i Clare re Here Sept. 11-12 mas; tra {Gill and Mrs. Michael Ward: dis 1 -—-Mrs. Wiliam Lamont an {James Snyder ang Annual Show Registration Mrs. Fred Mc Cams, chairman; Mrs. Charles Swab, Mrs. Richard Rhody; post- ¢ts--Mrs. George C. Hoppel Jr, Mra Clair Smale, Mrs. Paul Tho tions-Mrs. Clair mantiing-—Mrs. Clair Sherry and Mrs, Leiden; potted its : rs. William Lowes. i. Miniature arrangements Mrs. Mrs. D J Link: corsages Mins V. Marie Garity: specimen cut Sowers Mri. Charies Snyder, Mrs. Joyeph Short and Mrs. Max Gill; vege tables, fruit and canned goois- Mri. Frank Schwab, chairman; Mri. Ambrose Yahner, Mrs Wi fians Bender, Mra. Guat Warner and Mrs. J. J. Sheehan. Artistic arrangements — Mrs Joseph Graft. chairman; Mrs Harry Winslow, Mrs. Walter Lit- tie, Mrs. George Hoppel Jr, Mrs Andrew Senita, Mrs. John Hal- EW. Winslow and Mrs. George . | Ledeen. i neth Rhody, chairman; Mrs, Ir- ivin Dietrick. Mrs William Lowes, | Mrs. M. M Scott. Mra Cecil Mit- ger, Mrs. St. Chair Monteith, Mrs. Micha 1 Al uska, Mrs. Clifton Deringer, Mrs. Hostess committee Mrs. Ken- ichell, Mrs. Andrew Rhody, Mrs Edwin Short, Miss Yvonne Yer. i Bede Bender, Mrs. Richard Brad- Patton Is Bride Saturday last Saturday, Sept. Louise Ribaric and William Pat. | Sn ei AAA R.D. Girl St. Mary's Greek Catholic Church, Barnesboro, was the scene of the wedding at 10 a. m., 1, of Misa rick, son of Mrs. Anna Patrick of Spangler. Rev. Father Nicholas Kowal officiated at the single ring ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anth- | ony Ribaric of Patton R. D. 1 The bride was given in marr by her father. Miss Helen Kohan was maid of hohor and Tony Ribaric was best man, The bridesmaids were Miss Shirley Patrick, Miss Julie Dubyak, Miss Sylvia Matsko, Miss Irene Raf. acz and Miss Coletta Plunkett Ushers were Mike Gydos, Mike : Domnic Vislosky, Mike Kemock and Mike Pedick Mrs Matthew Bakale was matron of honor and Nick Palrick seryed as The bride was white satin and lace gown with a train and a beaded tiara with =» finger-tip veil and earried a bow gquet of lilies of the valley with bridal-bow streamers. The brides. maids wore gowns fashioned alike in rose, blue, grees, yeliow all wore picture hats fo matoh and colonial bounuets of Mrs. Patrick was employed by Phillips-Jones Corp., Patton Her hushand an army veteran of World War II serving in ETO, is employed by Ebensburg Coal Co. Colver. A wedding dinner and reception Mrs. Robert Fo he, Mrs ; Ward and ts { Bommervilie. ‘are ab ® 85 m Tuesdsy morning. Sept are urged to report at 111, to prepare for the Harvest Pic. Alvin I. Gray of Westover AFB. Mass. is spending a 10-day Mr. and Mrs parents : ray of Patton RB. D. He will re-| part to Camp Kilmer, N. J, for an overseas sasignment, ‘service With the Army, 2 vears Japan. He was discharged in Sep- temnber. 1840, and reenlisted in the Air Corps in June 1950. He Bas been at Westover AFE for the past year Rhuvel | Pfc. Alvin J. Gray To Go Overseas delay enroute at the home of his | Sunday, Sept. 2. in Trinity (lets | odist Pfc. Gray has had four Years | 4 months being spent in Tokyo. | }{fnmens and of Shelton Conn, and a of Coal- . 