UNION PRESS COURIER Phone Your Classified . . . Dial Patton 3161 CLASSIFIED RATES One Insertion. 2¢ word, with a For Sale DAIRY DINE RENT Al 'RANS per Sandu charge of Sec. Additional | : Ranke Services SEHVICE = Pea Pl without change of copy, Ic word un 2 minimum charge of Average ad costs 56¢ for ome in-. , sertion. Cards of thanks, $1 fiat rate Display rates apon request i 1! For Sale OT I Ro whiny USED BABY CARRIAGE, Strol- CALLAHAN RESTAURANT & ler and Car Seat for sale Willi (Confectionery =t ck sell reasonably. Phone Patton | PAXtUrs isda 4076. 1-19 Bowling Alleys ther Shon Lav CALORIC and | REFRIGERATION i # ST tn : TYPEWRITER AND WM 4371 Carrol | CHILDREN'S BATHING “iI Irs giatin ia L Rigen 2 10 U4 23 3 Eres: gH = ! Wate i s $ Fi i Fannle © Webs ASK FOR FREE ESTIMATES on | LWHEEL CAR | will be we to (nvest Enoleum floor tiles. Complete | sald. all Care a Swapels Lnancing HeErvics, tions on entire . Bheffler l. FHA or Cemn ture Co. Ne Pat- | (ORDER YOUR “TV' BEFORE {5cH hung K Aon. Phone 5231. tf the fall rush i 4 writ 1948 CHEVROLET TRUCK-V Jicense., stake bed New inspec tion. Good condition. Manuel Le- jos. ois Fourth Ave, Pall de | 1% ATTEN ERTY OWNERS AND BUYERS! TRAILER for) Tou will be wise lo (pvestigate rion at OG ercinl plans. A a fart sale! phar REALTY AGENCY St fulnntown bassy Theatre) ovens, Resitor e State Liguor Store BARNESBOGRS Foxall Me ferns or INE Mair precy #1 BEver A Rbiol fram Hi A ih ; $14 ; 3 3 A Vos i gi Bol: Boarer aT g | ¢ En $861 Frank N. Gen ¥ in A Paid F Uhoose | mont } Phan § At HOM ATH Layndromas! BUMMER HATS reduced to $1. white tabletop $2. $3 and $4. Fannie C. Wetzel, | Phomm Patton 643 INSURANCE P| ‘Carrolltown. Phone 44851. | Cost’ for Home - REFIIGERATOR SPECIALS «| Business, Farms BIG ™v BARGAIN! DuMont 19- Yaurilt get more with Ke inary Paul J inch picture with FM has 35 tor | J Hear J orn tubes, nahogany cabinet ww ESTINGHOT 53.4 a many, July 23 HEDUCED Automobiles, gd Farm Mach- Sharbaugh A Fa Phone $001 Ay WELL HALL YOUR (ARBAGE : weekly for andy $1 joe reonth. Also gessral hsuling hone Pat-! 2371 Ray Humphrey, E818 Ave. Patton of BICY 1 ES REP AIRED — Brakes | wheels strap hiened ISRODN HOUSE. FOR RALE— (oF ey wheels re Hus hath and Bot waler hand a Westerns Auta Btiwre Phen Lhoestion Joseph Kielhow ro , ; h wre ; Magee Ave Pratt | 5843 Ct STOM MADE SUITS, - ale Materials and IMMEDIATE POSKE, REMIN - Fluttedd med 3 vat §i i Bown Huse for uy Alterations on (hell Bt, Carrolitows clothing bree budi oR leneen, wireq f Mes $2 pert + : beautiful Main §t Currol of ground, Hicker {261 ! tree. Prioe io Beduoeg (seen by wit acting deluxe lay roy Car HurT, Fu Wy down . IA. Haley, 388 Valli eh payme bof § $13.77 Sach. [Pa hd with warranty. Bende Co, Carrelitown. Phone; CARROLLTOWN oF E AR- J A, #7.18 BK bleom Ho fers ‘ inlge Jooation Built in 1949 FLOOR MODEL RADIO, 6 oak all ppodern conver Shmng chairs. 