Total real sstats taxes outstanding at end of 19% Poll nt on 1950 duplicate on December 31 ding on previous duplivates $ ¥i#9410 Billed during yesr a mini | Dncedents’ persons] property . $ 25710458 GRAND TOTAL Decedents Personal Propirty Taxes Amount due at beginning of year Cottscted GUIDE FORE ois Discounts .. & onda . : Amount dutstanding at end of yesr 1008 A Total pe 3 ; taxes outstanding at end of 1950... . "TAX ¥3 OUTSTANDING AT END OF 1950 oom wins GS + seem mm» 613 8 Mn 3.088 4 a ya gecupntion or poll taxes outstanding at end af 1050 eS Bata ori 1950 duplisstes on December 31. “ it 8 fed SCHEDULE D DEBT STATEMENT DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDERTEDNESS GENERAL COUNTY FUNDS Gren oi Amount AROS Cirnes dedn Dedustitie i outstanding incurred pa mrtstanding balance in Net dent Title or purpose : at hegivining during during at ened sinking st end of of year year year of year fund of year t re e PROCTOR opines 3 915,800.00 $ 200.230 00 § 27.081 00 $ 275.949 00 M0 Le : t of prior years’ allocation of nan principal on bones retired (143.775 00) 143.773 00 He — - ad) (143,775.00) TORI MIOCtONS i 8 B15.500.00 $ TORO $1.00. TM 0 Sian TM r—— a " By dose it Crested by action of commisss $ 993.20000 $ 110.770.00 $ 21191900 * 82.081 00 Ss § 92.081 90 of years al tion of prin- oa) on lo La pt . tiie HITS 00 {143.773 00) : (HR. TTS 00) : ad) MLTTS.00 a—————————— ima a ee § 993.200 00 s 110.779.00 $ 21191900 $ Ie $1,771,000 00 Total commimionery se 1,908,000 00 § 311,000 00 § 4.00000 1.413 95 § rains 8 ¢ mane 36.00% 48 118299 : 1.141 28 £13808" 13808 S106 08 ? Misen ' smn 1 $s wae § maser $1,040 733.31 fig Re a §ii SUMMARY AND CALCULATION OF DEDT LINTY otal taxabis Talustion 1 a y 35 Beat (oDmanisstoneiry #N hmB (electors) iy fH i ; Total Hmis Nat debt crested by ccovmiasioners Net debt created by electors ie TL iH +H it ; f maining borrowing sapedcity HIVBIE a 8.71200 Total remaining espeoity a Of CORMPRENNIOBIIE o.oo mmission $17,988 06 : : a a THE OMT Se RR, A EA ONAN Te a Eg i : i i n! } od | Total reoslipts cui 3.10.48 $.50.00 | Note-Test Pattern Monday woah IQTAL BECKIPTS AND BALANCE ......§ 1.14048 70. : Saturday Suly fram S40 m0 a is . hewunt returned to Commonwesith...§ 306.73 7. A AMAA tse | (omissions retained by Co. Trees. ... a wn 8 IN ——— j Commissions feturned to county .. a; i ; | h i g { f y various dmtricts TOF TORE COBBEPBOTIN oem cmc —— Total expenditures ..... or s—— | tital steounis recétvatile ame Ee —— | AOOOUDE TRCMIRDIE . WOTAL EXPENDITURES AND BALANCE § 3.140 48 a FINANCIAL REPORT [ZE== RETURNED TAXES AND TAXES ON UNSEATED LANDS 2 Borough ll i j | i | It i Hi | Bpike Jones, the musical nad Hh Ap oe ed FETETS ¥ : : wb cni amma ov svn) V0 BG — Het cmb IIE coordi sss sims mmr § HARES 5 { acl SEONLNN I for indigents Torrance State fos : AN OH IY . acaiill nase § a AR TRS SR, 5 A, en - on : 3 1 223 ELES ¥y 3 Lo ax El 3d gia AS iw rr a 54 30 Dulldings, Implaments, $00... seeds and fed a 1E se , | 3 3 ’ } 3 s mee) BI ' PERRO Co —-— ri ey ‘ 04.53 TT h———— RBM AUNRBMMMRMIMINE suscep wines svc commento sm = service to chikiren other thas through Cousty COhlldren’s Rn —————————— —— wn BEE Services and travel el ahill WOlIRIe in lh Atte SR hha ee Hin fit Es : f E 294 FEEPTISE 3 e 5 1) fit i § FRETFITIRTH ji E BRSReses fy oH | pe? Ba By ht A li ; 5 + I Stern | this coming Sunday, Feb. 11, on enniter |p. m., over WIAC-TV. {small Hollywood orchestra for i ; {2:45 p. m. on Monday Tuesday cand Wednesday of text Week §F . The Istter, ram will Be view | fed on M y and Wedtienday at || Spm 0 | night on the Kem Murray Ehow. 'Bhe has appeared i= more han ir ; » t man, will make his debut on TV {the Colgate Comedy Hour at 8 | Don't say that "comn™ dosn't [pay olf. Bpike will receiive 40. 000 for the show, sd only | Seven or oight years age be was working as a drummer for a $75 a week. | Also featured over WJIACWTY this Sunday will be the Georg: | Burns and Gracie Allen Show at 1:00. Winner Take All am} Mary | Hartline Show, are new added at- itractions on TV this coping | week. Winner Tuke All is sot for Among the movies for (de weak ‘on Channel 13 are: The River i Cord, Sarong Girl, A Shar Iai} { Born and Hand On My Shoulder. | probably do not know Deris. | Hood, who stars each. Sutwrday | 300 motion pletures as the girl) | Aweatheart of "Our Gung” come. at 10 o'clock box Rex Lyne | i ol 4 | i ti! g ¥ Ek ; i : i 2 E | | i | F : 3 Hil - J i A i : Sli ow } SE . COMBE in: comsammmmimemsmnsns STIOUE00 nn BT IER 1S Oar sEpenes - into nro TT DAR. BD Titel othey forme of care for chibdren Total ehild wellere lng of major equipmen) .. caditel capttal outidy (eguite) I : : i 1 | : it i bh sbeebs hci abo dion ond : : : i Wrestling T i ’ e 18 { 1 si iT 4 i By R 1 SCOT bh ol shi gd 5 ; wha iH 2 1 "eg iy i I Hr fl i K sis fi