A music festival presented the 1nusic Sepastioent of Carroll town High featured the meeting of North Cambria Ki- wanis at al Hotel, Carrcll- town, last . Robert Cald- wel] hag eharge of the Boes, supervisor of music at Car- rolitewn, directed the chorus of songlh SUISting of Uke Tolowing song, the numbers: Miced Chorus “The Cherubim : {Bortniansky); “All In An April Evening” (Roberton), “Bat- tie Elymn of the Republic” (Arr. Ringwald; Girls’ Chorus “Moon- So Bay” (Wenrich), “Were You re 7" {spiritual}; Boys Chorus — "Ready ituai). ay ixed chorus also rendered the © Alma Mater, com by Mr. Boes. posed International Good Will Week will be observed this : he Kiwanis Club. Fred BR : in charge of the program, to bit held at Catrolitows. Personnel of the en He Comes™ (spir- Barbara | tegm Huey, first vice Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bhrhart of PIR St. Joseph Street, Gallitzin, marked thelr 49th wedding anni- versary on Sunday, Apr. 16 The celebrants spent their en- tive married Hfe in Gallitzsin, . L where they were married Apr. 16, 1902 in Bt. Pstrick’s Catholic Church. Mrs. Ebhrhart is the for. mer Miss Elizabeth Mcintosh, Mr. Ehrhart, who celebrated his 75th birthday last October, is a retired PRR employee, Eight children were blessed to the union, the following five who are living: XM FP. Gallitesin; Frank, Cresson: Mrs. Philip Geo- rge, Gallitzin; Mrs Virginie Hut. ford of Summit, and ul Ehr- hurt, Munster, § «aw J. F. Bernard, mupervising prin- cipal of Gallitzin Schools, was elitcted president of the Gallitsin Lions Club at a dinner-meeting Monday evening in the Horseshoe Thimil vern, Gallitzin. Mr. Ber- niird succeeds Melvin Pollock. Other officers elected were Ber- 1 , second vice president; Frank Lenz. secretary; RC Afams, treasurer; G. Harry Is + | sliieson, tail twister; Dr. J. G. La- {ele Joseph J. Quine, 8 8B Gut- wild and John Ord, directors, and {Alvin Buck and Robert Harlow, Hin tamers C. C. Peyton, manager of the Amociated Crodit Bureau of Al toons, and former instructor at thie Altoona Dhdergraduate Cen- tir of Penn State OC ¢, spoke {a “Credit and Collection.” Bertram Huey, manager of the Lions basketball team of the com- mpnity midget league, pave a re port on activities of the Season and of the banquet for team play- ets. He reported that are being discussed for s midget baseball league. The next meeting of the Lions Club will be heid at 6:30 p m, (DET) Tuesday, May 15, in cone jom with a meeting of goes 1, 2 and 3 Cia recent visit witli relatives in *® all | the home Dorothy Meintel of Wilson Street. | Rooney {all of Canton, Ohio the Maruca. Robert Laird, ey, Raymond McTaviish, John ens, Hugh Donaldson, Angelo Bosjornic and William Ruzst Maruca and Laird were the on. Iy ones to thy above-men- tioned awa plus basketball jotters and miniature basketballs Coaches Albaranc and Monick presented the awards Toastmaster was Amdes Ray | as | sociation. Joseph F. Bernird, the mond, past president of Lhe supervising principal, hd the pledge of allegiance to the Fiag nvocation was pronounced by Rev. Father James Kirkpatrick, Patrick's | assistant pastor of Bt Church. Paul Bender president of the association, gave the opening address. een ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Duiabo of 808 Clark Streel., Gallitzin, an pounced the engageinent of thelr daughter, Elizabeth to Joseph Marnechek of 380 Spmmer Street in Cresson. "0 ENLISTS IN SERVICE Willimmm Moore, don Beatrice Moore of Street, enlisted in the U Force on