80 Marcella Angeski . i Hi were held in the church hall. Pols to Canada, | jowing a wedding trip | the couple will reside in Spangior. : . Shirley M. Rounsley Bride Here Sunday i {announce the ma | daughter, Shirley Mae, to LeRoy Thompson, son of Mrs Evelyn | Thompson of Cosiport. [ple exchanged vows at 3 k m, oth Church, Patton. | The double-ring ceremony Was solemnizged By Rev. J E | Burke, or Atten ts werd Mr. and Mrs Norman Simmons of Cony. | A wedding | iat the home hes bride's par ents. Out-of town guests included Mrs. Evelyn Thompson and dau ghters, Shirley and Edna, of Coal port; Miss Willstta Thompson and James Saulsgpiver, both of Jamestown, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs : i and Mr. and Mrs. on arn. all of Blandburg: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Simmons n, Sand: Weds Lt. lanniello 8S Peter‘ & Pauls : gt i ! ud it - § * i it 2 if i gE" "251 | Local Three Times During Month | Buck of Patton R. and a daughter, Diane, born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rounsiey | of their The con | A | tee Se and Mr and Mrs Mrs. Emma x30 HI i ed ov ct ene {| Mr. and Mrs James Buck of Patton R. D. became grandpa ents three times dunng month of Augusta daughter being born Aug. 5 to Mr Mrs. John McCortiey of Chester, Pa. a daughter, Ann, to Mr. and Mrs Thomas D on Aug. 27, West [T/Bgt. and Mrs. Don Krise Aug. | [20 at Camp Lejeune N. C. ee Mr and Mrs Patrick Gray and son, Earl snd Mr. and Mrs. Fred fawrence all of Cleveland were recent visitors at the Cletus Gray Rome. Patton RD. Mr. and Mrs Clem Virginia Ross of Altoona were re- cent visitors at the DPeory home Mr and Mrs Frank Mayvkovich had as guests recently their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Chas Sopkin, and son, of ¥Y 0. and Earl Hill of Camden, N. J Miss Catherine Gray has turned home after spending Uhree months in Cleveland, where she was employed as a cashier in a Kroger store. While in Cleveland ihe resided with her brother in jaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs Fred | aqua. The matron of hoor wore Lawrence and family {an orchid gown. The attendants The Band Mothers Assn wish es to express their thanks to all hand mothers for thelr donations and the people for the succass of their recent bake sale Miss Corrine Hoover school of nursing at the tal, Pittsburgh. on Toesday of this week A daughter of Mr land Mrs Paul Hoover of Patton RD. Miss Hoover graduated at iPattod High with the Class of 1950 | Guests last week al lof Mr and Mrs Jolin Johnson iMellon Ave were Mr. and Mrs iLioyd A. Johnson of Dearborn iMich. Mr and Mrs Duniay of {Cherry Tree, Miss Elizabeth Hun- iter of Indians, Mrs Mary Rossel] {of Buckhorn, Mrs Margaret Ow. fens of Altoona, and Mr. and Mrs ile D Bloom of Dysart Week ond guests at the John. {gon home were Mr. and Mrs Gor. den Baker and daughters Linda Land Denna. of Pottstown, Pa Miss Ethel Callahan spent a {few days recently with her bro ither and sister-in-lww, Mr {Mrs. Norbert Callahan, at Cleve iland, O