Gallitzin Midgets Now In Full Swing The jon and Moose extend- ed their Callitzin Midget Baskei-| ball League win strings to three last Thursday night The Italian Mutual Society 1s now in third place with its first loss. The Legion defeated the st Michael's (uo 27-10, with Rogel le making 13 of the winners ts. Moose edged the Italian ety in a slow game, 8-5 The Polish Falcon recorded A 21-10 win over the UMWA Tonight the Moose vs the Fal- cofis, St. Michael's takes on the Italian Mutual and the UMWA ys the Legion On Jan 7 the tangles with the Falcons, Moose vs St. Michael's and the UMWA has = tussel with the Italian Mutual Lee Oma, Ezzard Charles Te Fight Friday, Jan. 12 Challenger lee Oma Was pressesi by Champion Exzzard Charles’ “gift of gab’ last Fri day as they signed commissien contracts for their heavyweight title fight at Madison Square Garden in New York next Friday Jan. 12 “If tha# guy can box Uke he can talk, we'll have one he uva fight,” Oma said after the cere mony at the boxing commission headquarters in New York Oty * LILLY YFW WINS FIFTH Lilly VFW picked up its fifth straight win last weak when they defeated Gallitzin Salvaggio Amusements, 61-52, in the Lilly High gym. Willie Campagna was high for Lilly with 18 points and Bob Shevenock paced Gallitzin with 1 counters : Comedian im-} ‘Prominent Sports | Women Bowlers Figures By Newspaper KRixteen prominent headed Golfer Ben Hogan, Shoristop Phil Rizzuto football Bud Wilkinson and Boxer Ezzard (Charles hon ored as outstanding personalities athletics for 1850 at the eighth annual Los Angeles Times tional sports award banquet Wednesday night figures sports by coach Wels Fins na inst java Angeles the in Announcement of was made before | throng of 1,000 at | andor Hotel's Cocoanut Bob Hope ceremonies a the { a pad Ambas was th i master of (thers re ognized were i football, Bob »N braska professional foxsthall all | pro End Tom Fears of the lus | Angeles Rams college basketball | Paul Anizin of Villanova t teur basketball les (O'Gara. w national women's i men = golf Champion Beverly Han horse TRCOING rade rset Marshall mming McCorm #1 RITIH amateur son. Indio, Cal f Jockey Willie Rhow swimming John Yale womens sw hampion Patricia Angeles te (ham! las 8 arnateur {arson men a Omaborns RE track anid hurdle tieney University California, and automo Johnny Parsons winhet Indianapolis speedway van Nuvus, Calif * GRAHAM CRACKER ( RUNT A graham cracker crust a uick and delicious Dass lemon pie For the filling packaged mix if you like men sg San Franc Mr eh chan p £3F duPont field for a Use & BT ———— Have your car inspected at an Official make certain safe driving yet to inspection period ends on Janu- 1851 ary car pose — the safety of you and your family proved fact. Safety statistics show that semiannual tion has made Pennsylvania cars four a times safer than the national average in Inspection Station, to that your car is hazardous winter come. The new for the 31, like all previous inspections it has one pur This 1s a in- vd one-half preventing of accidents due to the mechanical failure of cars the “danger serious in your accidents. Twice a year, car © inspection carefully checks the following: a Seuha 4 Line 4 Rods and i H | tg ' i 4 i | ; i i ! i TIRES for exposed coed fabric. 2. Foe cuts snd breises. 8. For repmsred Casings. wl. Windshield, side windows and sens window glass for cracks of breskliPR. Por discolorstioa od mounting sod clest AWArds | gir ity } Wd 0 (allege Reynolds of Ne i makes | : the | Kee { each i him Lo P badd | Way {lurkey he his bell Aan? { GON | couple of i Hl Honored Not Up to Par All Wednesday toyny four last Pat teams played evening in lhe ladies Bowling lLeagu STANDING OF CLUBS Won 1s is 3 iz & Spades : Clubs Hearts 4 » ? Diamonds 8 i 3 3 few t hase members wer abaen! press; 1 from ths {(*hristimas tha bh Were 8 it High a 149 registered the Spades The league rolled again last ev worlidday ing waa of are for ever y AENes . ! #N gr (rove ing wn the Alley | {ify BR D BEUNIER, foiks the Well eyeing ae thin STANDING OF Slovak (Jtigems (lubs Fraternal (rds sons of tay American Trgion Losal Order Moose Veterans Yoreign Wary Fagen Lh Ly gum patch 1 nol dif ‘hp Ct RAVINE some ng forward lo alley. X and tlie hers WR) a t have pot By and Hy he me and t He CRITE OV? oid me he wag in 8 bad gaid he Christinas see anylhing below ale Lim much YES and tha’ couldn t line Well Jimmy. next |( any turkey, jual meal balis and a spagheili and your wasieiine where i! should Jiunmy was effects hristinias have a illie will Besides suffering from | a hasty ood Cheer up Jimmy, here's whal 10 do and see Don, the fellow that operates lhe drug store on | Fifth Aveune, just around the | corner below Magee Avenues He has something there Lhat will knock the heck out of anyihing. 1 eal slay this the ili re ¢ £3 £30 ening KEXT WEEK'S GAMES Legion ve Eagles pMoose vs Sons of Italy 1i-—Vets vs Slovaks Jan dan. dan. the Moose-Siovak latier team seems Lo hn malch, | took a 4-0 win be Lhe general opin. the It | ton that the Moose may have had | | a few points if they would have nad a full squad bul as i Was they used two dummies In this | setlo. Kinkead was high man all] around for the Slovaks. He had high single of 203 plus | high of 493. Bailly of the Moose was tops for his club wilh a 3- | game high of 494 and high singie | of 175. The Eagles grabdoed a 4-0 win over the Whiz Kids of the VFW | C. T. Zungall w the Blovaks and Bagles took their 14s. Eagles—16, 33, on Frday night, Tony Zungal said he practiced throwing bricks at the Clay Works all week. By aarn he got good results. He came up with high single and o- game scores of the week wilh a 200 and 515. Beunier pace 4d the | FOE with a low 457 series, close- | ly followed by Grimme with al 451 3-game score. Sutlon rolled] high single for the FOE wilh 183 Hetako took no chance with his! suspenders Friday night, as he wore them under his arms in-| stead of over his shoulders This week's honors go to Tony Zungall with 515. Sons of Italy Schilling 1% 128 518 one--0 Totals: 146 688 2017 Oh, 1 forgot to tell you how 2% =i Se d%6E EE§ WESE 70, 38 and 155 and 183. os } | 1 Catholic | know, 1 had a shot of it last ev- THURSDAY. | WEDNESDAY, JAN UNioN PARASOOURIER Cresson Hi Routs Altoona Catholic it win when four last Friday even’ they turned aside Altoona 52-38 in a game Al toona The BOOTS Indians rolled in the second frame after tying Altoona in the opening stanza. 11-13. They added 15-11 and 12-11 counts in the second half Jack Vaile and Jim each made 15 points for Cresson Reismeier made 18 and Selinger 15 for Catholl (‘resson JVs the inary game, 20 18 The summary { respon 3 Altroenis Yalie | A 1§ Kelly Adams | Wed Areridan up 8 14-5 in tri prem Fwy ree EF #2 f £913 " sPpurh g Stanley ws 58) Tridals remy Altona Cathode RHalerens Wearnsr and Abrams * A SA SU HA HOM OT SA CA ao Ar qn oak okaA RoR EW TH DRIBBLE CORNER Results, Beores 8 Schedules of Area Basketball . Games SCHEDULE FEE HE IAN % $16 ok IHL RSDAY FRIDAY FAN =1 NDA ALL rer al Indian y JAN 7 a Laileks Va War Meine JAN B® at Allex JAN. ® Part es ors A itevotin Oeihodle Jods nati wen Nanty 48 * {aaians at Adare Twp Twp at Windbe Heilwood st Commodore Viptondale at Wilmhoee familie af Bisck Lick (iymer al Arenagn Homer Cy si Arcadis Eiders Midge al Binireviiie WEDNESDAY, JAN 8 BAL wt ¢ “road Sehian ia mest Pork al Richland Morris Twp at Mosbanhan Jodnt COLLEGE GAMES FRIDAY, JAN. § Prancis of Loretto st BA Fran al AY LRA TUESDAY Patton st Chalizitein Ere iaiyay Prankiio wl Lily at Poet Westinont at Leta ug? weir BE pr ai MOND Fore rue ut al se ja oof Beookiyes. WY SArgBATL TAN, se 3 Joe AMERICAN PRO LEAST $< JAN. §& Johnstown feaver Pulls Altoona at Wheeling at SATURDAY, JAN. § dq astown BY ALDOR Cumberinnd at Reaver Palle SATURDAY, JAN 7 € and at Erie 19 Jannslown at Wheeling . HOCKEY SCHED! LE EASTERN AMATEUR LEAGUE FRIDAY, JAN. § Mew York at Boston Joannstown at Atlantic O5y SATURDAY, JAN % Boston st Atlante City New York al Johnstown SUNDAY, JAN 17 § New York : ¥ New York at Troy N RESULTS HIOH SCHOOL TUESDAY, DEC. Chambersburg Altoons MH WEDNESDAY, DEC