Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 13, 1951, Image 2

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    MARSTELLER | HASTINGS 273-Year Total If
ee eas 3 OF Peters Family
and Mrs Joseph Tindigiia
hore Ages Are Totaled ist sallimal convention of The pes
Angels Valant } Polish Nat 4 v AS
. foi Allzapte of Am #4 $ 3
Tusa, Okin. are Mrs. Elizabeth Kirsch Am jeri Sunday eveming to Sttend &
erica Seok +3 im Pula x ¥Y sol s commnsiiles
A ho ' ? Io, N oting of (his at ts be
Marcuzse | Has 91st Anmiversary Mr Kotz will represest Bar. | held Gus week ‘im Chicago, BL
r visitors | sesbors (loamell 10 OE prising
: : With the olwmervance of the Bit the 1 thyming groeyss Barneshars
loreal penile birthday of Mrs Elizabeth Kirsd 302 Glen Campbell #099 Pavion today will be a hard man 10 beat
fet Dall tie i of Bpangier and Johnstown Fri 842 Arcadia 88 Clymer XB tomorrow
RAEArOay dnv. three members of 8 NOTH ci im imimmi—" a —— wn
ine po ap fu genkBhr was i a Featind
: smbiey of Cleveland | vmbria family WePe Able te tot
sain Mr and Mrs Robe : i git ao with relatives here their ages OP 10 2TH yenrs
Laird and som of 3 j I Mrs Kirsch's brother, Andrew
and Mrs. James and dau- | Peters. retired Spangler getieril
family of Wilkes here om store owner and operator, ol 85
Rspre M : avd a sister Miss Barbara Potens
Mrs Frank Urgolites tof Spang, is 88
Petar family owated 0
near Nicktowsn BT years sgh. |
East Chicago, TH, and Miss Anta
i Bake and niece, Denise Sabo, of
Brooklyn N.Y, returned lo their
spending a week wilh
Sabo of Colver
Mrs Andy Mihalik 8r,
the Mickey and
Ronald Walls
Pete McKotch Contport 1 257. se Benadict 1283
Marsteller 1986; ,
WHE and Hellwood 906%
assirtant onshier and sivector of
| First Nationa! Bank Spangler.
The newiv-elected also
has hes appointed rg. of
Yhe important preconvention bad
snd fimance committees He
Banns of matrimony wore pub
fd for the third fime Sunday M:s Julia
teen Helen Dobransky of ’ sich
Kortz Is Delegate
To Polish Meeting
Thomas V. Keartz Barnesbor
hax been (Seciad a delegate to The
: of Hawk Ran |
i spent two weeks vacation at the |
od Mrs. Frank Eves nt Evans Family Reunion My
rd Mrs. Frank Eve
ph 8. Bolgar Jr. spent 4 few days last week in De | . ard pom. Remald of Philadelphia
| Miss Rose Marie Tedeschi of Held At Park In Patton ind mn, Bomald, A adeiphia |
er, also for Frank Koro ST with a daughter | Palmertown, Pa. spent the week
and Mrs
FO ee
of Colver and Elizabeth Bobby of r and Mr . ovieh do
St. Boniface Elizabe sh ! an : M1 . Andy Trynovi lend visit ng with Miss Eva Mac The vans Reunion was held } Thon)
Mu T ar Eline Oo Detroit 2 & shioni of Third Bt recentiv at the Patt ; . ois ay
5 G% TY Raid wy % ysl fo \3Y art werk at rhe Onn n . . mw t
. r and . Rl Bein ik 3) ag ES 5 i : Mrs Jack Larking snd daugh- Park Attending
mo a. Marsha vw ¥ £3 rYBoOv Ich Bone i
pe undta y : AARERL {ter of Boston, Mass. spent Thurs | ing
a and Jolinstown rv! A and Mire fom Wilkie Dan i dav af jaat week at the Jobs on anid Mrs Yo
i y : £ oa Rite ia 3 J] if 3 Pe § oe r r adi “ " : _- RIE MITE FR
EF. ang Mrs Andrew Washick hn Wilk - and My. od Mrs. Dan i Bitho home. John Tather of Eb or Marsteller: Mr
SOR and Mrs Mary Mihalik He ea greg ta om . Bh a jensburg visited there Friday and ,00 [Laing and soe
and sons visited Sunday in Nanty. WOOK Where they vim al Ihe drove Mrs Larkins home to Bos we. Jones
