Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 05, 1951, Image 6

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| There i an excessive flow of mi
l'axing Newspaper Circulation
4 , Bom+ weeks ago the Republican Senators at Harrisburg in a
» ‘rch for revenue by taxation to by-pass Governor Fine's income
at least for a time, seemed to to consider a tax on newspaper
ation the legislature in adjournment until Sept. 17, and
commit trying ¢ means and methods to raise
i tees dig up
mney, it could {hat t again ht be in an eye in
I direction. Ted Beevill of {Bey again min Ne + Publishers
ciation came forth "a these reasons against {on
8 levy!
f &
= ho a Lh. EL gs ML
ay Nach harden of
costs thas other business,
Suh a tax would be no more justified than a tax upon the
of assembly or upon places of worship.
s Such a tax woul pussibly be constried 18:be a Heense.
fax would discriminate against newspapers, admit
mediom of communications, and would impose
irdens upon newspapers than upon magsgines, radio, TV,
. vary discrimination would made it an illegal tax
Hupain 2 petal ths upon an industry thai
of taiation: namely, corporation
. Be | H wees such an ne, tae
a. unemployment compensation and
KR tax would be a tax upon advertising and, as such
vd Einise an vhutacie § agausi the free flow of trade and
hamper the prosperity of the nation.
Imposition of muh a tax woubl be construed as the sume
Barrowing tactics used in totalitarian and fascist countries
the press. We need only look at the way the Poron
forced the closing of La Presa, the greatest newspaper
ih hoes. diaies here 4 tas haned sales tax
¥ mn and practice b Exempt bread we eat,
® =
Fair Is On
Fair at Ebensburg again is on in
will ont until 31 Saturday evening. The exhibition
big standard set {former years and the Ebens-
greatest ones in the state. For many
of the yemr in the way of entertain.
the County Fair
® & »
“As | See It”
Just before the Lagisisture re- are responsible for this deplorable
cessed for a three. week period, a | condition,
“Rattle galore” broke out on the| We feel that our coal opera
Senate Floor pertaining to a tors in our counly, are entitled
$750,000 00 Deficieticy Appropria- (to the same courfesy as those in
tion to take care wf distressed | Behuylkill County, and if Bchuyl
school districts. {kill County operators are Ko
The greatest riton “tax free” our men nere a He
fund oe earmarked for Bchuyl- | should do likewise £ the
kill County and it was our duty, | THis is only one of HE Sean
as Floor Leader, to point out to | why Governor Fine is ng tor
the member of the Senate just | More money. There are loopholes
what is taking place in this | bY thousands in the state
notorious county punted out | government that, ol halls u
definitely and rr ecinealn that the | hey were eliminated, coc 4 i ve
cot] operators of Behuytkill Coun- | ™ taxpayers millions of v ars
ty, through clever maneuvering, | | every year, and we expest to
had afl their con! hoddings exempt | DINE these to light in future
P SOBRE a . | days
fron assessment and laxes State Sen. John J. Haluska
Throughout the years they!
of this |
were clever enough lo lease and |
sub-Jease. tH Jet and sublet thelr |
holdings to various individuals |
wattered throughout the nation, |
thereby making it practically m-
possible to receive any laxes |
from the large coud resotcen. |
The school districts eventually |
found themselves in an embarras-
ging position in beltig unable a
pay the wages of the school
tend hers
Now, our position was that it
ia omr duly to help distressed
sthiwd atric ts i 9 fter nll |
hood districts bul dmly nf f all} Rory Be Above snd
FEROGUICIR Weare exhausted od adered
every item that is taxable had | i his, Tl at Buy
been properly assessed. Then, if | domestic Re ;
the district needed help, we Tell Generally, the persons elected
the State Governtpent should | to the office of alderman or jus
dene to their rescue Bul, in tice of the peace have had little
Schuvikill County thotsands upon or no experience and training in
thousands of tons of conl areithe fleld of criminal lsw and
being mined daily. huge profits criminal procedure, or, for that
we being reaped by coal opera- | matier, in civil law and civil pro.
tors, Bul no inconse BB going lo cedure Since all orfiminal aclions
sare instituted by informations
the county beeanse of the clever. |
ness of the operators made before the magieirates, i a
‘obvious that an efficient ming
1 |. Sane “
Cond Pull | Trick Hers judiciary is a most important
We pointed out that factor in the efficient proseculion
aperators in Western of these cases
vania, and cspecinlly in Cambria As was set
County, if they were so minded, ding article,
comtld pull the same trick and toemey and his
could then apply to the Biale for gaw voluntar-
reimbursement. But, we asked jv conducted a
the members the Blate Bens sopion of jou
ate what they thought would tyres on Crime
happen if our coal operalors nel Law and
wonddd do the same as those in Criminal Pro.
