at the Moose Home on Main St at 8 p. mi. next Monday, Oct 15 Mis MADALENE 6 . The chapter night program wil nw € A 3411 4 IE :. BUCK ‘be in charge of FEride Murray, Phin 1537 Moossheart committees chairman i * M Eileey Harvey Miss Louise Cooper to Be gent i ia of the meeting Bride of Charles Luddy $ La Piss Lois renter Mrs. Ida Dawson Marks oh alia Cooper. 320 its | 82nd Anniversary Here Bick ; : dy. son id Mrs. Ilda Dawson nF Aied dy asf : Kenneth Dawson of Jackson St. 4 nda. | toria Theatre, crs Catho- hirtkday the Rev | Sept. 18, at which A recep. | WAS held at her home Creager | A beautifully - decorated iwith the figure trip | candies : £ TIEN f oe touple will revids in Clery | Pa. Where Mr | ty i om mech. aon received many beautiful gifts BRICR| engineer with the Aero | and congratulations, & 5 On This $e 5 cdi bpd is a i "BN mle of Galiitzin High Attend Council Meeting ¥ Mi bowl ME. Alovaiys Junior College : BE, Badd ao eceptionist ini Mw the affhie of Ir inpoldshy in A) | ; U toona. | American Legion Auxiliary rit : . ¥ 8 L174 of Gailitzin, Mrs. Emma Cov rod Dish Luncheon (inss Mrs Louise Johnston, Mrs Plasncd By Local WOM | Buk mttanded | Esther Lynch and Mrs Madalene aundil meeting the Cambria On of American Le A gor pered) wr will be gion Auxiliary held in Cone. served followin th sling and | maugh Ott 4 Mrs Chase is sub- chapter Big! Yd sof Chap- shairman of the coune it and Mrs ter 326, Woe of Moose, here | Buck is music and radio sub. Me Bd ls i gs “ - sd RA A Hele i ho BIG HUNTING GOODS SALE! Waterproof Hunting Coats, special $6.95 Waterproof Hunting Breeches, special . .. $4.95 Rubber Hunting Boots . . pair $5.95 Plaid Hunting Shirts... $2.98 All-Wool Boot Secks Hunting Caps > CEE AE SE UE SE TR EE SE a Se SPECIALS ON ALL WOOL CLOTHES AND JACKETS | JOE'S CUT-RATE STORE fia Chase, ' president of | IBL., spent & few days last | [Visiting with her daughter 1 Bernie Windber fot EE Mra. Marian senior re | mother of | | who owns and operates the Vie- | celebrated her 82nd | anniversary on Sunday, | time a dinner cake | K2 dispiayved by was served at the oon. | fusion of the dinner. Mrs. Daw. | ¥ nus Two ot Kelley Alr your odd. at Ea ov thalrman of the county group Le Ma C C Plunkstt of tha place returned home ast week from a two week vacation in De trodit, Mich, with her dsughter Mrs. David Tovey, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slycock nnd Tomy Stutks of Gallitgn of Raturday for a vacation in War ten, Ohio Mr. and Mra Fsiph Hall of Craig Bt, jefl last wesk for a watation through New England States, Minnesota, Hino, Mich kan, Ohio and Canada Mrs. Martha Carras of Pitis- burgh spent & vacalion last week with her sister, Mrs Tillie Bis marck of Pershing Bt Mr. and Mrs. John Fair Oaks, Pa, were imitors here Bg. Howard A. Burkbart o Galiftein was among 1492 Ko wan Wir veterans wae arrived in Beattie, Wash. ssf Monday ik Navy Transport Miss LaRue May, student nurse st Johnstown Memorisi Hospital spent last week end atl her home Accompanying her was Miss Edna Mae Morrisey of Johnstown Misa Betly Pawlowski, Delores Pawlowski, Bernard Zielinski and Joseph Lapkiewicz, all of Kearny KN. J. fl lsat week end at ihe Frank wiowsk! home here Mra. Viccent Faulhauler and children. Kathleen and Vincent Jv of Philadelphia, are vacationing: a the bBome of the formers i, Mrs Veronica % Fisher of tiene the Mra Fulton were EPs Miss Charmaine Washington, D. C, funeral of her grandmother, Emma Fisher, here last week Mrs. James Mitchell and son Jimmy, of Harriaville, W_ Va re turned to their home sfler spend ing a few duys with ber brulher and family, William