Glo’ ‘with Mr. and Mrs. George Joo Wilkic home. my. | *" Mrs. Mamie Fox
Havers, My TT tral, | Mr. and Ms John Kovach and snd Mrs Alex |
and Mrs Pearson Lewis snd Mrs J. Flumphreys of ae. alo ¢ ; . be Pai v a ga h
E rs EA reon AW : MM : Ms BR Davis of | Mr and Mrz Georgy Commit? of of Gal
sited ii days last week in “OC ni 2 te 1a! a. it (Osceola and Mr. and Mrs Ed
Petapit, ich, AGA Were guetis Triward Walls gong of Hawk
i. Robert Hill returned to the the D, R a rine home Craft 4 Run were recent visitors at the
mr AFB in Florida after visit. Mr —_ Mrs. Don Craft andip.ank Bvew
Ing here a week with his parents, 500 Mannie. of Erie
visited over
abe ait" amd al 4 obi Mr. and Jenmt owen Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hill Cfabor Day week end at the John) of New York sre
Mr. and Mrs, Mickey MeK : 1 Qoilse have f and san 2 spend Gr 4 fF Waar Cariamni ¥ a o ¥ ¢ wid gid a vi wp r| The
» . JeRey Monoloh # ad . ng sone time atl Ihe sense Of the - ao i bs og f WeaR erm Pern
and song attended ithe wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Waish of He Ov § parents Mr e Rome rare Me 54 ars Rams & ag Fred Bock of Andrew Peters wii Se Pt pel §
Lose Ribaric and William Pat- batt ps Me i . Dig Sut pes Bokote h ig $ i Rr Til Loewy visited at the Geus June and Mas Barbara Peterys
by and Mis rion Leiper © ye : sotne: h * leiemdny Liwill be 80 In No r
Hit th BAmSsbor Selenily of ner Mia w — end oorts at the | Miss Marge nmery of Detroit Robert Laird VR) Wednestay sven : M, Elizabeth , Karsh wis hon
Mr. and Mrs. Bteve Sabo of R rte B ispent the week end nt the home spent a 15-day ie Tae Fynatambivg
RR legis Daugherty home here iof rents Mr 4 Mrs Mike fa rap Mrs Bil Abel and Sept 7. 1880 In Butier Coumily. a
Mr and Mrs John Todd of | her parents Mr. and un : ents, Mr. an Washington, D. C., are doughler of Frank and Barbara
West Orange, N visited recent- | Emery Br. He ret me time Bere | Pater, and was four years old
iy Edwards home George Verbosky of Detroit Mr and Mrs © etta Gill of Harrisburg when her family moved to (his
and Mrs Jims Shaffer My | Spent Labor Day weelt end at the scr of Carden Grow “ perp d sited at Ber Bone here over (he { get ion \
and Mrs Arthur Rainev and son Bome of his parents, Mr. and Mrs ry me vi mg 32F the Boome week end Cin June 188] she wax musrrind
Gaited last week at the Walter George Verbosky : : 3 a ady's pare y 3 Jamies Peters, a sophomore at (30 Joseph W. Kirsch of Nicklown
Wensel home in Mahafley i Mr. and Mrs John Beller NAVE Henry Goagion ; v sigs Pens Riate loft Sunday for the sd the couple located on a flare
Mr and Mrs Mike Butchkoshy returned hone after 8 TWOWSEK | visited with Mr Y i sear that place When Mr Kirsh
and of Erie visited ovir vacation in New York at own (hie Fred Solsson Jeff [Med in 1917 Mrs Kirsch moved
the neat holiday at the J. Gher- | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph f Des yer Mr snd Mrs Harriaom Phoysck at fend] Ceprrgety Lh Spangier They had 10 chil}
Sheng : Ord Akron OO. were gests of Mr and Rw Ahi. (Whom frag A : ; ga
B a Wika Ye © i ivy Bi { fr a ¥ os # Wo $i i # of " LiveT
* ushel ardi home on hire ; Mrs (lintor Bowers The jadiex 8% WF iM and M nis . SE o_o oF
Aurelius Labuda (TT, ight of whom are Hving
: Mr and Mrs Charles Stoyka | 4 ie J £ Johmet wn menistaml
Bring BasketePlense!
