Pak mri rm 5 pam prs Sinead mov i TRON PRS COUR Patton Courier, Estab. 1808 Union Press; Estab. 1955 SRE IR AER DR ATE % j Curfew’s Benefits Weigh Most Much has been sald pro and con on the issue of the curfew In Fatton We are of the opinion, as a DAwapaper, that the benifits of a 9:30 p. m. curfew for children under 18 far outweigh the disadvan To our mind, if a youth of fifteen or fourteen, or youhper, is after 9:30 his or her parents have a t to know Jani, where he In. And ve refuse to eve that a an will haul them on the carpet for engaging in legitimate ties. but two wrongs to par either, ih can't hewp of 18 or the streets after 9:30, them it have beem in force in Patton flor KH. ' work well . . mye subject, ask that ped monalitiéscbe omitted Letlers also my other Blake, for yours chief of the Patton to a number of unused 3 Ais 1 ‘al However, the writers ers ANYWAY, | hat i an occupational tax is already being paid experience with gambling is that he always loses his was and could hardly be expected to fork over 10 percent of Over the past several weeks thers have been communications i in the dally newspapers regarding the bi investment In con | struction of Lakes Rowena at Ebensburg, ve noticed that a Bator a rater. mponded 18 only 8 fraction of lower, so that the water : a muted ih line would be to the top of the construe William Penn Highway at the upper end of the under water. Remember back when there was more baking powder solid than face der? That was in the days of long underwear and bustles overalls and cowhide boots. Back when men worked for small wages and saved money, and women bent over a hot cook stove sil day to rovide substantial meals for the family. Canned biscuits hadn't Eos invented then home-made bread was the hit of the house, and fried mush didn't take a back seal either. They called gasoline “Sengine” in those days, and vou bought i at a drug store to be used in cleaning clothing. Most folks above 50 years of age who! Mved in this section remember The “Record” of Lynn, Kansas, t dun error recently before it got Into the paper. in a mentioning the bride and groom, the type t “the bird aad goon” At that, H and was printed in a and groom exchanged THOMAR A “As | See It” faith; would attend Sunday | Behool instructions and with the tenching received in our sc hosis, plus an ubderstanding between the children and parents, we would need no laws to keep them out of mischief. But, it is quite apparent that some of the par ents have lost all love for their children and expect the Law io] put them to bed al 9:30 so that | they, themselves, Can arouse | around until the wee hours of the | ob ka We feel that morning coming home inebriated | tive or. destructive, Fe fiave and paying little attention whe | the same right to express their | ther or not the children are pro- | opinions regarding local affairs as perly in bed we have While we often times Law Makes Children No Better diaagree with the opinions of our | Well, you may pass a law lo] readers, we will Aght to the very | make people go to church bul you | end to give them the right 10 eX l.qnnot pass a law lo make them | press them that is the Democra- (pray, and, in the same sense, youl | tie way of life Bul, any person may ask the Borough Officials 16] who sends us 8 letter, condemn- | nuns an ordinance creating a 9:30 ing our action, and does nol Dave i qufew but, that, in no Way, the Suitage = any he | makes your children any better of sime, Ia TERAraeq Aas #- aw-abiding by such action leas citizen” a person lacking the | The OI ie with mast paresita courage of his convictions and "ot today is that rather than getting warily of mention anytime in the | sequainted with their children ulure {and learning to understand them We state, again, that the im- | they would much rather have oul. | position of a curfew depriving the side forces take care of the par. | school children under 18 years of ental problems. We stale again, age from walking the streets of (that under the laws of the Com Patton after 9:30 is not the pro- monwealth, or the United States, r Way to spproath any prob such a resolution as passed by the m. We are, more or Jess, led to | Patton Borough Council is defin- believe in the remark made by itely illegal “ad ill advised and the late