_ 90 Jack Carter Show The Stu Erwin show Starlight Theater TELEVISION | i 5470 800 Ken Murray Show g hb 4 i 00--Your Show of Shows i Coca and Sid Caesar { 10.30 -Your Hit Parade i 11 00 Wrestiin WJIAC-TV—Channel 13 || 220 News sun Johnstown, Pa. | SUNDAY, JANUARY Published by this newspaper as 1 85 News Summa 3 8 service to television owners O00 ' 2 J THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 3 125 News summary 41 1:30 Cary Moore Show 4 2.30 -Pirst Hundred Years 2 245 Robert Q Lewis J J 00--To be annou need 8 3 3 Remen (is date Bi 4 0 Kata Emith Show 5 00 Bpace Patrol Matine Ew NWAY » rye | MONDAY, JANUARY 2? FRIDAY, K JANUARY 19 Howdy Doody | k RIA ELArTing {Retus M wire and rere Bordo ft Supper | 5 Perry Com Fria = boo Kukia Fran and Ollie 11 00- Be Professt ol Showroon Hoberta Quiniar i 1} 45 N ws Nighteag News rg ain John C RSwaree | + a0 Preview “wa a BE eos TURSDAY, JANUARY 2) 4% Top Views in Sports } 33 News Run ry 00 Versatile Varieties I 3 Oarry Moore 3 The Big Btory 230 -Pirst Hundrea Years 009 Madison Sguare Carden box $5 Robert Q 3 Matinee 1 35 Remember this date (ert isry ¥ Eate Bmit lu% } Ben Alexander X0-Bpece (Cadet 11:30 Movietime an 13 Charlie Char 15 Panhandis Pris 12 30 News Nightoap 30 L2] Howdy [Doody 1235 Preview Cactus Jim SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 8 30 Beuiah. Ethel Rukia Fran 11 90 Dramatic Show * 3 John (Ontes 1130 Test pattern 45 News (‘arava 1 45 -Telespcrt Digest EOD Bitar Theater Milton Basketball Cathal ‘rl iLy 8 Pireaide at Navy 8 30 Circle Theater $38 lie ry 10 90 Original Amaerisr { oe Patrol 11 0 Tew Mo Ne s 1 : - pace announced : News Nighteap 5 30- Horace Held: 8how 12 08 Preview 8 ve Fan ¥ 1s Bow: jit Stert fad ts of and Jennifer Waters and Cillie fittie Show Joan © Berle Theater Imogene [Sway FURNITURE & RUG BARGAINS UD pas 5 $20.00 THRO RUGS condition. Special at only ALL SIZES ALL COLORS '2.00 ‘3.00 *5.00 ‘7.00 Values from $460 to $15.95 SHEFFLER’S MAGEE AVE. PATTON, PA. COURTEOUS SERVICE for Your Enjoyment FRIDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 19 o FISH FRY . DANCING JOE BOES & HIS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 20 FRANKIE NORMAN & HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing from 10:00 to 1:00 WARNING! DON'T DRIVE AFTER JAN. 31 (Without the New State Inspection Sticker) and drive it to our place for a BE SURE complete check-up and let us make those minor repairs so that you will BE SAFE “mh mcidets du to meh anicsl failure and avoid having 8 roadside breakdown, Your family will have BE SATISFIED 7.2 = r= formance of your ear even though you may drive it many, many & | executive, said -_ IE . —_—— i WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 1 25 News Summary 1:30--Garry Moore 2:30--Pir Hundred Year 2 45 Robert Q % Mat ines 3 00 Vacation WwW cde a1 cf ! 30 Bert Park 0 Kate Smith Show Lots and Looe 15 (abby Hayes Howdy Doody OG LOactu A : 43 : Oh 4% wi Several New TV Shows Scheduled By Area Stat on ’ A The lelecast events are shown from 1 30 to 2 will alternate with the A pe fe discunsed show after Jan I'o be featured lay, Feb 4 wil ng malches scheduled from midnight wil est Fights * Student Nurses On Radio Progran At 2 P.M. Sunday “Nursing yields student nurses al the Miners Hospital, Spangler, say in talks. Lite in school and hospital is des {cribed in a program meeking re- | crits for nursing. “Nursing gives one satisfaction ‘and difficult studies and actual | work with ill patients, can never dim that feeling,” Miss Emma Bunser! of Patton will siress in & radiv broadcast this Sunday al {2 p. m. over station WNCC in 'Harnesboro. She will broadcast with three other studen! nurses satiafaclion, from the Miners’ Hoapital in ob- | pervance of leer” program Others on the program this Bunday afternoon are Shirley | Trueman of Bakerton, who will |sing, "My Creed” and "Time On {My Hands" Mona Weakland of Carrolllown, who will graduate in | August, will sing, "How Soon, and "A Dream Is A Wish Your | Heart Makes Regina Kosic, a senior nurse, will accompany the | soloists Boy Scout Counc Announces District Camporee Dates Camping activities of units In Admiral Robert E. Peary Boy Scout Council were discussed by i two council commitiees last Wed inesday night in Johnstown The session was atlended oy members of the camping and the heaitn and