Send, mail, phone or imews you know to us There ino charge for publishing | ews item entered the howe of and any | Banns of matrimony were pub. | he was served jighed Sunday for the second lime | of Church between | Lin Bt. Marva {Miss Mary Bearer, ‘Mr. and Mrs. E J | Brewer Ave, | Pittsburgh. i Mr. snd | Cleveland, O. spent the weal snd ‘and Labor Day at the home of ithe lady's parents Mr. and Mrs iv J. Bender, and with other rel | tives. daughter of Bearer a Misses Rose Bearer, RN, Helen Bearer, RN, and Nella Bearer, student nurse al the Mercy Hos pital, Pittsburgh, visited over the week end with their parents, Mr ‘and Mrs. EB J. Bearer { Richard 'C. Fisher, RN3I sta. { tiomed shourd the Alrcraft Car vier PF. DD Roomevell, left on Monday morning for the Medi. terranean and does not expect lo in the States again until according to word re his parents, Mr and tof Wal ter Bemelsherger of DuBois visi ted Sunday evening al the Hugh . ger home Mr. and Mra Hugh Semelsbher- WE {ger and son visited labor Day at double-ring | the home of the lady's mother Looks of Cleveland, visiting with Big and Joseph 0. spent a week Johnson and Telford C Gill Jr, AVT, om Mrs Robert Basuman Baltimore Md, spent the end with the lady's parents . B Mrs. William Whiteford They were accompanied back by Mrs Bauman's daughter, Beverly, : : make her home with y was sotiied on fi 5g re the | ¥ i $ and | ing i i $ i i | ; 1 - Haviacy } Sl land Francis Hartzog and daugh- | ter, Elian, of Houston, Tex. and) Fine Baptist Church i i Ee Grandparents £57," 5 Bock of Mig. ana | TH pp Wm Weatnuinstsr Pellowship Marjorie Turabull Moderator Wednesdays hodr rehearsal at 79 pom Spturday. Sept 1 Presbhyierian Lay Picnle at Pine Springs COanip swhmmicyg in v, alter. ¢ Basket supper Business meet ing and Verper Camron and . ®H Monica | Trinity Episcopal Church Donald Duncan, Priest is .charge Saaduy. Sept 9-Holy Communion ard sermon #8 FF 8 m.. The Venersoue Willis 8 Thomss Argh-Descos of Pittsburgh. being the celebrant we Calvary Baptist Church Thursday, Sept 8-430 p mm chotr pracitoe and 78 pp Mm He Brady DASiasEEY. eo me Morning Wong ‘Berpently Contending Por The a ahd 5 3 mm. Sunday ® =e Women Mrs Friday § 8 pm Missinary Society at home of | Visginis Shmrbaugh 3 3 re- | : Merey | re | mois HLNNRY Hept $ Berd iT 2 = Exrnestly Contengt For sud 730 Eu tvening Service Siem of Evangelion Taewdsy, Spt 11-7 p ™ iH a Mere me, Sunday Warship Faith te Youn: { Peciple's Society j2-88 nn m YT pom the Wodneeday, dHept Binds ently prwciite and Biudy . "eo Patton Methodist Church Hes E A Burke Pastor SRundey. Sept Bo Laurel sobooi sl 4h a Wm Baobest Rowland sup? Morning Worship at 194% a 8, eer anit, Prayer, The Path To and Frening Woeship at 759 g Bey Piovansy” Harvey, STW will preach seroaon Wedneaday. Sept TH pp = Side This Friday evening at $8 p "m Seat TT. the WSOE will sve = geen Papper ahd Bave a Bitchen the sial hall Chen 8 i3-- Prayer at shoes 16 ¥ited a "0 Church of God Chapel Cripreuels Fed flundsy. Sept 3 Bible Selon Blioantwiy, stpt. at 10 8 Pt Bervices af 1 a Bn. and C48 we gard Young