PAGE EIGHT UNION PRESS COURIER 4 HASTINGS :icicocviiios AMSBRY Fallentimbe VAN ORMER Miners’ Hospital "onion 4 SEP Rooks, fx By J 1 MINE MARTUCC) KATHLEEN BUCHANAN + ’ _— RS a aghtar, rt on nce ion 3 Mean - Patients’ Record roiipn ssmenier” Sor" Hastings Athletic Banquet i Soiame Mare ister Mares, 1 rr | 200. Philp. of Cresson visited in| whe is ill 8 Philipsburg Hos- an and Mr. and Mrs. Blair Lom 1 ru mshry last Sunda pit Jlowing is the list of patienta daughter, Nov. 22; Mr. and Mrs andl Mrs. John Bernot, Nanty-Glo, . . hl 0 re adryils ) Vupnly ! pila fr of Niagar "alls, N. Y.. spe? Te Be Held This Evening Rew . Erma Mills tvs) ; ae LE 52: : ar 1 irs i: i Madd Ar c LL $ n : J J 1 the wes Pp vy the ( “N Yu ¥ {a i acimitted and git h arged at ithe Vincent Mihoerck, Heilwood, son, Hastings High School football + in Mrs a1 ah gy avons Fila, yening at! A 5 od, i iiton home Miners’ Hospital Span er, from Nov 2; Mr and Mrs. Milton ‘ players band and heerleaders CO adecke Mart} “ Gra » Lyd Betty + . a - Te rode oi ; ? ED wi . = : ; : Ciarabeile Hollen ont Altoona : Nov aL Nay : ~ wigr ar No - | will he gUersts a! A han i jest At Beltowsk! Betty Riack ’ rs X : ! » ih nv" xr bid > nt " ' ' rand Yaa) sper t the week endl hers k the MEDIC AL ADMITTED " Mr and Mrs Ral Koontz, PATTON, PA. 8:30 this evening, Nov. 30, in the Rie. Irens Yonkoskll cfu 3 El coed an ee eh ed Sond 8. JTARR Vogel YiS | Clifford Hollen home Robert Blair Jr, Patton: Rob. Hastings, daughter, Nov. 23; Mr Hast ngs Moose Hall Midred Bobak. Lillian Bobsk Pa pital alter uhdereaing surverv . Crate ArtiUrs o Hin i Jack lan FiSiien vona tert Conner, Burnesbors R, b : wt hos sens Nov 3 Sr TRIDAY & SATURDAY The annual affair is bein Ann Woodley « (athert ) ‘ . : on Be Fr o ales ‘ Wikia xt t} jith Lamar hon pec ant Mrs Daisy Thom pao LAaJOss TFOlIloOWn, aGaughtier, NOV : r. Decem sponsored jointly by th 2 ate ps Mary Bills. A k tr ol . be , Mrs: a Lea Ee avidin | bole Rite ne er . : x | 1 Patrick Link. Dysart R D.;. Mrs and Mrs George Hugill, Hastings, | ber 1 & 2 sponsored jointly by the Veterans | Mae “uri” astern, Mr. Chas, Chattanooga. Tenn, are spending of Noor. the. wael tv and Mrs 8 Had {ambley Hastings. Rob. son, Nov. 24; Mr. and Mrs. Fer- Moose and Firemen's Club Mrs mit? Mrs Brow: Ars FY nts fr and Mrs Jowenh FBacs (ir and y Ios a Kir iatighter f nesgviil rigited AS “aldwell : spangier Harold nade Perott, Emeigh, son, Nov. | Head Coach Al Deluca of 8t nunsk! Kay Wagnes nardine | ‘ and Mrs Mike M Mi ft ried Mra Cx A hall ford H un hon ’ Ri val] RACE 3 Re La Mrs AT a a Mr and Mrs. Michasl Saxon, . ho " : Cor EH i . i 3 X £ ] Mu : ; : x7 i . yr Rew alish Snangle Mrs Sari Spangler, son, Nov, 28 Vincent Collegs Latrobe wiil be iL >, nd family of Loretto spent Ia NG. GRUNT hi Bihots wi : a ; ” | Losin [ : . ‘ = ‘ £4 y i Jacobs, Ebensbus Mrs. Angeline the principal speaker Clair J mein y ng 1 ative “re mina i! thu Beiter hoy J indi, 14 pant buck i riaay y 3 as / t AT "ia ' ’ her! : » y 65 rile north oO ivetti, Mar Her lomeph Zur. Urich, supervising principal of the College students who wet ; 4 AwWson, who Was ir ed LMOUR NA / if g 5H miles north o ers vats Wallace Craw Hastings Public Schools, will be ,. 