Bist of Wil son 81. Mr. and Mra. George Meinlel of Gallitzin returned to their home after spending several! weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Stella Me Mullen, of Munster. Mrs. George Basal of 310 Main Week Mra Bherwood of Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Cari Helman and guests Marian Helman of Jackson st Eimer Buck of 308 Cleveland St. and his son, Kenneth of Har of Jackson St. i of & son. Sept. 23, at Mercy Hos- | Altoona. sre at Mothers National | Boston, Mass i Serifine Sella, Mr. | rs. Raymond Paganeili and Robert Lyona, all of | : Ohio, attended the wed . Bruno Fab- PLUS TWO adds up 0 feacher John D. Clu alley has good reason to know, Now a civilian orce Base in San Antonio, Texas, Gulley is of three sets of i Yor atc natieally, this makes his family one » million or mare. Held by Mrs. Gulley are David snd Paul, who are | beside her (rear) are Daniel snd Donald, 8, while 1 the others, Gerald and Earl, are four, land son Mr and Mrs Michael Pa pdt of Bal a! the Vaosler Sal Nahe i dren of { Mrs. John “ gnter, i Kuhn F Mrs | Saturday afterpoon visitors in Al | Loona, Basal and Mn. | "0H the | UNION PRESS-COURIER quite s family, as former mathe { luternational Soundphoto) GLASGOW By JANET CC. KUunN Chicken-Ham Supper Honors Frank Harpster fast Sunday (x Bicker and mead BEV ter %! ik Puiu ra greg mAh ihe event were the | Mr and Mrs C BE Nabil and sons. Mr and Mrx Phil hp Himmers and M Jarry : McVicker all of Jo wn Mr timore, Ma, and Mark set Ba » ¥ » Misa Pea Mca srwnt the week ond ye Mr and Mr: A LL Camberg Alloans spe Sunday alternoat Troxell home The district depuly pwesident Anna Binnix, and staff Lodge in Moxham ening Mrs Gene Reynolds snd son Bobby, visited lant Friday noon with Mrs Evers! Morme Mr and Mrs Med wr ney spent last Balurday wilh George Habn Mrs Charlies Bricker relatives in Pans, 10 Mr and Mra Harold Ti spent last Thursday pton al the Fred Bland b Mr dsl Mrs Bus Sine family of o Wt a Nein & 53 sad Mrs John Blin -’ tonsa aspen! The week John Blips 8s PTE Br Paul Brough! and were recent viailors wilh Mrs Harve Davi after pit ge evening {Wns a Harry : | Mr. and Mrs | Strayer iM Johnstown were Week | & 1 ¢ nhseting last Mrs. MW INELAed | rfficers al Lady Moxham Rebekad on Friday ev} Mr snd Mrs Ammon O' Shall | were redant visitors with Mrs Martha Stevens of Akron On Earl Swan Werld War Beaver Valley Thursday, Oct. 4 He Was a sod of Mr. and Mra George Bwsuger of Irvane. Coalport VW were in charge of military rites at the gave. Mr and Mes week end visitors in town Mr ang Mrs Bd Dress of Vir ginia are spending some UUme a1 the home of Mr. and Mrs George FP. Gates Ambrowe Hamilton of Van Or mer was x last Friday visitor in AAT: Mr ard Mex Clarence Troxell | and family of Mountainddle were | Sunday Visitors at the Ted Gates | dade. oe Rete Mr. and Mra. George Gales vis ited Jawt Friday evening at the Uhomas Noel home in Glasgow. Mr and Mra John Gates and! Mr. and Mrs viet oy with De. and Mra. Clark ror samen Flemming of Ashville Sanday visitor at the! Harpster home rs Bugene Hil and daugh- . Bandra, of Altoona, spent the week anil at the Lioyd Gates re- sidence Hers Mrs “Box” O'Donnell and dau ghtier Judy, have returned lo their home in Lubback, Texas af spending & month's vacalaon of the fady's parents fowis Evens Mr atl Mrs trom spent last Balurday even g & he Joneph Semebsheryger | PEE Mee wre Dime Irene and Marjorie fd calira af the Dome of their | dher Mrs Mary Straver Mr ated Mrs Jowepn Kendrick epent Toh work end in Glass Fiat | ves and Triendas, Migs louise Shope a spend mig sop time atl the Cecil