Thursday, December 21, 1850 Wad mini, Wa d ow _ RE * & UNION PRESS -OOURIER ? | Sunda $e" Bernard Swanson Attending in- Union Press-Courier t + | D wer Sunday Calvary Baptist (Church Mr and Mrs John Emerick Jr. « Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mansel and Thursday and daughter, . . Dial $161 XPIres Nn vel “Thursday Dec 11-630 pm cho € Patty, motored to Mrs. Clyde Bradford, Mrs. Benny the week end here at the George Carrolitown. Parties will also be Colorado, formerly of Pa Christmas Program and Flospital Mrs Leo Berringer. SEEDS AVAILABLE | ’ his home after h® fell in the gar-| Sund 4 s arrived home last Friday for the Mrs Pat Malloy and famil in | large, say Faculty Party | Mrs. Agnes Gauntner $ iden of his home on June 31 and | A Christmas Eve Bervice fea- 8c neo! a a g Worship and | holidays the recent AC ot their a economists. i > He is survived by his widow | singing of carols. will be held in Service Holy Communion snd: 4 ; : ’ ; Tuesda Youn P sl AN aughter, Pat, and Phyllis Mr and Mrs. Mike Gilov Wednesda At PHS Fg, one improvement is noted in Martina (McMullen) Burkhart, athe Patton Presbyterian Church meeting » p uns oe | Ahlstrom, visited in pol doi wh, than {the condition of Mrs Agnes | former resident of near Chest! on Sunday, Dec. 24 at 11:30 p m Wednesday Dec : ! a A decorated Home Fconomics|was badly burned on Dec 8 when | w An and 73 p m Bidle Study Leo Berringer entertained. The annual Christmas enter 2% times as large as last year. Room. a lunch, carol singing and | her . caught Are ren Mrs Viola Hesskew and max the meeting rv —————————— ithe memberg of her club ast tainment by the local Presbyter- ———————— a fine Christmas Parts f£ th Mrs Gauntr apr ' Della Kirsch orf Los Angeles, | Trinity Methodiet Chyreh will i svening First prize man Sunday School will be pre- — Marry Christmas to All! i y Of tne Ei AUN 1er 8 RD ron ignite . re TR of ; abt to mt . tac 3 $ - - read st AS AA ASRS A (OA SS A Wh Faculty ast Wednesda y &\ ening w hen it tone hed the hot griddle ( alif Mrs F 14 noe Rawtell tinite wi h the We stminste Fel | rer in baugh of Donnelly Ave Patton Church in sponsoring and giving 1 NFER " removi A pan Rr i £ i Attending the event were the | For 8 present She. 15 stavin He was a hrother of Iohn Burk the program spe | Chor took part in the annual Marquiss of Hagerstown Md This Wis Su I's . ye jaw ad given to Mrs. Clyde Brad- sented in the church on Sunday | Feast of Carols iver hy the Program spons red by Church of God St Benedic : ; ; / \ Pp I ea amn Philip Burkhart {Cincinnati Ge of Music in Patton ® ford and second prise to Mrs. evening at 7:3 pm rou nd atton "0 luded Mrs. Bernard Swanson, Georganne of Cherry Tree, spent : Study | Baltimore, Md, Sunday where Bilko, Mrs. Jake Bilko, Mrs. John pq Sunday Dee 24-9 a m Morning imi b . a : x : : Miller home. Philip Burkhart 88 of Denver, Pr byt Y th Worship 10 8m Sunday School and 7 visited at the John Hodkin® Emerick, Mrs. Wm. White and Additional Patton News | atton €S €rian Tou % pm . $ -~ ® * { On Page Five held in February and April i P| S Seals * os» . John and Jim BEmerick, sta- Residents of St Benedict ex- es Mr Burkhart was confined to anning ervice First Raptist Church ients at Bt Vincent's College, tend their sympathy to Mr. and | Total supplies of most farm tht : ractured hi ip turi the ristm Story vd 11 Candleligh Watchnight | i Condition Improving { fractured his hip uring the Christmas Story and p.m. Lundialy t stehnig Mr and Mrs. Verlo Berringer brother, Jack. seed “eh X14 p ™ HAPPY! iaat Saturda ait mare | Gauntner of 511 Fifth Ave who | giprings, and the following ohild A candlelight service will eli- Hour 630 p m Junior choir practice | y Sunday at the Lizzio home. crop in « motion picture all added yp to apartment in her Frank Burkhart of Colorado Mra The Youth Fellowship of the Thursday in the Patton High School [of an electric stove as she was] 0loTado. and Mrs David Butter-|jowship of the Fresbylerian members of the faculty their hus- | i ¥ ' LS , band i [with her std Mrs vw | hart of Houston, Texas Mrs Thomas McKee will presids 6 3 na Ty \ ives r roti red nt . SO 1.3.5 FEN Riis or Ww : Tei Owens of Mellon Ave seo nt the organ Mrs Plummer Har Bis mis Hv Sl faculty memb rs rd “oe JANF COOPER IN CONCERT vey. assisted by Mrs Robert Cof . str. dig Credtt This was one of the four pro- | CLASS TIME CHANGED Miss Jane (oof ght fman and Mrs William Lamont Darlings | | grams scheduled for th =1 The Industrial Arts anid Twi Dr a hid a . : { Fo § Ww {ir ! the ®inging ind th i Jewelers RG] hin, | [he rst SUIlY] ing Classes Will he held on Thurs j[Datlon. a vowe. of of andlelighting service. All who are By Richard H. Wilkinson nstead of ndavs at 7 pip I a reverb y 1 interested are wdially invited 5 { never go 10 attand William Donahue Now Is Sergeant [r—— Minute Fiction » & Annual Christmas Party Enjoyed By Moose Aides For God so loved the world that He Sunday Dec. 17 v1 hard and Bad ambition in oe! E i 8 i Al § ” 4 Bis atten gave His only begotten som, that whoso- ed and a turkey ys toward Jane were honorabl 130 ever believeth in Him should wot perish, eo eG xe} hi wai nd sincere bus bave everlasting life. bers spent a very enjo . 