4) Resrnes he } n oan auto s erit last Wednes §1 fA ; N i Bay. Omtario Canada ! . ; Fur ebin toastmast er eek ond were: Gilds Martuc. |J8Y evening. is a patient at the and Mrs Matt Sh Among the local doe Wunters | Tl CITC get Oe, ‘4 SUSANNA PASS ne! : Dol Ts ¥id t i . i vy Hospital, Altoona A 11 3 ts re \ ¥ were successful were Boyd ! , i rl By MRS. GRORGIA : Ci ang Wilores den ' 1Iana . oF Yoh ‘ ' : ih ; go A r ¢ ¢ i ’ lsu wiki spi . SURGICAL AD Tre yl ) Ch F 0 Il Qtate Teachers Colleg ' Pred >: tida and rs A he Fraz Vogel Rome | eodore Has Iton J Mrs Margaret Sholtis. Barnes Mr ard Mrs Donald Hollern ange rrom wvveraus Bob Rill ate ‘a mitly Colver sper harks Kiam Mars Rb i Ronit Fre wl and Donald Shomo | ™ ps . “8g argler if Wilkes Barre visited with Mr . . yy ar y LE AR ate EIVINg with the Robert Blakney in aid Thatsiat 3 Pros tivd Keith. Milton Zupon. Gene (Doro, AIC Rae ry A, hay and Mrs. Francis Hollern. Donald Prior to Wedding Here Beds a jo A Cham family of Amabr ea Babel of. (lp ) sridd Regis Montler of Mry sanet a i s waiting his call for active duty SUNDAY & MONDAY vache rs ¥ § LJueniy i 1 3 ; PO ¢ y . : f ai aE y Tray emuel tiff le ahafTey 4 J Deep snow delayed the Johns J gache as Tech nt 4% es Ko wh £ e! ’ f Liye : i County antortnin ; ad ine) spent the holiday Me i he a 8t Bene with the /Naval Reserve December 3 & 4 ton-Chura wedding two hours Te 8 V rein i" : . . i a Fe MT) AYEAI : : y 8 4 : . ; SYmitA ng y Qh sf lege i seein { a weir homea here is 2 obamyt 3p amber toang ler Mra Dan Little has recovered : or Saturday. Louls Chura, the ~~ — °° ; vss Gasiad or and Mrs OUls Arm | & HONE Re nt owe £33 vel and grandson, |p : 2 ¥riks A a am ta a r from an extended illness JUNE HAVER bride’s father, brought the ah EO A Rea: roa natairg spent 1 HIGAY Wilh wrioe Pauline : { itt {v7 sited in Altoona iast Fri- 1g, Zarhosky _ Barneshoro : Mri Buccesaful doe hunters were WILLIAM LUNDIGAN bridal party to St. Bernard's ' matter visited here asl Yednes: ihe ‘acy s molher tty Marine nes Charch on the rear of a truck, day evening Ihey af ich wr aney Bu achanan and Charles CTTORAWAR and lian Kib- day Betty Marino, Barnesboro; Ger. Wm. Lidwell. Ronald Stoy. Harry GLORIA DeHAVEN taking almost two hours to ! f . ~ Th Hhhor GER ITY : hee. A us : Farabaugh, Carrollitown; Mra hoes pL vy Brannigan and HARRY JAMES. in . : 4 . \ ; . Tali wonsrt Al EF sirmidn fempakey } boss ve PY ey Era * Bestrice rarer (i reenaburg ¢ Rr i make the trip. The wedding s rich rH vy A Lt ask v nd Mrs AF i FEY PF 0 > 8 i {ri i } { — 1 } Far More Cirace Veil Hastings Mri Many schon! pupils attended Slvthes were farried a haus, Fret ¥ ' vim hers alr Er f Res oi 8tey hoy Kot Salient wer and * Smitis