Saturday, Apr. 14. He ted for duty at Lackland AFB. Ban Antonio, Texas $$ 8 » Mr. and Mrs Thomas Steveson of Altoonn visited al the home of of Mrs Tunneihiil 85 Ar | Mrs. Adelaide McTigue of Con sent Btreet. Galuiyin, over the past week end. Mr and Mrs Thoinas E Myers of Railroad Street visited friends in State College this past week end. Mr and Mrs. Martin Stanley and family of St Thomas Street vigited In Washington, D. C., re cently. Mr. Rabish and Mra George and son, Danny, of Sugar Street spent a Week's vaiation In Ro | chester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Josiph Bradiey of Altoona Visited Mr. Bradiey's family om Tunnelhill Street. over the week end Mary Lee Wilkens of Johns totes was a week nd visitor at of her friend Miss Mr and Mrs. J. A Rhoades of Port Worth, Texas, are visiting at the Scott Barnes home in Gal- lita R DL Mra. Mary Meehan and sons John and Billy, «f Ebensburg, were visitors last 'Wednegday at Mr and of Main Mr. Meehan's Mrs. Wm J Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson of Portage and Busan Olson of this ¢ and Steve Emerson of o Cofner, spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horwell of Craig Street returnid home after parents, Comms {end in Baltimore Md. Cleveland, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Leonard and family of Johastown, spent the week end at Uy home of the lady's parents, Mz. and Mrs. Ro- Harrington Sr, of Church Mr. and Mrs William Ham- mond of Forest Street are spend- ing a weelt’s vacation in Tonaw- Shas a Buffalo and Viagara Falls, Out-of town people attending the {funeral of Frazl: Horwsll on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ceri Ha Shrack and sons, Mrs. Retia and Mra. Julia Carsher, Francis Perry of 419 Church $ we H | 3 we ¥ i The following is the list of pat- | tents admitted and discharged at the Colver Hospital for the past | Week: i ADMITTED | Lillian Motel, June Sholtis, Ger- trode Uchaker, Patsy Dominick, Frances Batdorf Flsie Polckem- ‘er. Kenneth Miller, Dorothy James, Emma Edmiston and Hele en Mihalik. ad Anna Wahna Verda Adams feona Doneh, Michael Myron Daonch, June Sholtis, Frances | Batdor!. Lillian Jean Motel, Ken neth Miller and Dorothy Williams MATERNITY Mr. and Mrs. Roy James ensburg. son. Apr. 20 Mr. and Mra Andrew Shoitis Jr. Patton, son, Apr. 21 SAS SRNR IN COLVER Mrs. Paul Evanchick Is Hostess At Party Mrs hostess at a party Monday even ing of this week at her home Atl tending included the following: Mrs FF. PFolckmer, Mrs John Griffith, Mrs. Bernard Goldian, Mrs. John Goldian Mrs Margar- et Jugan Mrs Joe Evanchick, Miss Nellie McElhaney, Mr Dorothy Feightner, Mrs. Mary | Wincek. Mrx Prank Lapczinsky, Mrs. Gertrude Valeri Mrs. Mary Zomak, Mra Mary Berkosky Mrs John Bloom Jr. Mrs Erma Gresh, | Mrs. James Lewig Jr, Mrs. A ' Daugherty, Mrs Leona Griffith, Mrs. Kenneth Cramer, and Mm James Shaffer. demonstrator, and Mrs. Zola Vigoloni se ‘Bride Here Saturday Eb- {ghter of Mr. and Mrs Michael Bukovitz, was united in marriage last Saturday, Apr. 21, to An | thony Roast of Ebensburg. at § a. im. in the Holy Family Ostholic Church, Colver. The ble-ring Father John J Gura pastor ithe maid of honor snd | Manay of Revioc, was best man. | Bridesmaids were Evelyn Sokira | and Antoinette Meyers. Ted Buk- { ovitz of Colver snd Primo Depaul i and Edward Ercol of Revioc were | ushers 3 3 | The bride, given in marrage by her father, was attired in a {white satin and lace gown with! ‘a fingertip veil. The maid of hon- ‘or wore a coral color gown wih, brides. matehing headpiece. The ‘maids were attired in lime green land blue ge i Following the ceremony a re ‘ception was held in the Colver Bons of Italy Hall for relatives { and friends. 