People's Meeting sf £4 p ™m Wednesday Sept Praise Service at 13 Pp ote Young People's District Log vein tien, tofEetring Ssturday Sept 5 at 18 p Wm ind ocostinulng © Aypndey Sept. 16 eae We extend incisal 4 tune a He KC on your radio EF 1 088 8 Mm Std Dey IW Way of Truth program by BE E Mer Gide wna POROUS Hagerstown Ma This progress ie sDGEmored] Dy Ther Coared of Cd in Patios & "9h St. Augustine Man Gets av OG Firm Prayer wad wm Pa & oordiai WIBW Altoowms enc) Sands LEE: of ‘Master's Degree Recently bring | ww 3 of § and John Mullen of | § Mrs Earl Springer of | {commencement exercises A Bt Augustine man Georg Adams was among the 300 Penn State gradustes who rece ved advanced degreesn al summer recent al 8t College George is a son aff Mra Hortense Adams He received Riz master of edu sation degree in history He re seived Nis bachelor or arts degred froum Bt Francis College, Loretio In addition to his mother, hin sitter, Mrs Joseph McAleer of Altoona, and Misses Margare! MeQuade and Sally Saeedden ol Ehensburg, attended the oere | many Paul Shonsky Shows Up At Cambria County Jul Paul snansgky of Fimors » fugitive sinoe mid-summer, sar. remderad fo suthorities Inst Bat arday night by turning up at the Cambria Cogaty Jail, Ebeasburg, sotording to Warden John Me Hugh Shonsky was declared a fugitive when he failed In r for trial an & rape charge dur the June terms of court. II in expected hal he will be rescheduled for ria during the Reptember lerm DEFD RECORDED Michael J and Cecelia M Mera f Gallitzin purchased a property fronting 72 feet on Hemioek 81 Galitein. for sum of MS O0OH from Joseph and Alfretta Maxwell ol Ceallitein Service In the ven Barrvioe Met are i8- | Presch ¥ Six Infants Arrivals On Holiday Monday The foliowimg is the lisi of pal- ents admitted and dischhrjied at the Miners Hospital, Spingier, from Aug 27 to Sept. 3 MEDICAL ADMITTED Mrs Mary McConnell Aghville Mra Pear! Pope Mahaffey BR D Mra Baral Bepanno, 31 Benedicd Edward Wentz Bakerton; Mrs Myrtle McCullough, Cherry Tree RR D I Bore BR D1 Robert Kivd, Pat- ton: Mike Shabbivk Marniteller Peggy Lou Brennan Westdver R 0D Thomas Greens. Spangler: Mrs Kathryn Marks Bakerton, Homer Miller Barnesbhbors RR ID) Mrs Annas HMHamenik, Patton RK DD Mra Jennie Chils, Bamesboro Alma Doabt Brarnaide poaden Pardee Barnesbore RD. Will am 1. Hooch Ebensburg RD Adam Ferrari, Spangler Mrs Mabe! Artin Barneshors Terry Thomas Barielbhaugh Slongs town: Mrs Mary Reaban, Baines bers: Ernest Mehay Fliston R I osnd Blair Zernick Baines bens BR DP SURGICAL ADMITTED i Janice Shell Barnesbora RK Ernest DeBaivo, Mirksel Gresco, Bakerton fey MoMaster, Hastings) Puterbsugh. Barnesboro R Mrs Helen Trybus Shangler Deborah Coble, Cherry Tree R DD: Mrs Locille Bone Mrs Romayre Yablinsky, Elrsora Mrs. Josephine Stafford Cherry Tree. Mrs Alice Adams Tree BR D 2 Catherine mam. Carrolilown John Coupon: Michael Hunchar, Baker ton: Mrs Mary Evanosky Spang av: Mike Ferennic Barnegdaic KR D. Mrs Mary Kopera, Basiings Tens Buck. Carrolitown. Patrica Walsh, Spangier Frank Seolt Barnesboro R. D.. Mra Floreacs Hamer