Qernelsberger. Hastings: the Santa Claus parade in Al ang « group « nged clothes & eel 4 "i ts 3 od 1 4 k i : y 1 Fred Toma tar n ty ol [heehar. ( ressor toona last Friday afternoon Si in the social rooms of the 3334 fr . ¢ Want ot { or ried Mrs Bernard M rir r" Eient Mra hab Cieivdle; arnt Anders Qe sp laden: N ok “ automa ' ea Mise Rostmary Murphy aid COLOR BY TRCRNTOOLOR church . arid 1)? pa it week #1 : A , § i ) or 33 bo 1 iv AVS has! ow ony - € al Len MEDICAL DISCHARGED Wilfred Montier were united in Also . . . News & Cartoon ee ght ret irned hh Fenty mle (Jags of Star {in Tk : Biv. DIA Mra Mary [cea Patton: Mrs | MATHiage by Rev. Father John B ¢ . i : ¥ : : : 4 Fro \ Pr i}# Li iY . : i ¥ # : ¥ 3 i ; 1 achat! #4 fin Le - PARTY OMSERVING SILVER Mr and Mis | inher have returned to Altoona Dale Glas of Siar. Mi or Robert Anderson ding [Sum New, Avert: Gervase Hackett on Thankgiving morn > 4 ‘ , } y ' { PY 3 rst 1.1 ht ris ! vs} . a Le . a AAR Yr : a ret. n iy « hatha at helio WRU So RSA) g n : ' 1 1» iH : f ; ra ' § (1A : in Die : Rtg ie a ’ Li i) a by ra > i a, : ireh here TUESDAY, December 8 Barty at ER On eo I sidetica relative r the v \ nd Mrz Howard F Gla ine arnani friends TOT Lonky, Twin Ra foseph lu. Mrs. Inez Gallagher has been Paul Douglas, Thur ds ERE fy Ne wd f WV f ton A " 1 Mor : ra ¢ or wink mi rt Pratt Ww Hacharged from the Altoona Montgomery CHIE In Mer : it neeln Cammarata ¥ Hospital She is recupera. Ara 15: Le Barra. LUBE at her home hers from a THE BIG LIFT Lary Hog Ro art istry sericaia liness Ma y H va ih : £ . i st ALSRO ia ras pharm ent : \ Hecent visitors at the Mra Mizak Harnesboro Liye saliagher home were Mr Hedy I r STRGICAL DISCHARGED i i. Andrew Grevia and aon John Hodiak, in 5 Patt ex Jira “tealrn, Mr. and M oot pen: urs Toy of Tien tein drt 3 LADY WITHOUT ¥ A 33 « &11 Bow vil ined Mr ¥ §it Tre Kien y a ho} LE Fr % Y J ir Frre gq! (aryel v %¥ fd Mrs Wint: » Ay 12 Ko 1 ¥ 1 filet ve 6 i Mrs Frank Vogel vis By MRS ELMER KEITH p on $ Fi IN BEAUTIFUL COLOR ve TREN ; . : ‘a y = Ba pee ¢ ‘ her ¥ 3 {yr fh ‘ ! yraek Mrs Thomas Aub ASSPOR § y ’ ' y (‘arvrol "wT Veronica Zins and family and Mr and A P T COLYER . : ; i . i eh wigler i Ih #1 Mirs Francis Gallagher of [awk k Lafitey pe] ! ! ¥ Barnesbor [r Mar. Flaven Mrs M. Perry of Gallitzin : Wt i dy. ; , i thi Dreghvter i. caret Symons, 8 thet Mrs and Mr and Mra Steve Halerz WED. & THURSD Jeo : Colver Man Exonerated th Pit tthe Toth, Barnesboro BR. Do. of | ji 5 RY ae Soon « by i CRE ireh + ay ¢ { M1: % At In es : B® «uk ; ? wd : ‘ ! a 4 ¢AAay Td 3. Barnesabaor Mianen Arma foaniak Joven Miss Dorothy Chura Saturday were Mr and Mra A Inqu st of Coroner NT eC as RD Mon ARNE Wigner. Bar. |Cirnaaor ond ARS ater TORE ALLYSGN Honored At Shower Hert re un and In > carne) Ju gh! i ore; Sirs. Janet MeQueeney, {spent the week end in Wasliing DICK POWELL A bridal shower was held for oy Pela { Stanley Ws EE hist wi lagana ned Mra David MK 8its r Fer Bp pun, lan, MG