yy LP 4 al § Catholic Church | family of Spangler | day and Thursday ini | Oro ‘was the scene of the at § a m. last Saturday, | Hiss Mary pon of Mrs 4. The bride is a dau | Mrs. Mary Dorko ol! Rev. Father Joseph onted at the double: ; ride a given in marri- hat brother, John Misy. Durko, sister of # maid of honor i Fistcher Jr, was Miss rene Dorko, sister Blk, ‘& graduste of he | Ft schate, Sehoot, is ene Dorko and Ada Bills! he Robert Helly, i { Kelly of Nanty-{iio, at a lips-Jones Corp. in : 3 Her husband an of World War in ky the Hich Hill Cos Hastings. € dinner was served al | ho and 8 reception | 8. Bernard's Church wedding trip to the | dreas of beige crepe, the couple will] rs. Jobeph P. Tindig-' 8, Romald, of Philade|- at the Anthony Mar hlence here this past Nesdiore of Erie, Pa past week end at his pellis of Erie is spend gs vacafion at his home Visitors at the A ¥ ® were Mr. and Mri \| | groom, i : : : : i i i tury in Kolly , George Wilker, pg Huber and Mn of Hollidaysburyg: . Fa af and Mr and Mrs E and, daughter, Bar- of Erie is spend lady's parents, Mr i the Mr. and Mis waeationing at her | | Bunda v bo Hm Miss Gloria Martueci returned Mr andl Mrs Clyde Kirsch and visited Sunday the H. J Easly home Mr. anil Mrs Riephen Plttsburgh visited last in town at Basly residence. CARROLLTOWN By MRS THOMAS A OWENS SR Phone 28581 $451, 5661 or 5382 Miss Virginia Luther Bride of Robert Kelly Mias Virginia lather | of Mr. and Mra Urban Carrolitown, at Wednes- the daughler BO Of Mrs Nut yin sirdey 1 8 8 sie Conceplion Padley, Pa Boden the F High Mam ast 8 im. at the Immacul | Cathoiie {Church in i Rev. Falher Det AM pas. part yr rned double-TINg « Mr. and Mrs John i farmer 4 cousin of the attended the couple The bhride was attired In a street-ledpth dress of agus coor { erepe, with white pictutie hat and other milehing accessories, and wore a corsage of white roses | Mrs. Sanfers wore a sir jength with white | picture hat and match ng [rey puries, aiid wore a corsage of red Randers tha bride A welding breakfast Was serv: ed the bridal parity by Father Bodenschiatyr at the Parish Re Dudley and a ain served the couple and immediate relatives atl the bride's parents left on through Eastern Falls anil Canada eS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Panek and child of Washington, D. C., were week #ad guesiz here with the and Mrs Ed Bakerton at parents rer gar Haley, and in hon of Mr. Panel's Val Panek Werle fitnie Nn { hurch of frak gst &n this Hast - Banns of marriage shed for the first Benadict's (Catholic for Rey Haker place and Evelyn Hoitz of ings, and for Rober! Bertram of COMPARE QUALITY COMPARE PRICES don't need to wait for a “special sale’ to on reliable quality furniture at Sheffler's find good furniture, priced at Ave « in good taste, more COMPANY PATTON, PA. was and Mrs Easly of | ! ia visitor Kane § } i ang i Vietor { returned home after spending a week visit- | A ing Mm Phi ladeiphia Stn RAIN this and Elsera Hollen of plas # shville Mr. and and spent Mra Leonard Fishpaw Bundy visiting with Mr Urban Luther Thomas A. Owens Bf, Pittsburgh on Mrs dey. Edwin Bender and sister Miss Gertrude Bender and Mr, and Mrs Miller oF Altoons were Sun: day visitors with Migses Mardy and Clara Glasser and wilh relatives snd friends here Eddies and Josnne Faban daughter of Mr. and ' Fabian of Detroit, Mi? eee last Bungay & other | spending several days in Towr ‘iting relatives father of | became the bride of fo Mary a § i it 3 i : | peveral i Myre OTs i Live Ferd twith append : i nd Me. Farabaugh, FP. B Bosleid Has finishes for Sunlem fin of 8 DUusiness Main Blree! Fy George Houck j nndation work ted constr building 1 thé ot on that formerly housed Row # | Nixon Theater ind Mr John (Ika family of Philadelphia he ve recanliy M rs Mr fod days empl’ a rset Brey ther Blum Halph Bitch, wha had been visiting here with his wi Evria. Obio suffered a ar rhRge lust week Ehenasburg stree and is confined to bed at the of his =i Mrs Esther sryolitoown im from cerebral hem on an Ge ster im Mr and Mr Yeokley and Mra Hay Fathaugh =» Washington, 7 C.. ovr Mrs Farbaup itis while hosgial { 33 1 ged ! Whe kon # bug was 87 and was rushed 10 8 where Rn SMSTREENCY ApPPENAECioONy Was performed Rhee is City ing nicely Mr and Mrs and children, do Nancy, fi Nee ales ged Mra ( har a Rharbaup? and Mrs Ted Keenan Wilfred Campbell, Jack bell and Al Clark, all of Detra Mich visited with Mr. and Mrs Pat Camphill on Bundny Haro and Frank Campbell of Bat hess Md, alse spent the week end al the Campbell home My and Mrs Bernerd Yengiin and children Nh retired 1 Chicago. Ill, after a two weeks vacrslion spent wilh relatives here and al Bakerton Mrs Emil Glasser and son Francia of Monongahela, ure fling wath Mrs. Glasser's parents Mr and Mrs Frank Kerchinake WwW OC Thomas Jr. Mike Gri Rickard Sharbaugh, Clete Joseph Jones and Carl Camp BEe Frail Vie Cooney, Bam] Thomas attended a baseball game iat day Phillies as guesia i ployer, Pittsburgh, Sun between the Pirates sand the their em the Main Street Garage and Mrs Julian Burley of Farbes Field, of Mr | Punxsutawney spent the week and ‘itor here with relat! here among relatives and friends Miss Norma Sharbaugh, student nurse at Bt. