Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 21, 1950, Image 2

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Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area | fds & | IA 4 VA a3 - bh, Eo It t otk nd Moe Jems Brie nm . Gallitzin | eewee
I'H KE UNION PRESS- COURIER | pl H h 4 < PW 2 4 ¥ 7’ p >on 5 - API x 1d 2 5 > | Mrs James Laird was os al her |
Patton Courier, Eta 1898 Yinion Press, Estab. 1988 | or . 1 7 ; : : 2 ’ iy #. = : 3 " ’ fy ; 8 i : La k Here tor Severs) Basketball
| a A - ad 8 CLE a a od Ret ay | Mrs. William Woodside is a
Publish reds So = ’ : = 8 3 | : :
Press. oe gli BL TN Mes tur DRsas and Frank EF inten 4 el pi — ; Hos Tr ; % . ? ~ Pics ; isurgical patient at the Morey i
"hg class mall matter May 7, 1936, at the postoffice at Patton Pa. Ltder 8 4 a "> : : ‘ - AN iy WE Hospital, Johnstown d
the Act of March 3. 1879 i - . ax] rE Merie Richardson of Mapleton, |
; =i : : Pa, visited Sunday at the Ken-| s .
FRANK p CAMMAR LIM A Owens, Editor aL - : ; ; A ut a oth Fier dao Aas Gallitzin's Peewee Basketball
MARATA Business Manager || ; | Wo Se Tohn MacWil. | #SEU? gets under way with
THOS A OWENS JR. M Editor || 3 : a po i Mr and Mrs John as 'Wi ‘I three < 3a
FRED J OWENS Circulation Manager || Pt aA Ro \ ps 5 [Ir Batra on Sin a relatives | o'clock, officials announced this
I L ma Ye? ‘ , : . | weak
Subscription: $250 Yearly wATIONAL §DITORIAL | IEEE EN 2 TAR RRR [had moor ite heamenol All games wili be played in the| a
In Advance stage of tis community, we find it hard at limes ‘x | [has moved high school cose Coach Paul _ Bender,
Individual Copy, 5¢ AS Y NE : a. {to its newly-built home in gh sc Eym. Openers in the |, =O
3" 10 be impressed by the monstonsns { JL six-team loop are the Polish Fal- y Titier, John Rertocehd,
U A po Eh BB ine Taylor, daughter of Mr. | CO h Alnst the Moose; St. th, Martin Stanley,
" pan pplication FP Ww x SBl and Mrs James Taylor, was very | Michael's Society agains: | Harold Sanders, a gn, Pat
* en vor of th Into ann. ra. i 41 . i £ AE i’ | ' . 4
anized Labor In aii Hors te oo Lourer Ia ary reitasent Ory || [ But Chwistmas captures us long before it is here A study of 3 ~ I] several days last week Hid ob an Mutual Society and Burcu hind y Fel Ay pm
lication must be signed by the writer as an evidence of good faith | BS ) ’ the ing of Christmas is one pleassre of 4 iv BE : i iho The Misses Zelda Patterson and | A against the American Fei *
ora on, Fress-Courier gives its advertisers the advantage of combined | Foo AR coming ’ which we nevar IE | X | Florence Good, who are employed | Legion cightaer,
that Miss 9 ANS largel Sireuiateq Syeeklie snd has A reader coverage | » ool iG J tire. Christmas is our community is not just the occurrence 4 a Dal dl te (in Johnstown, spent Sunday at| Gorman Peters ig in charge of C St. Michael's Slovak Society---
County a : iy . § ¥ Rot uty 9 their homes here officials while Paul Rocus will! Coach Peter Kuzma, John Dash-
=~ of 2 holiday Mis 2 gradusl qeichening of heart md sprit, BE ; Mr and Mrs. Michael Tinnchuik | ands the official scoring. Guy Se Jato Yillarent Ray Duran,
. a a ¥ » FS and daughter o pangler vigited Monick, high school coach and Melvin urray, oseph Sinn,
A Merry Christmas 4 B the heightening of 2 happy drama . AN, Ll RY At the James Laird home on Harry Aho, junior varsity coach, | Anthony Kowalski, Mario
wi~€ gi 2g al. nd We Bunday (head the rules interpretation !0. Terry Ketner, Stanley Zoina,
Once again the months. ha: " ; y : It begins back in November when the behavior of the thidren ng ¢ AH ‘ Mes Reng Risharddon at- committee | Ed Becher and Roger Duron.
