics In the more Heel oeurred re of the nls the Bappensd. for of. iP PH en rerent Dear Tos 4 confession was obtained within 24 hours Troon the commission rime. In fact, the District ney Wak personally pare of the crime hours after the showting However as mle Bere wil tai In fas? WO * Bora ide - a 5 Shai Attar Spat the GE Ra 2 fa W' HE As Pug iat Begitale iy RRS Regrevaet iH why we Jlries Not all and arfortanately defendants are omy Cie Bx acquit t Bera BEET Wide mares ik T nad Have iris and def eriduriia Vetg! are ret ad teat aflen When Meh persons faut ioe an unfal AgRina the Metre! attorney itder tase. the feat) Gown stenogra recordey Fe fe Tha eRcapy fromm critic “ERT na In re wm Tay 5 aE & i vA VOM the IRR and by 24 Bese nd the wileged © wan phically within missy testimony trim in WORE SSE of the best prepared snd Canes by Mas prods what Pre Led Digtric: Attowr. neY 8 Bdinast ration £ gritty adie to publi tary yim et Samed The Fepruiang the in nnnther HES harged Was Sjeught and gave confession & verdit of Cf VEAENE Man with sodoeny He the act By the City the officers 3 thin Bot gatity 3 ie signed Camps wh as these evoke the Ser © The fault, Nowever Hie Wits the 1irisl fistrizt attorney They had per forrasd their respective ities of. ficiently and well The cases werg and clearly did ned Jadge and the virdiet, however, seuted wile : ty with the jury. ibe one thut has been conjured by | We therefore assert confidently i Senator Taft will announce his [the mind to escape the unpleas- | that never in the history of your (sal duty to convict. When this | county has there been greater of candidacy for the office of Presi. ident of the United States some- time this month Thal, of course, iin expectsd by everyone but | here is somelhing that may come {a8 a surprise to our resders | We predict that General Doug- lass MacArthur will take to the gir-waves and television between ‘now and January 1st, in support | of Benstor Taft and bitterly de pounce the proposed candidacy of hig friend and colleague, General Eisenhower General will point out, in Kis own laage- age, that 1 would be a calamity to elect a military man Ww ihe ffice of President. Genera] Mac ' Arthur knows that his chances of selection are nil and, therefore, the reason for denouncing Eisenhower with the hope that Taft will get the nod and MacArthur to be promised the office of Secretary of State Walt for MacArthury' | apeeth and then satisfy your own | inhumanity of comscience of the man os man | MacArthur is quite bitter to- ward the present Adminkiration Land he knows, full well, that if | Eisenhower were elected Presi { dent, he would receive no consid erations from that office 8a it all sums up to one item power and more power and Mr. MacArthur has a craze to be put in position where he can even up things a little, to satisfy his own personal ambitions, regardless of the effects he may leave upon the Country Senator John J. Halusks ® « eS SAA SI SSSA Ot Ba NEWS ON THE HOMEMAKING FRONT MISS CHRISTINE HAENN tween two doors. A is not the case in every home, it Lis the homemakers duty to ar (range lamps so that Height of lamp to be use i ! | § g i : i i . it § i i MacArthur | Place lamp where it will be | happens, : Too often the blame is unfairly imposed upon the Court and the { Divs iset Anarnay than iupon the jury : province i lis to soquit or ounvietl i Is = previous sriicie sntitied Trial Lists™ we pointed oul that one of the reams for bens trials and more guilty pleas in due ta the efficient investigs. (thom andl preparation of canes by the District Attorney's office. | We are prood of our record We have prepared and presented our case efficiently Neverthe jena, there will always de those EE owe the | : nd & defendant escdpes 'Sciency in the administration of | justice, the familiar cry is evoked | rimina! law (that "he fot away with murder” nn Cambria County The crime average and partiog Carly in Johestown is much Below he mtional average 22. 100) ss press re ease from New York appearsd in he “Johnstown Tribuse™ in whieh i wan stated That “Om the basis of statistics "rom, “alice Departments in more thay 1000 cities across the country FWY Crimes were comumitied im folmglown during the past vear proportion 1s popasiation, thas noma communities “The fgures. eyed this year ith more interest because of the {efauver Investigation, wees NY BY hes what o Whiomdl The Y wrest ! triad { tensile growpT | plice for the younger element to y of i by the Federal Bureas off FE 5 “Jonnstown's Police Mews a todd of We : Sindied during 1850 or & rate of Bie crimes per 100000 population This was ‘efter than the gen. dre! astional record of 1.518 eri pee ner O80 OES It was onder ihe sverage for cities of 25.000 in | | pr 100.000 and on der the rate for cities of Johns | - a Inwns sige (50000 to 10000 DRYS GAIN 4 TOWNS population’ JL5T4 per JOGOB0" | 4 total of 50 of the 108 muni This relents = ngmsesst : which Beid local mbaiantiates the fart that the fie rent RR ap ta be feit in the formation of Resi It © of administration of crining] | Camda County has ; he a deterrent of sricne | lames crime and shorter trial lists ii met result accidentally. They abe about By giving the poople Aliorney's Office LETTER TO EDITOR . | Teenagers Praise Haluska's Stand Penalize Se Street Fit for Youth Editor, Unwen PreseCouvier We « officers of the teenage rel ie Patton Borough feet some Henle ih order relslive ta mr position Senator Haluska Bas BILE COBMCETRINE fhe surfew We do not think there is any. Ihimg wsusual abou! the stand he TEE Tamers We feel that Be Bas iy ones again demonstrated Nis tn hinestly and clearly the Ditobdess that Bax be Ww lena of 3 cantroves. in EF THe sarne ality lean siwsys eer Bonator hroug Begs ie and Poti car 0 9% minds haw Been resemble for Bis Fae apd gaat Mon er and greatly Fink ea We are willing to admit there Kr a casions when the conduc | of the adull sdement on our ight mot be compatitie § feenagirs or fit for them bal, ahy penslizs the ihe streets are a MM Per 100 aq ft. IS«98 Blanket Yat ad 15x48 Wediusn Thick 5.00 15x48 Full Thick 5 22x38 Full Thick i J. Hi. HOMMER LUMBER COMPANY Phone 0-R-2 GLASGOW, PA. pis sy on LMR yey a 3 iI Ihe WT maak guilty a0 be both Befory and after 830 ‘We would hike to remind the borough leglalators that if the fhddren must wait until they are tinteen before (hey can walk our wirenis aller F386 there ate buat tel shar? yeiirs remaining anti) SAA ASCARI 5 SAO BRFSS fe cs dy ch SNA RSL CL SAAB A SAAN Shi SRR Ae eh | FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE entitied CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE PRACTICAL WAY TO HEALTH HAPPINESS AND SECURITY" by Thomas E Hurley, CAB. of Louisville, Kentucky Member of The RBaord of Lectureship of The Mother Churen, The First (Chureh of Christ, Selentiet, in Boston, Masse husetls ie Pirst Church of Christ, Scientist 311 Vine Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania Friday, October 19, 1961, at 815 P. ML cur with a reputation for deliv- ering years and years and years pleasure, of driving But there's another important pans of nis Seay : It's the of Pontiac's price! should story For this great car, desirable as it is, is one of the lowest priced automobiles in Asperica— just one step above the very lowest, Come in, get our dial—a won. derful story all the way around! for Dollar