Pp has chosin “Th: r 4-H To as their Griffith. Cambria tive, Will be in aking bioomatick dresass. The next be helt Jume 5 at School mt Friday + Amggican Legion Teéres: Holleran, £ Marty Jane “ LET, Pihul Beers * §lCambria County | next ee Presented Here Prides Eighth Grade diplomas were awartied the following students of the local grade school last Friday, May 25: Pall Brannigan, Joan Hollen, Paul Holiern, Michael Lidwell, Verna Byer, Jerry Kelly, Edward No¢l and Raymond Wagner. LB A Mr and Mrs Harold Owens and gan, larry, were recent visitors in Balthipore, Md. Rolert Dosal of the U. 8B. Mar- ines ‘isited at his home here over the week end Clyde Conrad has returned to the 17. 8 Naval Hospital, Phila- deiphia after sp nding a 30-day furlongh at his hom? here Mins Faye Burgoon of Millville N. J. visited here recently at the Georjie Flurgoon residence Th: Janes Canteer of Hollidays- burg served 70 members of the Laditvs Auxiliary of the local VFW at a banquet in the Post Hom on May 15. A gift was pre- sented te Mrs. Ann Judd, th» in- stalling officer and to Mrs. Colet- ta Montgomery. A pin was given to Mrs. Helen Montgomery for her jecrotarial work for the past : three years. Atlending the County Councl meeting at Scalp Level last Sun- day were Mrs Ann Judd Mrs Bulalia Godfrey, Mrs, Julia Lits- thget, Mrs. Dorothea Hollern and Mrs. Georgia Lidwell of the local | VFW auxiliary and Raymond Rice 1 frvin Shope and James Fogle of the lpeal Post. Mr. and Mrs. R. McConnell an- nouribe the birth of a duughter, May 24 in Miners’ Hospital in Spangler. Mrz. McConnell is the former Miss Mae Holleran. Mi. and Mrs. Leo Conrad an- nounce the birth of a son, born May 2 in ARtoona Mercy Hoapi- tal. Mrs. Conrad is Miss Irma Farsbsugh av kd A comparatively light Sehedule is ott fer the June gra of {vem¢ in Ebensburg Courthouse Monday, June 4. District Attorney DiFyancesco said last week thal day, Jutie 4, eight for each of the two days and nine for Thursday, June 7. by. spe Sand Jury Wik be sche: dulled aT oat during erimihal court which Monday, June 18 Six offenses of various types the former 48 the same may be found necessary. y amount of all © interest and fais Be paid on She dx when the maunt of all gues Hothre ofice the 1 Nh awin the ERNEST APEL. Treasurer of Cambria County P. — TAXES ASSESSED FOR 1048, AND PRIOR YEARS. Acres Houses Lots Owner ar Reputed Owner SEATED Acres Wouses Lots Owhir or Reputed Owner i int. Boffman Pine No 311 256-789 Kicharde ly adm Coal Co, peeph & Miisavetn risen wihdadlulis #3830KEEn NL “4 § 3% w oa w US Si »3 B EBERKIEREE ES BBO 2 Leonard - . & Ouoidis COurdner ge Ba No. 38 pe Barger Rg : Blseklick Township ds Altiovas Bet. Sur? Coleman : Rostash No 8 Polekernar BR i.3. id ee pat Paul 3. Church Pars Trustees A _ Molmes, No. 31 Holmes, No 20 . & Ralph Holmes No ; 5 ow enBoNES.LEBLS h - Euzis 2 kidks 8 a PRR Sa Township 2 i #8, & B.xod ds. i@ shill BB 5 web BofS Nonel mE BO cE un 6s 6s POSE Tt ares sasasss a BB OB waass w OW Pt bn at 00 a, (Be Pressures wih Ps, ob the SIXTH OF JUNE, 1051 ) oF this month. at 1000 3. m., the foil depetibed seated lands in the ssid count ae Be to savisty the amount pg Be go ge unpaid agaist the same. a AANA oro i propen Sewell Bowser, J. Clark James FB MeCaftrey, 5 of BO Charlies 'W. Campanelis No § Conred iy Huse Est. Nos 25 28 ef ux, No MM " Charles Fereik. No § t M. Hees No 923 Jetipt i. Ev. W fe Ep ‘ x J dachnon Township BE Dunmire Bitsell, Mini. O. Parr Mh Sheesley wart. Mary Irene Pestrack Lily Joseph fan John W, Showy ting to the Sale st public sale at and Is sold a —_—.. § id the or sen continue | y will i : Tages & fon. w » s Sauls ria woaw $358 Buss: wh i] - Borosigh, Firek Ward ney Borough, Second Ward John Oileman Bet i Lottie Berough lati Fo ugh Buck, Nos Liveer Yoder Township Pasay SE rhodes Bells. Noe 0 11 iam Williaora Middle Tayler Townsll Harry Hornprobet & te Mahellie sf a Munster Township Leanna Rishon ry AIX) 3 2 8 E.ENu0KEE0 meh ® 3 EEX anil Ex SER E BEGET: sla 3 1 3 » Void $C SRdcsassace we ae b REE=aEER ER ud snes RR TA PE th Li § TOTES - Ww he # as NW $ | AON on hi Yok Ww J Jae ad hE , 106 Wave © S——— i Vinge - ALLEY Mrs. Catherine Troxell Dies At Age of 91 Years Mrs Catherine (Flemming) Troxell, wife of Frank Troxell | died atl her home in Rossland lap Saturday noon, May 26. One of the community's o residenis Mra Troxell wan 91 years of age. She waa born Fu 8 1880 Beaver Valley, a daughter of Mir and Mrs. Wm. C. Flemming. Sse was married to Frank Troxell ia Coalport on Dec. M4, 1887 by Riv. Coolt, pastor of the EUR Churth al that time Mrs. Troxell, who had been beg fast the pust few years due to advinced years, had three dsugh- ters and a son precede her in deal She was the ast survivisg member of her family. Mrs. Troxell ia sutwived by Bar| nursday. Jiihn Bernard, prineipa | | e.