safety commitiees. It was reported that all eight districts of Lhe council have their “Nursing as a Car. | | The outings will be conducted during five week ends at Blue Knob beginning Jan 26-2x The program at each camp will iinclude civilian defense training in case of umergencies or in case jof an atom bomb attack Only a {few troop vacancies remain In i several of the camps, it was said i! Although no councilwide cam i poree will be held this spring. an- nual council awards will be pr isented at the district outings | Each district will appoint a chie! | counsellor who will select his i staff to judge troops. Camporese tes for this area iare as follows: North Cambria at { Kiwanis Farm near Nicktown, i 11-13; Mainiine, Cam May near South Fork, M ay 25.2 and Central Cambria, ler dd rounds, June 8-10. J H. Keller, council scout applications now are being accepted at headquar- ters for the summer camp staff. Summer camping for troops will begin June Reservation near Jennerstown. Colver Hospital Patients’ Record The following is the lst of pat- ients admitted and the Colver ‘Hi tal for th it e past | stalls organized for winter camp | at Roaring Run | and election of Ladies Aid Society | Benedict UNION PRESS COURIER I _— Recreation Group Elects Officials Joint Spangler Unit Naties Simon Lantzy : ge Aantzvy was roel ted as president nf the Soanicier Recres- the gre up s “ling re merican Limam tion Commission x anrnial ns ently in the Spangler A Legion Home (ther officers Pobert fwell fam irs * Spngler Alumni = Outlines Program, +. Seeks Members yy TE TRIM Mary LRT hairmag Dolores Greah sky. will select nners ID RR laovetts BUPer- ViEing principal, will viser Various plans will mented the association ttee for their approval The awards will be made a! the end of the present school year A commilliee to make arrange menta for a square dance was ap- pointed by Donald Gould presi- dent The meeting date of the unit was changed to the third Wed. nesday of each month The next Awe { “He ry be Lhe ' mis be pre to by the En will be held in the high meeting school at 8:30 p m Wednesday,’ Feb. 21 Gallitzin Loan Assn. Pays 3%, Dividend The Callitzin Building & Loan Association elected officers and directors on Wednesday evening of last week at the First al Bank Building there Directors elected are Albert Pellicciont 8r., Jose F. Bernard, and Attorney G Arry Isaacson Those whose terms do not expire are Joseph M. Va Andrew 8 ph Francis oan and W Howard Weston Attorney Isaac son replaces Domenick BSaputi The association paid a dividend of 3 percent last year, it was an- nounced The directory’ reorganization followed the shareholders’ meet- ing. Mr. Pelliccion! was reelected resident, Other officers are Mr ‘ar vice president, Mr Ber. nard, secretary; Mr Gall treas- urer, Ruth Lundquist assistant treasurer: Mr Krigshock. real es- tate aZent., and Attorney Isaac son, solicitor Novena At Carmel To Open Monday The first novena for the New Year will open at the loretto Carmel on 3 in ln Jan. 22. with Novena services each afternoon at 4 o'clock in the public Chapel Clients of Our Lady and 8t. The. rese are invited to join the Bis ters in these nine days of praver Special intentions of the January Novena will be for World Peacs Those in the armed services of our country. and the sick Every Sunday afternoon, throughout the year, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be given in he Chapel, followed by the blessing of babies and little chil- dren e first-class relic of The Little Flower will then be given for veneration to all Address pe- titions for novenas to the Carmel- ite Monastery, 1atetto. Pa St. Benedict Ladies Buy Church h Carpet The annual ees meeting officers of the of the Bt Presbyterian Church | was held last Wednesday evening, | ! Jan. 10. | Officers elected for 1951 are | Mrs. Clarence Hunter, president. Mrs. Joseph Symons, vice preat-| Atident; Mrs. Verne trom, sec- retary, and Mrs. James Stratton, | Hd Mrs. Matilda Lang, re-| president, served in that capaci) for th for the past four years. organization has 30 mem- bers and has sponsored the pur-| chase of a new carpet for the church auditorium. The group | will hold a soup luncheon this | Thursday, Jan. 18 at noon. The! support of the public is invited | Nation- COLVER Surprise Party Honors Mrs. John Szafranski Surprise party was held