Father Flannagan when (any parent who ia called upon to he staled that, in his opinion, (Pay a fine for his child being on “there are ne bad boys.’ ithe streets after 9:30 need not Ofticers Have Ample Latitude [P87 I if the children of our commun- | hgh viens tay proves t: disorderly and are yo | ; : “ 4 A none gl as ets, | child going wrong is between the can be treated by the Law |AKes of 16 and 21. History also secordingly. Our statute Proves that the outcome of & “0 © mot conduct, aris nw enforcing uificers ample lati- | ent al home Every parent has a tude to deal with such children. imoral obligation of instructing Borough Council or police officer | : x : iin life. Then too, a parent should can find within the statule any make certain 10, onhos Again, ine powers given them (0 lake away | : ¥ ; ; 4 Y iaugurate the old system of life, the American rights from our Lip tas we were taught in our ear! poming generation. You cannol, | gays, never to miss church ver. by any stretch of the imagnistion. | vices on Sunday. But, naturall streets in any community in the [live up to the Golden Rule, what United States regurdions of the ican they expect of their children * hour of the night, if that child in | Then maybe the "Myr Citizen” behaving himaelf and minding his who se : | whe Fe he fetter Is right own business. (maybe L w is compelled Furthermore, if we have child- step in and help res green the fen in Patton who are supposed | children, properly, because the . ¥ be | parents themselves have just lost y the parents f the all sight of God and His teach. that their | ings. SEN. JOHN J. HALUSKA $ dam would be felis us the proofrender e w g write-up, setting machine operator sel } wasn't as bad as the ond that got away seighboring paper thusly: “The bride wows." OWENS BH By ... STATE RENATOR JOHN J. HALUSKA Last week we mentioned in our column the inauguration of a cur few that has been imposed upon the school children of our come munity of Patton. It is quite ap rent that our remarks are not | well taken by some of the people and. in fact, we received today a letter from a “spineless citizen who condemned us, severely, fot our mtory We always welcome criticism : from our readers, be it construc of their {in order that a joint investigation Shui be immediately launched because of such reciprocity that the high degree of coupera- tion which now exists between the Shufeement agencies the County has never before been in the hin tory of C County. Your District Altorney, how. Eyer: also realised thal reciprocity pd cooperation were not enough In Cambria County there was still » need to modernize the : and the means of criminal investigation. It was not mpeessary evidence ppily, bul it was also impers- : t such evidence be pre- served until the trial could be There are two types of import. ant evidence: the physical evi- dente consisting of the scene of the crime and the testimony of office. equipment is operated by one of the detectives who is ve to call at Bn i bg Bt Altoiney UNION PRESS.COURIER | stops | participants be preserved | seriotm and important imphcetion : fore, | wire recorder be furnished hig of {is thus fortified with dual re {of the statements {the age old defense { the atenographer did not | and { ment, | fronted with his own story, in his : WN repentance of the moment are more apt to admit or confess their crimes. They too are apl lo] change their minds and their] stories before entering a plea standing trial It is thus imperative of the witnesses the the that and In the past it was necessary to | call mtenographers to the scene or co ni wo Sat 0 Sm —— stuff is trained to pick up tinge! prints and develop them Whilp they are still fresh IU was pre: viously necessary fo resort to Palice VCE Ail and the FBI for such ser of he above request of your District Attorney since his election Im 1947 of | otiier agencies, stich as (he Btate] 3 i 3 innovations i s hive been made available at the i § ! i In om for working. to the district attorney's office | gudition, your District Attorney | Since notice of crimes was often | received late at night or in the] early morning, stenographers could not always be readily ob tainable. Any change his mind Delay also gave them =a modily and the relject that chance 1H their stories so