| of Gallien High Senos, was he | § Georse Audey ot oo a James & Lets U'Dousell a aul 3 i i is SESXASEIESE 80 8 3%k E38 Annte MefSioswey Bet. . Mike Fababos Bet ou Joinstown City, 17th Redelsh & Anus Mode Nos . i gare 3 A Mint Jolin - Bogue tide David 4 —— 8 ad si i1t i111 se Buses ow id es » dnhustowns Clty. 1h Pai: Frances anh Ware Me 19 =" = Andy © Kewls Hunt : Stephen: Sabdak o.oo... Stephen Sandak : ary Ramin Pe A A NM Hamity ; : Jnhnatoen Me sani i» ¥ wiv: 8 #88 BE IEEE Prank W L avid B Sephen ¥ | oud Roman mans Bt. ce. $80 SRA rb ms | Counier Classified Ads Pay ARAN I a "_. uw as AL ol Gradustiot| exercises were cone Hants for the Amsbry Schoo Sgt Gracie at 7:30 p.m. las guest speakir. resented Ut) Kegina Lewis and} p Cooling. A 3 award wes | sise made ti the school's Seventh |] Grade by the Lion's Club for the | excfllent cliy map of Pennsyl vanie. A jplayies, “Cinderella” was enacted by pupils of the low- | § rg Singing and recitations | § wets alse {eatured on the pro see husband, one daughter, Mrs. Lin nie Matthews, and fou: goed children and one great-g interment was made In the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Giasgaw see Mr. and Mra Maroney wars he. cont visitors here at the Calib Gray home Mr and Mrs Clarence Hobba of Altoona were jast Wednesday hv ening visitors at Lhe home of Mm Mary Gales Clarence ald James Gates vis ited over the week end with Mr and Mrs. Clarence Hobba st thr summor cottage near Bediond Mr. and Mrs. Konneth Bellirg- er and sons were recent visitins in [ftahville, Mr and Mrs. Ed Gray of Cop port. spent last Thursday ecvenihg at the Cash Gray home. Marvin Gates of Johnstown vis ited a few days at the home of his mother, Mra Mary Gates, anel his grandparents, Mr. sad Mrs G MM Gatea Mrs G M Gates and Mm Mary Gates snd sen, Monty, wire last Tuesday visitors in Altoons My. and Mra Nedig jer were recent visitors st the Tied Lovell home in Coalport Glen Gates of Johnstown Spint a viacntion here at the GM. Git- en residesie My and Mrs Bert Dietrick of Patton were recent visitors at he Joseph Semelsberger home. Mr and Mrs Robert Barnhirt and son, Bobby, paid their Ist respects to Michael Bigak Monty | eveising in Houtzdale Mr. Bithk wag Killed in an auto scvident on May 19 near Flinton. : Mrs. George MeMasters ind sons of Franklin are visiting at the Lloyd Gates home Mr. and Mrs Boyd Dixen #03 daughters visited at the Geany Dixon home recently | Sirs. Reed Doss and children of Witkina Glen are vacsllon ng at the Philip Kutraff hom. Mr. and Mro Jay Hemakey ind , spent the fe x “ea *y end Nerve of Bears the week end at Be Falls spent Sirs Rrwine of her parents, Mr. and Ban of Van Ormer, Mr and Mra Calvin Gates bm Axehter., Mary. of Johnstown ited here at Saturday at th G ‘ed at & suitpriee Birthday party! Blast Thumm(ay evening Ronoring | ik | her daughtir, Frances, who ob- | 1 | ited with jelatives in Hastings | ited in Gellitsin Inst Friday aof- | § lernoon. Prva Lynn, of Wikisine | week wis | Mrs. Leo Belswenger entertain. | Mw Rosy (Wills) Myers andl | dnughter, Linda, of Buckhorn vis- | § [ited in tow: iast Tuesday at v | § | Joseph Fruiicls and George Kolo! | sek residenies : | Mr and Mrs Osear Miller vis th birthday ann. last Thursdiy evening i Mr. and Mrs Blair Trexler acyl § | son, Philip. of Cresson, visited re | § | intives here Inst Friday evening | Mr. and Mrs Lioyd Pugh vis | FOR. HOME DELIVERY » CHOCOLATE BEVERAGES Home Delivery Day for Mr. and irs. Charles Wilk and § Mrs Staniej Wilk of Cresson and § Shirley and Donnas Mas Buckhorn | were recenl visitors in Patton § Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowly and | daughter, Jonet, of Cresson, visil- § od here Isl Thursday evening. § Local follh who attended the FL cofimencemiimt exercises of Gall-| =~ tein High lehool last Friday ov EE at Ee | Een AM : Thot's wity wo want you don’t let of these