*® UNION PRESS COURIER nm Mr. ind Mrs. Bdward Kirkpat- | and son of Chicage are vis. ' &t the home of the lady's Mr. and Mrs. George 3 : rug and ly were Sunday visitors in Lawrence st the home of Mr ) rs. Bernord Niebaver. | Louts Hoover of Cleveland O. the week end at the Johs Helen and Mary Mar of Indisna spond at the home of is and Mrs. Fu 1 RE Mrs. Darrell Krug and Mary Ann, were Wed visitors in Johnstown, and Mrs. Clarence Karl es oes PATTON, PA, tat wo Just eall and tell us when you want your fuel oil § helm: of Patton were Sunday vis fitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs iC : Kiine. Chester Lieb and Henry Dumm i were Sunday callers in Johns town Miss Ross Lieb speast the week end at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs George Lieb. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Falatic were | last Saturday visitors in Johns town. and daughter, Alma Jean, of ensburg were Sunday visitors here | at the Jack Falatic home Mrs 1! CC Kiine was hopless al a plastic party at her home last | Wednesday, . 38. Those pre sent wepe Mrs. Walter Kirsch | Mrs. Kenneth Kine, Mrs. Martin Smith, Mrs Martin Hoppel, Mrs | G. L. Krumenacker, Mra. (Clarenc Kariheim, Mrs. Raymond Lieb Sr Mrs. Alphonse Kirsch Mr. RG Lieh, Mrs Leo Hughes Mrs © BR. lLovette, Mrs. Durrell Krug Mrs. Rupert Farabaugh, Mrs Norbert Biller, Mrs. John Weil and Mrs. Joseph Lieb, Mrs RV Parrish, Mra. Louis Raglov. Mrs © Genevieve Huber, Mm W Kirsch and Mrs 17 © Kips 1 {larceny, 6: port, Cambria’s Courts ‘Handle 178 Cases During September A tolal of 178 canes were dis ined of during the September term of criminal eourt in Cam. briz County, asccording to the quarterly report released Friday by Clerk of Courts Joseph Wess There were comparatively few (rials as ment of the delendants inieaded guilty 10 charges made against them. Guilty pless were entered by 113 defendants. or 6&5 percent of the total in 12 trials, six were freed and six others were joonvicted. The court itself con ivitted Tour defendants nd acs | quitted eight. A total of 11 cases i were dismissed by agreement of i the court and the district atior. {oey's office, with the defendants (being required lo pay prosecution irosts in 22 canes Of the 133 endants who gither pleaded guilty or were con. | vieted, the court meted out these | ‘penalties: State prison terms, 3; ‘county jail terms, 19; probation, (22: fines and cosla or conts only, 121, and support orders. 9 {A breakdown of cases by type is an follows: Aggravated assault and bat. ery, 12; simples assault and bat- tery, 12. robbery, 2; burglary. embezgioment forgery. 1. rape, 1; offenses, 213. non-su 40. drunken driving. 5 other motor oode violations 17 Huan law Rai, 3. gumbling, 8 and Iiscetianeoun, n School Bus Struck While Unloading a a a and fraud. 8; & 3 § + i of Ham isburg Mr. and Mrs. Amandus Springer | wi defendants Priceless Treasure . « « A Fine Portrait | min AMSBRY i Mr. and Mrs Gerald Risbon {apd family spent Bunday here at ithe Gordon Litzinger home Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Lewis and | children were visitors in Colver | on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs Paul Madigan and children were i Bunday afternoom Mary and Laverne Bevis foona i Miss Dariens Hebdon torith Florine Madigan Saturday Mrs Earl Godlirey called on i Bert Hertgop family in AMoons inst Monday Oscar Miller vigited st the | Stanley Wilk hone ip Cresson on cBunday afternoon Mr and Mrz Harry Fish and familly of {ni City sper Sunday | vimiting among local relatives Po Mr. and Mrs Pam Madigpr and ifamily were Baturday evening teatiers in Crease Mr and