Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, December 14, 1950, Image 9

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    Thursday, December 14 1650 .
|ard, and Ray Funicelli, attended
{the Cresson High School Senior
| Play, “A Young Man's Fancy,” in
The weekly Penny Party was| Cresson last Thursday evening.
held by the St Mary Magdalene | Mr. and Mrs. Regis Johnston of
Catholic Church in the Church! Juniata visited at thé H. J. John-
Hall last Sunday afternoon at 2 ston home Saturday.
P- m. The party proved to be a! Joseph Bergamaschi and child-
lucky one for the Robert Con-| ren, LeRoy and Doris, were last
rads. Mrs. Conrad was awarded a Saturday visitors in Coalport
turkey and Mr. Conrad was given| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston
another turkey plus the jackpot. | and son, John, visited in Altoona
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston | last Saturday.
and son, Jimmy and Billy, and Mr! Mrs. James Peno and son,
and Mra. Joseph Johnston and! Mickey visited at the Domenic
children, Ruthie, Martha, Margar-
et and Richard, visited Sunday a' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conrad and
the Harry Johnston home. | son, Dennis, visited at the Robert
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Funicelli | Shore home in Coalport, Bunday
were last Tuesday visitors in Al- Fred
here Sunday with his parents Mr
Mrs. Joseph Bergamaschi and and Mrs GQ F Jacobs
children, Doris, LeRoy and Rich- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swires of
{5 ri
Pleasant Atmosphere
for Your
FRIDAY NIGHT, DEC. 15 9:30 to 12:30
Dance Floor Show Fish Fry
SATURDAY NIGHT, DEC. 16, 10:00 to 1:00
FRANKIE NORMAN and His Mello-Tones
8pecial Attraction During the Evening
Peno home in Coalport on Sunday |
Jacobs of Altoona visited!
«ror the MAN
Altoona visited in town Sunday at
the Howard T. Swires residence
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reghetti
and sons, Domenic and Ronald
were last Saturday callers In
Paul Mansfield and Helen Mor-
an of Ashville visited at the John
Funicelli and George E Brown
homes on Sunday
Edwin Krise of Cleveland, Ohio,
| spent the week end with his fam-
ily in Dean.
Steve Plassay was a business
caller in Altoona last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Fortunato Funi-
celli and daughters, Dorothy and
Eileen, were last Baturday visit
| org in Altoona.
Hastings Rotarians
Plan "50 Meetings
Members of the Hastings Ro
tary Club set program pians for
the coming year aquring a meeting |
| Tuesday in Demento's Restaurant
The following system will be
Twelve as
IVing accounts
emhly programs with
atinnsg will bs
call diac uss
Twelve events with «
speakers giving talks on import
anit subjects
Four meetings on international
\ ©
Four high school programas
Four fellowship meetings that
Ww include Ladies N ght
Kutztown { PNS8) “The police
chief here has been arrested on @
harge of burglary, larceny and
receiving stolen goods The sua
nended chief, Raymond G. Beiger, |
was accused by a local garage
employe who ans ried he entered
the garage and stole two lires
worth $45
® Want the man you re-
member to remember his
Christmas gift from you?
it's easy! Give him a
wenderful gift—from the
biggest and best selection
of wonderful Christmas
Gifts we've ever assem-
Famous brand shirts in solid colors, white,
stripes. All sleeve
lengths. Give him several
of 'em. Every shirt is Christmas correct.
TIES! Ties! ties!
Bold patterns, and plain
patterns, plaids and every modern pattern.
Mateh his suits and suit his moods.
Give a Sweater--a gift he'll wear and will
enjoy for a long
wool sweaters, latest weaves.
Rich all-wool Jackets. Warmly lined.
Rain-resistant too! It’s that ‘‘special”
gift for your ‘‘special’’ man. wise tartans,
A Lounging Robe—A certain favorite
with every man at Christzas. See our
collection of sensational Successes: perfection in
Sport Shirts—A practical gift. Built
to lead a rugged life, yet tailored as
carefully as a dress shirt.
Socks—His style, his color . . . with
built-in feel-at-home. You find out his
size . . . then see us. All sizes!
Handsome, practical . . . the Mack-’
inaw! A sure-fire gift success he’ll be
wearing for many years.
It’s a cold winter. Every man wants
Gloves to keep him warm. Woolens,
pigskin, lined and unlined.
Gift Mufflers — Pure wool and warm
as your affections. Come in fashion-
time to come. Soft, all-
solids, stripes, checks.
Pajamas—8nug and warm on the very
coldest of nights. Styled to fit him to
a variety of hot colors.
ithe home of Mrs
week in honor
| Guests atten
i Stellar, Mrs Alex
John Ord, Mrs. Jane
| Mrs. Hazel Hebdon, and Mrs. Ro-|
bert Fulton.