Schuvikill County where would .odure for and
the Commonwealth procure all on behalf of
the money neesmsary to pay his (he justices of
huge bill which would run Into oesee and ale
the hundreds of millions of dol | German of this
rs? No ane had the answer leounty. Youp
We tertned this definitely a [istrict Attor-
“political steal” and pointed oul ney and staff Mr. DiFrancesco
of the Boor of the Benale that yre now conducting similar week.
the counly commissioners, asses | Jy lectures on Civil Law and Civil
sors aid other public officials in Proocdure. This was the first time
Sohuylkill County should be sur is the history of your county that
charged for their neglect in doing such instruction has been given,
their duly. It was also pointed out in said
This. Of cotirse, brought up a articles that your District Al
protest from Senator Paul Wag. tormmey and his staff have com.
ner, who representa Schuylkill piled and published a manual for
County. But his protest carricd the justices of the peace and the
little weight, if any. because he &ldermen. This work oullined the
knew, down withi Bis own heart, powers and duties of magistrates
that a great injustice was being Under Pennsylvania law and con-
im the balance of the 'sined more than 110 forms of
: ‘onumonwesith. bectune of the criminal informations. This man-
Then, often Um we wonder hal. upon request. more an
why governmental expenditures 1.000 copies were distributed
are getting so great when we rho the Blate of Pennayl-
find conditions as this existing Vania. This was the first time in
and a fow people having the he history of your county that
courage to express themselves “Och a manual was ever sompiiod
regarding same. and pbiished by a district attor-
Warned to Take, Sols \ he . described lectures
Bo, while the appropriation was and manual were enthusiastically
tut down to $270.000 to take care received by the minor judiciary
of the critical situation at hand, of Cambria County. It is because
we definilely warned the admn- of these lectures and manual and
istration to take steps to proper. of course the cooperation of the
ly assean the cond Ininds either on justices of the peace and alder.
a royalty basis as the coal is re- men, that we are to state
moved or by following out the that the minor of Cam.
proper procedure of assessments brian County Is one of best in.
in accordance With law. Unless formed and most efficient groups
this is done, we would not stand of Its kind in the Commonwealth
idly by and approve another ap. of Peans
propriation of deficiency for the It is now our pleasure to com.
same district without thkisg ment upon the most notable ach.
logal action suinm those who | levements of your District Attor.
“pA ’9
By Samuel RB. INF rane
Pistriet Attorney, Cambria CUsuniy
aur oon
forth in the pre
your District At
oe 4 PATTON 4831
that all-around miserable feeling
1 hay fever in some persons, bul
{ ragweed
§lennin: plague may
4 {Hef through desensi
§ ment. administration of shots of
{the offending pollen, in increas
1 amounts of pollen carried by the
3 spring and summer
§ithis treatment should be given
1 befcre the hay fever season be
1 gt It has been estimated that
§ hormone which
Taps growth that the sams of
1 oe and the
| [seed and the pollen starts fyi
} | three percen tof the tota
§iWhy do :
1 | fever while the remainder of the
1 nave ine
fli she Be nstentc
1: fuards. to
cus, the cells become inflamed, |
| and paraxyams of seeing oooyr,
{ (eneral physical condition ado |
plays an important role in boy |
Lrestst ance or susceptibility to hay
Hover. Osteopathic physicians ful |
Lihat the same person who is sus. |
ceptible to a hay fever wmitaih |
“when structural distarbamoed ar
present. may resist an equally |
severe attack when those disturb.
ances have been corrected.