in Nomor of Mrs. John Szafranski by the members of her card ciub ‘ast Friday evening She received many gifts and a covered dish Supper was served Attending in indeed the following Mrs Ann Sewalchick, Dorothy lLagana Mrs Moreland, Mrs DD Evans Alvin Gates, Mrs Floyd ind Mra John Waschick ® 00 VISITS AT HOME HERE i » 2 nant Ter sag (ay House Mrs Robert Mrs Hunter CE I NGAGE MENT ANNOT NCED My Jawigkie Mr and Mrs Vv. ¥ Va [rs Ender visited Saturday with the lady's brother-in-law and sis Mr and Mra J . Truax of fahnstaown Mrs 1} tor Backowan and Mrz A 8 end children of (lar Pa. were RBunday visitors Andrew Kormania resi- featvaia and TO CLASSIFY SED PIANO WANTED! on Foliles ir Larneaboro 12-1 *1.18 TOO LATE ih we FEMALE men HELY WANTED —Wo- you need extra cash? an AVON representative in neighborhood. Open lerri- Patton, 8t Benedict, Bakerton and nearby towns Write von District Manager, 610 Willow 8t, Indiana, Pa 2-1 1 KITCHEN BINK FOR SALE Double drainboard sink) and built-in cabinet. Priced reasonadle Leo Farabaugh Call Cagrolitown 4153 ® DANCE SATURDAY, JAN. 20 #:30 to 12:30 STEVE STRALKO Sandwiches Freach Fries TELEVISION BAKERTON ATHLETIC CLUB ao Be Youur tories in | deiphia | ited Lturn to | resume Mrs the me Fhursday ents » Lawiakie Mra Peter Irark: and in Je hr hore {cabinet | 2-1 | cand Paul i the Hospital taking a special training course. She will re- the Windber Hospital to her student nurse studies Mildred Waschick of Windber 181 ited in town last Friday at the ne of her parents Mr and John Waschick Mrs Alvin Gates mbers of her card ciub on evening of jast week Mrs lewis Belin and daughter pent the week end with her par- Altoona Aiton Sharpe of Nantly Mrs. Michael Latin of were Tuesday visitors | Yarita residence sake h and Rozelda d ML Clair. N. J. both nLrses | th M1 iL entertained Mrs And nlomudalie John irene P McFlahaney her home in Caolver months visit with her £8 r in Windber Mrz T Hill, Mrs Hudak ‘ta were Ru visitors in Loretto Mr and Mrs George Mrs Joe BEvanchick stow last Baturday Vuko returned lo Johnstown Mr Mary Belin, | and Mrs A nday evening! Jtoyka | visited | Rharnn i in after wee K im with lar Belin Mra Mix Pastir and faughters were jaa? Sat ra iv FI er abs re Patton Athletes Perm fr DRL ADeANsT meh at Ht Vine i ? wo Bug ” Ris ent Cole address Xx eX roach Ha leacher a Speak ambassador and mally at & salary Hrpensatle the He stated that a conch has a peculiar life but also one thal has something lo Son tribute to the bays In charge He stressed that football | emphasizes three important | phases in human development | moral training, nealth and the | ability to pet along with one's fellow rman f | fefinitiar df what A foctbhall 2 gowd gourd will CRED ard that does not difficulitien for Ralph Litzinger fo grid star. who was on the Bt Vincent squad this past season, Kmetz co-captain ol Bearcat team, also made re marks John Barnard, high school | principal, in behalf of the schuol, | thanked all those who helped | i the activities and in promoting | the Athletic Banguet Edward Donahue accompanied | by Mrs Mack Shannon, guve two | renditions and John Prancis Mati | greck gave a very humorous | sketch of a GI in the last war au] well 1.3 some very clever imper. | sonations i Robert Forsythe who was very! active in promoting the banquet, expronaed hia. appreciation to an Phone 4651 A heart-warming photo- graph of yourself . . Valentine gift perfection he'll prize through the years. Arrange for an ap- pointment today. JAMES STUDIO Second Floor, First National Bank Bldg. the Patton, Pa. the organizations who cooperated | 80 generously in making the af- The Trinity fair possible wish COATIE Jn At Alan Drietrick, football kins, team, Mr with gifts, esteem. Dr. J BEB A Methodist He expressed his Patton, gave the Benediction. the event would be! ma ess annual one, the close of the banquet, | in behalf of the squad, and Evan Jen-| in behalf of the basketball prasented the coaches, | Martin and Mr. Marquette, As tokens of their that primis MILLINERY CLEARANCE! ENTIRE STOCK MARKED DOWN $1 $2 $3 Fall and Winter Styles { FS : i op £0 a CATT w What a scoop! Newest fiatteringly styled casual coats of this season . . . in top gual ity, top-appearance fabrics and colors. Ours thanks to a manufacturer's closeout to pass along te you at marvelous savings! Hwrry in today! FANNIE C. W