UNION PRERS.COURIER A TN El MAE HAS UE) OMT CWS SA ssa ht soto rT Sa daughter, Judy, are spe nding sev | . ¥ ‘ Cl ; : ’ : a EE » dns » : : iI HITY ang worry s THIEL iret Fi FLY fl Fak Fa @ ee § i 2 : DEAN eral weeks atl the Wilmer Hollen Edward McGuires lafiong We h TY And worry Ye H i does not He with ir how ve ryond has them : Faison had LG leas weigh Dokt’ stuff. To rag ! 5 WwW alk a o 8 a home here ; anhsits and we stav GB semi i ) is dealness, Napoleon his Bt ulate your vi % 4 4 ar an £T80 late for last woek : “hk “t ja ” mantnp and we stay up A nationally known physician, Helena rita AI Sonat TS oh. VELL hlood oi Mr. and Mrx Ra aymon Teickel i 4 ng gi M x Fom Be : 1 ate 0 eateh he 11:15 news Our RC. MeCaiighan, DO. executive 2 Drink four or five pinta of! 4 Der not allow Oe . 3 8 . and family and William Judd vis | 2 pned the wedding of Bruno r e ing | ree peation is tno pushed to re. secretary of the American Osteo liquid a Gay. At jeast a quart of breome too good at Yompet Hs full Think Gelihurutaly nt oF 3 Yi Po . (Sn iitt min asl “Sy 5k . i ares Fives {oye rsa $ Wh a : o » * FHA mo ? { 4 ¥ . & ited at the James o teh homie I Fab Rol Ga fitzin and D ra Dh : eregle yg speirt . are ] wn- pathic Assn, once suggested =ix moisture has evaporated from games The temptation to extend h ¥; Orry i nistire a Coalport tat Tu ns sick hom WW iGal of Qalitzn recently | te ve Lo F Spot AH on many rales fo be pasted on every bath. vour bao ay A BACOMSs ton great Lanve ot Hie and anything but a . es Mrs. Joseph Judd was a Mon ore 0 urc fof us break. mentally and physi. room mirror 3 Kai detiberstely, x lifts perf es Eh anal ; d Mrs Sans Pun a Man - . a 4 in . 4 : oR eperater % ttle Derfsition In : Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zeak and ally. under the strain And the i Recognize your Hmitations jesse than you want Dent starve bo Youth to the professional and oa aa bathroom mirror. The children of Mr. and Mrs | Swires Sr. Both mother and child iversary on Monday of this Miss Agrees Krise was a recen! gaminski ; : : Trey have the distinction of be- | ‘ baw visitor mn nar san, Tommy, visited SBunday ee: ay Visitor in Con port LE : ps Te Roland Cavalel Lesier, Renee | are doing tine week. The couple renewed their | visjor at the Roland Cavalet re : ) reli : ! : ing the first Fire pinrried in NOT in { ~Ti7 [[ OR "NW HERE oR TERE ening with Mr. and Mrs Ray ni ward on Diana, ahd Gail wees all 1] thig| marriages vows during a high i ! sidence. ; Mrs. W OO Keffer of John | Y that church Rev Father Charlies | ” : : town and dsuphter Bleanor i, Diarnond pastor officiated at the = ” a 3 : FF -3 To : oo pe —— ~ ORK foros . ¥ § 3 ¢ Fh f -Y \ the i F ohserved | § . y 3 ii i home of Mr and Mrs Edward! ¥ i their golden wedding an iting this week with Joanna they were married 50 years ago | Mrs Edward Swirex In and | ~ a : : ts Guire of 138 i st > on, | mand Judd. daughter are yesiding here al ¢ 4 148 High L refson, past week, but are much improv. Mrs. Marie Hassou and MiE muse at #0 a m n Bt Michaeis! - rd at this writing Marie Krall of Cos port HrYe Vie Cathet Chard * asrettin whers | bE FLOP Fay i e vis | I By Swen Los Angeles. widow and daughter By MES. ELMER KEITH MASS on Monday of the late Dr. WW. OO Keffer, via. “Tos tats for inst Mr and Mrs MceGuire were the | in town Tuesday at the Mr and Mra 1 a ye uh Bs guests of honor al a dinner =! James Herringer home At onp wamhes tina fied afer Yom Ani noon last Bun day tallowing a high fie the lpte Dir. Keffer was on Michael na eth of 4 sen. Dale masse of thanksgiving at 10.30 » well-known doctor in this vicinity: Hae! orn Saturday Sept a me. in Bt Francis Xavier's Church by his miany former patients ani RLY € aiton were SUNGAY MeoDermit! pastor, aff iciatinig : visitors at the Henry Lovell home Altarney Wiliam