WAR MEMORIAL Jor nstown Cathalk Ee Johnstown vs TOURNEY 43. Johnstown The Cresson High Indians made | Ei i Al | Moo ure i (AlLernoon | | moat , Williamsport 31 DEC. WAR MEMORIAL TOURNEY FIRA Johnstown Oatholie 3H Farrell 31 i ronngOONBOLATION GAME Will IR IMarOT i PAIDARTRE 3, ili me Cresson 83. Altoona Catholic 38 | South Perk 30 Lilly © OQ mw. Fa Pun pey St Derry g Riswrsviris 38 Raltsborg 43. Homer Oy ee ~~ NICKTOWN BY ROSE MARIE HURER Miss Angela Dell of Altoona visited with friends and relatives here Lis week Mrs. Gordon Dumm of Bradley Junction spent Sunday at ihe home of her mother, Mrs Amela Kirsch, Miss Louise Huber, a student nurse &t Altoona Mercy Hospital spent the New Years week end at the home of her mother, Mrs (renevieve Huber Mr. and Mrs Clair Kirsch and family of Clearfield spent Lhe New Years holiday al the home f Mrs Amelia Kirsch There will be a round and square dance here Thursday ev- ening. Music will be furnished by the ch Hands Everyone is in vitedl to attend Rev. Father Hilary Pittsburgh spent the he the home of his father Kline Mr. and Cleveland, riage 28 Fmnstown » Indiana 12 Kline of dicdays al John Mra tay Lieb Jr of GO. visited for & few days last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Raymond {Lieb Br Mr. and Mrs Ken Long Summerhill visited several day thin week al home of Mr and Mrs BG Fresh Beaman (serald 14 visiting with his Mra Arthur Lieb Richard Brown spent the hod mye = erin Mr and Mrs RB ASHVILLE By MRS GEORGIA LIDWELL oO - ~ he pe han Heer Mr 4 3 RI3 pare nia { Pittaburg! th aiph x ¥ resp Havymong br Mr. and and Mir» Beers phe Mir Murs Beers and w1 Ha Mr lawrence ¥ Mi lye 18 3 pe a { K all Washin A seTiea by f card pariies will be fadies Auxiliary we Joweal VFW Post, Definnin tonight, Jan 4, and continuing 1 Jan. 11 and 18 and pin chisr will De played, prides award ed and lunch served Admission S50 cents Clyde Conrad of the U 8 Mar ines 8 son of Mr and Mrs Wal ter Conrad of this piace has been seriously ili in a Dhospilal in Korea. His condition al thia writing is somewhat improved Mrs. Katherine Bmith of Fills burgh waa a holiday guest at the hate of Mra Martha Bercas tf Rober! Basal of the 1! 8 Mar- ines pent a 13-day furlough pon With fw y Leal i & K inca Pvt. Basal is stationed in Mr. i i i and Mrs Miss Imelda Sctiinng of Har- risburg was a visitor during the week: at tha home of her par- | ents, Mr andi Mrs. John Schilling. | Dean Nedimyer and Paul Bos- | lett of Pituiburgh spent Christ- | mas at their homes here. Densald Lichery has returned Of Local Scout Troop |to his duties wita the Air Force Last Wednesday morning, Dec. | t Bolling Meld, Washington, D. 27 at one degree below zero, Boy C- after a furlough at his home Scout Troop 72 of Bakerton | here started out on their annual Ribers A. Callahan of Dayton, pilgrimage hike gt Francis Ohio, was a visitor last week at College, Loretto | the home of his parents, Mr. and Om Thursday the scouls toured Mra, Lawrence Callahan. the Charlies M Schwab summer Miss Sandie Dominick has re- home now MU Assisi Monastery turned to ‘her work st Harris ir. loretto. They visited the burg, after the week in Prince Gallitzin tomb and other | town at thei home of her parents, points of interest in the historic! Mr. and Mrs Nunc Dominick. community of Loretlo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacko and The boys had a real treat, also | dasiyghter off Johnstown were vis on Thursday They were permit- | itor last week at the C. M. Leh ted to view the famed Bt Fran- mine residence. cis College basketball team in a: Miss Ann Washi stiff two-hour workout in Doyle | toca is visiting at home of | herr brother-in-daw and sister, Mr. | By M. A. PANCEAK Zero Weather Fails To Hamper Pilgrimage to on of Al Hall iF The Bakerton scouts slept in| and Mrs. William Morteremn. spe of the classrooms in the new! John Jewett, who is stationed Padua Hall and returned hotne on | op —— ——“— - Friday morning tired and happy Gemior Patrol Leader George Kotrick, together with Ube fol wing 13 scouts, made the cold | Jackie