Sunday, November 33, 1960 Around Patto ‘Meade Nehrig Member Of Duke U. Moose Still ‘Tops In Cinch Tourney Moose are Patton Fi rf urnament, but Looval Order top position nal Cinch T by a margir Moose have al The Eagles ith 2.500 pv n the ‘ - 2.31) mirth a y 323 with Slovak place and the 2.181 points Fo the first tin the Eis and SOI tie score, the Moose pass up the VFW and the Eagles downed the Club by 37 poin last Wednes evening The tourname will continue play this Wadnesday evening with the Moose host to Legion the VFW at the Eagles and the Slovak Club gong to the SOI The scores will be announced in next week's paper Games are played each Wed- nesday evening at 8 p. m. and the committee requests all players to be on scheduled time * 5 » Billy Dubyak Honored On Ninth Anniversary Mr and Mrs Jess Dubyak of Beech Ave, were hosts at a birth day party for their son Billy, who celebrated his ninth birthday anniversary last Sa urday Nov 18 Games were playad and lunch served. Billy received many gifts Attending were the following Birdie McConnell, 8ammy Dub- yak, Jackie and Adele Mozi, Ron- nie and Paul Kudelawic, Donnie and Eddie Dubyak, Joie, Billy and Bobhy Hancharic, Dorothy Nie- bauer, Francis and Benny Botla and Joyce, Billy and Debby rub yak Rin played to managed to by D2 points Slova ts fay nt in tha Married Here Recently The marriage of Mrs. Margaret Zern to Raymond C. Fagan of Carrolltown took place in St Mary's Catholic Church, Patton on Saturday morning, Nov. 4, with Maas celebrated by Rev Father Rupert Stadtmiller At. tending the couple were Francis Zern, son of Mrs. Fagan, and Miss Edna Kirsch of Loretto eee LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE The following is the current standings of the Patton Ladies Bowling League: Won Lost 3} 13 7 4 168 4 18 Spades Clubs Hearts Diamonds ® oo» Angelo Cammarata is a patient in the Miners’ Hospital, suffering from an attack po onia. w improved. of = amniles i Nov. ! former Marjorie Steir of Patton. | Mrs. Vincent Thomas recently Mra | underwent an eye operation of her left eye at the Altoona General Spangler, | His condition is some- | Josephine Bender, near town. Phone My, Oullahan Dial 2652 Nn Union Press-Oourier Dial 83161 Glee Club of Mr Mellor Harry Meade and Mrs. H H Ave, been a member Duke May fer tion « Nehrig. Nehrig |On if has of the Turkey Dinner Served At Charles Sayder Home The MNC Club first anniversary last Tueaday Nov. 14 The members and guests were entertained at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder, af ter which a turkey dinner was served at ® pm. at the home of Moy and Mrs Harry Stauffer The table was ds srytiry and ivy three-tier cake with one was the center piece After dinner cards were played Members and guests attending were Dr. and Mrs John A Mur tay. Mr and Mrs John J Haluska Mr and Mrs Oscar Binder, Mr and Mrs Russell Little, Mr. and Mrs Seymore Ratowsky and Mr and Mrs Charles Snyder eo 0 Barnard, Scott Pledged By Greek Letter Frats John Bamard Jr Kchool Prine ipal and Mio Barnard of Beech Ave has been pledged by Delta Garnma fraternity University of Roch ier. N.Y Irn high school hers tive in the band, and on the school paper Victor F of Mr and Mrs Melvin Scott of Magee Ave, Patton, hax been pledged by Phi Lambda Theta fraternity at Bucknell University. He was one of 240 Bucknell men who ac- cepted bids from the 13 Greek social fraternities on the campus at Lewisburg Mr Scott, a freshman, is en- rolled in the education course He graduated from Patton High School in May, 1849 FO Mr and Mra. Michael Petkoah of Cleveland, Ohio, announce the birth of a daughter, Dana Jo, on 14. Mrs. Petkosh was the bhirate its home of rate i with A huge candle High John 1 Patton Hela at the Hix hes 807 of the ester he student WHS Af COL staff il Scott, son M Hospital. Dr. Paul Bender of Arlington Va. visited over the week end al the home of his mother, Mrs » ts t & 4 : LADIES. Luxenberg’s has © most important message for you . . . a plan that will save you both time and trouble! Here it is — “MAKE NOVEMBER YOUR CHRISTMAS AL BLE SHOPPING MONTH at LUXENBERG’S!” It's smart and practical, ladies, to shop in November for men’s gifts. Our assortments are very complete now! You get first selec- tion from fresh new merchandise; and our experienced courteous salespeople can give you thoughful, eareful unhuried aid in choos- ing exactly the proper gifts. | sudden! ly on | student Miss Mary Good, Blanche i. lark, president of the Patton Clay Mfg. Co, monial banquet given In her honor at the Fagles’ Ballroom last Thursday evening. treasurer of the cake was donated by Mertens Bakery. UNION PRESS-COURIER ‘Miss Mary Good Cuts 4-Tier Cake At Testimonial Dinner firm. The huge James Audio Photo Pation is shown cutting the huge cake at the test) Looking on is Mrs The very successful affair was sponsored by employes of the clay plant and the Patton Chamber of Commerce The Patton lady was presented a lounge chalr and ottoman by by the Chamber of Commerce and friends and end table ADDED tr . Cerner by PENALTY TO BE ording ty Al Jit z Patt n tax ¢ on ve percent will 1050 taxes 1. Friday { . » 0 VEW DONATES CIGARETTES lohn White Post 779. VFW, of Pat! enti i sorrie HOO | eRe of « Futeties 3) * * It tients at 1d M: : § IT anid RULE and Mrs rit er Jackson Vander in town spending Rowland Karen of Rrift were recent visitors Mrs Bam Bteir is some s | Cleveland Ohio, at home of her ms n-law and dau ghter, Mr and He Mich Pet kosh Mrs Harry ion Ave. was n ael Owens of Mel called to Hunting don, W. Va, on Bunday. due to the serious iliness of her son John Bullivan, who was stricken Saturday evening Owens was accompanied by her daughter, Mra. Regis Carroll of Johnstown. Mrs. Henry Gorden and daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Ray Billingsly of Senetobia, Miss returned home last Thursday after spending a few days a! the Tommy and Her. vey Mulligan homes Mrs. Gorden and Mrs Billingsly are Mrs. Tom Mulligan's mother and sister, re. spectively, They came to attend the funeral of Patrick Mulligan Mrs. Charles Batdor!{ of Patton D. ia spending several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Reese O'Brien of Chicago, Il Mss EJ 212 R $F Bearer spent last i week with her daughters (in Pitts accompanied her daughter Nelda, a nurse at the Pittshurgh Mercy Hospital. Nelda spent the week end here aymond Weber and Joann Weakland motored to Philadelphia lest Friday. They were accompan- ied home by Mr. Weber's son Floyd, who is a patient at the Fhiladelphia Navai Hospital and Joseph Yecklev, a patient at the Valley Forge Hospital, Philade!- nhia. Weber and Yeckley were noth wounded in the legs in “*orea. Merrell Yeckley and Alvin Yeckley took the boys back to their respective hospitals Sunday burgh She was home by | evening. | Hospital, k and son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yahner of i this place announce the birth of a | son, born Nov. 19 in the Miners’ Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bakale Dennis, and daughter, Jeanne Ann, visited in Dunlo and South Fork on Sunday. "A daughter was borm Nov. 20 Patton R. D. in the Miners’ Hos- pital, Spangler. es ® Patton Presbyterian Church Plummer Harvey STA Minister Sunday, Nov, Deloss Elms supt 11 a m Worship Service Into His Hands P m. Westminster Pellowship Nona Wi Lor m jot » by Rev. Ralph E tmer tor Patton ist Church Bucke and Mr Rarvey assisting oe 00 The Trinity Methodist Church Rev. J BE A Buorcke BD DN Pastor Calvary Baptist Church 23-10 a m Union ; y., Nov | Thanksetvin ng Service at Presbyterian MEN'S & BOYS’ OLOTHING & SHOES BARNESBORO , Nov n ch » p = Happy 3 pm ofr practice an Society. to Mr. and Mrs. Maréillia Ropp of | St. Benedict Mrs. Ted Mansel Honored At Shower EB nr Af Bud Brows a . aii f tna nes Str Har pla i RIV Mrs Josh Mansel Mrs Cabie, ail ry Beam Mary Lou iller Rieter Avs Ted Cal DeVries and Mrs Cherry Tree es Anderson 8r nd Mrs ar Anderson Jr. Esther Anderson visited ween on Sunday. Mr and Mra, C1 Ey atllended the State football game in last Saturday. Telford Saylor and Larue and Benny, attended a meeting of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Jean Biloltz spent last Wednes.