iy of Tucron, Arig, ne among reiatives and in town. They are residents. end guests at the Fugens home were Mr. and Mrs 3 ad danghter of 4 mr ro Mr. and Mrs - — Moi and son of De ~ Boil. Mich, and Miss : phy of Washington, Dc gorge Romnosxy, a member of the U. 8. Army Air Fore, Mitchel! Fila, Long Island, N.Y. and Jolin Romnosky of Washington, EL C. spent ths holidays here Sat the home of their father Michael Romnosky I Wl SW SS k Little courtesies, like offering your seat to a lady, help to make life Consideration for the other fellow ig phe bois of good partaline tede- phone service, too. If | taous on the telephone, i § ithe home | Flora. Tare former | Norma | ! their parents, + Schilling and : John Jewett Led i end here at the Wm | dence, ; $ i | Matieottl i the a PE ——_— Paul Flora of FL Lee, Va. vie ited cover the week end here ut of his father, James] Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wight- nian and son of Akron, O., spent; the week here at the Ilsudorel Nedimyer home here Mr and Mrs. Fred Schilling ponince the birth of a daugh the parental aome Misses Imogene Schilling Washington, DD. C., and Schilling of Harrisburg spent week end here at the home Mr. and Mrs an- ati Bl Fmalda tha | of | John | ambi ia wilh . Who 4:7 Chnrles (Chick) McU is stationed Flor II. 8 Air Force, is spending 15-day furlough here at the hoi of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Charles McCombie Mr and Mrs Stephen children of Holmes 17. KR Army, station- Marviand. spent! the Ww t Jewell resi in §8 Yorden Pa. and in Mattentls Norma and Mis Albert gon, Denis, and Miss of Warten, Ohio end here at the Mr and week hoon 5 i of their parents 3 { i i i i { i k $ 3 i { i Cleveland, } eorped here Blood Collections i i i i | od #8 new nigh | | chairman The entire region served by the | i i i | July, when i 3 } ] i military ‘Award Cresson Gl i Mrs i Mrs i of | Rdward Wentz i patient | Spangler supplies for the hpme of were Mr. and Walter Campbell and family Akron OO. and Mr. and Mrs | Paul Lamont of Wilks Barre Robert A Callahan of Dayton Ohio, is visiting his parents, Mr and Mre 1. A Caliahan Miss Rita Wentz of Pittehurgh gpent the werk end heres al the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Mr. Wentz in a Miners Hosp ial tecent visitors al Wm Lamont at ihe ymbor of wieK hiune fa ££ erersl {"veiibhor Mra hin at Lhe Mir. and the High in Aust {roms Cambria cand ¥ Chaplers Bln we slid oh sarin at during August County regidenia dunated 8134 | pints of biol, Thin total repre sentry #0 per ent of the couniys | 9O0-pint quota, aed ariing to ‘H £3. Ditendertier, bipod program | fan collected 2.087 its 3.3001 Johnstown Center pinke or 63 percent of | pint goal. This 1.705 pints were Eos lected. Mrs. Difenderfer pointed | that the plood program cannot bes {a complete success until all goals {are achieved, The needs inti ude | grea hospitals | whole blood and plasma for the Bronze Star Medal Corp: John J. Zimmerman, son of Mrs Nellie Zimmerman of Cocimon, has been awarded the | Hronge Star Medal for heroism | in setion with the 3rd Infantry Division in Korea i The soldier has now returned | to the States on rotation. He per- | ved with Co. B, 7th Infantry Fleg- | iment, 3rd Division, and was dec: | oraled for action which look | place June 10 near Oega, Korea. | “0. B attacked enemy positions | near Chorwon Reservoir, suffered heavy casualties and was forced to take cover behind a small em- bankment. One of Corp. Zimmerman’s hud, dies. was seriously wounded unable to reach cover. The a poral braved heavy ememy fire to go to the aid of the wounded mfantryman. Although the in- fured soldier was hurt again, the Sresncn Gl managed to drag him 10 safety. Cresson Borough School Board snrounced last Thursday night that applications still are being received for the position of vocal music instructor in the school system. - The position has been vacant since the board accepted the re : tion of Mise Zoe Rosa this summer. Miss Rous resigned no accept 2 similar ‘position In a Connecticut school system. AAAI | litzin High School will gt i school } Hospital. eek | : and ed spent Fritz Buckrop of Craig St | Myer, | spent risburg were Mrs | Et FH i week end guests of Mrs | Heiman of Ja‘keon Bt i Pp i will hold their regulisr meeting on | ge Mrs i 8 