Colver Soldier Is
Home from Europe |
Biaff Spt. Jamen Viren ft
spending a leave with hie parent, |
Mr and Mra John Vig: of Obl
; ”
Note to “Teenager
We sare in ree of a leiier
to the editor po Pat
ton the curfew
at 9:50 here and how it af
feelin the Teenage (lab,
We welcome any letters to
thi: editor but insist that the
be signed before we peiblish
them The letter in question
In merely “Teenagers
wid Bg CE
cn bn nd he grt
w'Pee Editor
a ££
ney's administration the innavs
tions introduced in the handling
of limes involving domestic rela
tions. These cases deal chiefly
with questions of degertion and] The
oar of wives i children hI Shire gl opin
many was CORR a
tor what is known as Domestic | Margaret Selesky of Jakarta
Relitions’ Court. The Court |?nd their seven-year-oid daughter
world be expected to dispeome of Sgt. Vizzini brought an Engi
the large une of these cases | tafe Hillman sutomobile with!
in otie day. It would be there a hm :
peli court, in the crowded and] While in Germany,
harired atmosphere of a court |joldier was stationed at
root, that the embittered and | 1 ders Alr Force Base. His
embattled litigants would charge {part in “Operation Vittles
and countercharge each other ing ihe Berlin airfiift,
with accusations involving their | 1 Vienin will
porsenal life and martial relation. | Kan for assignment
ships. The decsp-seated bitlerness | n mipletion of his lave
engendered by such a public |
heniidn would create sch 8 : 2
wri TR toes often the couples | Marriage Licenses
beciithe hopelessly irveconcilable Harry Alfred Clawson Mairstel
To avoid such public ordeals | 3 on Marjorie Joanne Kru
and speed up the administration | pangler : .
of (hese cases, your District At.| Leroy Thompson, Coalport
torpey instituted what are now |Bhirley MM Rounsiey. Patton
Known as pre-trigl conferences Edward J Kopera and Mari
Al the comvenience of the par. tel Chirdon, both of Patton
ties much conferences vs held inl Domald J Rieg and Mary
Ebenaburg and Johnatown and | jraret Ivory. both of
are stlended by the Nligants | Springs
thelr sllornmevs if any. 6 the |
presence of the District Attgroey |
sergesnt Bas retarned fries |
year togr of ditly ia Gr
the Calver
anil $hok
Feport io
i ler
or one of his assistants There
in the priv of the district at
tortiey's office, the parties are |
permitted to tell thelr stories and |
to hitew off steam
Cee Brst min
7 ES
ig. of course. te |
effort A reconciliation if at »il
pomeibie. If this exnanot deme. |
we ry to have the parties agree |
on #4 support order. If a room. |
Hislion or agreement is not of |
fected, the pase in then submit. |
tee In Bg { final deter i
mination As a result of sach
jie tril ronferenees, move than |
percent of dornestie retations |
tans are disposcd of amd wetted |
without public hearings :
IH is trae that this innovation
in the handling of domestic rely
tinfisi cases has increased the
work of your District Attorney |
and his staff to the point where |
more than one fourth of ther |
timve ix taken up by such dis |
putes However, such an innova
fon has been of ivmmeasursh
valipe Io Lhe fies involved. 11 0
has improved thy chances of mar
ital reconciliation. It has remove |
ed the bitter speclacie and the in. |
dedible stigma attached 6 public |
hearings in domestic relations |
came. 11 has reduced the work of
the Comrt in thal the volume of
cane which reach the trial stage
has been #0 very substantially
The practice of pre-trial con
fersmces in domestic relations
css Is the first of its kind in!
the history of your county. It
ging represents a& service above
and beyond the call of duty,
enirt f¢
Frederick BE Arble, ME. DO.
‘arvelltown, Fa
The time of the year which one
segitient of our population dreads
most a right now, 1's the season
for red eves, running noses, and
TEEN'S drow of handsome Sonfon
red woven plaid ginghom kissd
with fromy white “Crishoy”* on ash
lor, copelet yoke and cuffs. Sell
Toon sizes 8, 10, 12, 14
iand hasty to get off an the tp, | bourds,
[you may have neglected to get brush, Kigenex:
| the
| dously as well as beng
with =
fwax. Apply a thin cont to a sd
polish with a soft
i while
nme the
Sook leomin’ comes easily In §OBSIEY |
This ailment fas its poak sea CARROLLTOWN, PA.