4 Old John was los wise io ohn 3-16 ening singing Chrismas carul suggest to Jane that she con John 3: and playing games sider Phil Scot as a possible ee 0 oo husband. Despite the fact that Women of Moose Initiate he kpew (hat Jane did mot re : . PA with disfaver, he Glory to Him — Hope of mankind — Exemplar New Candidate Recently re aise, o- dr: oe: : One new candidate was ballo!f she became aware of Der of all we hold true and beautiful. Let us seek for od on at the regular meeting Of | father's prejudice poor PMI - . . : . the Women of the Moose Chapler ’ , His wisdom and guidance as the Wise Men did. Let 637 last Thursday "MEY site § Ehanos . ans were smpleted for the “lock bere Jane ' he said one us Vow to continue Hus good works and strive to Christmas Party and the meeling day, ‘1 notice you ve been seeing was adjourned until [rex 28 al that young Scot fellow » good deal iwhich time Mouse Haven nigh’ lately. 1 absolutely wouldn't stand will be held onyx 14K gold follow His way to inner happiness. for his type 8s a son in-law” ® 0° To everyone, everywhere, we offer the wish that the Patton Cootie Pup Tent ay Bid, dopo _ | a THREE DIAMOND spirit of Christmas be with you this year and for many Has Christmas ‘Scratch’ BA Lu datuns Ely ane TAL 2B \\ FISHTAIL RING years to come. The Military O lor Of Cooliek. | shoulder bove the rest A MAIN ST. GARAGE = CARROLLTOWN . . y telepd ’ es 53 writ bis | Man's diamond FOE Committee Visits ea ta inital set in col : a: A x ses) re anmal Yin . § cred stone. Patients At VA Hospital «and suooned ni | The following FOE Aerie mem A EY eam LN LRN Sim. star sapphire bers visited all the veterans ¥ in. 3 R 1a Me you Ve wen ~ | 14K gold nag for Altoona Veterang Hospital on De paving a good deal of allention io . | \ ns | 10 and distributed Christmas gifts that Carilon girl iastely I want to all the palienis Bernard stopped! Understand’ She's nothing 'Kleman, George Masnica, Mark put a flirt and a social butterfly” | Brown, John Bender, Bill O'Leary hil was aghast ‘But | Peter Petrusky, Bil! Elms Mike | Capko, Germaine Niebauer and | Herman Carettl | CE I Dad, she's the daughter of your cldest friend’ 1 thought . that is . well you see 1 like Jane a Jot 1 was in hopes..." Pvt George Kline, who is sla “Well, cease hoping “ Beot senior | tioned at Camp Lejeune N (Cis t a | spending a 10-day furlough wilh - : this mother, Mrs. Mary Kline WEEK LATER Od John and | Jim Morey of Cleveland. Ohi Albert Scot were sipping drinks | visited in town 3 few days this ,n4 exchanging congenialities on {. Tp. ve ag rng the veranda of the former's home }-3 Armen Lung © A car stopped out front and two Airborne Infantry, stationed a Camp Campbell, iy. is a young people came up the walk i a 15-day icave here with his wile ' } and parents Somehow, this year, Jack Bonissier of past Aurora IN. Y., spent last Friday with his bh Ly » parents, Mr and Mrs John the greatest Christmas message Schissler of 5th Avenue | , N. | Mrs. Ben Short nas returned ] : a ; \ 4 Choice of twe . { home from Baslon, Mass, afte: ¥ 2 B (3 N 4 Nd of all is the one that comes most | visiting her sister, Mrs. William Wy SENN 3 of GRUEN'S Landers, who is a surgical pat- = J b Af ~~ . : : tent at the Memorial Hospital in % : Fy 4 a nn Ws most beautiful often to our mind. We say it that place. Mrs Landers. the| § AMS\e / a A oN garet Williams of Pat. Fo pT : pd In ‘ 3 { and ton, is a Registered Nurse at SIE : «¥ wat oF men ' . Meadeville. / { . sincerely, fervently, to all our tere Lialusica, returned Boe oi) Friday after attending a training | t 4 friend Ber in Pittatargh Mr. Haluska | r in r. a cusiomers, i060 our irienas, reputed the program very inter to ell mankind, AJ. Farry Owns wi, Malion “Beace on Earth, Good Will toward Meu” 11eeye ih mm.” “it you don't like 1. ybu © PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY - 1500.00 IN PRIZE THIS SATURDAY IN KARPS | | EXTRA DIVIDENDS — ALL CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATE Jane looked at Phil and Phil | locked at Jane and Jane said: =m KARPS Credit Jewelers in pay. He got it today and tomor- | tn mts en wa | Tenth Street BARNESBORO, PA. think up ways and meand of run. | ning our lives when we get back’ |