ran s Insurance Dividend RROLLTOWN |Schoots May Liose == ic rom Corio X12 RE to Average About $85 - Sen HE ena : ; its detieit, the board in paying six in force for at least three months ; ; | percent interest. during the period 1948-1951. 1» ht. : Too Little Taxable Property : The first checks to go out will : c ! School taxes in West Covell | sover policies with a Jan, 1851, : | anniversary date. VA estimates vs | within be month of heh on a takes | eri h month for niversary dates, since it takes © . Legion Hall je ay each them. : No Deviation Possible The Veterans Administration Smihastaes that ihre Will be 2o calculations rigs bn in the a na ton line. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Weber “Veterans should refrain from | .s Carrolltown RD. announce writing about, the second @ivi- | the birth of a son, Sorn Tuesday, Feb. 6 at the Miners" Hospital cause Spangle thus will i i » fae ovhid fl I g " : : | He HE % : ig Bow, Hs! ER {] ; i Meats for Babies | A ta o aml Gerbers Strained or Chopped | cit you wal fond ME. Hes yest twiCSE 3%-02 Can 24 | cash register slips; compare the total with your usual weekly : . . Mandny 0 Joeet hm in Wash. | . . ¢ ¢ Ca rs food bill. You'll agree that AaP’s Price Policy is « marvelous rrolitown, Dies | Mrs H. M. Mohltr is a patient | i stomers’ Cor mex | money-ssver! J (at the Miners’ Hospital, r, | Cid Vi | Paul and Bob Nhuss o pi : aer imnegar a 5, .— Early Wednesday Land, Ohlo, visited over the Pt | Did you ever hear of quality cone {week end st the Charles Shue Hebax : sol”? Margaret A. Eck, of the | home. : Bon on Sed Wednes. | Miss Louise Sholota visited in Quart Die At AaP this means that we set morning of this week at the town with her parents, Mr. and | daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Mike Sholota, over the past | high quality standcrds for the food | Arthiir L. Boyland of Allen Park, Week end : we sell , . . and then we stick to those been Seiding win | Week end visitor at the Frank | Baked Beans standards through thick and thin. her | Helen dae Miss | Zadai » irs. F. E Delo | Bl . 4 $ sler af Altoona; Rubert Zadat of : n i nr g: Mr. and Mrs. Jos | quality stander becouse sup- Sadier and daughter, Mary 16-02. Can of Nanty-Glo and : he plies happen 10 be scarce, or be cause we want to put on ¢ “ber os goin” sale. Lux Toilet Soap : 2 uth Sia Theat is why you om shop at AaP, | Large Shrims .... : : : day in and dey out, with complete Uncooked . . . say to fix Ny ey 2 Cakes 28¢ confidence thet if, for amy reason, Carrolitown Nun rweatadded er | tee w—- Buried Yesterday | | Lux Toilet Soap fully refended. Whitefi | Sister M Flavia (Parsdbaugh),| - | ~ Wo will by grateful for any wg : Sea Bass .. apne help ue maintain our high quality Cod Fillets ite Ls 33¢ standards. Please write: iiinlens . . . another ASP every day low price £20 Luxington Ave. Now York 1LN.Y. 0 ibaper Right . . . whole or full shank half T Fish Chichen Na. : os t : Sliced Boson » ” "roe . : - Ib Sle Pink Salmon weeeererys SO OH BunnyfSeld . . , streaked with lean 3 Box Pry. Pd Canadian Style Bacon 318 Broad Noodles vex neo SB HE RI im MT end Ann Page Spaghetti ... . >" 7% Cooked Picnics ...... 1a 49¢ Vegetarian Beans ....27%= OQ Super Right” . . . short shank 3 : >. Pig. Lean Ground Beef ... Lb §3¢ Ann Pige Macaroni .. . .. Pe Frely ground many tomes 4 doy 0 WN ‘Macaroni Dinner ®t» Thx Pi Pork Chaps... -: --. Iona Sliced Peaches ....™ ™ © 29¢ i) alls Lids : £1 g fi 1: ana Fat Our Own Tea Balls .....n= © 30g Hydrox Sandwich Cookies T=P% 28¢ Glazed Doms ...........% Nabisco Ritz Crackers. . . ne 32s Cherry Pies asses srvues sn NEUSE Potato Chips ..........5= 7s 23g Jane Parker . . . crisp and salty “herry Turnovers ch Ea ss nine - Zoe Liberally filled with delicious cherries Hard Rolls rinses 1% Winsap Apples .---+--- -3 11 28¢ Westerns . . . Extrs Tancy piptorg br ld gonte gli ¢ D'Anjou Pears . . .........20" 29¢ Tops in Savor Penna. Potatoes ........ 18 us 3% U. & No.1... Bie Label Mewium | Cheddar ee DE ei me er Te ah. as an i Chase sreidssseanven > ae. and slices Domestic . , . euler cuts | Proc Amano Paras Corse Pond