“ ! Again the onthe hs ve ro { along rd you A ristinas i Fr . y ; Se 1 en dex a Christmas party Lies | “Pesirn rosters are a follows Polish .
s at hand side from the troubles sndition. is warld and th > angels 8 1 : AY. avami oF 3 > a alt racon Club-Coach
yg on ; $ 3 i ns | ah be : el . Ty! £11 v os ’ W - ’ begins " I at o Mt 20 entire elermaiion, 4 f i ot - ‘ . AY vaning Ot. sak at 1 alian Mutual Society Conch Bruno Longosky. Ronnie Lupenit-
teres s Bec LIT IO hotise holds ' CANS ef rig Fisk 1d A but 2 hard try with saly occasighal forays in the cookie jar 5 ; Ey AS rehins TY Ta ar :, Sires Bustela : Cheater Perry ti Pat McMahon, Freddie Sylves-
eX DET HE Des MVE AnH Here Ran Beak . Biare ram S Via; } ot : ; pp rata hae y E ow ! - RR He i srnen Randers ohn Novak, Val ter Jim Kent Ga Nichol, ;
parignce ' BY. Vedra a: rtf tp Blhal ie th / u Its approach seems hastened with the hustle and ads ; ES nor of Marianne Peel's eyfthth | vinitnne Girard Grabowski. Nick Ratchford, Ed ROW], Rah
heen ' : birthda a VErBaarn n De 11
Prebriive: +3 ’ y Dis ; floYy ob : =a es dfiey a a Brannan, Richa 8prou any Schiosse ; Closky and
future. the jove eo Beano cw pa x 0) aroomd the churches and schools , busy rebsarsing their a ry I Marianne received many jrifts Hoidacs ; “ , pon Tomy oi I agty Me y
g 4 . § : J ! " a : Arid . "w } ~ ha add ) -id WL ICEIRIL er or eH Rae ¥e 4 } . i
The heritage of our Anwrican freedom dictates to us that ' . boiday pageants, 4 25 a te HR y rer 5 : Ts y t Ra : -_—-— ®
there never is any real individual freedom unless we all are : # d p i ". > Regt Mra Albert , oe mn .
willing to sacrifice to attain, and retain. it Therefore, this ! 1 We're * ’ 3 . >. ans Ed R HEIR
ih attain, : . : stas excited as 0 i W Mrs Doyl
Christmas, like in the days of the w ars of the Nation, must be . » verybody tise. and you i forgive h i i . : : Yio Hut
tempered with the thought that we are trying to make the \ ; us if glad tidings find their way into our mers serions : . ns :
ronditions in which all people live those same conditions that the yor J . a
Babe of Rethlehem brought throughout His Hfetinme in the ; reports We " Just 8 impatient n the hs te wish our
teaching of Christianity, which todas is the sole hope of the 4 :
world for peace :
ea “gs
=~ JOO +E
But Christmas now is upon us Fo the many homes amd
families throughout our area it will mean a day of real Fe joke ing
and of thanksgiving that ours still remaieps one land in which
the individual is the master of his own woul To the millions wha
live behind the Iron Curtain countries Christmas means Ht th so recently developed. The fact reanains, however, that ( vinhria
nnd the Babe of Bethlehem is denied the people the tenets of His { county's prison is rated highly by the stats MARSTELLER
teachings of nearly two thousand years Ago That we ar y ; . ; ; :
privileged in this turbulent world to do so surely means that all or iy . 43 ira ; a i By MRS FRED SCHROCK
} ie
of us really can enjoy the Spirit of Christmas 1 " :
TRL GF The: taal tints George H. Wargo, BHS
every nook and corner there were pioneers who biazed the frais nf |hAL CORfrunt the body. Few poopie realise 1 but © «i» High Scorer, Gets Troph
civilizatic: That alse took place right her no. Ou 8 amb ~ ones Balan. £ an Wha " HIT ISL De EE siocd Wap >i
County at lorette at Beulah Ebhensburg and , 1 ; : ii... : df, -
Settlement (Hart's Sleeping Place), and in the factual and legendary Ss oh ¥ wen even Lhe sighlest mistake is mad al leant fis
stories that attend them all the Christmas season
brighter aspects than the balance of those periods of
our pioneers, we too enter into the holiday, spirit
a thought of reverence rather than one of revelry
Be a junior r Ha
¥ > srs . a i 5 i > Ny Mw * % &
he newspapers fin of copy 4 fave al n y Fig pwii, and a aw
w > woe » » *
i ard} = Tellal Tai
i Lows 2 P
Taxation brings the county just so much money in round | BHS ed De R
i AR 4 “pe #5 re : Sun ay !
