Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, July 19, 1951, Image 13

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    meetiiy night will be Aug. ©
y, July 19, 1951
a SS en SA
Wage Uniformity Joseph Kerrigan
Topic At Meeting Presents Recital
Of Policemen’s Unit At Loretto College
Need of uniformity of wages: Joseph Kerrigan, young dra-
and other police programs within matic tenor from Brooklyn, N. Y.
the area of Rhododendren e whi graduated from St. Francis
33, Fraternal Order of Police, College, Loretto, this spring, gave
were discussed at a meeting last a recital at his alma mater jast
Sunday in Homer City. i Saturday evening. The program
It was pointed out that the top Way held at Doyle Hall on the
monthly salary pay scale in the college campus.
Six largest communities of the Kerrigan bid for fame in the
lodge are, which includes North- entertainment world in Johnstown
ern Cambria, Indiana, Jefferson At the State Theater, when he
and Armstrong Counties, varies captured first place in the "Star
fram $245 in Kittanning to $195 | Distovery” contest From that
in Blairsville {contest he went on to capture the
Other communities in the lodge | istrict honors at the Manos
. [Theater in Greensburg
STE snq thelr top Monthiy wages A few weeks , in the finals
are Indiana, $230: Barnesboro, Ti. 'g, oy “ter in Pitts:
PE 208 0, and burgh, Kerrigan was the tri-state
Top wage scale In the lodge
area 2 ja Below he average of
the Kiski Valloy e area, the temor in his recital
western part of Armstrong Coun- | gre recognising his talent, she
ty and several surrounding COUN- | ooo been his only singing teacher
ties, Average wages in the Kiski oo qs o bachelor of arts de
Valley area are $278, which is $4 gree at St. Francis.
lower than the average laborers © wo ionn came to Loretto last
wages in private industry, odge | geturday from Pittsburgh, where
officers claim. ‘he has completed an appearance
Twa associate members were gt the Monte Carlo Restaurant
scoeptdd Into the lodge and ap- | He ‘will now go 1d New Yok City
rose was given 3 reguisar mem- for gn engagement on the Arthur
. Next meeting will be held On | Godifrey show. Engagements in
Aung. 18 in Punxsulaswney. | Cleveland and Buffalo are sche.
ek" i duled to follow,
Scheduled August 26 Marriage Applications
on Sunday. Aug 26 were com-i! Farold A Big Cresson,
fisted by members of McDonald Rosella Lance, Gallitzin
: 1503. VFW, Spangler, it a Fred Pulso, Spangler, and Betty
meeting last Thursday in the post Batkey, Pation.
#8 chairman of the picnic com- Bugtninsky, both of Colver
fitted: with his assistants being: Joseph F. Ott, Patton R
Bielen K. Carroll, vocal instruc.
tor at the college, accompanied
nt RY
The Spangler group xiso made R. D.
srrangements to send delegates Robert Josiph MoCloskey, Gal-
to the national convention Aug. ltsin, and beth Elaine Yah
30 in New York City. Next per, Patton.
. Max Charles Lieb, Nicktiown,
: andl Ruth Lapse, Barnesboro
Buying the right thing in the Francis A. Ligds, Barnesboro,
place comes easy onc: you and Martha Bobby, Cherry Tree
: RD 2
Ba BS Fo SOAR STR MRL RBIS] WE es a” ant HE FB it
ul C. Kirsch was named. Andrew Paullisky and Mary
iand Virginia D. Yeager, Hastings |
As War Prisoner
Pfc. Theodore. Lied, san of Mr
and Mrs Earl J. Lieb of Indiana,
a soldier |
of war of
been re. Mrs
Defense Depart-
has been reported by
buddy as a prisoner
the Chinese. He hay
ported by the
Report Pfc. Lieb
ne eh
em ele igmE Ae eA EA Rr Tb SA RF So As
Miss Nancy Ward
Barneaboro- Miss Nancy
138, formerly of Day Ohio,
idied at 8 p. m., jast Wednesday,
t July 11 at her home her
{ She is survived by her mother,
Nora Ward, a brother and
two aisters- Michael A Ward of
ment as missing WM apction since | Patton: Mrs. Edna Mae Ennis of
‘May 14
iChicago, Ill. and Mrs Grayvee
The letter reported Pre. Lieb to! Ward, Dayton, Ohio
be safe and in good heglth His |
firces taken held at 10 a m last Baturday wn
treated satisfac. | St. Edward's Catholic Church in
‘buddy said U. N
| prisoner were
The soldier who write the jet-
ter to His Lieh's parvots ny he
was f Hing rogue their
‘son who asked Rim to write if
escapeil from the
Lied enlisted in the
rand whens he
prison camp
Army last Sept. 30 und shipped
to Koreas in January
Several Injured
In Crash Sunday
On Cresson Road
Two Lilly men wire admitted to
{the Altoona Mercy Hiushital early
"Bunday momning followiagy an
| automobile accident Hewtsen Lor-
Lotto and Cresson, TWh other per
sms involved received dapensary
Larty Lucss, 2 of Lilly was
ted nt 2:30 a mm. suffering
Full frature George
32 Lally. was aderitted
m. He saainéd pos.