would be later omitted. Often even after statements of wilness trans | parle stend- es and participants were cribed, the witnesses snd cipants would accuse the graphers of not having of fully taken down many Your District requested coprecily the fagls { Attorney, hers that =a portable | taken 18: ths ang $ hug ey recorder 1% FEch Crime the spot fice. This wire to the scene of mediately and statements of wilnesees participants are recordsd in pwn voice. later, statement is alse given to and taken by the stenographer, The Commonwealln ards if at trini g used that eorrectiy on thin ths #tnte- Eile Lhe then transcribe witness ia fully the through the wire vine i recarder Your District Attorney RAs RisO | installed a finger printing system in his affice. Each deleclive IR the I essen NEWS ON THE HOMEMAKING FRONT . by MRS. JUNE GRIFFITH flame Foonondcs Representistive for Cambria County : Hions } ON irsonally or one of his assistants is always been sl to the scene of a serious erigne. This is ote of the few counties in the District Atlorsey or one of wistants in shways present with i k $ 3 k i + £ lay might cause | . vi where the | stare | the witness or the participant 0} pan of Pennuylvants re 2 [articles witere you can see them | t thie enforcement officers to aid and assist in the investigation of min jor crimes, In carder to Hustirgle clency created by ihe "tn the investigation in Cambria County, print case Whig fw it wn ihe offi movie id! wieh to £34! happened years ago | reported that a man shot another The crime aecurred at about 4:40 a mm The Idstrict Attorney, #rate Police and detecliven Wer) the scone at 700 5 wm Ey 8) a.m. all photographs were Lake) fx Were red srded. Ag a resull, th defendant iater entered a ploa of | guilty and thus saved the County the expense of a trial ft is our sincere belief tha! one af the main reasons why [ewer defendants now stand trial ls hee 8 me fasta Are now mae pramptly and officiently gated. Buch efficiency of nvest gration is due to the increasqad ook operation of the enforcement and prosecuting officers ind the modi srnization of the methods sad the fHeans of criminal detection adopted by your District Atiorae) signee his election in 1947. the Plan Family's Fall Wardrobe entory will help you iy's fall and winter waldrobe. Write down for each member whal is O85 hand and whit will need to be added Per Bape you C©an alter some Ea ments to make them wearable Again oF maybe you CORD make them over for another mernbor of the family. H you write things down i helps you to plan and in- clude everything you intend to do Pian colors carefully Bele? other garments and accessories to tie in with the color of 8 cont oy suit. With careful buying the sirhe NoCERROTies WAY ha with several different outfits Nelect colors 1hat are becoming Unbecoming colors are RR poor in vestment. If you already have a garment in a color that is reiit your best, Lry weaning a color, war! or Bower in a harmonizing color that is becoming lo you With thought to your planning. | yous can rotate your prirehases so A quick inv plan your fam aed ori bp AE A A HIT that all the most expensive items won't come in the same month of year. An inventory will help vm fs decide which artic te; Buy ang ake Al hone An Yi fine A» Gifts may 2 to I jth. Check sink, tablei and to see if they are Arrange etjuipment area so youl take the fewest steps possible as you prepare a meal or jo your Baking. You can place the food preparation center, the! serving cnter and the range close to each other yet allow help you lo make every motion count are: Store everything with- | in easy reach; store everything | where it |p first osed and i Three stmpie rules that will | i 1 sanity Near the range put tea, coffee] with measuring spoons; cereals to | be conked | seasoning with measuring spoons. Keep ready-to-eat cereals in the Came cupboard with the serving : we § i and the statements of 13 wilness i : ¥ venti what he needs | relationship. Reapect for a child's | individuality i memorandum pads and pencils §t | sincerity and honesty of feeling 3 which ones you Cn fiaugh With : : inventory must be flexible after thine. However, enn rhange it from timse | ants sre that this kind of fslling make scone lis funny to the child and try to bererka ; A business