Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 24, 1951, Image 14

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    Ty Sy
the tases dus sad Sapeld, the easier ih oer uF yout a
seated lands fri the said county or mech
| ple ox Wo 8
ay. iy ihe nd is sit | 5 ot? 3, darn
Atiorney Gay H. Brown of New | the property
Samuel FF. Kimooek 1
York will be the guest wpeaker | Na.
ERNEST APEL, Treasurer of Cumbria County 3 Ts Me BLT
“382s83x 22MERA
thelr ssnual Laden nf prov:
(ram at the Oriental Ba m |
Gallitzin last Tuesday night wit
(34 clubs represented and 17
members and guests present
Melvin Poliack, president of th
Cambria snd Blair Counties hed) : studies and jieturneg io military |
| Gallitein Club, opened ths @inne
iaession and Dr John GO Butler
ipast president of the Willams
|e Club, was toastsaster
Among those introduced were
[Myron K. Biddle of Willams.
itrg. District Governor BRB C
{ Btraub of Johnstown, Deputy Dis
trict Governor Norman P. Cash
er of Cresson, Zome Chalfhan
Howard Grinkley of € Dar
Myers of South Fork apd W. J
Kifer of Williamsburg. Brief re
markn were made.
| Service may (ontain training af.
| ber discharge, even though they
[fet out after the July 25 cut-off
| dute, the Vetirass Administration
[anid last weal.
{| YA sooea mn a news release
I lhat such veljrans need not have
interrupted their training specifi-
[onily to go Bleck into uniform, in
order to resuttie training after the
| deadline. Thiy must, however,
{Rave been aking satisfactory
i progress
In ali cases, training atter the
dradline date must be resumed
Within a realibnable period after
the return t4 civilian life and
must be contipleted by July Io
1058, VA said
must apply now, before they gra-
dusts. in order to go ahead with
(the advanced studies after the
July 20 cut-off date
Joseph A. Wogan and Elizabeth
Sloan, both of Colver.
Irvin R Peter: Nicktown and
Jean M. Plunkett, Ashville R D
Paul E Rosian and Mildred G
| Kelly Smith, both of Spangler
i lee R Kerchenshe and Ann
| Papson, both of Carrolitown
Frank Gray, Spangler, and
| Sarah Esther Cashman. Alloons
i Urban K Kline and Lou Ann
Kirsch, both of Nicktown
. " —
; 1
at commencement exercises of the | Treasurer's Office, Bdetisbury, Fa. i : ; , Mine BLM ns
TS High School at 2.30 | SEATED — TAXES ASSESSED POR 1948, AND PRIOR YEARS. : © Jumes H Da... 291
{Rm Thursday of next week at | Tare : OF ated DEver ul. fin. 1. «an
mith's Theatre. The 1951 class Acres Wouses Lots Owner or Reputed Owner & fur. Lf ; Mary Sin Shafer A | ia
is made up of #5 seniors. | Adams Township i248 Chas 8 Krieo New 63 83 na
Attorney Brown, former justice | ,. $8 2 3 D_Stiman Be ny Hiro 1.38
of the New York Supreme Court, | y Nellie Pinet No 311 358 18 Samuel Ad mi sean
will use as his topic, “The Pos- | 1 tke Ladino « 8 a3 | Se SheeINIA. + oo.
sible You" He spoke at Patton | ] Login Cos! Co, nn on Jovepn Bh Aa i sn
on Tieaday evening of this week. | ' » Srison . “a ea Martha M. Spe . .
, medals and special | / 3 j : 129 | 638 aE cn ad |
awards will be presented by Dr | 3. 3 anusio. Pain oo ad en - 1%
W. M. Leonard, supervising prin- | na. Johnstown City. iich Wa »0
cipal; William J. Taylor, high ah Nelle Plafler. No. 197 .._.. Ba i
- It necipal, and w e i os eit ay Ga, Na ni 49 £m
Whited, high school instructor. | DM I ra a ADS Ware?