pastor at | Luke Javevens re, Walter and Mar-
and daughter. Donna, of Hunting. are sisters. she ‘Clord Bolnger the John Ma rds Church here, visited tin all of Frank, MM:
don. visited recently with Mrs y soli a :
The bey whe does Bis best
wsppvoher of
hie, 2 4.2% wl § $84 a Im WRT IME
("ivener on
we ET
A suey
ana The res
rs. James BE
at the Ray
mrp "mE
daughter Wednesday to
wr University
vet Wednesday Oliver. Mrs Minerva Brady Wik
% 4 pnd iand family, Mr and Mrs Tom Mrs R kita returned to Ere Xes-Barre: Mrs Robert Morris
gry Miovk F on » wy i Far o rat | 1 een ted i : A
Mary aad Me: Sam Vay Ir and family und Mi arad [ewis vis sending & week at ner DuBols and Mex Ronald ¥ Mp
Mr. and Mra a “ Mrs George Lambie and family week af 2 nrwiick. Johnstown She has MH
“daughter are visiling with visited with Mr and Mrs. BF. Johnst Mes (Pvde Kirsch frandchildren and 21 great-giand.
Lucy. in Florida Bolinger over the week end al Mrz Walter Mo0 § snd S08 Led Pav f Spangler visit | clvildiren
Pasko wis home on BR Kautom and also enjoyed a lawr 4 3 . . . Ary ? d : i Mra Kirsch is otie of the
with his Parents party st the Bolinger home - ; and daughter Jo COmmunicants at St
Mike Pasko. He B51 Miss Judy Gearhart of Upper Semreek last Thursday and Fr . Were raday evening visi- Cstholic Church, )
Myers, Va Darby has returned home after a 4. n {nae a : Tienes
Laonils Rovenski two-week visit with her uncle A wedding dinner . ; i i bat FR orin PE fntening to
visited over and aunt. Mr and Mrs D Ro of Mr her WHA the
the former's Davis of Reese Ave ' , wich more pleasure from fi
lLagana and
their — A, re. :
patrriter :
———— Sgt dow
SE —————— week furlough
Mr and Mrs
_@AN INVITATION =qpeet oe
nd son of Virginia
Sng ows abd!
Nickiown Sw
reading the papers sul
the radio, and help
housework. “Bat 1 gel
of Ber parents
J & visting at
snd with
and Mrs
£ Wwesk
spente. Mr
bei in
diana Bla
where ghee will
sit er Aoona spent
end al her
Nesdore and Mrs
were Salurday call
Mrs John
.s Fowler Jr. and week K
Joe Roven- Mr and Mrs Mike Pastir nd Mrs Lewis Boring of Valley daily pravers 1» 1he Almighty
family motored to Madera and ™ cada = - Bi § 5 mantis vo FOr fompetal visited at : Bis sine smi
wi Mrs George Stoviks | Visited their mothers, Mrs. Mary Mea Y Fring Ot 4 More than 100 relatives includ.
