g° | American Mtr ae us he Without give their parsiiel. The firin yr” MacArthur | Let's take te Dulles, Gov. 12nd the return + MacArthur to Dewey and Sen. Duff three of ithe United States will live for | the outstanding rank Repuplicans. generations, {They all agree with Truman that i At the present, Bary 8 Tro | we Tout fortify to the fullest ex- without any abt, the tent the European Theatre. Then man in these Uni | have men like Sen. Taft, and ted States In the same breath, | rry and MacArthur, also top} we may an that Gen Sn an Republicans, who disagree} {Arthur is, is, without any dtmbt, the [with the sbove-mentioned collea- most talked-about man in these | gues and point out that we should | United States. . fenter the Asiatic Theatre | However, we must Keep Fortunately for the President { mind that night follows every a= all the Democratic leaders have i while the sun is shining to with him and with the a ¥. Somoirow fofalo fe s & rn Dewey and we al nt that they are {bea to and lve fori pot Ere, again, “there are a Jot tT could not Dave Been 5 : til i HE % Sd eo ; 1 “ 3 Li fo. y ’ ww i A 3 | Becple who pay little pepe to a. you h & a4 a Mac A vi hur op- by VY] | YES of ha 3 on H ; » LF RT A 4 Ee Sp ” - 3 ! E i } is P - ” : 8 Se fo SRS DEER Ee : i what happened yesterda what ot only the above men. : rai i pa. —_1 A ne ’ nar ue of -t week we noted! a financial report of the | is happening today they are but all those delegates who i i i He 8 i td own pA Hs mbulance Fund, byt this does not interest the average reader | 100KIng forward to tOEMETOW. are in the United Nations at Lake Tae the 4 80, the Truman -MacAribhor Success striving for a peaceful : fhe service which the asibulance has rendered the |..." is being looked UPON as (0 | settlement of the Korean affair b year a fotal of 73 culls wete taken care of and how the people will ford tomor- | and ready to pounce upon Russia mares, too, was the tact that us| Tov We Ji by maring daytime | ab a8 might. It never can |Micking our neck byl in that Truman had ve 8 ght oo. ae ean I remarks concerning Uhis for the pod pr by an iba that be jof tim MacArthur had to be I os pr ; 3. SelM _-ew can But, what we sa is just too bad that he sonal opinion and fviah his colorful career Shown i an old drawing made shortly after the turn of the century of the Carroilibwn Rank-—sow all the oytstanding manner, but he openly First National Bank of Carroiitown. The bank is observing the 50th saniversary of ite mentators in the nation | for it and he got it § eel. The small balding behing the hank and od the eXtreme right wis the old Catvoiitows | best writers. They give their per Korean conflict, as we all — ——— mmm sonal viewp mes they ; In being fought on a Nenit. _ Increbss (list i mae stirey gn at otiver basis, We a that conflict | { LECISLATIVE ROUNDUP . i" Nek i rembarseniont they a v nL Seriamly wing. W avoid the spreading of Com inet Voremaaig Can redeive wea heir 1 Now Uy Tac jective hae been (3 rQUOLS IN tate Senate € rms hele tving. The Reds are driven be- ere do a not Sesitate the 38th Parallel and, if we T P dlr T L i The that a vie. sonal belief that Harey BE oO Irropose REOMme ax aw | MAR: AS in Hamat We have no other | Provide far the codification of | g noy jectives § wh 4 Bila ¥ £ $ 2 r. J . SV 5 WE IS ETS wil in the days to come, the uo we conclude in saying that Volume Bills Introduced NO a men ih Del . img et issuances oth Fala ee . great. [the courageous man in the White J go aE ae ee | antomethiie: | Ha 4 joning on the first day of May and continuing until the I Smmiseal " MazArthar | (House, Harry 8 Turman, will Below Average Session ihe nog - RG Ie CRN license plates everyy : 4 : 3 ¥ 3 \ $ popes #t. of (he » to Oate BY years i] | of the month, signatures on nominating petitions for the | But realizing he was President EF Linon ois ory 5. 1 Sr . New’ Bile Svirodused Perasit. this. uae of onlk onl] Sth primary ballot may be accepled on behalf of candidates (of the United States it was his! a Editar, Pennsyivinia News Ssrvice ang Yew ntrodme Ll tate : ea aN : ty 1 > and Roosevelt and with the ; Eisewhong on the legisiative we plate instead of the we township and borough offices. Some of these offices have oat to safeguard the ‘welfare of | udgment that he is displaying Those babbling growls heard | A OE Ea aulaamtar plates dow ||semonly used : r peoples and he had no siter- ; Q § LL AONE new hile introddecsd Prohibit fle sale of newly . tive. He is our Comunander-in- the help of our Maker, we are ; these diye he State Senate _.. those which would i sored aid are 8 candidate for judge it will | nat f olected bY the . bound to come out on top and originate ¢ with members of the! Extend the Bt of achoal afi i 0 buttitr within the confitiey | are inclined to run for district