3 $ i se | COMPLETES TRAINING : Pvt , ese R. MeKotch and i Pet. James Hartack have come pleted a six-woelis basic raining course with the Fifth Armored Division at Camp Chaffee, Ark They are now stationed at Fort Sill, Okla., where they are irain- ing with field artillery outfits . "9 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zabrosky spent the week end in Kellytown, Pa. with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Marshall evening. Johnstown last Saterday George Milkovich left for New ark. N. J. to secure employment. Richard Hoover and Ben Hill of Akron, Ohio, visited at the Bert Hill home here over the past 8 month : with represented bensburg High in the track meet at Johns- town last week, . Mr. Mra. Jonn Pillock of Nanty-Glo visited at the Smith home over the week end Mr and Mrs. Eugene Murphy Johnny Matigseck BOOK GIMMICK Another Performance by the @ 90 9 9 @ © iad Paul Evanchick was the | SAINTS SAEs iNew York cixildren $a m on Monday in St (Stan fstsus Catholic Church in Barnes boro by Rev. Father Thadldens Rolodgiei and interment was miade in the church cemetery Mrs. Esther McCabe Bakerton Mrs. Father Mast abe M8. of this place died Inst Ratur- day, Apr. 21. in the Miners’ Hos pital, Bpangler. Her hand William, died in 1937 Mrs. McCabe is survived bp the following children: Willinmy asd Joseph MeCabhe both of Portage fF. ID: Matthew of Blairivie John of Hopeville, Va. Mark and Blamiine, both of Patterson, I J and Mra Thomas MeDermolt of Bakerton Twenty four grambohil dren and three greal-grandihildg. nen, also survive Bie was 8 sister of Farry Seratchard, Kenmore: N.Y. and Nye Mathida Burke of Linwood station. Johnstown. recently. Pre. Francis Griffith of the U 8. Air Force and Bob Griffith are visiting some time with their = ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey if- ith. Mri Mike Pastir was a Monday visitor in Johnstown. Mri Ruth Baker of Altona is visiting for a week with her sis- ter, Jira. Ted Cotton. Mri Bias Melnyk visited with her er and son for a week in New ork City. Her son, John, left last Thursday for the armed servite, from New York Mr and Mrs. BEd Oakes and daughter, Kathy, of Clymer, vis ited on Suhday at the Funeral services wore ovmduct Mr. ind Mrs John Moore ef ot 9 a m., on Woednesdiy in Mrs Ruth Hill, Mrs John Ka- ithe Sacred Heart tons, Mrs. Andy Durkota and | Church, Bakerton, and Mrs. Peter Mahanski were Buh guys in the church day evening visitors in Ebens- | . Gerhina Vergerio of sonnatown | Mrs. Angele Decarlo spent the week end With her par | ents. here. Coal halite fier nent Cemelery | bo, TH. of 130 Forest Street Dot fe Valeri, Detroit, Mich (at 810 a mm. mst Sunday Apr is via with relatives here this 32 atl ber bome Bhe was bears ng idan. 24 1877 im aly. s daugh- Week end visitors at the Jumes ter of Francis and Lucy ¥F. Endley home weré Marge Erde Miciay Contarinl, Her ley of ttsburgh and Mr and died 18 years ago Mrs. Orant Kinter of Belsano. | She is survived by Ddrothy Mae Swerbinsk nt | ¥ ne in { Della, Mrs. Michael i Anna, all at home; M1. and Mrs Ted Dugan spent Rentano and Mrs Nardelli Men Jose ply the past week end with f Pittsburgh | Spring spent the week end | ents. Mr. and Mps IMP. nnd Mra Miss Catherine Bukovitz, dau-| | mer, of the Dairy LM. ceremony was performed by Rev. og