FoR ; dyn : 8 - Laisa pa avi % ® S . Mi C [. I be in contact with any aod form- the stripping. thoroughly com- : oF i terial within the stripping | pac ¢ " i .H Summer Project 7° 7" ooperating In = Eek in emerson ¢ a Postponed Unt Oct. 7 hes ‘of time i - J i Effort to Clean Up Streams |": wu « waerprong aie to (he siborming m8} Soposty Somer ara: Made At Roundup periment er exh Smet 41% rue sack msn cut | Bie 5. Gomer of (he J = a i : + * water to the streams. | ssepage, shall be collected and] %- ale A (Emr ¥. - x S Ex al Permuts in addition ‘to the conditions | dYained ar pumped through a shall hw placed mn inyers not eX | yania Superior Court has . Issued for Projects Jn addition fo the eo ar conduit passing through the en. |LlONE Fie feet in thickness | postponed unth Sunday. Oct. & Held Thursday at ECHS:; Ure Mripping CFmt of nmaturgl|and thonwughly compacted DY Orientsl _Bulroom. = GaULE ; sepia ‘ | ed the experimental per-| lire stripping operation for dine Each layer shall be leveled off The affair is to be held in the ‘ 8S : : In an effort to find solutions mits specify that a n ber of : : mechanics ne before p : £ | Tee ¥ a drainage outside the affected ares -" S| mes y he Cambria Count North County Groups Do Well Robert Lumleys advancing the clean streams pro. JPeTuiion methods be followed an orm atariais the next 1iyer. The bac anal | ny ° 3 from which it is hoped to deter. Federation of Fraternal Clubs. ; ram for at least some of the in : Soreirarhl fon Cal extend to the top of the hi wall | : EH vod situations arising from mine they are feasible for ad. eluding robin] Jr in On and generally conto to the | Jou _Sicupten eh ed of 26 4-H clubs were sentative, announced that 1018 r da en ury conl mining, the State Sanitary OPtion as conditiongos strip min. | AEE MR OR all either Iai Original contour of the ground | rangements, aid the honor enrollment in the cotmty reached | Water Board has now granted an (NE Permits Among them are the i ny the stripping wail i The top soil shail be replaced and | could not be present Sunday {385 girls during the past year M M sxperimental mining permit to following requirements dim sed of in a manner 0 we. Eraded for the growing of trees, Teuested the 8 of | Of these, she announced, 331 have [Tie | e | Sve different operators who have 1. All top soil shall be con- oy “pollution of the pushed 4 oi) Srasses snd shyubs Judge Gunther 45 a native of | completed projects Mr. and Mrs Robert T Lumiley agreed to conduct thely stripping 90 cond for replacernent. Not MOTE shall he segregated in the bation ad . | Hastings. i Thirty-nine adult volunteer | , 1007 Chestaut “Street Barnes yperations In accordance with han 500 linear feet of conl shall .r the pit close to the base of th There would be more happy imaiepliosen m— seal charters and ribbons | workurs and five hmior teaders Be io elobrated their Eth wed: special requirements through pe axposed at one time . spoil pile The material shall bi homes if the good wife eons ~. Fxperience s something you presented to six Cambria | were praised for their work dur | &in : ARRIVETSaTY Sunday Aug 19 which methods may be developed 2. Rain water shall not Be per. covered over with the most fm: cook ax ‘well as hubby tells his sequire when (he opportunity fof pty clubs last Thursday even- | ing the year 5 Torr home. Robert Larmiey and to prevent discharge ol acid mine | mitted to accumulate in pools pervious materiul available from) friends she can ‘using it is gone. recognition heir sum- | Al clubs which worked on the ha 4 : he . - , 3; s ok oP mark wir —— is pe 3 . : era Eran nai on Ba in A A SA rn een prog . i ; the former Minnie Hodgson wen round-up, attended by ap OE or i a new style reviw married in Ridgeway Aug 21. . PO : - | part P syle reviiW | 100) They have lived here for] includ: | during the evening Miss Chritt- | ihe past 48 years | are the parenls of two esentatives of Bounty ine Hmenn, assistant county Iv They rig held in R presentative, narrated the review Hving children. Kaymond Lagi | Highlighting the even nt § Pro ee of Brookfield Conn, and Ss : presen- fff WAS & , candie-ighiang fo TE =. ia ntv.ll og Eve county 4-H organi a under the direction of Mrs Juhn Jamley af Nant -. Thert A... * seal char- Griffith. 