11513 Main Street, announce the
| i] veland Street
Carol Sing At Gallitzin
To Be Held Next Thursday
The Gallitzin Lions Club entes-
tained their lady lioneaseg at =a
meeting of the club Monday ev-
ening of this week in the Horse
shoe Trail Tavern, Gallitzin. A
very colorful and delicious meal
was served
The members and guests had
group singing of Christmas Carols
and were enterained by J Frank
in McDermitt, a professional
| magician of Altoona
The Lions Ciub completed pians
{ for the Christmas holidays. The
| annual Christmas Carol Bing will
{ be held next Thursday, Dec. 21, at
| 7.30 p. m. around the Community
Christmas Tree
jocated on Rail
road Street The choirs of the
Gallitz:n Churches will take part
{ They include 8t Patrick's and St
Mary's Catholi Churches, Bt
John's Lutheran Church, the (A
litzin Methodist Church and Ne
students of the Gallilzin {Gsrade
Kochools Alvin I Bu x
Barnard will direct the
The display of Christmas lights
will be on Main Street and on Lbs
arch at the entrance of the town
Judging for the ("hrisUmas
Home Decorating contest will
take place between Dec. 20 and
New Year's Day Prizes will bs
awarded to lhe ‘most attractively
decorated homes in the Tunnelhili
and Gallitzin Boroughs
The next meeting of lhe ciub
will be held Jan. 8
® &
Convent Club Session
Held At Bardenelli Home
Mra Rose Bardeneill was host
eas al a meeting of the Convent
Ciub of 8t. Patrick's Church of
Wednesday evening, Dec. 6, al her
on Nbrth Main Sireel
It was decided at lhe BSes8i00
that the club would purchase UM
ful gifts for the Nuns of the Con
vent, and also have some paint
ing and decorating work done in
the Convent. as an added Chris
| mas gift for the Nuns
Attending lhe session were the
| following: Jane Kilmartin, Mary
{ Noel, Mary Hall, Carrie Beck,
eta Brannan, Marie Quinn, Doro.
thy Shaffer. Lottie Johnston and
i Aniee Lenz
Following the meeting a lunch
was served. The next meeting of
the club will be held Jan. 10 al
Amee Lenz,
Craig Street.
ro Brannan Promoted
To Staff Sergeant's Rank
Mr. and Mra. Faber Brannan of
| 905 Wilson Btreel, has been notifi-
| ed that their son, Bgl. leo Bran-
{ nan, has been promoted to the
| rank of Blaff Sergeant
8 Sgt. Brannan has been ala-
tioned at Hickam Field, Hawaii,
| for the past three years He is a
veteran of World War 11, reen-
Lating in 1947
‘Mrs. Gladys Fulton
Honored On Birthday
A birthday party was held iasl
of Mrs Gladys Ful-
Wilson Blree!
fing were the foliow
. * Ma % PE PYL (31
n atl her home ©
Mrs. Ella Chase, Mrs. Pearl
Laird, Mrs
Rowland, |
Mrs. Fulton received many gifts
oe |
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hornauer |
and daughter, Dolores, of Johns-|
town and William Hornauer of]
Detroit, Mich. spent the past!
week end with Mr. and Mrs
Frank Hornauer of South Main
Street. Frank Hornauer celebrated
his 90th birthday on Dec. 4. He
was enjoying good health until
recently when he suffered a fall in
his home. He is able to be around
the house.
Mrs. Lottie Johnston of 900 N.
Main Street attended the meeting
and Christmas party of the Rall-
road Women’s Auxiliary Unit 8 of
Altoona last Wednesday afternoon
in the Lutheran Church, Walnut
Street, Altoona. After the busi-
ness meeting a lunch was served
and gifts exchanged by the 76
women attending. Next meeling
will be held Jan. 18, :
Mrs. Elizabeth Meintel of Wil
son Street was discharged from
the Mercy Hospital on Saturday,
Dec. 2, after being a patient in
that institdticn for 88 days. Mrs.
Meintel suffered a fall down a
flight of stairs and fractured her
hip. She is improving very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brannan
of Wilmerding, Pa., announce the
birth of a son, Robert, Faber, In
the Columbia Hospital in Wilkins-
, Pa., Nov, 24.
. and Mrs. Roy Zimberlin of
birth of a son, Daryl Anthony,
Nov. 24, in the Altoona Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Myers of
Forest Street announce the birth
of a son, Nov. 21 at their home.
Mrs. Myers is the former Dorothy
of this
of Clearfield, Nov.
Clearfield Hospital. Mrs. Falk is
the former Miss Madeline Hancuff
of Gallitzin.
Miss Cecelia Isaacson of Jack-
son Street, is visiting in Pitts
Robert M. Basal of Detroit,
with his par
A brush demonstration y
was held recently at the
of Mrs. Robert rds. The fol-
lowing Iadies attended: Mrs. Rus-
sell elly, Mrs. William Link,
Mrs. James Passanita, Mrs. Tho-
maa Lidwell, Mrs. Lynn McCon-
nell, Mrs. James Lidwell Mrs
Elizabeth Hufford, Mrs» Pius
Conrad, Mra Patrick Lidwell and
Mrs Edna Storm. Games were
played and a lunch was served.
