TONAL RTS BASEBALL SCHEDULE INTER-COUNTY oi SCHOOL Hastings James THe RSDAY, de place, died at § He EE — ——————————— MONDAY Ma sa " D i i Several to Return To Carrolltown Football Squad John B. Green, athletic director |, of Carrolitown High School, an hounced this week that eight let- termen and 13 non-lettermen return next fall to the Mouniain- ver football squad Numbered Hmong returning lettermen will be four seniors, twe juniors and two sophomores, M. J. (Huck) Cicero. serves as the head grid mentor at the mountain-top school Boys who Will return to the blue-and-white | closed uniforms follow: league Lettermen -Senfors: Sam Mo *d a Nulty, George Myers. Bar] Par. them alto and James Belinsky : Juniors The leagy Richard Kelly and Garry Mes | town Jota Ae Samer; res: Robert Stick- | ions. announced ley and Bddie Sediock it will revert to Non-lettermen. Seniors: Wil. | “hse linm Prosser and Alfred Ecjen. Pore rode: “Juniors: Paul Ceolumims D* Payl Hovan, Bdward Buck ant deadlocks Don Bernard; MNO'es A big hockey Duane Luther, Paul Tripod: R for Cambria bert Lane, by. coming fall at ' id Myers and Phil ‘Cabtiel- | in Johnstown Eastern oy League will Oss 0B pwd £32 abet Hockey League 'To Add Teams For Next Season ne Easter Flee k We Inesda Dy. Podter ; o's « Day Greeting Cards Day Boxed Chocolates Allo Many Other Gifts for POPULAR BRANDS rettes, . . $2 Ctn. DRINKS — Small & Large Bottles + FULL LINE OF CANDY Biot Bes Li frown Rese Imomnielio, also of Pat | thom of technical advan A] GATHER CLEANER EGGS PEED RECORDED i 4 a fromiing 140 feel on Beech ‘ihe Confederaten Jul RAGS RB SO HIG bir i ¥ §e Haat at iy Of af James #nd Betty we | CN § EY LEAGY) ery Hin Recipes that won 's Survived ny WB New York last Doce] air talentad 4H girls doydy Bi a in print In a new 00 idren Mrs gp Kiofl the press hamion, N ¥ Mrs. : AY MAY 1 > FRIDAY ' CUPenSV ar Hill TUESDAY MAY Maude 3 i ’t Red de MAY : RESULTS iH WEDNESDAY ie : Sagpory: ll Rogers a { as Platence’ t Ny FRIDAY : AFR t ; Frits of Dearbe £8. and Mrs Elmira i Coal Valley. He w Keefe bi Witham Hin Bade Halas a Aso mary