A. McGuire Recent visitors at the Eimer st ia a uM Franc Reith Bome were Rev. and Mrs ol Johnstown anid Miss Frances : : : | Biorm of Altoons who wera best Weyandt and daughter, Mr and | ooo and bridesmaid when the | Mrs. Frank Vogel, Mr and Mrs souple was married, were present | Mrs Flose Behe and son, John, were Monday visitors at the James Bevrvinger home Mr. and Mrs Trihert (‘ale wore Wm. Gracey of Huntingdon, MM: RY visitors in Cresson al! the arten Litzinger home Mra. Eimer Briggs spat a week in Ohin recently with relatives Mise Fle Ann Foatanello aml Donna Maer Jacobs spent ths past week end in Johnstown at the John Smith home Clearfield Rpartswear On of Comipori has resumd opera: | { Bunday at the Elmer Keith home fons after a short layoff ‘Mrs. Flmer Briggs has returned | i patient in the Philipsburg Hospi. { fal, has returned home Her many i friends and neighbors wish her a to her employment in Coalport “Mra Arthur LaBlane and day: Peggy. of Niagara Falls are pending some tims in | lady's mother j PPaufsanita. Eimer Briggs jtnthy Briggs were last] visitors in Coalponrt Sunday visitors "Mrs! Winier Driggs Mea [rene } Hertaog and Mrs. Wm. Judd wer | Monday callers in Coalport and Mra Donald Hoss and son of {itahville Mrs Chic lawas of Irena Mee Clair Bhoma of this place and Mr. and Mrx Jack Keith of Coanlport Mr and Mrs Calvin Gregg and (won of Pitlabiargh were recent vis tars atl the home of Mra Gregg Mrs Ellen Beers visited here on Mere MeMonammy who was a8 speedy recovery Miss O'Malley spent the week end with relatives in Oscenia Boh Keith and Lynn Hollen, {who are employed in Johnstown, | Herigog and Gertrude spent the week end at their re spective homes here Nice Crossing . Mr. and Mrs, James Bereinget | the golden wedding an: company before his reli irement on during the day and attended Mt and Mrs MeGuire at the mass in| Loretto Monday A reception for | friends and relatives was held at Cresson Community Sporstmen’s | Club Sunday afternoon : Edward A MoGukire and the former Susan Little were harried Ort. ® 1901 by Rev Father Ferdi nand Kittel and have resided all cent minrried lives in Cresson Mr MeGaire was bern Aug. 30, 1876, in Loretto, a aon of George Luke and Matilda (Luther) MeGuire and grandson of Capt. Michael MoGuire, first white settler in the Northern Camrbia Sen His wife was born Apr. K 1873] in Loretto, a daughter of W. A | B and Susan (Storm LAttie, My MeCluire was employed by the Pennaylvania Railroad as as Car penter and oar builder and oom. pleted 40 years of service with the Nov, 1. 180 fisth Mr. and Mrs. McGuire are ARE. oO STILL LOOKING Fok YOUR Water HOU LOST THIS MORNING, FLOP 7 NO - NY RT E THEN WHAT ARE. | “ou LOOKIN (Cz enjoying good hexith and are very | | aetive in church and © ommunity affairs They are the parents of alte children, one of whom, Albert Peind Oct. 17. 1530 The olher eid § [dren are Mra Gertrade titiet den | ux, Johnstown: Agnes Drexsi| [Hil Donald BE. Key West, Fina. Leonard (.. Danville, and Mrs | Cavalet and brother Dorothy Parka, James A, J ome ph B and Richard M. all of Cres “wore last Saturday visitors be aon. Theres are 22 grandchildren Miss 1 lagna Hollen. who undet- | . and two great- -grandchildren Osteopathic Health Frededich EE Arhie, M5. DO Carrolitown, ra HAVE WE NO RENSE? | ——— Never i; tne nistory of the Bre mi world have doctors been able to ; #2 ido as much for us ax they are ITE NOT SAMY coo - lable to do today. Never have Tg My 38 > | | they had command of such facil. i ties to safegunrd or restor v our : i Fy Mf Mr and Mrs Filo fin Chest Springs 3 : Ynem Briggs and daugh. ter, Vivian, and brother, Roger 5 retently celebrated birth. : 3 ard Mis James Cavalet of A C), formerly of Dean, cele. {heir 14th wedding anni- Versary recently AA SS SHI BASE ana AA A i techni. i A ro Sie UU lA 5 FEE in