RICARDO MONTALBAN Miss Dorothy Chura ! her mos 0 a iis wie {1 ! pe hes A H il n Friday farcid Potter, wi t employed 7 . DP Nave ia Mr and Mrs Jack Parson of : i > +44 i f 11 i ’ § ‘3 ¢ % § h ¥ “ang I sep FF Wt ewe j . * On ther. Katherine at the Chura re- 4 wat if ¢ X hh ou at i DEL ¥ fins Jiot! Fratobifon f Dn nr Det : {ich yperit weveral ph Fenchock. Has Hlurricane, W. Va visited with LIONEL BARRYMORE. in . t Al : alan of ive ‘ 4% . - nes, Mrs Betly Marino Barnes ; sidence Nov 16 at 7 30 p m. Mins ip ab \talucl wand Pas : @ 81 ALT ¢ week end y : & x hame of hia parents, hn Mig Gian Vail Hastings Mrs Helen Parsons ‘ . - wk aa . . yr 1 4 — . ) bu BEE A 4 » # Foss FH Tr, ' : $ i : 3 Pers ves oh f » Mra + rey Pr ttor ! ¥ ' rd Fi, 5 BE - “hura was married Noi 2 3 3h | was struck and: thicred : : hael R atiah 0 5 ta . ; Ib Reel Mrs Martina Semelsherger. Has pr ROHASE PROPERTY - - . bins * sh 4 # fii . } 3 : I's wii I " Nd $0 5 8 Pipnaed ee if Piri gp AM An i et " a # ii STAs Ars 3 ar driv on hy BEANS . > . y ITE ” rs e ngeiine alvetty : " Also... News Oartoon t tsi v arn ¥ lagana on ) OPP aa Ma. John and Marcy Sabo of Barr & nie Louise Chrmnphe Pwvremne #it eo ¢ the Walter M §! 1 ve 3 ; ; at ! nel arsteller: Lemuel 8tiffler “ABH NITES pr tL Gal Howl Altoona on Friday ugh horn azt Thursday Katey Township purchased a property in CA : gi vi sili Wi i { $ \ “ “i $ 3 A : Te testified 1) Mr and Mrs Glenn 1. Glass Fr. al : Flaiph Stalb of MATERNITY Spangler fronting 23 feet on veslilie LN yf anf h , Arthul ant? Bre the left ’ ogni AT sons, Eugene and Dreight | fret Thursday visiting Mr ard Mrs Marcellus Reps. Crawford Ave, fromm Grace M 9 » ivy and Willlam A DAnamore of " Things don't just happen... Bid é i ’ " - % 3 i LAE . - ¥ York. Pi vis at , i spent Thanksgiving ay visiting h me of Misses Cora and Patton BH. D. daughter. Nov, 2 3! week of : ral re nn. reds 3 yt the home of Mr and Mra Cal Mary Mr and Mrs Eugene Wright, Spangler for 38.000 somebody makes them happen. " ; Adlet own Y; have ! vas driving behind ah \ Paul Yahner home receniiy n effort [ # Fer shurg vial triking Stefanie) Orvetta Gill of Harri ak ds - 3 $i ; x ng » oo. a oF : : i wv Can 77 : : Mr and Mrs James McNelis 4... " Tu Es rons! of Detroit, Mich, visited here last |p bo at Toh Pe TY a qd Wy eK Ma yf it % kK Ey 4 Dr. and Mrs Edward bBrezon An Aa ga ih , Washington, D.C Aannound Lhe tr} } oy A rth of a son, Nov. 21. M1 I : ' | zon is the former Mary SE FORD, Abel of his pace Patricia McNelis of Harmsburg spent the past week here Paul McDermill of Pittsburgh visited in town over week end George and Jahn Butts a pent The past wWoex Hill KB ry 845 . wi : iT A #t er, and Mra Charles Yahner| To AC Ao and Mrs. Edith Nicbauer visited Lo last Fri in Altoona on Monday evening rey Sir ry f Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Becker at- (‘nd with tended the funeral of the lady's nd Mw 3 TS brother in Detroit, Mich. one day “'y, " "y, last week . , daughter Doris Dietrick of Indiana spent the week end here ; | Mary Weakland of PULSDUTEDR john Stoyka spent last Frida) | visited Bere, At week, oe are 3nd Saturday in Twin Rocks | Anhe sn Pittsburgh Mr. and Mra Tony Reberic of | visiting relatives In hired Ey ot Patton R. D. visited here recently | Mr. and Mrs. Bill rc . * Colver Public School students | Detroit, Mich. visited Rhere we concluded a Red Cross drive in the | week at the Ike Wetherson an school last week. The Bixth Grade | Gerald Kline homes Room of Mrs. Brown won the ban. ia ¥ { . a TE oy v i & 24T5:333 & visited here \ week snd atl the Brun res. GEnce ner for highest donation of $3.25 Total amount in school Was £17.59 MES. PRED SCHROCK Peter Scudero bagged a doe be fore noon on Monday aone Barnesbore 523-R-1 S mparieR tn Bes nd Jose Vic- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Claycomb of na a A — i state of Indiana spent week end zi hae! Pastir Jr . here with lady's parents, Mr. and paggick each felled a 1 Th Mrs. Russell Wilburn. day ge pment Bow Try Power Windle! Woes Runt) a a wy 4 au A Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fowler and. ae and Mrs Merrill Smith am 2 won wordarpend Nort Wanting \& gaughter, Flo Ann, visited rela- daughters visited here “hanksgiv- d tiv dera on Sunday ne at Owen Bmith home and on - a ik h En Davsasen, who was Em, OTS hon. Va ts rt rt Sp re | a patient in Miners’ Hospital with rl 1 Mrs. Mike Spontak { pneumonia, is. home now and re. gq. .ohter are moving th - o Bl iP / | ; ported as much improved New York City Their furnitur Bo : : 3 ot 7 : I Flo Ann Fowler visited In yp on Tuesday 4 : ' " FA ! Indiana recently with friends Mr and Mrs Marshall Mann re- » fl 4 pw 80 3 te us New Say Tere Pucteg A number of local students al. cently purchased the Mike Spon- - 5s RY 3 i foam Bilder Couey tended Barnesboro High Schoo tak home and will move there in Oo — ; , war Bos Sag Sorngs dance last Wednesday evening if ,..r future > PN w a po donut Deva Barnesboro Legion Home, i Gemma Vergerio siudent nurse pF - # PR ’ n - dh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seeley shen al Johnstown Memorial Hospital . : Thanksgiving and Jroek el With vigited at home here over week their son-in-law and daughter, J end. and Mrs. Sidney Greenway in yy, an4 Mrs. Geno Vassinalll \ Washington, D. C., The trip back and daughter, Patty, visited in Rew Dyed Puckung Lg home has been delayed due to the Philipsburg last Wedneaday. weather conditions. Peel George Stoyka and George Ba- Charles Garnner, we eel, | 1,g visited in Twin Rocks Sunday Harve Krupa and Ken Tay i} Ae Sympathy is expressed to the spending several days deer | Cameron family in recent death of ing. | their grandfather. ‘ed Virginia Plummer of Altoona \\ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pea) Lan visited here over week end at the # nounce the birth of a daug 165, Glenn Plummer home, Debra Louise, Nov. 14 in