. } - dea Mirtuee: oft om
relatives in Harrisburg ‘and other relatives, ower the past M ge Mrs ° bre . ¥ eT kftended a party piven in Re
Jersey over the Labor | Week end a i ly Remar Bundayv at the Fred J Pees
ithams he 3 2M Fred
4 hi Fr. aM Are red 2
2eqrant visitors at the Nick Sta- {port is visiting her Mrs WE y ae ’ ary Gavalak of
i John Moore "i ;
y Home were Mr. and Mrs Joe | Richard Fowler and so FM C * i x) d
iA f IY i og 2 ? = 3 4 3 yo »
and George Staruch of Balti jand Jnlly | of a aaraville vi Silad Marsteller. The new! Mre HM J Basiy spent the past Hel
IM . oe 1 dde in Re | Week in Alcona
re. John Mihalik side in Emeigh for a # Jog Pore i Priel
Mr. and Mrs Binienda of Mr. and Mra Cortizs HCKOK 3, 4 E oi Foun - De . Sharsaught
Hastings spent Wednesday of 1st | Detroit are Sar Farmers ir 4 * town visited in Hast.
: : and Calif. visited at the f Mra Mary
Mrs. John Datsko | Mrs. Edward Lodolinski. war Dillon
Mise Nellie McElhaney visited! Mise Dorothy Bhutak of Ohio They alse visited at ih rRD srw in Ale By County Seat Men
Goaziou howe in Ubstry Free Mr. and
Dr. snd Mri Cook ents, Mr. and Mra Mike Bh mses Fie wm Fowler rd | Traf®oed : .
! A : SER ” ti wink Mikes ¥ 5) A Re (1 Pram oaed FAney hye : : : ,
Mr and Mrs Pete Ferenac of | Mr. and Mrs Vincent Deois| end Sng Purgrounds site early
wigited Sunday st their b 3g Y. inl Sunday morsing but Tour
lear eorash on the Penmayivania | town Burgh is visiting here Pp
Turnpike. Mr. Dwola's mother-in. Mrs A B Clark was a visitor *
DANCE ‘law and Mra Decia’s mother, Mrs port visited Bunday at the Eugene 18 The quartet is being detaitied in
Michael Bhutsk of Netv(lo was Haarie home | Francis Abel of Washington, .
La [killed in the wreck Mrs Frank Mr and Mrs Joseph Fow «DCL spent the week end here [HOt of 3508 bond such as » re.
: galt of 3 complaint filed by Len
eve F : Ni ht injured. Fowler and daughier of A podio | ; 8 _ ;
ry 8 Visitors recently at visited Sunday at the Lewis Pow j Ai. involved in a predawn
' Lutsky home were Mr ler Rome here Likame of chance wilh De caradeal
the John
and Mrs
a via Bosh rs By y and home here aver the week end
snd Mrs Pete Selko vis | Pastir and Mrs Mary Vancss Mrs. Avis Bush, | . : we (353 ME ber aged brother and sister
week end Mrs Mabel! May of Will Works and son ’ stiage near Carsolows
Frank Tonkin taal
Mr and Mrs Zapedaky gsi
ki neloeski ard Rr of New York | "p y Cand Mra {owt ¥
more, Md
Wasco Legdon of | Mr and Mrs Al
visiting for a week and som of near ME or Raped
week at the home of Mr. and with the lady's parents, Mr 3 ong Detamed On Complaint
and Mrs Henry Goapion recently. Pagar [Hien
Initimore, Md, recently with spent the week ond with her par 8 Downirne of The carnival show lofi be B'S
? carniy 0 iL Je Bb
Goldie Richardson of Johnstown week
McKeesport visited last week at were injured seriously in a two! Frank Ung of PRL embers of the troupe werp lof
Ee of the troup pp deft
Mra Michans! Harvella of A
Cherry Tres on Sanday
, MN ¥ the Cambria County Jail in
Kutchman of Ebensburg also was Nanty-Gic and Mr and Mm Wm | Kheasburg area residents who se
10:00 to 1:00 ocloekt
it's the furlav-
ished cont you
will wear with
constant pride
this season . ,
our choicp fas
hion - worthy
selection of su.
perh fabrics in
| both fitted and
flared back sty-
i Michael
and, Mrs. Michael Kish of Pitts
{Othella Parsh Mar
Fetako and children, My
burgh, Mr. and Mrs. Perdak and
| Mr. and Mra Jar Mitchel and
wn of Revioe i
Mr. and Mra Vincent Marantz
fand daughter of Lancaster were
recent tars al the EB LL. Has
kins Bome here
sister, Mra. Ann Bwiaichick.