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh, was a8 week end vis Ves Merle Burley of Altoona and iM. J Miller of Cresson Were fe cent guests of Mr. and Mrs Jul Cian Burley al Punxsulawney Quite a jarge number of both the Fire Company and ths Ladies c Auxiliary i attendanve at Wore in sounty of this place the annual Leonvention in Gallitzsin Wednesday i 3 (of last week Miss Mary Schistter of Pitts burgh is visiting with hey broth- family of New Kensington! | governing UNION PRESS COURIER = ersin-law and sisler Mr and Mrs Jobin 3 Mrs. Byvilla Mi ; relatives In Hastings this Week Mra W.OA Wilkinsor geughier with loa) Mrs and Ealde and Jean gre visiting rE i We Jame, of jg. €ie Je Fe reiRtives (BE WY {Ieee Prubvaik a RFren Prubvak of ths Mar tiem Hinshe af Va ¥ With ’ the rege evelarid. en RYT HE) : ! Mors Fp rod § Mea Harvey hens Myre Pa kerior Mrs SHRPYIRNG SER 4 Pirie were Mi Rr et i ov dy Mra Mr and Mrs J Beaty ? Fats fn § Fel Robert Bender Sr., Prominent Lawyer, Dies On Saturday Ebernat beet ¥ sh KE i Foi § riprue fan) Bender : 81 3.0 in He was gradus Fran ik { oilers ri {ore Eds « bachelor of laws de Georgetown Uni Washington 5 Rl EA oy rudd 4 Lelare 15082 4 El ivwt 3 1627 $1. +41 8 oid » » ar jhe ¥ i rif War V4 He K strvives fw his the Mercia Evans Boer: B FL LeTRnS farmer t henw Rid rey Joahngliows Fr Vincent's John E at hone Bender Bt Pelersturg 1a of 1'niveraity of Mizsissipp Mra Maurie (vie of Carrel A Buolems Requiem High Mass was sung in Our Mother of Sor sows Catholic Uhurch WES Tuesday at 10 & #.. and in terment was made Grandview Cemetery Jobat an The INGTe mane y MW WN unity has 10 spend the more the bodys wanls Lo spend and thevil always come hack for mre SH wither Day ? for your Pontiac will perform brilliantly, year after year. You'll notice it, too, in the admiring glantes of others, for Pontiac is always Slanise after, always valuable. But best of all you'll notice it on the price (a tag—for the extra satisfaction of a jac costs nothing! If you can afford any new car you can afford a - Pontiac! ul { Virwe | vine n 4% Jialy ¥ § wrong “ State Health Dept. Opens mpaign ~- To Cut Down Polio nas vivania Heats ! SpE Ls #1 E's CARES RH oF dfuease ress i muy ies pnd st bins Por Flopsape | Permanent WAC Recruiter Located At Altoona Office Resnstjernae. Tha Haw By inlers 2 gather Wilh het #ted as oK ret 4, “anil are ilaily "gt ping Bayer when Capt Reenstjerns her assistants Op Flhagemee La wieh of Tha WAC or Lp Favs Pentheny of the WAF, wil vu the North Cambyia Hastings Man Is Professed As Monk Arthur Moltz of Hastings was sie of Sve young nen Who mace their soienin profession as mem: hore of thi Henadictine Order at Bt. Vincent's Archabbey at La trobe on Jiggy 31 The Ei Rev F Arrittraattyr, OBB tithe] Low Mass at which the saintel pronounced their lifelong They had iaken lemporary 2 1948 to Frater re $E8 8 Alen Archabbot Denis offered a Pon In addition Arthur [they are raters Caliistus Milan | Pitlaburgh | Marys, Daniel Waollel si. Jumehisn Patora, Blairs ville znd Molin Maher, Latrobe It is ilwaye better lo suffer than do it Baby Gets A Bow Weds John Wargo Bin A Ph SRSA ii aide air ler sundown is wrasily freee 130 to 25 degress stallation providing cimder than the hot alr trapped of trouble-Iree operation. inside the housi an atic fan Ev 1 vi qicily lowers (in indoor lemper- § not required y RIG tion. The prow nightlair cooling fans: A 38-inch fam, Tare #icient. quill inexvensive to typical size for the medi | operate, and siinple to install. will circulate 10.000 cubic foe sowly Lo reduce | viors- Lair out of and inte the hot ~haminme. Sian rh eA Sr An atic fan 8 8 $id Miss Agnes Jubas § * 2 EY Ty lia THE BOYS NATION members, eighty-five strong, come from forty-three | statis to meet With President Truman in the White House Rose Garden, | during”s Wasiinglon tour sponsored by the American {legion The Ching Executiyip accepts 8 book from Cliff Thompson, of Kansas City, Kan, president) of the organization Is vice president, Donald Jackson, of Fittsburg, Kun, is on Mz. Tras ef (futeraasicas] Soxtdphatay ita iat. SHEETS, TOWELS, ILLOW CASES IN TR REY SARE RP ESRF PARAL RER CRIA BBE TERE ERNIE NERS hddesss BEN BEEE RABI RS EE EAR ENT RRBs SI ERS EESTI BARB HSIP EET RFP AERR ERATE ERNE ER EARNERS Cnet meses meseseenensand 9