topped the total in | | far winter out | and | | 8t and i al the Vv. | Bt F Mr ‘Wilson Bt. charged (turned home ‘Jy MRS MADALENE 63. BUCK : 308 Cleveland Street Phene 7617 3 Gallitzin High Grads Plan Nursing Careers Three 1851 graduales of Gall-/ enter hose | pitals this month to pgpepare for CRIEErS tH nursing Miss LaRue May, 310 will enter nunses train ng | at Johnsiown Memora Miss Dorothy MecAl er | daughter of Mrs. Hos“hia i Mid Alert Crain of 504 Howell SB! anid Miss Alice Elaine Beymore daughter of Mra Vivian {Bey- | more) Collella of 118 Forest Bi} will enter nurses truining school at the City Hospital, Alcona, oh Sept. 10 i Wilson = Mr. and Mrs William son of Detroit, Mich over the week end wilh former's parents, Mr. and sovieral Buckro) | visit tha Mrs Glass of and Mra Ernest Main 81. announce the birth a son, Richard Joseph, at the touna Mercy Hospital, Ag. 29 Staff Bgt Donakl Wilson of Florida and staliored at Fort! Va, with U. 8 Air Force, ! the week end al the Roy Fisher haane on Cleveland St Mr. and Mrs. Toinmy Yeckiey and Miss Lillian Yedkiey of Har werk dha guests Stella Yeckiey 8: Joseph Stree! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson of Joseph BL, were week end vis tors at the Edward Brown home | in Ashville Mra Marie Btreicher and Mrs | vn Billings of Pitisburgh were Marian | Mr £3 Al al The American ary will hold their regular meet. ing next Thursday, Sept. 13, at 81 ari, in the Legion Home The Woment's Club of Gallitzin Legion Auxili Tueaday, Bept the ii at 8 p mm, In Municipal Building. Jackson All members are requested to) tend : The Band Mothers (Tub of Gall tan will hold a roguiar meeting | Payhoek and on Monday, Bept. 10 at 8 pm, (in Gallitsin High School Bu. ding. All members ase utjped 1) be pre- sent for reorganizition meeting mnths Edward Bzynal of Cleveland, O ia spending a vacation with rela tives and friqnds hore Mr. and Mrs. George McMullen and son, Edward, of Munsier Vis fled over the week end at the Grorge Meintel home on Wilson Mr and Mrs Andrew Gavdos daughter, Beatrice, of De. Mich. were week snd guests’ Vinse home on Hemlock rot ' Master Ronald Szpela. son of and Mrs. Albin Hapals of | Gallitzin, wax dis just Saturday from thi} | Altoona City Hospital Mrs. Vornon Rowland of Fores! S81. spent last week end wilh re- | intives in Patton 1 Mr, and Mra. Ray Zimberlin of | Main 8. spent a vacation in Erie lust week at Paul Sitiles home Miss Annas Closin of Portage Bt. relurned home from a lwo week vacation with ber sunt, El sie Wilson of Alexandria, Va Mr ani Mrs. William Foucenot | and daughter of Cresson visited’ Inst week at the Paul Burk home. Mr. and Mrs. William Vander vee and daughler were recent visitors al the hotne of Mrs J Kraivich of Lilly. Mr. and Mrs James Clauto ant | children of 288 Tunnelhill St, re-/ after spending § week in Atlantic City, N. J Miss Audrey Buckrop of Wash ington, D. C., spent the week end | with her parents, Mr. snd M's Carl Backrop of Cralg SL Miss Alma Domselia is valescing at her home on Cleve. land St. Miss Domgella had het Mr. and Mw Arthur Stafford und children of Cleveland, O., ar spending a vacation with the for mer’s mister, Miss Margaret Staf- ford. Mrs. Ruth “Missuri and son Tommy, und Mrs Joseph Havin and children, Mary Lou ani Jim spent & few days ast week U Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnston and children of Detroit are spend. mg a vacation hers at the Charl es Johnston home on N. Man St Miss LaRue May of Wilson Bi pent last Fridey and Saturday at Arbutus Park, where she a! tended the Cambria County Youll & Misa Agnes Marusky of Wash DD C. relumed to tha’ after a vacation nd children. Danna, James an’ Donald, of Clark §§t., are visting n Detroit. Mich. Mrs. Wm. Watson of Pitts te re ng the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buillo Bandeimaite of Jack- ee {Tham New Job-Seckers | Army. | his home here i and i Mrs i Br | Ms tavcompanied hack lo ihy R ial long ‘to Virginia Bradford spent tend at : Ahistrom {and family of ( i vimitedd in {tern i aperuding imowk home i land {make their future i Jamies {Legrand Erie in i #intion week Feral here ients ock (son, Marty i recently home iMr and Mm ‘of East § James Mile Mrs iRpent with pent & week Lrrandparenis here t | Thompson, of Niarara Falls ‘and daughters, Patsy, | Bonnie, t