Mr. and Mra. David Sisler and!
children of Mt Letanon visited
here recently.
Harry Mock of Cleveland 0. | days last week a! he Ada: Weir
Misited Jit with SUB. Mr. and
Mrs. Winston Reese,
Colver Hospital
Patients’ Record
The fatiowing 4s he Hit # pt.
and discharged
jens admitled
the Colver Hospiial for the past
Iulia Buck, Richard Crawford,
Edwards, Ruth Bok
Edward Miller. Auth
Mr. and Mrs. John Skupaks,
son, Thomas Michael
Bat. 10.
r. and Mrs Marlin Meekins,
Carrolitown, son, Sept. 16.
Mothers Club of St. Monica's
3 Madera.
Mrs. Michael Kish of Pittsburgh |
f a week recefitly with his Lindahl home were Hon
j John Hall of Alanta. Pa
Mr. and Mrz Wallace Molntoah
and family of Orega N
Mr. and Mrs Irvarn Boring
g Center,
week al
howe 4
Mr and Mra Kenpeth Richard
and family apes! Sunday in
the Henry
Bunday ia tars at £ y Car
ard Mrs
and Mr
and Mrs. Carl Brolin of James
town, N.Y
Mrz BB WW Rea visited a
Mr. and Mrs George Vrana and
daughter and Joe Fabert
Sunday at the Andrew Yuhes re
sidence in Windber
Kennelh Vargs of
Joseph Vargo home
Steve Toth and wile of New
Jersey spent the Labor Day holi
tiduy at the George Vrana home
fray at the
Joseph Fabert of Detroit spent |
Faber? |
FONE visited relatives Mrs Joba
a few dayr at the James
and George Vrana hanes
Mrs. George Wargo, is
ting after being discharg-
home bere.
Frank Fabert and sons of Am
bridge visited a few days Inst
week at the James Faber? home
Daniel Popp and sons Frank
| Pheonixville spent
holidsy at the George Vrana re
Mr. and Mrz Raymond Lindahl
and son of Hellwood visited last
Friday at the home of the form.
er's parents, Mr. and Mm Card
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Taylor]
and family apent the week end in |
Fairmont. W. Va, at the Lester
Hetrick resifence
Week — and Labor Day vie
tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Jutniek Malloy were Mr and
Mrs. Joseph J. Sullivan and fam.
fly of Phila i Mrs. Robert
Sou ene wha
; of & $500
it to be used toward
| in the school of
at Penn State College
een is expected to en
freshman class at Penn
| month.
leas than you
get slong.
= Y imi Land this
§ Colvier Hospital
few |
? gltend
New Jetoey |
i rem, David,
{ Derry are spending this week at
f enronte 10
“led from the Memorial Hospital in|
Robert Vranas of Pittsburgh vis |
fled Sunday at the George Vranas |
‘his Navy station at
Phone JE2, $490, 3001 or SIO
Mr and Mrs Marin Moskin
of Lis place. smnonmee the birth
of a son, Monday. Sept. 10. at the
i Rpending
Malloy of Philndelpiia
this week hers at the
Boewer of Kis mother Mrs
My and Mex
Alton visited Sunday with Mrs
Ann Nlins
Pr. and Mrs Fred Arbie will
wave rext Monday Sept 17. to
. the convention of Lhe
FUstaopaihic Assoviation at Har
vigite 8] ribs The y will futura Sept. M.