Tips for the Suit Case [foe
With family vacations nearly a.
over, i's time to think about | No aan or Whtrs fhe
i storing the § je. trip, don't forget the Htfle ents
With the of the summer _ the needle snd and thread. @ Sn
band-uid, soml yo
sit (muses re: just as care- contuaiing all articles
| fully as you did the things thal have mentioned pr be
went nto the suit cases If an | and left in the cuit case,
its % - tie inte mow to give them for any 1p
Eig Fred Waring
To Give Ben ing fro
Concert At Tyrone
Residents of A Lyronc
County are invited to part
in the exciting events when
Waring and nis Pena
| will appear in Tyrone on Sept.
io present 4 conver! Pwr the |
fit of the Tyrons Hospital A
two snd oneal! Boar gala show
will he in Gray
iad i ® Cock that
svering. £
Mr. Waring, & native of
a doing this an his rot Tore.
lo the vew Tyrome hospital
Shame promises to be one of the
rast enjoyable events in the
tory of Central Pesnsyivanis,
the s#ventl of inclement (hes,
the show will talks place the fale
wwing night. Area residents 8 i
- requestad 1o confide in their
i on doubt of weather conditi
om dept. 5
All seats are in resePTe hv
tion Prices sre within the bel
of A: 558 and $5 |
federal tax and 5 small conti iB.
Rev. and Mrs Plummer Ha
improve the appear
your luggage tremen-
ben ita hfe
jen cont paste wax
Use » diimp cloth to apply the
ties af a time rubbing fo
choth Buff
thir wax is «ll a hte
medst for faster, easier polishing
MH your luggage needs cleaning
precede this waxing with a freat.
ment with a hguid cleaning and
polishing wax
H your lggage = new, be sure
leo give RB a protective esat of
wax before it taken ts maiden
journey. Whether leather, plastic
or composition, wax them sil and
don't forjjet the metal Atlings
Speaking of care of suit cases
alway: brings us fo thinking
about sotpe of the things that go
wisi cases. Youmg peo
phe will soon be paciisg to re
arn 16 jehao! ao here are some
things to remember
Be saute to pack some worden
lip type clothes pins hey are
just the thing fo allach skirts in
wire hapgers of to clamp laos
dered Bove or gloves on & hanger
to dry. A number of pliafitem
bags of various siden could be
eed for sacking lingerie, hoa,
gioves, nake-up and tooth paste
When packing dresses, pin the
pocket laps asd fancy collars
apd cuffs in place They'll jock
neater when vou lake thews oat
oi the Bug
For any trip week end ov
week -& basic suit or dress and
A mimple hat can be made to do
louble «rt triple duly. Vary tae
outfit wilh veils of different end
org and an artificial flower cor.
sage 10 matsh ecavh veil A Bat
ented please buy your
froms them. Approximately Tn
people are sxpected to de on hand
that svening te cheer and hear
ene of Pesnsyivania's most soted
ard we ry pot! to keep them wailing
The men and women whi borrow from
First Natiohal Bask of Carrelltown
its officers always ready to talk
busines with them wa neighborly
spivst, and to make heir deciiions
promptly. We want to help you snd
giad to talk
ware of a complete whwierstanding
things aver to make
First National Bank
Carrolltown, Penna.
Men ber of the Federal Deposit Insuraney Corporation
son now, because ragweed pollen mee
has its widest distribution at this
time, Polien from (rees, grasses
and roses, which shed pollen
earlier in the season, may Cause
Zien is by far the lead-
plucky victims of this per.
fain some re-
ization treat-
ingly large doses, so that they “
are able
to tolerate the large
However, lo be most effective
msitization is 20 percent more
if or before rather
than duri
A Suring ihe : of desensitiza-
lion treatments and antihisaminic
drugs has provided very good re
in many case of hay
Honlth officials in the Eastern
United States are attacking an
othr phase of the problem by
SE on an intensive Cam
t ragweed. Beginning
; Y oh
stimuates such
1 ry early NE they
week with poison 2, 4
ject of the campaign is Yo de-
Srey She pianty befors ar >.”
are Many persous {two to
tible er i
Ry wit
ation escapes?
Re fever vicina
en. In the a individoal
verage indi
sia or tiny hairs in te nde ®
Sth& Lang A
| ves,