GET YOUR GUN NOW! Pay As You Go of Your Gun for Fall! RACHA'S HARDWARE Barneshors, Pa. A SM An a A A DAVIS Appliance Co. Phone 418 Ebensbu:g ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING WIRING MOTOR REWINDING . +» « Be Sure Ra UNION PRESS. AI IIIS ¥ 'GRILLO BROS. GOODWILL USED CARS § ] WEEKLY SPECIAL! You Just Name It! Anything You Want! Yes, folks, we have have ANY: | THING you want at ANY | price. Ntop at the “Trading | Post” Look at our selection | § you don't see what you want at | the prion you want to pay, Wwe SEEDS Shop Marino's | | pr he LOOSE SEEDS ARF LARGEST SELECTION BACHA'S HARDWARE Rarneshom, Pa AUTO PARTS |[=— — wo assem || MAYTAG Lowest Prices Ph. 506 BARNESBBORO Ph SR NICKTOWN MARINO'S || “harm i AND AUTHORIZED KFERVICR Washers ironers . IN | will get it for you in 24 hours Just cotne in, make us an offer 1950 PONTIAC “8° Chieftpin Delite 2-Door, hydrama- tic, adic and healer 1949 BUICK Super 3-Door Sedanette, dymaflow, radio and heater 1949 BUICK Super 4-Door, dynaflow, radio and heater 1949 PONTIAC “8° Streamliner Deluxe Sedan Coupe, hydramatic, radio and heater 148 BUICK Super ‘8 Door Sedunette, radio ind heater 148 CHEVROLET Fileetline 4 Door, radio and héster 148 CHEVROLET Fleetiine 2. Door, radio and hoster 1M7 PONTIAC 8%" Torpudo Sedan Coupe, radio and healer 1947 PONTIAC *€ Torpndo 4Door, radio and heater i x id 4-Door, relic te: { On BRAY Car you would like io | have and at your price Yen | YOUR Price! We will zuarantee | delivery at your price within 24 | hours. You can't lowe when you deal at the “Trading Post™ 1050 (HEVROLET 4-Door 1950 1DeSOTO 4-Doer 1950 PONTIAC 4-Door 1960 (CHEVROLET 2-Dwoor 1949 PLYMOUTH 4 Door 1949 PONTIAC 3-Door 1949 CHEVROLET 3-Door 1948 (CHEVROLET 2-Door 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-Door 1947 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door 1947 PONTIAC Sedan Coupe 1947 BUICK &Door 1946 CHEVROLET 2-Door 1942 PLYMOUTH 4-Door 1941 PONTIAC 4-Door 1941 Hudson 1941 CHEVROLET 2-Door 1638 BUICK 4-Door 1938 PLYMOUTH 4-Door BUICK - PONTIAC MAPLE AVE. PHONE T " Phone 36 Ebenshurg Rlectric Clothes Dryers Freese Cabinets Dutch-Oven Gas Ranges Hotpoint Philco BEFRIGERATORS RANGES, ETC. RAGLEY MAYTAG CO. Bargains! 18950 FLYMOUTH Deluxe 4 Door Redan, radi and heater y (HRYSLER Club Coupe, bor and (HRYSLER Windsor 4 Door Sedan, radio and heater FORD Super Deluxe $-Door Redan, radio and heater DeSOTO Custom Door Sedan, beater DODGE. Ceastom ¥owr sen wie 5 PATTON PLYMOUTH 2Dosr | o AND AUTO CO. » + Sedan & 1940 PLYMOUTH Sedan, healer INTERNATIONAL %- Ton Pickup Trek 1948 CORP ERENT ELE Edwards Motor Co. 1960 CHEVROLET ? Door 81 yiedine Pred e, ratio and beater 1956 CHEVROLET 2 Door Spacial 1940 CHEVROLET §isetline $ Door Deluse 1989 CHEVROLET 3 Door Mtylefine Deluxe 18 CHEVROLET I-Doar Fleetmanier 1948 CHEVROLET § Dour Fieetiine 198 BUKK Door Naper These Cars All Are Seid Cader Coding Frice With an OK Used Warranty FISHER'S | USED CAR LOT Corner RB. Fifth & Park Aves PATTON AUTO CO. | North Fourth Ave McKENZIE CHEVROLET “OK” Used Cars - Trucks 1949 CHEVROLET 5 Paw enger Coupe, radio and 1946 CHEVROLET Filewtline 190 DODGE PANEL TRUCK, S150 McKENZIE MOTOR CO. Phone 79.J BARNESBORO pliances and SERVICE Rh { PR i 5 | PINE .... $1.50 Per 100 | rosidents of this county before enliting is stil only $3.10 1 | 5 z By sR ¥ ; wii enter