- day in Altoona with her Bran mother Mrs Vern Ahlstrom and da ‘ith ter. Phyllis, visited in Altoona on Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mra George and family spent Sunday in town at the Harry Painter home The George Painters are residents of Curwensville Ciyde Bradford spent a day last week in Philadelphia at the Jef. ferson Hospital Burskey Home Is Scene of Party Mra. Mary Cymbor was hostess atl a demonstration Tuesday evening at the hone her sister Mrs Joseph Burskey in Carrolitown. Following the onstration & SUrprise was held in honor of Mary Cymbor. A luncheon served and Mrs. Cymbor many gifts. Attending the were the following ladies Mrs Ted Katawas Mrs Wentz Mary: Jo Wentz Nick Moinar Mrs, Paul Shar- beugh, Mrs Fred Owens Mrs Tom Buck. Mrs leonard Cymbor Mrs. Schilling. Mrs Lou Kowal skv, Mrs. 8 Farabaugh Eileen Farabaugh Steve Cranas Miss Clara Glasser Mra. Zeno Buck, Mrs Beagle, Mrs. Gussie Cymbor Mrs Ann Biko, Mra. John Gelormino, Mrs nthony Owizdak, Mrs. Bernard ra Mrs Smithbauer, Mrs Jos. eph Burskey and Mrs Cymbor Mrs Mr and M Oscar { ns air Caldwell and ritt-Michi Kan Hitaburgh Painter the ast of birthday Mrs Was ived affair rede tudy Mrs Large Number Attends 26-10 a. m Bunday| '3-Act Play At Spangler A large number of persons at- | {tended the (“Just Ducky.” Staged evening at the | School Auditorium. ins | Gordan served as director. Members of the cast included | Andrew Kirkpatrick, Joan Huber, | John Caldwell, inard Dontelli, 5 i berger, Catherine Ann Brown, Ann Jones, John Zurenko and Joe | Zeglin. “i 5%" =| Gallitzin Youth Detained !On Car Pilfermg Counts In a hearing before Judge Ivan | J. McKenrick in Juvenile Court | last Friday, one Gallitzin youth was detained and five others dis- missed because of lack of evidence All of the youths had been ar- rested in connection with numer ous thefts from automobiles park- ed in QGallitzin. The one boy, who implicated the others, was placed in the county detention home and will later be transferred to a Juvenile institution. He was SY. polite while burgilaris- Drug Store in Gall- First Baptist Church Thursday, Nov. 23-10 « m Union Thanksgiving Service at the Presbyter- ian Church. Priday. Nov. 4-730 p. m Junior Society at home of Miss Janet Bmith Saturday. Nov. 25-9 a m Words of Life program over WNCC., Barneshor. Sunday. Nov 26-10 a mm Sunday School. m Morning Worship, “The Chureh st Philadelphia.” Revela- tion 3 and SY service at 7:30 p Neath | m. Young ply EE ba dori Eg OR . and 8 m. the employes, and a radio, | BUpervisin dem! Alice Ponchock., Mrs. Janet Easly, Ber-| Henry - Aurandt, | i Mary louise Maguick, Joan For! floor lamp Barnesboro Cooties Install Officers for Coming Year Ar Gallitzm Legion to AM ‘Tide of Toys’ Campaign The Americ rom od its tion of joining the Legion program to provide 15 million toys for needy hildren in Western Europe and Pacific areas this Christmas Joseph Bernard will head the pnmittes in charge of the posta "Tide of Toya.’ He will be artist. ed by W Howard Weston. Pat- rick Grogan, William Bricca and John Palko Both and new toys are being accepted in the drive Dedicate Flag, Flagpole At Colver Grade School A new Flag and flagpole were dedicated atl the Colver School at a special ceremony Friday after- The school's 444 students led grades 1 to KB parti cipated the exsarcises The principal address was given Alvin T. Buck of Gallitzin, as sistant counly superintendent of schools. Also taking part the rogram were Arthur WW Price principal, and Rev Sura, pastor of the Catholic Church in lLegior Cenliitzin has announdc an inten oid non enre in 1 in b Y in Father J J Holy Fam iy Colver Students assembled in front of the school and sang a number of BONES Patton Man to Pay Fine In Motor Code Violation John LL. Turek, Patton, who was arrested by slate ice following an acc Nov. 1] near Patton wis directed to pay a fine of $200 and costs of prosecution Monday in court in Fbensburyg The defendant pleaded guilty to failure to stop at the ene of an accident. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY c ARD OF THANKS I wish in this manner to thank all friends relatives and neigh- pol dent ‘bors for their kind assistance dur- ing my recent bereavement the {death of my son, James Bailey; jalso for the beautiful floral offer- [ings and the use of automobiles | ~Georgia —Mrs. Ethel Bailey tie since 1860. PAUL'S SHOE STORE This proche? her se hie wih The Ama Matisasl Bed Crom Campa t “x -f -*n Phila. Ave. Red Cross Shoes —= at Reasonable Prices PAUL'S SHOE STORE Youth Group Plans Christmas Party A Christmas Party will be held {in the Colver Presbyterian Church fon De 18 it was announced at | a regular meeting of District 5 i Wastminster Fellowsh the =i Benedict Presbyterian on Monday N 20) Py in i$ hur »h . a 1 the Patton 28th Division Men To Get Furloughs On December 3 of Penn- Guard 10-day Camp Preshyter ery Bere % 281 h National 1 receive ari from nd Daniel B. Bt} few tr h coughs on #4 Tr i Kier will re. ige camp to form » achment Lghs will begin De through Jan, 1 who i will Lae ART RITE AS RK” Washing 4 ‘ Tain: re. Army perioy wil frye heer RY trove be oh a} Ths normal 4 the hoe arid The furlough sarder will affect the North Cambria with the many men in area who {federalized State Police Say: is driving at a h permits you to keep under control even unexpected circumstan- are {ivialo sPTY n ald » A safe speed speed whi your car the most ces It in to the condition of the highway, weather traffic volume and many wher factors Take time to be safe! fw hs PREPARE BIRD FEEDER If vou like to have birds around the yard during the winter, some them | H Thompson, extension | feeding will There R iidlife specialiat at Penn State, 4 el that the fesders be pre. cared now and some food put in al the first threat of bad weather is help to keep FLANS CHRISTMAS EVENT John Li Post 4315 Veter ans of Foreign Wars, Ashville and its auxiliary, have planned to hold 2 Christmas party from 1:30 to p mm Sunday Dee 17 All child. ren from the area will be guests CHURCH NOTICES Glasgow Charge, EUB Churches Rev O EK Sease Pastor Sunday Novy 8 oo Allernansyilin Chureh ‘Worahiip Service at 938 a mi, and BSundsy School at 03 a on = Olasgow, sups Pallentimber Chureh,, Worship Service at 1348 a m., and Bunday Sebhool at 230 8 mu Howard Ds « supe Glasgow prie iat T45 o'clock ——————— I ————— has voted Democra. ne 8 AIR rd Your favorite shoe center 4 Barnesbero PATTON AUTO COMPANY You save money, you eliminate worry ond you're swe of trouble-free performance when you select o "OK" Used Cor or Truck. Expert mechanics put them in firs clos condition, we give you o written guarantee ond do everything possible to satisfy you regarding performence, price ond terms. SAVE MONEY ON THESE ‘OK USED CARS 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE 4-Door Sedan, radio and heater 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE DELUXE 2-Door Sedan, radio and heater 1948 CHEVROLET VILEETMASTER Door Sedan, radio and heater 1948 Ford (hab Coupe 1947 Plymouth 4-Doow 1942 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Club Coupe 1941 Ford 2-Deoor 1941 Dodge 2-Door Sedan DEALS ARE : : PLYMOUTH %- TON PICKUP THE RUL" 1941 — SAVE TIME WITH CASH PATTON AUTO CO. PHONE 2171 Fourth Ave. PATTON OR TERMS AT driving with due regard i 1 LUXENBERG’S GIGANTIC EXECUTORS’? S ALE TERRIFIC VALUES! TRADE IN Your Old Watch for a New GRUEN THE Aeacision WATCH SAVE NOW! MANY OTHER BARGAIN BUYS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION LUXENBERG'S JEWELRY STORE BARNESBORO