(onogssion an abrasions of
at 3 5 mm for treatment of anra-
fons of the jeft chek snd el
sow. He returiind Monday for X-
ray for pomsible leg fractures
| Jax Knivke of Hdlly ‘Teqeived
dispensary treatment later 93 the
(day when she cotipiaineg of
[stiffness of the Back, Mpa and
| eek
pH oie believed that all Wee in
tended In the same MoOIdent in
Lwhieh the Reilly car siiidded and
pveriviened Further
FRol Kisown,
| Miss Martha Bobby
Married Saturday
| The marriage of Miss Martha
| Bobby, daughter of Mr and Mm |
- Peter Bobby of Cherty Tree BR. D
2 anid Francis A. Ligds, som of |
and Mrz John WM Ligds of
Barmashore, was solemnized at 9
& mm, last Saturday Rev, Father
Jolin Bobby, uncle Of the bride,
| officiated a! the doubiering cere
Fmomy in St. John's Greek Cathaolie
Church, Barsesbors.
| Given In marriage by her’ [a~
‘ther, ihe bride haa iliss Eleanor
ligda, sister of the bridegroom,
| ag madd of honor and Miss Veron
ig. bridesmaid Alvin
mas and Joseph
uncle of the bride waa
i Mra Ligds is a rudunte of rhe
Barneshoro High School and the
i Cambris-Rows Busitess College
fhe has been employed by the De
partment of Public Assistance
i Her hushend, a oe of Bar-
| sasboro High School, served with
ithe Navy in World War II. He is
empl ped by Barney #& Tucker
2 following a» nofth-
«Me Erte Triage in Erie
ty was ceded to the U. 8. by
ew oR 34 "Masineiuget husctts in
Reilly, 23. Lorelle, was |
(6 the Altoona Hospital
Gelaiis are
v. | tarday
A Requiem High Mass
i Barneshoro and interment was
i made in St. Benedict's Cemetery,
| Carrolitown
: *
Mrs. Mary Delaney
Bakerton Mrs. Mary
83%, of this place died a
m. last Thursday,
was born Apr 4, 1888 in St
| Augustine Her husband, William
Delaney died some years ago
Mrs. Delaney in
these children Mra Bortha Rick
Felts of Flinton: Clem Delaney
of Portsmouth, R. § srwdrd of
Bigiravitle; Demald of Bakerion
[Brady of Pitsburgh: Mra Flor
ence Thomas and Mrs Ruby
Trexler, both of Ebensburg. and
(Chester of Bakerton Bhe is also
isrvived by a3 brother Frank
i Burns of California and 33 grand-
Pekildren and 27 great grandchild
i Funeral services
10 a m last Saturds)
Sacred Meart Catholic €
i Bakerton dy Rev. Father :
Becker, pastor, and interment wi
made in the church cemelery
Clarence Elliott
Barnshoro (Jarence Elliott
of Crawford Ave, died la Tsviss
day, July 10 in the Miners’ Hos
ipital, Spangler. He wag bora on
4:30 p
July 12 She
survived by
"Recent Deaths Seek
ue I INCome Levies
: ther
Jane 7, 1934, a son of Jack Ww.