A covered dish luncheon was
served Tuesday evening in the
Ashville Veterans of Foreign
Wars home by the Ladies Auxili-
ary of the VFW Post. The affair
was in conjunction with the reg-
ular meeting, Thirty-six members |
attended Christmas gifts were |
The following ladies attended |
the 4-H Homemakers Fair at the |
Patton Moose Hall last Tuesday
Mrs Jennie Holtz, Mrs James
Myers, and Mrs Eulalia God. |
frey. Robert Evans sang “White |
Christmas” at the meeting
Roy Chirdon, John Marra and |
Wayne Baker got deer during the
past season Messrs Marra and
Chirdon got bucks and Mr. Baker
felled a doe
A Christmas Party will be held
Tuesday of next week [ex i7,
n 8t Thomas Church Hall by
the John Lipple Post, VFW, and
ita muxiliary. Plan to attend
Mary Lou Lidwell acted as the
irading lady in the Benior play
held at Cresson High School on
Wednesday and Thursday of last
Ashville Bochool Board reelected
the same officers at its regular |
reorganization mesting Monday
evening of last week They are as
follows: Mra Evelyn Ever presi.
fen Mrs Nora Conrad, vice
president Eugene Ever, ireas-
gurer and secretary. Other mem-
bers are Mra Jennie Holtz Rus-
eel] Kelly and Katherine Krug
The Ashville Volunteer Fire Co
mn Bunday evening awarded a
shotgun to "Chris" an iran to
Bob Hollen, five tons of coal to
Elizabeth Hufford. they also aw-
arded a number of ther itemay,
St. Benedict
Mias Jane Hunter and Walter |
Hunter visited in Brookville last
Mrs Joseph Egloff and daugh- |
ter, Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Fgloff and daughter, Susah =f
Turtle Creek, visited here Sunday
at the Robert Cowan home :
Bunday visitors at the Glova re. |
sidence were Sam Glova, Mr and
Mrs. Tony Glova and family and
Mr and Mm Andy Kolan of
Mr. and Mra Harry Painter and
Mr. and Mrs Charles Painter vis- |
ited on Sunday in Curwensville at]
the Painter home.
Mrs Matilda Long has returned
to her home here after spending a
month in Coalwood, W. Va, at
the home of her daughter Mrs
Vincent Ream. Mr. Ream drove
Mrs. Long home and visited wilh
his parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry
Ream of this place
Mr. and Mrs Harry Ream vis
ited in Beaverdale on Sunday
A plastic party was held at the
home of Mrs, Charles Myers last
Tuesday. Ladies attending were
Mrs. Norh Feighner, Mrs. James
Stratton, Mrs. Mike Glova, Mrs.
James Hunter, Mrs. B. F. Bowers,
Mrs. Max McDevitt, Mrs. Barnard
Swanson, Mrs. Wm. White, Mrs,
Lee lawrence, Mrs. Orville Mec-
Kee, Mrs Verlo Berringer, Mrs
Bernard Brown, Mrs. Chester Wis-
er and Miss Rose McDevitt, all
of town, and Mrs. Bill Williams
of Barnesboro.
Mr. and Mrs Chester Wiser and
daughter, Jean, visited in Pitls-
burgh on Bunday.
Mrs. Leo , Mrs
Berringer . Clyde
Bradford and Mrs. John Emerick
Jr, were last Friday visitors Ih
Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Swanson
motored to Sidman, Pa., Sunday
to pay their respects to their
ne , Clifford Johnson, who was
killed in an auto accident In
Buffalo, N Y., last week.
Mrs. Leroy Lawrence entertain-
ed the members of her club last
priday evening. Attending were
Mrs. Verio Berringer, Mrs. Orville
McKee, Mrs. Francis Williams,
Parker P
To Hold Your Selection
You Gath Mach A
— with full-width Super-freeser
Chest and Super-Storage Design
Here's ¥ cu. ft. of really sofe-cold refrigeration
in America’s No. 1 Refrigurator. There's the
handiest kind of food storoge, most convenient
ice - service with Quickube Trays, sturdy .one-
piece steel comsiruction ond the powerful
sconomicol Meter-Miser mechanism with 5-Yeor
Warranty. It's the idecl gift for the fomily this
Christmas . . . ond many Christmases to come |
® Pull-width plastic Chill Drawer
© New, lce-Blue, Gold and White beauty
© New, sliding plastic Basket Drawer
© Lifetime Porcelain interior
* Adjustable, rustproof shelves
© Also available in all-porcelain finish of
small extra cost of $30.00.
® New styling by Reymend Loewy
Ask about oll the new Frigidaire
hing 2 =
Refrigerators — priced from $104
+, VOM
* »
tr ee