1 book case and | ing basiit-in Kitehen ) L, 1 new Firestone | stern windows hardy tire, and 2 Hightly- | [ete Phone Carrolit 6-ply tires fou she Patton 3672, 2733 or | 6 ROOM HOUSE & : “$2 lots for sale. Heal, bath and RADIO REPAIR: TELEVISION ‘eleezitic hot water heater, All Sales and Service. Gait the Jeu | modier built-in steel kitchen. Cali out of your set. Kaow Carlton “Wl 1 itechnician: WY oot x es = frouble otturs aif we and PATTON Hn SF FOR SALF gee how easy you can have tele | Seven rooms snd Both Elecltit | gigan in your own hotne. Harris hot water heater. Good condition. pags & ‘Electronic Swrvice, 416 a1 Paeeh Ave Photie Paltan Magee Ave, Patton. Authorized a “If Philos, Zenith, Motorola, Colonial | service station. SHAMPOO YOUR RUGS in your own bBome si half the Jo | Rent our Clarke Shampoo Bquip- | meni, as simple to Us 88 & VAL {uum cleanser. Write or pall us for | Hardware, Bar arr Worth Careolltoson. Ph fT Will sell oe mach less R ol E for sellin an sel and “gulres had “ane. Cail or see RK e I Estate ‘A Carrollilown | 3721 (This is different phone | number mistake made in Tum bar ast week ) *8-2 EL FOR SAL Fs : bath and hot Beech) F pire lang Iresnes I indings nade 1s Re BE Rg TE ns Shar -s Al ¥ dpe eid (Iver latin DOUBLE - OVEN VACLIM CLEANER & Washer Fepair. Guaranteed parts and Service for any make. Also mal np pillars repairs. Wisher WEE per Hospital, Barnoshoro, Pa Pho 05g. AR “Has Exe AVATING and Landscaping : vis and dozers for hire. We spe cinlite in coliar excavating and itching. Weakland Bros. Barnes bora, Pa. Phae Barmisboro al ar $43- R-3. 58 ENORR, in ¥& Titi HBrepds fad ear $751 vis a aw w VAUANT win $y wn 1-ROOM HOt SE with Bot waler het for sale Inguire 505 High and Ave, Patton 7-26 For Rent aa Se ————— A ————— aa da SANDERS FOB RENT — Renew details. Bacha's _— old Boors with our cem- | peshioro, Phone 43. Et Phone 3481 or | Linoleum | "Fiouss A ten re- work. in Motion Ave, Paton. Phone | “| nt. | 37 ork. | = : a Automotive [VOR RENT BY THR | 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN for sale DAY | i A-1 dondition. All new rubber | Jan rollers, extension 1wddets. | pugic and heater, Write or call: ra, ng seriibbers. choetric je clippers. Bacha Hardware, | Klien Binder, phone Barnesboros ne BF | mam —————— rms - | SAFETY GLASS cut and install i od for all makes of cars and [Htusks- while you wail. A com i plete stock of bent ‘windshields {regulars and channels. Sibert's rr me 4371, Hastings dE HELP WANTED to in restatirant. Most be! of age. Write "Box | i Presse Courier, Pa A SI A RO WANTED —Are | ! in earning extra’ 7 Btart N OR SALE. ably Prick, Rr ton sha. Eaters of | . 