and ii. dello ASS AE OAL HE bees: Courthouse Annex ¥ lightly Damaged By Gas Eaflosion The Ebensburg O¢ nex was slight Ty Saturday morning when a EAA ex | : fon rocked the two-story brick structure. Flames which followed the ex- jon burned rafters in the cell | ar of the building and spread! partway up = wail part t. The! Biowever, was qt ¥ EX tinguished. Damage was slight Ebensturg volunteer firemen were on the job within a few minutes after the bHiasl though the building was filled with smoke little water was needed The gas escaped from a line and was ignited by a furnace in the cellar. A wolkman digging a trench ile: the buiiding ssid the gas begin to leak when he was removing 8 large stone While {most of the gas apparenily es eaped into the open afr some of | ft Jeskedl into the small cellar * rhe biast was heard for some | distance. Persons on the scene isnid it rattled windows In the | {Meyers & McDonald law offices | 1in the pext building in the Bb-| 4 law Building farther | down thi street and in the Court house an the opposite side of | South Chenier Street Following the axplosion Names could be seen outside the building fan the gas Became ignited at the s where it was sscaping from {the Broden line. 1 The trench wat being dug in & BArTOwW jireawsy beiwern the My- as-MeDimald building and the Courtholise Annex, which houses’ the offices of the Btate Depart ment of Mines and numero Tother professional offices The L iwork is & part of an improve i ment project which calls for addi tion of nn second floor to the My | fore MeDonall building. A new | ‘i foundation ix to be installed The gas supply io the building : was shut aft within a few mint ee after the blast. £¥ Mark Mother's Day At Kiwanis Meet Eyer {Thursday bvego | A Mathes Day ing Chib at “the Ea Hotel, Patton. Rev. Ralph Whit- stor of the Patton Baptist | | WAR Se waa | Hill 2 ir E § 2 2 fetid Biss : Fits i isd 5 - EXE save n 3 3 3 x 4 fg 2 so TA A AA IR A TS Ns HONE Ferete | boro High Zabreskey, Juy Ansley i Senne Jckange Patching Ling. pi Ee ouekten ae to Officials of Galliteln Lodge 185 of the Loyal Ovder of Moose have set Sunday, May 27, as the date for the formal opening of the new S100.000 Moose Temple in Gallitzin. Although the two-story con block structure has been in wee for some thme, It was completed only arly this month with installation of four bowling alleys on the first floor. Social rooms alse occupy the firs Boer | nnd the sarond story hotses a Angeline Lenone Ils BHS May Queen Miss Angeline Zenone has been | Barres scelecied Queen of Preanl Bhe was frowned hy the zen jor queens, Misa Josane BStrallo, ‘during the annual May Owy pro-| gram Monday evening in the high srhool stadiadm. Migs Zenone | (i A Junior Her stiandants were Mary Malik, Bernadette Hromuluk, Ca! therine Btavish and Belay Steele juniors: Lucille Durie, Hianche awl Sally fa Magna. Program is ax follows: Crowning of he gueen junior and senior girix Bancen wails Vina: prand. H Betty Blenminsii twirling. A. 5 R[tange and Mmajirelles diving flips, mew recruits, sound | off by high school. bays a os alin Vo oy 1 Blandburg Youth teimbling. RTD mss 7 EAA TARA To Head Distric 5 Of Youth bowel oT SR RRA Thurs Valley EUB ris Fher. J presi. Fallen Kuhn, Glas- ry recreational Hi Renberry, Fin | song leader, and msgow, pianist i Jomew of Coalport | Janet Bhiriey : Pharls sania ant Foluriod One-Minute Photo by Courie Lay E J ballroom and other social and sung people's director And hardness roo, MH icorn word installed at the clase Although the ones A wehbe of the eal Paul W. Winslow To Attend Camp will being at a sal ton cinde with dancing in the sven ing. Free Juneh be served at noon followed by special enter. talent and 8 asdness meeting. {omstroction of the i» be gun in 1950 ander of Paul W Winslow, son of Mr One the present official stafl. ¥t has and Mrs BH Harvey Winslow of | been In nse since about Jasuary. Kerr Ave. Pation will attend the bris ir = Quartermaster ROTC and Camp i. Lee, Va, dune 18 4 16 to | July 27 He is one of 32 advan Wills Is President Of Liquor Dealers Permanent officers were iby i Northern Cambria Felazl Dreglars Arsoriation at a meeting Bunday in the Ho ! ben, Ebensburg - ATE the $ Arthur Wills of Loretto b | peamvatica , i ferve as presiGent i Rre Al Bowser, Portage vice mn 4 | president. foo Bevith Lilly, sec head of Lretary, and John Dorsch, Fbens burg, treasurer I State TeracHern College slated to ‘attend the amp Bia summer wg World War IIL id Blair Ci | direction of Prars served I ASO Winslow | months a% a private with the 6th Infantry | the Far East be the only Army | C (Guartermaster Corps train | coantiry ander will bw ROTC Citlege at Indiana State | Lin North | Martinsburg. Ts a Bers of Father Orlando, took at Bt Francis inary at 1 1 ons ers Af Inter County Meet hundred E31 granges r Counties an ny amy Meeting Progrian entitied ced ROTC mudents from SEL Grane a, near. Wilmore | Wha presented by members wit Tornber, professor of | mons a will oe gue - of the science and tactica amd | | Bia Oo unit EL gladuate of Crirrolltown : Mma menmbel of the student Jenel of the (jnisge of liberal : at the ald school and is a in arts asd letters A Budget i what peonle sighten out |Wery payday so womithing fo borrow io He Kiwanis fay various e markers ; | future. To acgomplish dings must fired be an } parieh, Braddock, for Be Arehdaoss . Ore 5 Bushop Richard T With the the ail or part Loretin oN) wie CARROLLIOWN of dinconate. sub | ORTH OF C ON ROUTE 119 Fitit Show Begins at 5:00 F. NM. (DST) 2 4 4 THURSDAY & FRIDAY May I'l & W¥ THE GUTS-/AND-GLORY STORY OF THE alaven inant Sat in the Buckhorn “raedom™ Grangy of Mrs Marjo county leturer and a North Weadbury Five Blair County gr this | six Camibeis Oounty gr grabs faa riatle SUWDAY it MONDAY May 10 8 2 ry a HORAN EAN A-BOME SAFETY FOR SURE ve for the past several years A ®ign hangs over a isilver) was announced that the grow machines in & place in! sill seek a charter through Idsh in case of wanty Court atinck jump onder this | IH hasn't Deen Hit sasaciatior had been 8 Wilis saul members will fied through mail of th ae ee Ling Y © 4 Fr # | dents GEFPSE FAT WEEDS ito Phi sew wee for greens has been | Olastic wered. They “an be used to weed oul of the straw. Maks mistakes bul make sends for them, and this humil ity is sure to bead to strength ipl fiw HR TI a OR NIGHT Phone 218. fora SAAN Ee — © Hard Steering Corrected ©® Rebushing ® Wheel Balancing ® Tire Wear Corrected Patty Bender, Carrolitown, Named te Scholastic Unit Miss Patricia Ann Be in | Carrolitown 8 among the od recent graduates | Penn State Colleg» to be ele Reta oom har +4 #tue Bational sh CARS — TRUCKS thar years of sxpe body repair gives amaged cars dents, restore the Fre “18 you. Call us now! us he know-how te in \thape again _ . | finish at lowest | body Club has a pumber of street streets 3. The borough plans to in the near in thers idea that the