3 re Brn = J OTN wi : e 55 3 t r Renmald Lumley. Both are on army | plein of | Those taking part in the Pc: maneuvers in North Carolina with | : gram and hair roles were Mi Permaylvania's 281th Division : reset rie Griffith, Ebensburg KR. VU. Among the out-of town REuasts | ted by | sil of club work: Mary Ellen who sitended the celebration | Veilnnd, Nickiown, head #M: Jaan Wore Me and Mes Ta yond | Bloain, Johnstown R. D2, heart Lumiey of Brookfield, Conn. Mr. | H; Donnk Drug. Edensburg R. D. and Mrs. John Lumley of Nanty-| $1: and Shirley Cunningham. Glo; Mr. and Mrs George Huber, | Ebensburg RD. health H Grove City: Mr. amid Mra. A LJ Mitsic for the program Was pre Hodgson K|agamnrd Mr and sented by a chorus Troon the Not- Mrs George Commons nd son, {is Ebensburg organisation. Repre- George Jr. Nanty(ilo, Mr. and} sentatives from all clubs present Mrs Joseph Hodgson, Pittsburgh; | lighted a candie for their respec and William Lawkin and daugh- tive groups. ter Lucills of Akron, Oho Many | Beaver Valley and Nicktown other relatives and friends from ps presented skis The Beoa- this area 280 visited the couple ver Valley skit was writien by Mr. and Mrs Lumiey pian to Mrs 1. M. Lester, club ieader go to Prookfield Conn, with Chairman for the annual rotind- their son and daughter-in-law up was Mrs Lester Jomes of Eb While visiting there they will tom ’ D.. leader of the Norlh the New England States an Ebensburg club. Canada. a pir » a UATE or meee 2% Eucharistic Day Observance || &. "99 jo! A jrition exhibit at the state \_ 3 Lo tt | Fe. ffir 20 | t to in Sins Cogs Draws Catholics to Loretto -~ , ms coin won|. Duyhong Rites 0 ind adit members of the Dic | a remember that school cese, took part : With Pontifical Mass won in wach Bahop Guilfoyle | ~arried the Blessed Sacrament J. » ; : ; : 4 ithe entire assemblage Sang; ; i i EE is in oh or nas wt Wie of lana hymns in honor of the Bleswed | : session agam Prin ny od by tie of the Sacrament and recited the , : : Jog — isn, A eadny was fosary In honot of the RBiessed ] | the cone of a colorful display of [EE Mary dtring the proces: | £4 ; | or al t to start . .. Sao { b Catholic devotion. Twice Lhe procession, moving | arge assembled there through the grounds hallowed by to honor the wad Bacrsinenl ine memory of Prince Gallitzin, which is the Body and Blood of paused four Benefhiction of the Christ in Catholic belief. Several giased Sacrament given by .. ] persons, mostly child: pishop Guilfayle Pe ren from all parts of the Altona Route of ihe procession WR & x annual Eucharistic Day. [property of OW ‘Mercy Sisters | The observance ix held every Lumveni, Prince Galinmn Chapel | on Aug. 23. which is the House grounds, the old and new | Feast of the Immaculate Heart of cemelerns of 8. Michael's Mary on the Catholic calendar. Church and fitally to the i Rev. Richard, T. Guilloyle. ghurch i of Altoona, inaugurated The day Jong ceremony Was the rites so that the Dioctse us & sdimuxed with Vespers of the iwhalo may have an stinity Blessed Virgin and a third Bene- | ‘honor the Blessed Sacrament dictice in st. Michael's Church. | and the Blessed Virgin Mary. He Bishop Guiltoyle, assisted by ihe | Loretto as the site beiause clagy of ihe Diocese, was othe | it was there Prince Gallitzin grant of the vespers which were | tought Catholicity to the area Sung by the entire congregation. foir first time. Tne solemn rites openea wilh ins splendor a Pontifical High Mass at 10:30 ; a STnE pend i ihe Pon pclock last Wediieaday morning : astumes or 0 Bt Michael's Church. Bishop a Guilfoyle was celebrant and Was sasisted by Diocese clergy. The | . (children, congregated foom all ! { parishes in the (Movese, formed {a massed choir and sang ihe lgrdinary of the Mass in Gregor- ‘un chant. Proper of the shore | c=iE%i=| BE CAREFUL WHEN APPROACHING Ren SCHOOL INTERSECTIONS! i Rev. Father Rugene oma iBradiey, pastor of St Patrick's | ‘Cathohic Church, Gallitzin, gave ithe sermon at the Mase After | ithe Masa, the Blessed Sacrament Iwas pinced on the altar and de- | ivout worshippers paid honor lo | Don't let the finger of the law point at you—the sorrow and yout. w tear-filed eyes of a mother looking at you—for causing the {in uty She Praemsion took Pies} crippling or death of a little school child. Each time you shde ] behind the wheel of your car remember that little children Judge J. H. McCann [| mey dort thoughtlesdy into the path of your auto 1 i alertness of your mind—the caution you ve m driving INTIS ET | may save the life of a little child—your own son or daughter. 0f nasil Observe all the safety rules—drive carefully and cautiously VI Upp ima . . . guard the safety of our school children. | “There is an opportunity for i a vl 2 Sc i RT, Soe Don’t Let Stark Tragedy Te Ta et maLon wate held Be A Result of |at. noon in the Ehensburg Court esuit o Prothonotary Joseph C. Dolan Careless Driving — your bill paying er: [WS TR Tin THIS ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED IN nim your cheek Lip THE INTERESTS OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY cheeks are cy Cann, recaied hat 32 yours afte FISHER'S SERVICE STATION, PATTON HOOVER GAS & OIL, SPANGLER MAIN STREET GARAGE, CARROLLTOWN jase Tuarday appointed. PATTON MOTOR SALES, PATTON |B air aon: STOLTZ MOTOR CO., PATTON {i per diem basis to help