1. Pat. i 7-28 5 : ; ADMINISTRATRIX In the Estate of Wilfred A : Borough dent have been i § demands mime will make them without delay to , Administratrix Carrolllown, Pa. Larimer a! Notice hereby Letters of , fersby given in hel Estate of the above tamed dece. | requested to! : inake sayment, and Uhome br Z MARY E BLUM “LE = = SEALED BIDS Notices Classified Display w oe SSR! SSNS I SS FUEL fooy: Yi - i¥ ¢ sis BUYING A hi 7 USED CAR? POF GRILLO BROS. GOODWILL USED CARS WEEKLY SPECIAL! 1948 Buick 4-Door Sedan & pe wad gr $e LPHOIR BRON Townslip, for £4 185] Rho il arotnd tow n-—aee how aed ent prices and values tiers dome to see as Befary buy, vik ihe tumd, Jlean offerings we hase for yom, every car beaatifally reconditioned, reliably powered, and saairt fo look ata beauty ii you'll be proud : glad ts own ras you te drive and Make your own sound sppral | sales sal comparisons—and you'll fimd the Dest buys are at the WESTRICK MOTOR ( OMPANY ~Miap in this week end Jook aver thuiwe cars: 1956 BITIHOK Special Deluxe Classified Display f-Epevor, radio and hes 1950 BUMRK Special 4-Door Yemler {CHEVROLET Stylviine daze 5 Passenger ( rags and USED 4% CARS Two Dandy Specials! 1960 FORD CUSTOM 8 CYL. CLUB COUPE heater BUCK Special rai “elnnette Pag ¥ * and PONTIAC “RA” Stress ner Deluxe §- +-Doar hyitrarat Monta CHES ROLET Business 1. FRO: RE Beaty Bi HK Spmetal | Sed ry eke, pig 8 PONTIAL ir Coupe, Migter “a yao Fa 5 Fassrn § *hupp ow 1948 FORD BUPER DELUXE 2.DOOR a WESTRICK _ MOTOR CO. Grill PHONE 4611 BUICK - PONTIAC CARROLLTOWN, PA. MAPLE AVE. PHONE 7 am BARNESBORO : YOUR AD IN THIS (OLUMN Used Car ok. quickly, sonomieally and Bargains! 1850 CHRYSLFR Raval { tub { THRE, rails a ad CHEVROLET “perial Dirtaree Coupe, Inater ra FARK AT THIS “ELELTHEN OF GOOD Lower-Priced Used Cars! 1847 # if BP a et PONTIAC Fete §-Dowr, CHEVROLET Door BUMK Door DODGE. Coupe BUHE 4+Ioer, excelent condition! FORD 4-Deouwr T FORD §-Dosr Mason and Concrete SAND AXD SHALE amd IMT PLYMOUTH Special Peduxe §-Peor Sodan, heater 1938 CHEVROLET Conch, Phlivered Loeshy st $4 T heater ; ft foar fo sx-908 las FRANCIS McCOMBIE BARNESBORO HEAVY DUTY TRUCKERS Better Bee This One! 1948 BROCKWAY VFLATE TRUCK very good condition Priced reasonably He West Sample St Edwards Motor Co. od £ vu Br ¢ fan . i | Rpcmmrns penn as 3 ol tr be 8 £ —ALBO— Wie Have A THIELE BED & HOIST Print or Plaid that operates like new DRESSES with renewable side boards Siges 9 to 15. 10 to 0, STOLTZ ht MOTOR {| 2% $.% PATTON, PA. FANNIE C. PHONE 2161 ‘WETZEL CARROGELTOWN, PA. AINE DAY XERVH FF YULCANIZING RECAPPING PHCR ¥ Poo Hit. IVERY x Pri LECHENE'S TIRE SERYHE Bic gan SE In Pie Ro Phone 2081 PATTON Heavy Hauling MOVING INSURED LOADS Pe wt fo AN Podnts ANTHONY ELIAS Phooe 34 BARNESBORO Liven En ar 10) oe MSA | MAILED ANYWHERE ron s We will take care of mailing = ¢ icopy of the Union Preas-Conrier [anywhire In the world for $800 | pee year. Oder a subscription { now. If the address is in Cam | bria Ciamty the cont. i is only a i A Es Frigidaire Appliances | SALES and SERVICE Brtablubed 30 YEARS BENDER Electric