vy tall og) y h People < (avoids a Third World War that uo who are batting Sings Taplin vdinglmsslign”, | ime dentally, by a huge majority. would in this atomic age probably e tar or against Gov. Pine's| DOVES 16 military Jeaves of | comity | | Hind Right to Obey Orders | destroy the entire universe in proposal which last absence ’ Gen MacArthur had as much; gp by his tactics Mr Truman Week xxi ! uk the Mouse Provide for tax levies by evant y | : s county surveyor that you want ‘to be, there's no |TEN to obey orders, under Tro- | can avoid another war, we shall by a slih margin vocational school districts eR . too, there's ne salary. man, hs he did unde Hoover He Pall then agree that Be must be Thin wag proven ane of the Eempt aches for the Edd : ™ I hot hui te . ra On | guided by the Great Divine to 40 mont os sersinl programs in deaf and dumb from state Hoen- | e five [Democratic » the filing fee for justice of the peace is it Lhe Honus oanrchers at ashing, | what he has done in this present recent years and has beset Gov, Sing. g | en from ('ambris County ot " hn fee; snditor, councll or assessor, 2.00 on { the Fa We 3d today. IF ri ty froaws the time of Ryegiive the flying of the Amur voles aguinil Gov. Jobs B Fine'al hh, ans g rs ‘ ori | JOHN J HALU SKA vis assumption of office. Coupled "ican at polling places oo | ome half pajrent earned income | argent hn ol re, 'e = with thi fact that hia working election Rn tax levy whieh passed the Flouse | Whether islugion. wished 1 | STATE. POLICE, RAY: majoritkm in both Rotses are Require a declaration of cane | of Represeliitives in Ha — o eretion offichale. Nome of thew offices turn against our Bghting heroes | sine. hey av, signe and small, the chief executive is find tenth of packages to contain the | last Wednetilay by a vole of = 1 # i are for your safety ing the sletiding very rough ‘wordl “net” to #7 y - Ming fron heretofore, but acts of legislature have at Wort Wars oa not hewn 10 as well a8 th wy others. “Stop in thi 14th week of sesmioning,' Purmit the sale of penicillin in| County Irginiators we oting |] SOFT DRINKS : those were orders Nia Coin | aD: pa simply alow the meinbers are somewhat be certain cases Without preseripticn. | apninst ihe bill were Dennis | CHOCOLATE BEVERAGES . tt hes dent Her y-8ve miles per hour hind comparatively speaking. in Provide that private forest | Weatriek, Livite Rovinsek. Philp || 3 dateline for the circulating of nominating petitions nears, | er. . Presi por 35 miles per hour, not 45 the number of bills 16 be iros lands orf reserves posted against Lopresti. Fl. OG. Andrews and Ray- § Home Delivery Day for major political parties are preparing to get into the swing $ (It in part of commonsense driv. duced sei far In 1940 at this tiene trespassing or Bunting or fshilig mond MeDetmit ] Fatten—Bvery Satuihy Now, it appears that the years i... to k nd she legidlative BODE : : 3 have pretty well selected an entire slate of candi: |p. ve not softened MacArthur, but | ni ap in mi that all laws n ihe legislative Roper am not be entitled to public forest |] the Democratic committeemen snd | rather hardened him, aid, despite [Sige An § signals apply to you, on ted lo betiey thas 240. This Sve protection. Comics |n the Coarier weedy. | 2 politics rather than devote his | pt efforts to the Korean con fe Last October, at Wike Island. he informed the President that he was fully satisfied tTiat China would not enter ints the Korean | conflict. Ath Marshall's plan ey en ution immediately if »|be home by Christi ; ure towasfd sa wrong can a man be? Or the word stuphl? Chink ard the : t then I 13 Hf oi 3! Fg 1 i fie it i $52 i £5 3 i a or Bo Ts 4 J Roe | ot SS AL BN carne £383 2 3 : : § gk h { He i ® } °3e “hy Eds a § 3 EF i —— 3 ’ i «i RAR A rs TO ERE, EL RL eo BC g elite am———— a ERR CAR thrill to ride in—and just about Even the brakes are new, self- the handsomest thing on wheels. cooling, with a grip that takes hold like steel fingers in a velvet started the very day the 1951 ROADMASTER made its first It has room, and poise, and a appearance—and has been build- level- -going gait that comes from ing up ever since. coil springs front and rear. Folks looked at the fresh new There's a triumphant thrill in the styling—the power—the features willing obedience of ns Fireball ~—the fabries—ithe cloud-soft POWer and the luxurious ease of cushions—and the prices—and Dynaflow Drive, which doesn’t said, “Here's the smart buy in cost you a penny extri. the fine-car field.” There's & sweeping view fore and aft through sweepingly broad glass areas, and the, new Why don’t you come and see for yourself what a sensational buy arity of an instrumen y of an instrument this proud beauty really is? panel with greater It's a honey to handle—a joyous visibility at night.