iand Laurs (Good) Elliott
i He is survived by his parents |
and thea
(Carl, with
(Korea: Mrs Betty F her of
Homer City. Earl, Bern Fang
and Fagene, al home
Lgrondparents, Mr. and Mrs
int Eilintt of Marion Uentes 4
Brothers and sisters
the armed
forces in
peatarnal |
[5. and niece and nephew, Bonnie |
andl Robert Fletcher Jy
Funeral services were
2 p Mm ast Ssturday in
i Funeral Home in
fev. J Howard Bmadh
‘Rev. James DeHaven, and buiial
Bela at :
Barneahora By |
asminted Dy
(owns ade in Molwwell Uemelery |
(in Indians County
Mrs. Mary Sedlack
Barnesboro- Mra Mar
86 of 2310 Ratlroad
last Saturday, July 34
Mick Bhe was boan
iin Copechoslovakia, a
Mr and Mrs Michael Onde
L Bhe is survived by lhese { §
igen: Mra Anpa Patferson, Wrs
Mary Merskin, George, Jos
LAnGrew, Michasl, Frank. Al $
{and Thomas, ali of Detroit. John
{of Cleveland, and Mrs Helen
i teen BE also survive |
| Bhe was preceded in death by ner |
| husband, Ororge, Feb. 29, 1048
i Punersl jervices were held yo
: in St John's Catholic
{ Church, Barnesboro by Hew
[ter Joseph Banik and interment |
Spangler Church
Is Wedding Scene
i At a ceremony last Haturdsy
Imoning in St. Mary's Gresik Ca
itholic Church in Spangler, Mise
| Antionette Revak, daughter of
IMs Anna Revak
i pecame the brid of John Klewser,
ison of Mr. and Mes. Mirhael Kies
| ser of Bpecaria
maids were Pauline Yarko, Mary
i Pavellto, Stella Kenge: and Mary
{Jo Farrell Peter Revak. brother
fof the bride. was best man and
i Michael Kiesser was master of
P Ceremonies. Mike RBevak, Mike
Lemme, Frank Klesssr and Larry
| Brotek were ushers.
A dinmer and receplion in hon-
for of the coup'e Were held in SL
Hall, Spaagler. Alter a
aie. the couple
Matron of honor was Biles Ree |
| was made in (he church cemetery.
acre aad a es i dE - aod ect
; Sa the industry. the miners and also |
[the consumers through. “a rein.
| tively jower price.” |
For Coal Industry ew ls Sosy
Spokismen for the coal indus
Few servicemen are taking nd-
try want tax-writi senators (0 :
go slong with the House in vot. ie _. lh a SL ree
in a specinl “deplet on i ng right to ca an:
oe flor cond Siig abfentes ballot in the July 34 prt
Under it, coal rators would | Mary election
be permitted to t 10 per The State Rilections Bureau re
cent of their gross income each ported that omly 219 applications
year bifore figuring their income in the form of post cards liad
tax, so jong as the deduction did Deen received by the ond of last
not exieed 30 percent of met in. Week Applications for absenilee
come. The theory is based on the Daliols by relatives or friends in
thought that ssining of coal or behalf of the men in the service
dineraly uses prt of wolild swell the 219 1otal
the wiaith which produces the ['nofficial estimates place (he
income and cannot be replaced nutnber of Keystone State service
The oil industry has a 274 men at SHON at the present
percent depletion allowance time
Arguing for ihe coal industry - »
Hastings Student Cited
were dines W. Haley of the Na-
tional Coal Associgtion dnd John :
For Work At Penn State
jeorge Radomsky of Hastings
2 Nien of Wilkes-Barre the
secretary of the Anthracite Insti.