oral awards will be presen- | od . rasan Renity On, Mw 9 . sd
y including Bsusch & Lomb | Ls wu rnmisey AY Woe
ire | Belenie Award, Rensselaer Poly. | : e i a. ren nn : He 1
{technic Institute mathematics ‘lo. shnstows City, Tah Ward ne |
award, scholarship medals to the Wikiiam Leonsed i 29 ® Bardonners at & me |
highest Fanking freshman, sopho- | iy & Goldie Gardner 1% ~ 1a |
more, and senior; Reader's | : : . ne . 4m . og -
esl aw : Ceontpe Barger No. 35 i a. ; how «Het Ward !
re- Digs owt & plaque to the | Lévman Bender No. 3. IW gy, BE Raartean is ii aa 1 ag AP
NE possibilities of | i go Peesantine \ 1 — a :
being the best citizen i oa um. —- " ~ et pene IOS oman Widmann Bet. . .... 0
or Daugherty memorial award ’ ny = ) i ————
it presented to the outstand. | 3 | RTHQU
——— 5 i - - ; om §
“oo : : H TE " rye. ot at : ———————
s 4 ne 8 ] ; Pp
air Quickly : #3]
: a wo. #1 ng |
And Easily In New ote, Ho 30 is
& Raiph Wolrees, Ro in
Hollywood Way Norman Copperesite | —- Ne
Cambria Towninip
Setling her own hair is quick | Bata 3 Sram Bt. surf ng
SAY, sccording to to pretty | Vo B Fr i ~ 9
food star Terry Moore, who | Robert 4 or) 354
must have well-groomed hair Kran & ie Davia ne
fhe ean not ‘always | Bert Parsbuneh oo 284
rdreaser. The techni | Bari : 18
{ 16 set wn | Alvin 8 Sharbeugh 108 78
Was taught her by Helen | Chest Springs Borough
| t, famous studio stylisi. | hn ST et an al
ring at crown of head, part | ra a Sowsity ' ' a J
i hair in inch-square eth I " Ralph Lo rt ; na | avi rm Ven a :
| pull the strand through to | on 11.00 Huge re Rifle Clad ; | /
Y Warm water wo» : Nasi i : | = ho -
ra | makes haid more pliable, Eives & $1 00 Bos oo Ie * Bunk. : po | ¢ :
un. | softer, apringler curl. ! 9 ne Johns Maerichio. Now. 73, 71. MW. i
+! Boll = MeKs nn borisontal | i Patton Bareugh
Fes rows | £50 Joseph O Bevtiaon
#1 in M my
: » om
18 : ace. » 1
af and lay curl fiat with; Rat)
ends i . Fasten with croms- | go
Roll hair up over two fin- | |
gers, using a rat-tail comb to! |
wind strands smoothly. Fasten W L 8 | |
each oll lengthwise with one | » oe) TN :
{sth ani " | a possessions they can mi vage afier the worst eartliquake in the country’s
For » ; = town. More than 1000 of the 12,000 persons living in Jucuspe lost :
Air - 1a | + Iwobilized all iis facilities to cure for the Wousinds of injured le F
ready “ | : ! . | The July 25 1951, dete for the i
won't a | aw | 0 SSuéS su ing fterting of GI training sppiies to CE
in day "0 ! World War IJ veterans discharged AH TR
For i. |. Re ; F ¢ di Bene fi | Fe
. | Ladies’ Night Event Extending Benefits o
3 ee Ths }
5 Of District Lions For Some Ve!
“ Of District Lions For Some Vets pe
on : | War veteriits who have inter.
- | lions clubs of distrief 14-B, | rupted their fovernment-financed 4
; i
" :
» :
Fred Hopsine of Altoona and
| John WP. Bernard of Gallitsin, ser.
| ved a» sone leaders and Lou Bet
twy of Altoons as tail twister. C
L. Mugritta, sew president of the
The: entertainment program at
ae BB WB wae a oe aa peerasseasse 9
re fr fr ell
secaes BR8 BS GBS 6% 55 65 5 sf!
oat bh
the dimmer was presented by the | 48 J F . SEE.
Conemysugh-Franklin Clubs with 4 : 't : a $000
i Dek O'Connor leading the group | | wi - o %. w i
singing. The program Was ton y : g ¢ ih
1s cluded with a dance. oe
Pe oe we pm mel