peld in Wissinger Inn, Enenaig a : of a son, Miners lospitai, Spang Teoh g. mother, with them to tal City for a visit Was Living Rosary will Be | children of Johnstown spent Kun | Carrolitown will be observed on May 13 recuplion of new mem. | Wear the poppy and display your Rosary | ehildren of Chicago are spending candidates | the former's parents Fach Sodalisit will be attired in| to denoty the decodes of the “The Living Rosary will be fol 4 urged to atlend and give An interesting display of craft sown in both the Iarge show residents is Ray Searle wondwork, scoba’ mother rs. Ann x minature cedar chests, coffee : her, M ya day at the home of Mrs Rose! Highlight Of Sedality h | | Friday. May 11. All are urged to All members and in proces | Mr. and Min fark skirt and white pomary. After ench girl finishes | wed by Benediction of the Bles- ne responsos to the Rosary . " @ nanship of the students of the cindows of the Callahan Electric The instroctor pon Jacobs of Patton. MRS THOMAS & Phone MEI, M91, M8 a Mr. anil Mrs. Paul Hoover and | | n Legion Foppy Day in. . | American Le oppy y in Reception On Sunday This coming Sunday evening. sodality of St Benedict's Church | Yelerans. : i il he highlighted by the Living| Mr. and Mrs Joe Svidergol and | is two-wiek vacation here at the | the church i arrying unlighted candles. | blouse | MT. and Mrs William white veil and a ribbon. Five dif- | tovant cadars of ribbon will ba ue tL ve her candle will be lighted | an aconiyie i wd Sacrament and a procession rey the ciureh. The congrega- . ' Display At Callahan's industrial Arts Department of "a reaiitown High Krhool is 3 ¥ Main Street, this week, ond is attracting the attention of The display in the windows &re rod Ca NRNY Prarie of such 3 Mr. and Mrs Gonigal and Mrs Charlotte Mc | & ies Ellsworth * * 9» C. D. of A. Court Meets In Local Church Basement rhe regular monthly meeting {ogre of Vietor of Americn, week and visitors Mrs. Rose Sharbaugh. Mrs Char Carrolitown relatives ar Lady Mer sister [mughters as held in the ] rhureh Basement Hall here on | ously iit, but is improved Monday evening of this week, Mrs Regina Sloan and Principal business was the an Emil Sloan. of Washington, D. C. sigal lection of officers : | visited at the home Miss Lavette E Prindible of | Mrs lem Ehensturg. who has (rand Repent from put itytion of the Court, was Vice Regent is Mm |Atives and friends hove i Flarvey Barnesboro. | Mis: Mary MaucBer has return . | od from Phi after a visit t-|of several weeks there Fara-| Pletse tum to Page 3-C “ La {athang 1 the time of Washington was Mrs. Mary Me-| Auliff, who had Mayme Aron Moen Son Man itor, nsiieh, Pallon] cary. Misy Emily Bush, Barnes | News, wore: Treasurer, Miss Lovell | Leonard, Barnesboro, Historian, | Mim Mary Cavaler, Carrolitown, | tactyrer. Miss Marie Garmity. | Patton: Sentinal, Mrs. Grace Mah s Caresiitoen Organi, re. i Vr: Shasmon. Patton: Trustees! A miscellaneous shower Wii | Mire Louise Schasser. Spangler, | held in honor of Frio Stave Tom { and Elizabeth Holtz, Hastings. | etehko in y Incarnatio | : see | Cuthalic Chareh, here, last Thur: | Carrolitown High Students | frais ™% unch ‘was served fo: Take Part In Essay Contest Students of Carrolitown High %g gaing part in the Ensay Contest of the Cambria County amet] the American Legion Auxiliary, pisced sa follows: Biagnehs