tute hati Been cited for oulstanding
Jillsin told the Senate Finance gaglarship during the
Committee last week the depler gumaster atl Peannsvivania
tion allowance for one ton of an- cylege
thracite figures out at 50 cents . 4
He was a senior mining enyuy
Wheres he Bdilince on 3 pr eceting student in the School of
Ms oft equivalent to Miners! Arts and stiained an av
erage grade of 280 out of a paw
sible 3.00
— n po
one ton of the coal i S135 a
difference of $275 or 500 percent
in favor of oil
Haley mid ¢ is the nation's
most Tmorant Fetter bat it INJURED AT WORK
has been victimised by “a gross lobert Gergely, 30. Carrolitiws
and aggravated inequity miR D 1, was admitted to iow
favor Of coals competitors” Johnetoen Memorial Hospital
He fold the commiftes that to about 3:30 & m. last Friday af
‘mit a depletion allowance f ter he suffernd a Back injury a8
coal, such as the Houle hag v work st Bethlehem Collieries His
ed in te new fax Bill would help condition was listed ax fair
For your shower, wedding or anniversary gills
see Our complete line of linens fowels dresser
scarfa ote the things a» bride desires
Ninon 5-Plece
All colors, yellow, blue, pink
nile green and white
“Mr. & Mia" hemstitihed
Cinlored hordes. 52x88 inches :
TAP $3.95 - $4.95
3-Mece dresser scarfs all hand embroidered 17x35 to 17x80
with Napkins
Variety of Patlerns
Also cotfon-rayon. all sizes
$1.50 10 $3.95
8-Pieces . , Bematitohed
of Barnesboro, |
Frederic} BE Arble, MS. DO.
Cirrolitown, Pa
Walk, dati't run. inte your va-
cation. Ewin thodgl you have
been looking forward to it for 11
months, talkie it easy hearts are equal to the
Vacations are an snnual le we plan to upon them. Maow
ard Ye Ieiip into them as if all what is 3 Hor
life, death, and the great Were-: ooisen ivy, know if We have a
glter had lo be crowded into a j§ . Pd out I there ale
vhek or bio with pay. In Pre wagith measures we should take
paration wi madly buy, tune up Susine our th ve .
the car, anid route our 2000-mile 8 Ea A. om a
ilmry. When we gel ZOIng, We wed vitality
take in enpugh historic interest "Ta. ll Ler camping
and wrinl (nough lengths to isy 3
ti ¢ ts ; ; ¢ re that We all 2
gs end to end Pushed by our to follow. In of might .
sense of lintitaton in Thine Money g
y iliness is given :
arid energy, we nd our hol Ea §
days so Batch £ we jose tion. Jf ordinary -ald Pr
sight of vihat 5 wacation is -a dures are inadequate, &
period in which fo vacate our. called at once. We .
selves roti usual stresses Member thal even on a vacation.
and labors sn that we may re. & stomach-ache may mean 8
turn te thim refreshed AppEnauc, and a swollen
Oni v dicate a severy direuls
5 di turbance
Perhaps in the matter
and stress we should
best in caution. If we
of 8 wrist in a smashing
8 check-up by
ir So has been ground e
fre in the forties. don’t pinay ren ledge of The pt
his as Hf yo were stil on the Mructure pisys in
{'reahyvan Team At any Age operation Fat may be a
Jor’t hike B5 miles the day after Stricture in function today.
ron have driven 400 Don't, on Decome a serious derangement
ihe first ay out, spend eight morrow. It's the old Junce of pri
hours in tething trunks on the vention philosophy applied to our
wimny lakh, alternately rowing bodies as mechanical entities
and swimsting Don't forget that When vacation fimes come,
thers are foods other thas ham. ose your head Walk, don’t rus
this information camp
iis niormati mp recty
emplop Oreventive
e also would do well to have d
pwd] serious ever-experdi-
Bf energy We do on
vf eretiang We aspen
0 over-fatigue, ark
t, indigestion We
ie of allow ourselves Lime to jet
The best
gn 8 holid)y
thing tn Take
gine retion
FR SO og
for all good men to come
to the aid of their home”
SURE. we know that Tummer timed is vial
time, und we know that it's twice as hard to do all
little ‘things around the house when it's Blistering het
hut nevertheless it is the time to fix u +
many little things that bothered you so last W ,
said you'd fix them remember? n
i HOW sbout the sash in that window . . . or 48
} itt the roof . . . or that door that A
right? Your wife wants that loose a
erackond window replaced. a
THERE are a million things to do and now. isl
time tip do them We arent alarmists . . . but
will bn here agnin before long.
GET 4 complete Jist of the things to be dou and
Be na wa fx pot a wiih sverything
ambir Co. and we il- you up wit
need. W have a complete stock of a
hand at all times