Black Avene IN Frankiin, wits redid Misses Emma Guten, Betty Bar | sell and Charlotte Gates of Ab! tra spent the week end al Thelr Nilnen Reve Mr. and Mra family af Glasgow CHSIIRE here wilh The Ihnen [CAR spent Runday relatives Alnzander Chapple: if the held their October Morget tome in Itvona. The mem bers atiending from here Were MNedimyer and Mra Jan Gales Mra Marte Bacon of Commo diore visited aft the M W Nadi ayer home and also attended the | CIA R in Irvems last Set- wig J ®t ee lin turds y Mr. and Mrs Mervyl Gates of recent visitors at * (Hsagow Were the Lemoine Hemskey home ning | i fam msily The 100F mermibera held (heir | regular meeting last Thursday ev ening Miss Janel Kung spent Fr evening with Mr. asd sis Les Mol Rriey Mr and Mra Georg And Gaugnler ol hd vey CREEK # Le - Mr and Mex Weis ViSilors iB COsipeort | gflernoon Mra Wallsr Henshaw and hil Harrisbuig spent a fea days visiting her parents, Mr. anc GETUner, Mra Wm Lamb and granddan Sarah Lee Mrs Chexisd and deughier, Janel, and Clair Reynolds wey Last Mr and Mrs Ardell MoClelar and son visited in Elandburg re y Mrs. Peter Buago and son were recent wvigitors 81 the Charles Bricker home. Miss Janet Kuhn spent last Sal- urday with Miss Eleanor Fishel of | Blandburg. Mrs. Albert Lewis and daugh- ters of Blandbur § visited recent ly with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Merie Reffner. James Barnett spent the past week with relatives and friends in town. The Caroline Troxell Rebekah Lodge held a regular meeting on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs Lester Hollen re cently visited at the Clair Ray nolds home. Mr. and Mra. James McCartney were last Thursday vis visitors at the Bowman home Mrs. Busiah McClellan and son John, of Blandburg were recent visitors at the Ardell McClellan Bo: ina Bowman spent last Mon- Ls ary night with with Jaan, Kuhn New York is Joseen A Kulak, 21, of Gallit- sin was treatea at Altoona Hows Jusrees MiCarines | Miss laze! Monahan of Detroit diniiod Were last eel. Mr and Mra Clarence O'8Shall | of Praniiin were week end visit. [ars herd i ana with wmeiatives and rh Mr and Mrs David Gates and af Caolver were tedent vis ors with relatives hero Mr and Mra lLednard Burchill fe | — dauithter, Ruth Asn of Utah. fe. vhiited recently st the Earl fall ngs Boome Mrs wish bey & speedy recovery or, 45, a veteran of | . was buried in the Cemetery last Ralph Lenhart and family of Elmira, N. ¥Y., were | M WW. Nedimyer paiored to mlipsiburg Bunday §O Was a recent Bert Dietrick of | Thomas Noel and i Saturday al ihe Guy | | been tranaferred from FY iMd., to Pr. Knox, Ky i Mounds Oood and Ira. of Thomas Fletcher Ras Deen | am the nick Hat. Her many friends EX-MATHEMATICIAN ADDS BY TWOS | BEAVER VALLEY | FLINTON Mr and Mrs Paul Brought and i family of Mountaindale and MY | ‘and Mrs. Harry Davis of Glaa-| gow were recent visitors at the Wm. Nelson home Mr and Mrs Herbert Rutter spent the week end with the fon: mer's parents Mr and Mrs Av thur Bussoleti Mrs Ruller ia (he formar Louiss Bumsolet: Mr snd Mrs Wm Nelson and dsugliter. Carol, were last Bator. day visitors al the Vince Gael human Altoona Me and Mra Don Hookenberry and daughters, Gloria Jean ani Carel Ann, were last Wednesday svening viaitors at he Joarpn Tuselt home in Blandburg and = 80 recent Altoona visiters Miss Melon Horkola has ed Lis Philadelphia where employed, alter spending a 2% Bair Bdne neve Mr. and Mrs Edward Gondek | weve recent Altoona visitors Jom Tompewon has reterned {o i Mis home here afler being empio) ed in Philipsburg Mrs Allee Fusek of Blandteery visitor a! the Moo enbwi'ry