Mr and
Land two
William Fagap
of Baltimore
Md, were week end guests of Mr |
and Mra. Alvin Fagan
Mrs Raymond Valko and child
Allan and Cynthia, of
the hogne
William Madden of
of Mr and Mrs Mark
Bock and Mrs Paul Kelly, here
Washington, DO.
Where he ia studying for the
Joka F. Kelly, son of Mr. and
Mra. Paul PP Kelly, returned to
Bainbewdge. |
M4, on Tuesday,
visit af his hopes here
Mir ang Mra Michael! Cressn
| and daughter, Barbara Ann, spent |
and Joe. end John Souch of ;
the fabor way
several days recently at the Mark
Buck bome here
Myr. and Mrs Harold Kibler and |
son, Rikki
Want Alls Wis,
erin, Mr and Mrs George Ki
Fof livers
Mis. Florence Warfield of Ak-|
ron, Ohio, is visiting her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. |
{ Genrge Kibler :
i Mr and Mrs Thomas A Owens |
Sr. are in Wilkes-Barre, Pa, for
several days this week where Mr.
Owens is in attendance at the
anntial convenlion of the State
County Commissioners Associa-
{ thoes
Pease turn to Page 4B for
additional Carmiitown News
RO So ys OR
Housing Loans Now
Available fo Vets
loans for voter
of au
affiics Cambria County.
Mr. Gidh said that direct loans |
Al § pervent interest will be avail
able to : veterans up to
June 38, % under the Defense
Housing Act. Such loans were not
available during July and August
az ihe oid loan program expired
June 30
The renewed loan program ap-
plies to veterans in all of Came
bris County excep: those residing
in the Greater Johnstown Ares
Amounts up to 510.000 may be
obtained at the ¢ percent rate for
home building or purchase. Down
i feat
Leo McDermott of | 13. Philadelphia
LW :
The gquinrtet waa rounded up by
following a,
snd Charles Kibler of |
are visting »t
the home of the gentleman's jar
ar II again are
Charged wilh agursvaled se
and Battery. As Weil aa
mmple assaait and baller). Ihe
en were employees of
ive carnteal which stuwed (m he
midway during last week's Came
rin County Fair
Mrs Elizabeth CO Rowland
Ebengburg Justice of the Peace
ooked thers ax Joseph Hoalabun,
Walter Nuhols,
‘4S. Port Hemry, NX. Y., Kannolh
Benin TL Buras La. and Hobart
35. Indiana
state police after information lad
heen filed with Mra Rowland by
Peter M. Baum of Ebensburg snd
Clair Seger of Revie
Standing Committees
‘Named By GOP Ladies
Randing commiliers far 1051.
2 have been named by Cambria
Coamty Courwdl of Repablicoan
Women, Inc Appomticents wie
{mate by Mrs Katherine [I Moose
Commitise members from this
Lnren and their club affiliations in-
thade Mrs Charles Bowman, Rea
{ie and White Twps. membership:
‘amd Miss Kathleen Eek and Mrs
Clara Bender, Carvolltown, res)
Jutiosss. Miss Eck i» chairman of
the atler committee
aman SA BAT
Owen J Flanagan Jr. Sean
ister. and Shirley A. Brown, Ba
ore theY come;
the old Wests
most dongerovs Badmen .
Sin Town's most tempting
dames Brothers and the Younger Boys!
News, Color Cartoon & Comedy
Aso . . . News, Orchestra & Color Cartoon
1960 NABH 2DOOR, overdrive bed, plas
tie seat covers;
1960 NASH 4. DOOR, adic, averdriv
ther eve; eviling price $1925
1960 NASH 4+ DOOR. railio,
ceiling price $185
1900 PLYMOUTH 2DOOR, radio,
4 new tires; ceiling price $1725 $1486
weather eve
euiling price FIRES
. Wes
heater, hew top; ssiling price "gt
our price
radio, heater, overdrive; selling
$1160, bur prive
1940 NASH 4 DOOR, radio. weather eve
eeiling price $1445
1949 NASH 3 DOOR, radio, overdrive, wea.
ther eve, ceiling price $1565