terms. This money then must meet the requirements of the | cived 3 trophy a! the banaue: Smith home.
£ 7 ow ge, #4 rep * * >
administration from vear to year. Buodgets are made up with last Thursday evening fo ¥ anna of matrimony were an
care and money allocated to meet all anticipated needs. However |p gh school band and f ! rd £ first lime Hun-
. s in the course of the year there are things that bob up that 1.00 for Being the lead ni hr RY in the Holy Incarnation Ca
On Closing for Christmas cost money that cannot be anticipated by anyone at the begin a ” = ST are a Cis tN Church for Eudaliph Viva
w *
$45 Lae
: yj ranty ATOR
ning of a year. Obligations, mandatory by law, that were in the i il ns Hector delli of this place and Lucy Mil
The proclamation of Burgess Theodore Ott relative to the closing | dark at the time of budget-making crop up from time to time. | eee «r of Bt atrick’s Pariah in
of beer and liquor dispensaries from 11 o'clock on Christmas Eve Most glaring’ of these unanticipated expenditures are orders of Donald Wiiburn of ' Spangler.
until the afternoon of Christmas Day surely can't be met with any | the Public Utility Commission to the county to pay huge sums INavv SORE Abrus A Joa Mrs Joe Vargo and Mrs ‘Tom
other response than a laudatory movement by the great majority of toward bridges, etc. There are many other items that nimply bo avy 3 Apne -e ; Smith attended a Christzoas
our citizens After all Christmas is a holiday that is not intended | 8anot be forseen, but Commissioners manage to Ket along | Russel; Wilburn = subi iy Party of the Barnesboro Wamen
for a carousing celebration It should be a day of rejoicing spirit. somehow. ! Kenneth Richard of the Moose on Monday evening
: : ; ; | nneth Ri rdacn dl Tn ae A:
ually - a day. too. of prayer , The Commissioners of Cambria County are now rounang out | ren, Donna and Kenny, and Diana nn he Pest TI pate Sj
ta . fen CORSE mak | their third year in office. and. in retrospect, they look backward to | MacWilhams attended a Christ. 3 IWO-Week vacalion in fhm
a Tenino day Sue’ 380 Shia 4 Of = of a2 . Nn I many things accomplished. On how the general public views those | Mas party held at the Methodiat Pom Md al the home of Mr and
¥ presence cooper pareaia, § CON "ent 41} t tha t I ren rv “hk «wp og y th F Oh oh in Bi Doses i M "Hy - Mra Walter Riley
both father and mother, is needed. Too often this is not the cane | ACCOmplishments will rest the final reward or chastisement of this | Aur in Darnesbor anon
: i priv iat wv § ry “5 v { te § e 3 x “ os > : it g p . i -
in man a home M be the ts, or at least one of them, | administration Candidates for public office when they are up for | AY evening . : in ” 5 - : -
are A t. Maybe that ab paren causing sufficient worry to i reelection, must stand on their records i Misa Joann Bush of Emeigh CHICK HATCHERY BURNS very best wishes for od Joyous Christmas and
: . | viaitled t 4 WL fowler Rome ar ter {PNR deveral if ’
the rest of the family to completely ruin the holiday. The closing | Weds the (wis ¥s OE i a i? LPNS) ke a ot a prosperous New Year.
of the public drinking places is a wise and sensible move. o ™ 3 Mr Sana ar wlio, iBall ini
¥ Howatin sich) t aT Mr and Mm J weph Mihalick Lake Chick MHatehs ry near Bere
een ad uel Oldharn f 1h ' 4 IES and children of Spangler visited were sweet by fire and deatioy.