center in your kit. “hen is a invitation to planning meals and shopping lists and to | taking cate of the household bus. | ness. A recipe fle, a box for bills and receipts. home account book, | your Angertips are aids to smooth | running Pouseholds. : Children Have Poelings | Childrent are people they have feslings. they're on their way io somewhere and children are to be treated with respect. Of course parents sce their children as peo- ple. but once in & while they re | apt to forget they are people : Becaust a child is a person, | mont is 8 Raman means acting with it means taking into account what thei other fellow is doing and sayin ft means thinking well enotigh of the other person | and ssau ving that he's able to A into a pigture where oiler pev- sons alsa have rights and feelings Saving respect n't always a serioun Lusiness respect meuns isughing with children. having jokes, seing the fun in what they thick is funny. IT means sc- cepting life at CUmes on their level. Wo ali know this i= hard te do. One of the funniest things 5 three. year-old does is to fall on the flood with a bang It fakes’ jes are bet [a good parent whe can honestly the child pests tis Rind gs he ree of humor time mont par purchases GHNACIREREY and sn ane | void pitting a damper on his: expected sale may provide & gar- ment that vou had planned Lo ful Be Pres carefully Hpur - of - the - moment buying does not always load to athe tive, cowrdinated wardrobda and dregned persons Kitchen 1s Your Workshop Your Ritehen is your workshop Peery motion you take counts in helping on Fun horas anoothly well it yar § 53 : i i 1 un As children prow older they en- joy things which adults can move your planning asd buying | ematly Appreciate and do with (them Bil games, visits to muse father siitivities wma, collecting stamps. and many can be fun for srovwnugs and children Excellent | {~hances for mutual give and take | ceampfires include picnics, camping out or an evenisg around the fireqidace : Faseral Pecple who travel in circles sre the anes who run around too Take lime to study your jib | much then learn Bow to do it in the most officient. casiest and ut way. Werk worsces rma: the quink- weleome last much longer if you o CBetier than seems NPOMSATY. H's very easy to makes your me it properly salt pepper and other be ticiam, Let us point out AA SP portant | Editor, Patton, At 4 recent meeting of the Vet. evans of Foreign Wars of the United Btafes John White Fast 779, Patton, Pa. a resolution was adopted requesting Council to en force the curfew in Patton. seems to Aince that Sime there much © confusion SOnCHTIng this action, and perhaps some srganization is dedicsted to the good and defense of our Nation, Hate, County and Community, and that the action taken Ws strictly fram & good of the Come munity Standpoint. We in no way sre Tryin Coun- up policy for the Baro eal ee ordain laws. It was the thought of the members ent that enforcement of the old ordinance is for any coh munity. We otill believe that, We at this time wish to thank the Borough Council for 8 prompt actem in this matter, f JOHN WHITE POST 19 Veterans of Foreign Wars Quartermaster to set rE; Mrs. Mallie Wetzel Buried On Tuesday Mrs. Mallie (Bougher) Wetsel 83, o Praban, dled at 1 a «amt ainrday, Bept. 15 Indisng y y in Mrs Weesel was born Sept. 27, INST. a daughter of David and Ann (Long) Bougher Prior 16 becomng ill five years ago, the decessed was active in Girl Heout work snd (he Barnes Boro Methodist Church. She was an organizer of the American Legion Auxiliary. Baraesbore, of which she was Lhe first president, serving for Lhres years Mrs Wel. zal was also past matron of the Barnssbors Chapler, Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Wetzel is survived by hBew husband, William C Wetsel, two soma, Harold, Canyon, Tex, and Ben, at home, She is siso survived By twa grandchildren and hese brothers and sisters: Lelia, Lydia, Mrs Madeline Mougle, Mrs Ma pe! Sispwon, Geant, Mrs. Hilda Merryweather, Mrs Oecia Brin hart, Vallie. David Marlin, Mar joriie, Fdgar aad Rath Funeral services were heid on Tuesaday afternoon at the Long Home. BParnesbore, By Rev. Orin Williams and interment waz made in Oreenwood Cemetery in Indiana It always pays to do a Lille i - Hin we " 7 : * i S : OR A { Fi g