the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vay and son | Indiana Hospital. ; . spent week end in Cleveland, O Susan Peel of Commodore visit Merchandise winners were Mrs gd here, last week at the Albert) yy, Degretto, $50; Walter Koz- ™ Mrs. Moss Peel of oil. $25. and John Bisko, $10 Commodore were Sunday visitors mei i ir ana Mrs. Tony fet apent Colver fal Look Ahead . . . of your Ford Decler’s This unique new springing system auto You can have your choice of two great And in the new "51 Ford you ore offered a Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller spent today! Look of the ‘51 Ford! matically odishi spring recction to road Forsl economy engites: the a Hip the rer you. — mr oc pu | Patients’ Record conditions. Automatic Ride Control includes 100-Ap. V-8 or its companion in quality and the Conventional Drive, the Overdrive, * Oligh. Here's the cor designed and built not just for Advanced “Mydra-Coll” Front Springs ond quiet, the 95-hp. SbL Both of these engines end Fordomatic Drive,® the newest ond Mrs. Bd Trout is spending a this year and nex!, but for the yeors to : he : offer the Automatic Mileo Maker that finest of all ouvtomatic transmissions. few weeks with her h d In| The following is the list of pat- come. To stay in style, to soy young nw Varigbie-Rote Race Speing Sun = go gta Vish : : . A tches timing to fund charges so that every your Ford Dealer today to we and "Test ugusta, Ga. | jents admitted and discharged at oi e a Both team with new “Viscous Control” Shock "0 A hi Augw and Mrs. Walter Riley An8 | Corver Tonpitel for i past performance, to stay theiftyl Absorbers to give you @ relaxing ride, o drop of gasoline ki ued-——none wasted. Ovrive™ this Snes? Ford ever built! children of Cumberland, Md, vite week: t's the "51 Ford ith 43 pew "look level ride—noc jounce, no pitch, no rolll pend @ sare cock ited here over week end al the | Admitted Catherine Cameron, Ahead” features some illustrated cbove John Peel Sr, home. | Roseland Meekina, Ant aetta Sol . Yes, you'll ride in comfort in the new 5! i w— ; lonned ond engineered for a : : and Mrs. Joe Grey and ,.u, David Smith Verna Fed- Balj we Pord . . . ond you'll ride in style, tool Inside Yi but t better Nancy, spent last | orka, and Vern Lukehart. : he years aheed. end wt, you'll find beauty in every detail ou can more you an Lola Brown, Thom- » a § i i las Bendrowsky, Mary Kozlowski, You'll find such advances os the new Auto. of styling, coachwork and finish of this fine . motic Ride Control that mokes even rough new Ford. Amel Bt is beauty thot lash 0 Richuty abrosk RY: Mary Suva, Sic. roads easy on you-—easy on the car iseifl becouse the quality is there! eron. i i Maternity Mr. and Mrs. Mich- | ae! Bolonika, Ebensburg, son, Nov. | CC in and “Test Drive” it Tod a] ome In an est Dnive” it loaday PURCHASE COAL SEAM Elder Coal Company of Osceola | Mil, To rsh 3, STOLTZ MOTOR COMPANY fh and asbela XK. Wood of 5th & Lang Aves. Phone 2161 Patton, Pa.