Mra Chuck Wilk of | Cresson Rpent Sunday at the Bu hianan horas in town Mr ard Mrs Deeald Hartman and children. Horald and Denna Pvimited Mr and Mrs James Stine inn Yan Orener Merida y Mr sd Mes Hichard Beswan- gor and children. Ellen snd Bar ihars, of Ajloans spent Sunday There With the Thornes Madigan snd 46 meph Belwwan ge r families tors: lpnicy «Ff Gall gin and Joseph Baley of Creswor visited Bunday sfiernoee at the Buchanan residence Mra. Helen Wi ik and Mr and ‘Mrs Charles Wi imited at the Boa wo 5 a Fria CC BK Mrs Sr anien Aedpmd { Wil tmited FUE doy is Mira Buchanan he My v3 and fam with Mrs. 0 Gn Bundy Yee ¥ faphey siisgher had hye bls on the sik the pas fw whens Mr. and Mis Ferpuwrn of Onl Higin were Buniday even gg % 5 her al the 3 Mariman Boson Miss Gerry Watters of Gallitpis Was a Sunday guest si the home of Mr and Mra Jodeph Bacy Visitors in Alterna Monday in tiaded Mrz Hiss Puochanss and daughiers Duna and Rhirvley and Mr ard Mrs Cbaries Wilk sof Cresson Mr and Mr _David Hart of Jobmstiown were visitors with Loyd Pugh family bere last Wed neatiay Caliors Allesma on Baturdav were Lemoyne Fish and daughter Romoria. and Mr gd Mrs Yew Francis and son. Joey. and Mike Plerwoin . Frank Rascz een Oybin loved in week ond spent the rere at the Bome of his parents Mr and | Mra Joseph Raex 3 Mrs Helen Kalendek who suf. | fered un fractured rid and jured kidney in an while enroute to Allcoes (werd. is recuperating at hime near here 61 Bill Students’ Checks Delayed Veterans fall under ner G1 Bil should take ( them over until sarly November This warning was issued the Vélerans Administration in Penn. sylvania last Thursday when it t known thal subsistence checks will not be ready until November. The VA said this of velsrnns statt or resume Lriin- gE under the GI Bil Oficials said thal everything is being ig 10 keep delays io 8 minim Veteran students can help mat. . VA said, by not writing to roi agency sbout the delays Re. plies to jetters take time that otherwise cond be spent process. ing subsistence checks When the i thecks arrive they will include all | payments due from the time the welernn started class —~Preas-Courler ads pay beat TE FAT annual Patton callers on spent 3 [idol Saturday afternoon in AL | vigited | the | the ; an ine #ila aveident fast (ng to train this | enough money with them lo tide | must ln exists every yeur when thousands nal Junior Vege a Me awarded Dy The AEP Pod Store: $00 More awards are test of the Natio 4 Youths Entered fakle Growers Asewiston Ares The contest, designed to tench Tk W. | farm vast enrolled the peo Handa n ontest gram the most moviern pro AIR L. fitable methods of growing usd Francis Four Northern ¢ : mE markeling vegelables rill close Fires i farmers are ente rod fn othe 1B dn Decepnber with B00 in cash ia production-marksting ts #5 Bes He NR baa in A BR BR SS Ho A ve youlhe entered arg Pat Dunn and Bdwnrd J of the University of Conmectiout, both of Ebenshury: Wille is nitionn! NJVGA chairman Adar of Dysart and Winners sre nes after re A. Kupetz of Patton prize in the malions) svent than 220 ofher studied by officials of mde On 8 vegional Dep! of a “tints of the [sectonai and state basin owen ports fn Ihe PO : 8 Thasrk, extension Bortieuiturist keting fied. « sen - About cords of growing and osrketing 4 this santa ants are clear out A gricaitm are ae UX Be wet ann on * Duman NEED ed LAUGH WITH YOUR FAVORITE com THE FLOP FAMILY SO a RA iain i (HEY, MA- DO FOU KNGel WHERE ay OTHER ROL LER SRXTE 1% 7 E4-11'5 OUT IN THE KU CAN ~ GoOR R FATHER FoUN To OF THE STARS \ Hi5 2 a Don SETTLE FORE 2 Ar, YOUTAKE he SOUT THAT DOUGH JJ ; TY 7 $ { “F