Ww KE ht H t { J 8 Arne Lr0v of Johnst ow: 8 Gt | Bunday atl the Michael Mahalick of with a joss estimated at $12. %
ar roug ome 0 S rn ent » \ ' YPN 4 hone RR hy fAremen Chicka and con
“n° i ¢ 4 1 : 3
There is a tendency on the part of many people to view the Hastings Miss Grace Williams was a brother of Cred ha - yoy Aha a fipmen! Were omalz ee J E Ww E | ke R S
Korean War as something apart from us something that is happen. 42 of this pl i ! » a. ham Ww Kensiripgto Mrs Leos !®H he 8 ; aru : s
i die
ing thousands of miles away in Asia But as the « asualty lists are m on Rundavy DD 17 in the Min ir {31 of Ant ye nd Fie na daughter, Sanco were X ‘4 GTS Le Peete iP
reported the fact that we have been, and are in a war is swiftly ra spital, Spangler. She [ice of sbhurgh Hy YE ! R Johnston) Rh A A 2) bi Ath Lhe fits PHILA. AVE. BARNESBORO
coming right back to our doorsteps Fallen soldiers sons of Northern orn Oct. 10 190% ir 8% inge ceded i tenth bv Yugi "OT AIH AW arma and Bild vets when voi # its # :
Cambria County follks are among those never again oo come back MN eof Willia ref § 3 dwt toned Fo yn '
home op t y
Like those days of World War II, there also are many RAS I survived DY her nother, 19: A Teta. 0 hh boives
parents, wives and loved ones here in our midst who live from | mentioned, and the following bro- .
d to day with an anticipated hope of receiving word from a thers and sisters hn, Mi: The 1 Coulter
in the battle areas read the newspapers, they | Helen Martin, William, Raymond mas L
know their soldier is in danger. can only hope and pray. | Russell and Floyd, all of Pontiac | Dean - Thomas 1 Coulter, 74
Most every family well knows their plight from past experience. | Mich Donald with the U 8 |of this place died at 6.30 p. m on
| Army. Mrs. Christine Kline and! Sunday, Dec. 17. at his home
» . | Mrs Edith Wetherson both of [from an heart atlack He was
Building A Fence | Hastings born in 8t Augustine on Oct 23
Funeral! services were held at{ 1878, a son of John and Hebecca
as ; 2:30 p. m. Wednesday in the Hast. | (Emith) Coulter
We note from time to time that this individual, or this club, has ing Methodist Church by Rev He is survives by ms widow, |
made a donation toward the ence fc t. ’ tw
Athletic Field. That's good news for ey ou a vapce Clark and interment was| Adeline (Shatto) Coulter. He was
the folks of our area who are interested in sports—the backbone | 2d in Union Cemetery a member of the United Mine
Pun. va bie ast couple of years, has Workers of America. He was a|
dwork for a fine Sam el Ol ii retired coal miner
£8 to be done before u Funeral arrangements incom.
forward to by the promoters, the Colver-— Samuel Oldham, 54 of] plete
lose the field with a fence. 164 First Street, died last Satur: ————
day, Dec. 18 at his home. He was | MIGHT HELP HIM
born in Osceola Mills, July 5, The New York judge who sen- |
1596, a son of the late Samuel T. tenced a man to jail because he |
and Sara (Simms) Oldham. was lazy probably merely sent
He is survived by his widow, him up for a stretch The Al-|
Mrs. Marian (Love) Oldham, and toona Mirror |
we heard the
| % The Holiday Season aliords ws the opportunity w expesss out apprec
May Glwistmas be » magic time of happi- & ation tw our many friends for their good will and thoughtfulness during
mess for you—-with everything you need to x the past year.
make for the realisation of oll your wishes. A
May each day that follows prolong this magic nd with this appreciation goes our wish for 3 memoeable Christnas—
81 tal Slag wa pool Weil Wo pen. 2 one that will be abundant with good cheer and good hesith followed by
a New Year of contentment snd good fortune.