Trueman Ray Bos-| lett Jim Bossett Joey Shevotk, | Tommy Fitch, Gunny Contro- wick Eddie Hovan Sedlock, Tony | Vanscarviah, Kitty Smith, Terry | Controchick, Dick Boasett, Nor | man Sherwood and Butch Dowey The scouts were joined lale Wed- neaday night by their scoulmas- | ter Tom Lehmier, who spent the remainder of the say with the BOYS ~ 3 trek The Bakerton troop is now lay- i ita annual winter +! Biue Knob State Park % end of Feb. 23.25 The troop will be camping this griher with other foods tx Cambria District ss 80 Davenport Army trerhury Eruw fo IANK 8 ember 28th Drvistion Ind, spent a tarlough here A the x parents mr and Mra aw tert For a Record Planting Season! Money for farm machinery reeconds- tioning . . . for building improvements for fertilizers and tools that will do the job better than ever this year We'll help finance all this with an easy, low cost farm loan. Drop in today and discuss your needs with us See for yourself how extra money now will mean extra PROFITS at harvest time FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PATTON, PA. av -~e i ch of holidays orien his parents Mr Georg: Fitch Holidays guests at the home of Mrs H 1. Strong were Mr and Mrs J B Stydahar and daugh- ter Roalyn and Mrs Joseph Ben- den of Harrisburg. Michael Columbus of Bridge- | port, Conn, Was & recent visitor me of Bis mother Mrs | Columbus i Mr and Mrs Donald Schilling | of tinburgh spent the holidays | mere al the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Slyvester | Behiling Peter Spanelia, U 8 Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune, N C.i spent the holiday at his bom rere a Dayton hers Chin, the | al and Mra fF » Phas We al Michael { ! § it his wife and paresais | North | Earl Ganoe and sont. Tom, of Hellwood, were last | Priday visitors in town with Fe latives Misses Faye and Irma Burgoon, § | employed in Millville, N. J. via { ited here over the Christmas h Mr ie and days with their parents Mrs George Burgoon | Walter Hollen had his ah ouider fractured while at work Wilh | PRR recently. John McCanley of the $. B | Army, spent a furlough here with his parents, Mr and Mrs Charles | McCanley, over the holidays | Robert and John Holen of U. 8 Air Force furloughs with parents, Mr and Mrs. Walter Hollen an Robert and John were formerly stationed in Germany Patty Suckins of spent the holidays al here. She 5 a F. Litzinger * Le are spending their wed the WAF's her home daughter of Mr Trees a new answer 10 to markets earlier. for maximum savings. EE 3 Se 40% PORKMAKER .. (SUPPLEMENT) this old problem of raising answer that means more pork and more profit per pound of feed. With Farm Bureau Porkmeker you can reales three pigs per ton of homegrown pig for every ton. The combination Porkmaker and home-grown grain also pushes pige grein, or an esire of protein-rich Get greater returns from your pigs—{eed a Farm Bureau Open Formula hog ration. Buy in quantity . $5.75 ow 15% PORKMAKER . .. $4.75 (COMPLETE RATION) ewt HARRY 0. STOLTZ LOUIS A. STOLTZ THANKS*FOR 50 WE PROMISE TO SERVE YOU EVEN BETTER IN 51 Our success is an accumulation of years of satisfactory service and dealer product . . . with the knowledge that a good customer is a satisfied customer. We at Stoltz Motor Co. look forward to the future . . . a future which we will endeavor to serve our customers EVEN as time goes on. Stoltz Complete Departments Give Better Service At Lower Cost! Scientific Tune-Up Equipment 7. Steam Cleaning Complete Brake Service Light Ahgnment Valve Werk Complete Gulflex Lubrication Undercoating SEE. THE VAST IMPROVEMENTS IN FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT That's all. Good night. See next week. yoy GALLITZIN YOUTH INJURED BIL REA is Ratchford, 11, of Gallit- < zin peing treated in the Al- oy toona Mercy Hospital for possible Bo 338 og was hit > a x attendants Gallitsin STOLTZ MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE 5th & Lang Aves. Patton, Pa. CAMBRIA FARM BUREAU Cooperative Association { i ", oA Phone 731 A —————_ EBENSBURG, PA. 3 truck in afternoon.