were recent visitors st the home i Dorothy Mae A {of Nir. and Mrs. Harry Burket of ‘the week end fishing at both of Bouth Fork. Patsy of IJ Creek. Hired, Mich, and Mrs Franit #y Plummer of Altoona ock, Cresson Twenty-two grand with her pal [children and 10 great-grandchild- Glen Plummer. | 18, Kish survive Sunday visitors it the home of | Funeral services were Charles Noel wee (IF a m. on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs Glea Campbell of | Mary's Catholic Church in (Salli Frugality and Bill Hughes of Hin dy Rev. Father Bapver Valley. Land interment | Miss Virginia Plummer spent thurch ‘the week end Sm her_par | * smn Plum. 'M oe Dy rn and Miss | Mar tha Watts of Ninth St Gallitsin Mra Martha Menn Plummer 79 of this since died r rearet Kosickie of Colver im. on Monday Apr 23 @ Pes iak of Spangler | Fitzgeraid Nursing Home in toons. She was horn in Beaning ton on Feb 24 iif Isaac and Elizabeth Will was the widow of Harry Mrs Watls ig survives ishildren: William [. : and Mrs Emma Nolan | ington, D Twa { islmo sary James Tavior of Vitginia lokn UF was made femiel ery Waits NE 5 Marjjaret Romicki f and Mrs tHe IRL a Altona. Watls by these Alfons fF Wash eikdren Al foamy i epaburg. She was a HL Wilt of Altoona phildren and seven Fivildren also survive Friends are 3 Foray pd af ise Watts’ home, 810 11th Bipeet ‘im Altoona. Fuperal services will Nine jrrand wing Mann visited In Cregkside on Monday | Mrs. John Berkosky visited In and Leroy Deola Cambria home, . Land LOYAL ORDER OF MOCSE 488, PATTON presents anothir big SUNDAY NITE, APR. 3, CELEBRATION testuring Musie by i - JERRY ADAMS ARD HIS ORCHESTRA — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS — LUCKY DANCE CONTEST E featuring a chance at our Giant Jackpot EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION Special Performance by Wonderful W. O. M. Dramatic Club BIG BAG OF BALLOONS ~ Every Moose Member Welcome — - ¥ Gallitzin—- Mrs. Annie (Grimes: Mufmey, 72 of Altoona, a form | er vesident of thm dace, died Inst Wednesday, Apr. 18, at her home, in Altoons. She was pre ceded in by her husband, | Willam A. Murray. Piineral services were held at’ fa m last Friday in St rick’ s Catholic Chiireh, and inter | mei wes made mm the church . Joseph J. Galiczymsk: neki, Sr. 74, of G. Road, | Bartissboro R. 1 Di. died at 4:40 p mm. nat Thursday, Apr. 19 st his | home. : Hi ia survived by his widow, the former Josephine Pomietink, and these children: Joseph Jr. at Mrs. Michaeline McAree for another SATURDAY NITE, APR 35, JAMBOREE featuring . . : Music by. — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS LUCKY DANCE CONTRST BIC BAG OF BALLOONS — very Moose Membr Welcome — @ 9 @ 90 9 9 oe» snd His Gimmicks CORNY CAPERS Funeral services were held at body will He Ara Poin Baoan n Be City, and five grand. be held af 2 po m. this Pridey Ins i Galiitzin Methodist Church. The | in state at the Gallitgin Mrs. Angeline Decors died ory i hs hpshand | fnaphter | She toons and Mra. Della Hines of Eb sint or of A. iS great jrraind. § os ok A o rein HEY KIDS! . . . LOOK AT THES! WASH CLOTHS = TEA TOWELS | POPULAR BRANDS . i b i ro Cigarettes;. . $2 Cin { CHARACTER WISE] FACIL FIANNA MH ¥ DOLLS «sen ERR xe gas 1 ? > : & i. hy : fw Ll ALL CIO INITIO 3 Mtns 4 y these chilh | seo ren: Dewey of Caliitein: Mra, Guy lpr ang 4 Jnnes BR | AbD 3 BALLOON CONTEST Ar FAMILY NITES, TUESDAYS & SUNDAYS Friis Bingo for Members andy Tuesday Sunday Nights, 830 PM. Prizes for Each a Sn SA i ‘ Fins dhe th os i asin a RE