Olindrish of Bakerton, placed first among the Juniors, | snd Parsara Wiser of St Bene | Fo MARSTELLER ify MRE PRED SCHROCK cs BSAA ADA £ BD played and a luncheon served a ¥ rolitown, wi : rich of |jakerton, second : Warthy of note is the fact that | Hianche Olendrish also was given wp place in the con’ “Cuied Dopey Mi. and Mrs Walter MoClell and and son of Johnstown visited iat ihe Fred Schreck dom: 6 Sauniday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fowler sd and Mr Jack} tended the Western Lumberman’s | | of Mr. and Ramey Adams over the weak | al served as the end. Accompanying theft back to! Schrock home| | moved by a Major league in one seasol is held by | Himmiiton, of this | Phillies. He | secre. | asus for sdditionsi Carrolltown | 1894 Babe lluth's 177 russ g In : 1927 is tops ince the turn of the | ceniury | scorTs i Mrs. Harry Kellander is » sut | tient in the Miners’ Hop | er, Connie, of Apolio, visit- od Nt thelr homes hers over the | past week end Mr Joseph Garrick mnd or visited In Viniza (daly on Bunday at the George | Kotar residence. : Mr. and Mrs Ross Taylor and Eraiddavighter , Judy, vated & | the Allen Pounds home In Joluss- | town on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Good snd | family visited Sunday with lhe : forme mother, Mrs. Samah | Got, Nir. and Mrs. James Laird are spendi~g = month in York, Pa. with David BR. Laird und i gon. Mrs. David Laind's husbund is rurrently serving with the C 8 Navy. stationed in Washing ton, D. C . Cloldie Richardson of Indina spint the week end al her hcims hone, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wallace af Pheoninville nt the week aul at the ftaymond Bloom, son of My Wallace, left Tuesday to take hig final BICYCLES Bicycle REPAIR PARTS ACCESSORIES MARINO’S Home & Auto Supply Phila. Ave., Barmeshore Kenneth Vargo of New Brine: ’ | ich, N. 1, spent a vacation this past wesk with his parenta, My = = = ee EE to Out-of-Town Relatives? A number of folks seem to have the mistaken idea thai thre is an additional cost for postage on a subseriptiof to be sent to folks residing outside the Cambria County arta. This is not so. The subscription rate for residenty of Cambria County is $250 per year; flor anywhere ew in the world it is $3.00 per yoar. Se, why go to the bother of wrapping up the copy youl repeive each week, going to the postaffice to mail it, and paying almost $3.00 per year postage to send it? It’s meh less bother, smd costs (6ly a few penmies more, to. let us worry sbout all the details. PB. The subscription rate for ssrvicemen who were bonafide Aol a a Be VER bE Me- | and Mrs. Joseph Vargo. Michael! Gaile 8 & Conigai of Baltimore, Md, were patient in the Miners He a. at the home of Sean msg ler. : Mrs Alex fHierrick was 8 B jotte MeGonigal will rlasin with | cont visitor in Cleveland, OL for some | ner daughter, Margaret, Mra. Hiram | ou) patient in a hospital Benedict | Frits of Hastings, has been seri | city & sang-| Mr. and Mri Thomas Behs and son. Dr. | dsughter and Mrs. Richard Eiupd| | and daughter Joann, nt Tan of Altiona visited Mo the Lewis Fowler and WM § been visiting rel- | PHILS RECCORD-HOLDER The record for the most rons “ely $e TT 4 SARS Re § Wand Hw Lous AKL Boas ong HE, 000 SRG" Aik Te SMALLER QUE wsaaLLyY Pilh. WaT PR1INRTION OF MERCONS © | MGT wT iar AE FOUND GURY» > 44-6 Bemus 2