Boome Bere Mr and Mrs Joseph Siewa were recent Coalport visitors Harry Evans or Coalport was a fast Thursday oniler at the M J Hochenbearry bome here Louise Hockenberry Sp El I Thursday evening with Mary Jase Gondek of Lhis place. Jolvn Warsek was’ a retent er in Palton Mr and Mra Willis Maron Kathern and Billy, were last day visitors in Gallitain Gathern Marcas was a rece! | visitor at the Bickford home My. and Mra Wiliam Snow | were last Thursday visitors at the Ira Noel Bame in Houtadale Mr and Mrs Peter Swope wv | recon enllers in Lal One Ff Prank Wills and Willa were last Thursiay al Coupon and Boardeen Ardell Kavs who was recently in the 1° 8 Coast Crunrd Has Mr firmed to Ris former emblayment st the PRR Shops in Altoona | M7 and Mrs Albert Slovikosky PgR i Hy Naaw Her | 3 ‘and amily of Washington DO wers Week end visitors at The home of Mrs Anna Kovikosky Mr snd Mra Ray Swope of Clewnland, O.. spent Ihe weak #7 Fwith the lady's oarents Mr and i Mre Paul Warsek Jack Ssow and Dolly Tompsda [of New York City were weak end visitors 3 he John Tompson ne | idence Miss Betty Ann Raodes of Al toon was 2 last Saturday even ng visitor at the John Warsek | nom here. Mis Verda Stevens was 8 Ob cent visitor al the V. K. Gallagh or Bime Cpl. Merle Hockenberry hs Monde aitiey spending a short furlough wild Bis parents, Mr. and Mrs M J Horlianberyy Mir and Mra Don Hockenben'y and Mr. sad Mrs Joseph Susik of Blandberg motored to Martine burg last Saturday evening Hirry Wills and Don Wills of Ashville were last Saturday nt the Frank W ir. and Mrs Coss Good and Tabane town were Sunday visitors at the iM. J Heskenberry home Mrs. Ray Bwope of Cleveland 0. was & Bunday visitors hers a! the Bd Condek home Edward Jones New Overseer of County ==" Pomona Grange Edward Jotes of W EE was sheeted overseer of Carobria Oo Pena Graliee EE MEL maTaeday i Pleasant HE {Frange Hall Che x Mr Jones was fpf the 14%: Has IPartage was named Wilh EC (Chest Boring i'n the fo Bak Rr weil Magistt of Reig 3d fIREneE COI Bye WF. Yaar sEaions, Ihe wae Bare BY pte ov Banke | snd i A Parabiogy Laretio wh She “tian clarres oF ge vena pros Biema > £1 Pe Paver 18 ¥ - 4 ny fdoptead a gaintion io ask he the Dro Fira hw Forests I hii Th 453 Peoria wire ner, Munster Bap ho The Wimare mtn ales | man. Hill Granges. — Bo nat ho announced veld Ot 3530 in Butler and a. — 14-33 = Atasntie City. oh Th iE y Pearntatives I nit to a1 pe fOr fa Total of 34 Gendidates ressived the fifth dagrer during evening | sommions. They were instructed by Pane BTAbIATAr of Eoenstuvy Next meeting will be held in | on Jam P. stn near Wilmore Jan John E. Cooper, Toten, Awarded Bachelor Degree John Be Cooper. Sof and Mrs P Cooper of has been wwarded & bacheler of {science degree from the lof Commerce and Eroud E avinistration of the Un of lites. @ He was among 887 Be whe were awarded degrees frows the university for work ted during the summer There is #0 commencement cere many planned. Diplomas will be be mailed to he graduates Press-Courier ada pay best AS Sat SS and no wonder, considering the tal ints of this shoe for keeping your steps tomforiable, for adding to the smart of. {eet of so many outfits. Grosgrain bunds jay a pretty pattern across your toes. Black nosuede Only 52.99 PAUL'S sHOE STORE fib PHILA. AVE. yp and youll see why Big. pousful 3 Cu Oram brakes lus pert in the low-price field! Use the car's own momen tum © INC Ioane Stopping power. Join the Shift te No-Shin § sionally smooih! Sr ar POA MONEY 1 RNs et *Colrbination of Powerglide Awtomatic Engi optivwd on De Lune models af cure cost. ZW 4 7 t a EL, ] a rt, RL eo —