Barnesboro Mra Thelma Began, Patton RD and Mrs Sune Kruse Lajos MEDICAL DISCHARGED Alex Koardish Hastings BRB D four Kelliek Farneabom Mya Anse Erskine Barnesbord: Thom as MeCarthiy, Barnesbord Macke Paltlon Mut: Valunis Hastings. Biair Leamer Tree: Barbars Shomo Pillentim her: Mrs Anna Nosl, Hastings Robert Rhadie Spangler, Mary jean Behenk, Lovetto BR Lil; Mrs Maggie Partelbaugh Arcadia June Sybert Westover: Albert Yescavage Bakerton: Mrs Cain svine Kochinsky Bakerton: Mrs Hannah Baum, Emeigh: Blair Harkenberry, LaJoss: Mrs Mary MoConneil Ashville, Mr Anna Paroda. Bumside. Clyde Putler- son. Cherry Tree, Samuel Hhort Barneahors, and Homer Miller Barnesbora BD SURGICAL DISCHARGED id Charnsiitosan will Linyd D Cherry £. hparsilig Lather Patricia Hewitt, Cherry Tree R | iD Rickard Copitosti Flinton: Sera Verna DelPetre Emeigh Frasit Rodgers, Commadaolly it Gordon Collins. [pangler Janice Shell Barnesbhors RK I Jean Adamo, Cherry Troe Josephine Btafford Cherry Fawn (ates Plinton: Monre Westover sky, Barnesboro: Mrs Betty Uhir don. Patton: Mrs Helen Trrbus Srangler: James Lechene Patton Ldoyd Puaterbaueh, Commodore " rh Michael Hapeher Rakerton Hike Forensic. Barneshory RD Zeno Buck Carrelliowy, Fugene Poland Westover: Joba Coupon: Broest Rumm mgs RB Di: Mes Bortha Hastings: Mra Bamayne sky. Elmara Mra Julia Mrs Tree Mille Has! fank Yubhiin fear ~ Frank Stott, : gon, Patton, on, Aug. 27. Joweph Clark Tarbes | I Nektewrs BD. aon Mahufley | Joh Mrs Baran 2atroe father i Barnesbare: Mra Kathryg Marks | er isin HR - oo eb be Si SA A HR SA Bakerton, Mre Theima Legrand Patton: Thonwas Davie Alverds Barmeshore RR. Do Catherimi Cunningham, Carrell | town: Fiank O'Shup Glen Camp betl, Mrs Riisabeth Semelsber- Mauteller: Wa McMaster, ger, Maysteller: William Patter | | Hastings: Mrs. Locile Bone, Mah- affey, msd Mrs Mary Purnside. ’ Mr snd Mrs Sames Larkin, Mr snd Mrs Charles Peel Cherry Tree. RB D 2 son Aug. pF Mr nd Mré “John Mano, Barnesitiro, dsughter, Aug. 27 Myr und Mrs Frank Fesul Phnora, son, Avg. a, : Mr. atid Mes Cyril Shuss Pat ton, daughter, Aug. 3% Mr. asd Mra John Lytle, Rev. for, son Ave 28. Mr asd Mrs Bilsine MeCulley, Lajose, dsughter, Aung 28 Mr. ind Mrs James Eliott | Spangler. son. Aug I8 Mr and Mrs Jack Blake Westowr, daughter, Aug 29 Mr td Mrs Ernest Trimble Arcadia, son, Aug 30 Mr. apd Mrs Earl Buterbsugh. | Cherry Tree BD 2 daughter, | Aug 3 Mr snd Mrs Raymond Baum, Emeigh, son, Sept. 1 Mr and Mes Archie Panaro Fmetgh, son Sept. 2 : Mr and Mm Wiliam HL - X 3 Mr nd Mrs Nicholas Molnsr, | Carroiflown, daughter, Sept. 3 : $378 elif the A m ca ko 1 ‘i i i jrakd 1 + { i 1 Z i 9 4 Bi jr ; # » § RITA LTR 3 en] BRR gg WW Be ERE SE i rad OE SAS Mi SOR WO tac EE w wo RTE Wis I PS AR Aricarsed navonally (lvertioed dizmond rings are 22 uaranseed mn detail for color, (lary, cut and carat weight. # rears experience. Let us show you the rusted name Aricerved® w the nag, in the tag. Boog b enianped te hue Stal, Propagat fing, 167.90 win NE obi wrasse Bork tes. Oeosw's Bag, $3078 Beloved by brides for more than 100 years TN LUXENDS - \ Sine = a TS