Co. Phone 2401 Carrollitown, Pa. a ee ae Re ah iS Si i a. A A aa WT a a a a ee a ia SARL ER A ie “First Investors Corporation Periodic men Plans and Single Payment Plans or the Accumulation of of INCORPORATED 199% PROSPECTUS ON REQUEST A Regulated Mutaual Investment Fund ROBERT C. ROSE » Classified Display SH | sit w. mgs St. ERENSBURG, PA. Phono 87 or STN 1 Washers | MAYTAG Ph 096 BARNESBORD Ph 8H NICKETOWN FAN(US MAKES ANY AUTBORIZED SERVICE Iromers Electric Clothes Dryers Deep Freese Cabinets Dutch-Otren Gas Ranges . Hotpoint MAYTAG DEALER IS I. J. BEARER CARROLLTOWN Ewaerddante Services snd Sales for 36 Yours HEADQUARTERS FOR: Maytag Washers Applinnces of AH Types Philco REFILIGERL TORS RANGES, ETC RAGLEY MAYTAG CO. IMMEDIATE CLEAI Al ICE! Bemssining Steel of Ladies" vo dianiony’ «4 hildren's COATS SUITS adh EE Eas a a aS a a bb AB il IT ww www HESS SIS VENETIAN RAINCOATS at 14 & 1-3 OH FANNIE C. WETZEL CARROLLTOWN BLINDS MADE, TO ORDER Frye Estimates HAMMOND’S TT PT TA TTT TR TR RNY RT NTT YY BARNERBORO dh a a a ea 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 A 4 1 3 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 BALSINGEK & - ASSL IN SAPIS LSS IISSS asl] KILL ATHLETES FOOT SAYS ‘PATTON DRUG CO. HERES £ 1h nit alan girF tim vray Stite fen ERR RT RT RRR RTT YR RTRNYTYY LUTHER ... Florists FLOWERS FOR All, OOCASIONS INTERNATIONAL FARM MACHINERY Part: and Service Weaklands Implement Store Phone £131 CARROLLTOWN Borex in PATYON BARNESBOBRO Cover. Nebrig & Co. FRY xt lu GUNS - GET YOUR GUN NOW! As You Go Be Sure of Your Gun for Fallt 'T4L BEST SELLER" TH wy deeply = Yd LES REASON You mest KEAN 9 f-4:8. o sisiniar WM peroent PENITRATES. Beards mae Yorier $c BarE Tak The Pa iH aad peswrd Ix ONE Thee Ere Pav IR (HILDREN'S PEDAL PUSHERS To# & 5 i a ® panx 3 gs #5 hae and al $5.00 Sealine. at Wet zed green. Rises Rigea 7 In 14 $189 to $1.85 Carroll ows {Sine Press-Courter snch Wook. | Why Bother to Send Your plain naw sp wil his af Cadiby 4 the ares £& § 4 EN th weorkd ha & g Be 1 yy * is ony wy Pes 10 Peeriya euch Week, gain to the wstollice to £5 0a vear postage fo WW only a fow the details UNION PRESS-COU PS. The subscription rate for servicemen who were residents of thin county before enlisting is still only paying shmes) per much lisa bother, and gwen t 2 . E £ tn lef im worry about sll Vi isit Main St. Garage Used Car Lot 1360 CHEVROLET Deluxe 4 Door Bedan, richio and Baier 1940 CHEVROLET Flecilize 2 Door Sedan, vista gray pail, beater, good mabber, very clean 1948 CHEVROLET PFleetline Aecrosedan, ssw green and milrsh brows pam? radio nd heater 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe §- deirk blue paint, radio and heater, posi rubber 1947 LHEVROLET Asrossan, hattleship gray pei int. radiec an 1947 CHEVROLET Plevtmanter a" Coupe, dirk bine paint, radio snd heater 1047 DOOR 'i-oTn Panel Truck . # real bay!