visited In i § John Stoltz of the U 8! stationed at Camp Hood spent a week's furlough at | Pvt { Tex, Bymons Sr and Mrs Joe : al Mary Ann Symons spent in Philadelphia recently and Mra Joe Michrina family of Detroit spent Day holiday at the avi Mrs Joseph of this place Mr and Mrs John Kost vinited town relatives and friends Mr week Mr ind f.abor Ir the | of iehrina Yownie MM Charles Rei se and | of New Jersey i recently among They were New Jersey | in spending | in obert Day. who several weeks there Mr. and Mrs Bill Miss Edith Hau i vigited recently er home Miss Belty weeks Island B F Bowers recently a Muir and sritor of (Hl Cnty at the John Hunt. Lesnock is spending vigiting relatives NN Y spent a few | business trip | Ie [days White of | week Vern Mrz James the holiday Mra Mr and the home of Heam Va. Pav Mrs Vincent wabwond W Labor Mr. and tiv Ty week Mra Mike of Port duugh- | Y mre | the [eon | is the Williams and letrvia N 8 few weeks Mra Williams Mary lesnock Mrs Bhaorty Wil Mr and Mrs August: Labor Day for Cleve where they expect (0 hone : Caldwell and arsed BOR former Miss Mr grid line and Legros Jeli {) Mr | Jack i viaited at the Mm: Eunice Bohrover and Francie of Polistown for several days recently Cianir Caldwell home Arthur lagrand Jr have returned home here after visiting dale {or the summer Mrs Eid Young and visited relatives in week Marvin Swanson of at the Naval Hospital Spent Lasher end At Maes hb here Rits Webb of Philadelphia Gen flospital visited her parents and Leo their Houte- | 3 sity lie § family of | friends te in torn fast i Navy i adeiphia 11 hd y 8 ihe iy Francis | farm and Sylves. | Lor Paviook and family, all of De. | itreit. Mich. spent the week nd here at the home of their Dpar-: Mr. and Mrs Martin Pav. Ed Pauvie KR ar i fami thy Post and | ©. visited | Berringer | Mr and Mra Taylor of ARron at the l»a Day wih i Ahoy the holiday visitors at | Bymone home Bncluded | James Birchall and | Jimmy and Marybelie Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs | Melanin and children of Robertadale: Mraz James Wile, | Bummerhill, and Mr. and Mes | hell of Ebensburg | Gloria Stoltz «f Hemp N. ¥. visited Ber mother, | Mae Biloitz } Mountaindale By DAWN HEMCOX Mine Suan Gwin of Canton, © ) th: Labor Day week end] hey paren's Mr and Mie | shildren Mins of vied Howard Gwin Barbara Ymgling of Blandburg | recently with her Mr and Mra Clarence Troxell nt & week end recently with | i vir daughter, Mrs Melba | Mr. and Mrs Harry J. Waple | Nancy anid | of Detroit. Mich. sited | friends and relatives in Moun | i taindale recently ; Pre. William Seott Jr. was! | Kranted a furlough recently. He fis a son of Mr. and Mrs William | | Beott Mr. and Mrs Clarence Troxel | Codver recently Mr and Mrs. Harold Rickard spd children visited recently at the Kyle Salisgiver home ‘| Miss Elearor Litavec Weds John S. Gasper Miss Ewanor Litavec, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Litaver of | Barnesborn, became the bride of | John 8 Gasper of Hazleton at 9 a mm BAturdsy in SL Jobn's | Catholic Church in Barnesboro. | Rev. Father Joseph Banik offi- cited. A wedding dinner was served a the Barnesbore American le gion home and a receplion at the rides hous asper has been plo. MM In Johnson City, N. hushasng a employed in Wa on, where the couple make their home wii | Involved In Accident Occupants of tg can cacapad | injury on Sunday €¥ening at §:2) elk In a collision on Avalon Bosd. three miles north of Route 38 near Altoona. Th: drivers were 1. D Doom 054 Dysart and Forrest B. Lucas, 48, of Altoona RP 2 Pie. Andrew EE Johnson of the Blair County Sate Polics repwrt- ed Lucas backed ont of a drive way 1o enter the Woapsononocok Road and wap crosswise on the ieft lanes when Bloom Sitempled to pass on his right Laces, unsware of the allempl- od pass. was pulling when the fronts of the two vehicles collided Damage to the Bloom car was estimated at $20 and to the othr auto at 3s. i AHS Mare. Jobs Open In ‘Area More jobs were open in the ares {last month than there were new ~ This is shown in the monthly port of Johnstown office of the Employment “The office said it had 697 Rew Peg Gallitzin Girl Awaits | For Old Gold Program Little Miss Peggy Lou Salvan, very pretty and talented daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Salvan ‘of Gallitzin, recently entered and iwon first place in a contest held at the Roxbury Bandshell in Johnstown. She sang and danced and for her efforis received 8 very beautiful wrist waleh a J gy Lou began her singing e tender age of three and one- half years and has continued wide 3 since that tine. inning | | wi bed mbria i ties. ne recently she was audition ed far Ted Mack's Original Ama ter Hour for Old Golds and is {waiting for her call to be placed wn the program. She also in the neat future = Roing to appear on | AARON RA Ss a AA #* No. 2 4" DP $C i" B & Bir. Extra for 3° FiR i" DVe a ad C VL . ond — C Va. B & Bir. VG. RED OAK 15/8224 Neo. 1 Common £238.00 15/8243, Selewt 85.00 15/88x2 Cloner 110.00 15/52x2 1 Maple Ne 1 ti5.09 150.00 160.00 "™ " 080.0 OAK yx? White Ouk $30.00 1;¥2 Bruce Red Ouk 3530.00 J. Hi. HOMMER LUMBER COMPANY Phone 40-R-2 GLASGOW, PA Rc otaltasai a RRR IE A Sl 3 OA SH 5 I Warieties | Kitoona, mbar in the Gallitzn Htoona, ture singer Lane wha has urged hey L§t and | ho | mrs an Receiving I Acclaim As a Entertainer Men Next Month October Draft Calls Increased to 44,600 a children's program over KDA, | Pittsburgh In the past six and a half yeas | | the Gallitzin girl has gained fresh | experience singing with very po lithar bands as a guest These i cluded Barry Blue Blue Barron Tommy Carlyn and several ollhen booked at the Oriental Ballroom, | Gallitein, The : the army | The cotps announced it wanted | {85.600 newt men next month, in {gtead of the 5000 it previously J asied The army's (at 38.000, F823 TO0. with into the army. misrine corps asked for more manpower last Thursday, #0 the Defense Department increased! (Camels the October draft call from 41.000 lands ‘to 44.800 men. The October call is | the largest sisce March, when 80. {OBO men wire reguested. all for The November cal} quests 2.4 selective service has 180 men since it resumed | tosis last September. a a a IS 5 SS oh mT in 20 camels fo be Sng | pack animals. The pro work out as planned camels were sel free. Soon grew in number : 1856, needs remain was set at the marines gelling {4.700 of them. The others will go | House Coal Users! FIRST TON OF COAL AT COST TO NEW CUSTOMERS in Four to SevenTon Loads call GEORGE SMITH PEGGY LOU SALVAN She appeared with Byllvatim phone PATTON 5456 Jaffa has sung wx radio stations in Cambria, Hana and Blair Comintien Atl he present and for the past earr voars she has been & rogue pre alist the Kiddies Karnival wer WARD, Johnstown. In en dher few weeks she will bein tes minke ape recordings for Lhe wrvicrmen at the Veterans Hoe pital, Alloona Pegry pei finals o the first piace Winners hone sSponacred af Mocae Cinllitzin 18 mf 10.36 © Mowe Tomiie f.ou was 10 years of She i= a sixth the Galilean held at and alse Mibegiae, oir fas Stran Lirvse £31 Lou will ia f ihe SPPear and gro of Ihe by yp if FHT [219%] Havin ii wed Order Bunda y Ravent Sept 5 cRHPPRN sre rine Frolic Peggy on July 4 stadent a! Reo Her dan ing knowledge tributes Merry Greer of the Greer Theatrical Behood in AD and although her |emions have been ow she fave a {'u as 8 dancer well al ® The it £ ide ut frills to imp an pmpre asx Beco Be fhe grateful to & 8d evi I's in Pier singing career and wants lo (dn tinue singing because she an jovs hopes everyone olae does iv vi ry £55 er Fegry Lou likes to mee? peiple make new friends She plso appreciates letters and cards and answers all correspondence The first 5 today of Misery ir warship of Hes sfchored in Cy ihe Ie © Frnt convenient part Just mail checks able cash around nature on that engraved shp of sain you 1} sari. with your next ineome ge As It May Seem. You Can Save More With A Checking Account! Foeen though il & aasier to buy things with people speridd that Be. way eanse the checkbook keeps warnmg them Wate thx Balanes, Take 51 ’ eva :° w hen veel stint ead of And remember { I pay your CATTY ING your sig paper makes profit by later Be modern. Open a checking cheek FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PATTON, PA. Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bay at Erie “That's far me 7” youll sy chest the worlds safest, smoothest ride | Hudson's ride has mo uddson ae step-down America’s lowest center of that means the steadiest reer! Ll A $50 vo $GQ A nowt model selected Ee