Hi | ie le 128 €¥ 1 : it jr in, a fumior. y : i ded mi I gee files (eile ih I i hi i i it | ; } + Bii- Fe § i il ir HE ic Sg " it i! eid a BG ¥ | LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, PATTON SATURDAY NITE, MAROE 10, UELEBRATION feuturing Johmny Mstigseok and His Gimmicks | Third Performance of Women of Moose Dramatic Club 0 @ 0 0 @ @ 2 2 @ @ 9 0 | NEAR YE! HEAR YE! THIS JS THE TOWN CRIER Announcing Another Gals © SUNDAY NITE, MAROR 11, OET-TOGETHER JORNNY - MATIGZECK AND HIS GIMMICKS MUSIO BY THE FLOATING NOTES : Peansylvania’'s Most Popular Band +. fonburing chance st cur Glant Jackpot Selixten | sumably § shop or the combined pym-sud- | torium ro, 814 Main St, Gait. | George C. (Chad) Tate, Gallit- . The furnace roum was Zin Borough chief of police, Only four rooms of the school meeting of the Gallitzin Borough ! tion during i 0 Dounc on he o he i ——a——— ‘this week Jt ig effective as of pext Thursday, Mar. 15. { A suncestor will be selected alt | George Bakajzs was elected to | | Camibris: County on Mar. 17 #1 succeed John O. Miller as com- | (the new’ Gallitsin Moose Temple. | mander of the Patrick D. Riordan | | SERSIONS AT INDIANA John Hunter, 88. of St Bene | waa l——— Post 1588, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hastings, during a meeting | To esable high school grade. Toesdsy evening in the pet dict, one of the best-known resi- Stes to pet an early start on their home. dents of Northern Csmbris ares. | Gied at Mp Downe ot 1130 a m | T cial | And econ- | yegterday, Mar. 7. i ; | Mr. Hunter, who was bben on! losophy dained in May of 1941 in the Cs thedral of the Blessed Altoona. School. ] are A candidate for a doctor's de- | © a gree, Michael Penetar returns to| Jen: Waller x : the ment. Mr. * of | James, Clarence and Mrs. were takan at the Catholic Uni- [beld at 2 p. m. this Saturday by versity of America, Washington, ' Rev. Plummer Ha , pastor of PD. C ithe St. Benedict | edocstion, | State | ¥ College will open a spe- | ; June 4. wiieny = {held with election to take Plioe | iat 7:45 p. m. on Tuesday, Mar. 00 | | The election will be held in the | pot home. Nominees are Wilkism | Cresco, Henry Link William Ber | nard, Robert Hoover, Mr. Baits! { Nominees for the club's sufi | tors are M. T. Anna. A. J. Dillon | and Edward Weakiand The mmxt Pwr meeting of the post will be Noid | on Toesday, Apr. 3 ; Mr. Penetar has received his Church Interment will be made i masters degree and Ii swaiting | Fairview Cemetery, Patton. | i final action om his doctoral work { prior to being awarded the doctor Pi of philosophy degree in sociology 8 | During the 8 | sions of 1947, Mr. Peselar was on “WET Bimmer ses | the staff of Bt. Francis He was igranted a jeave of nbasnce at 2 ithat time in order to continue ) | San stodies ms! the Cstholic hes y A 5 lo 0 © © BLATCHFOR some- Lafayette College was fount | ied in Easton in 1 ; : Coal For New Plant To Be Dug In Area AND TELEVISION i One-third of the almost two (million tons of metallurgical coal | heeded for the new Fairless Works of the U. 8 Steel Corp Iwill come from Central Pemnayl- VAnia, ao : needed will come from West Vir a : ARS a SON, “ i e aol pr Lalor ETE nl FE i SNH Hr sis AISNE HANI Se HON FON avi ayy v a ’ vd © 94.95 12 Fe Boe RUGS. . $5.95 | TEA SI IA A AS ATCHFORD’S Ll The All hmarionn Sewive IS A CREDIT TO YO erm am Mrs. Mary Martols was elecied president of the Women's Depo cratic Clad of Barnesboro during B recrganisation meeting Iss Wednesday ening in the Har resboro Somes of ly Hall. ibs twas named to sacceed Mrs Marie Wyland ; Other officers include Mra Wy- ' Free! $26.00 BIGGEST YEAR FOR VALUES/ Zz Z 7 Os A AN VAI ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! all Cit a a EE ET — Sa he cB HE Sd BRING YOUR ROOM SIZE HAA YN HR ER A 5S SE PI Sa § " uU!| bn