Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, October 26, 1950, Image 8

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R. D; Mrs. Betty Williams, Has- | Barnesboro: Matthew Getty, HIlls-
tings; Imelda Springer, Nick- dale; Melvin Lockard, Gien Camp-
’ town; Frank Svidergol, Carroll-| bell; Norma Brynes, Barnesboro;
Patient town; Nicholas Domingo, Penn William Becker, St. Boniface; Mrs |
S Run ho ae Etizabeth Dey- | Berniece Demento, Hastings; Mrs
e Tree; Wi Aan- | Mary Fulton, Spangler: Genevieve |
Shap 55 tot sitet 2 Santor, Me Spey Sl et hae |
A tal Spangler ¢ the Logos. Hastings. Aw Sod | Jr, Barneshoro; Jeanne Ann igay Oct 19 at 330 a m. &t his re iy Frank Nagine of, ...
Oct. 18 to 23” Dsler, from Strongstown; Genevieve Kol yb, Burnesboro; Lawrence | home He was born on Dec. 24,|CRicopee, Mass, was marred 0] |". My Dean Lewis and
IC Isr. Barn qui ye | 5 apian, Barnesboro; Terrance | 1884 in Houtzdale, a son of | Bodney L. Schenk, son of Hu wh a |
MEDICAL po sd Bo Ow esbore: Mrs. Caroline | Yeager, St. Boniface; Mrs. Phila: | Charies and Sarah (Macomb) | Schenk of Chest Springs, Sept. daughter, Margie, of Cullitzin,
We Blanche Beatty, Mahaffey Cr. Hargle er! any Ouck. | mena Wilt, Dysart R. D.. Mrs | woodhead. ; in the Mater feng: Calhotie | Pont Sunday with relatives jheve. |
e Yeager, St. Bon- : Clyta! june Sherry, Loretto R. D; Mrs. | He is survived by his widow | Church, Holyoke, Mass Rev. Fa-| Mr. and Mrs. Dick McConnel |
Ann Stivers, LaJose R. D., Mrs |ipe former Priscilla Pearson and | ther Leonard Pakuiski officiated and daughters spent last Satur-
Catherine Hammond, Spangler: | 1noge children: Mrs. Evelyn Ear-| at the double-ring ceremony day evenigg in Cresson
Mary KElizabeth Mulvehill, Bar-|,.. Cherry Tree: Mrs Margaret! Mr. and Mrs Albert Nagine | Mr and Mrs. Donald Hartman
nesboro; Nancy Lou Keith, Bar-| waiters, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. brother and sister-in-law of the | entertained with » birthday party
nesboro, and Frank Ogden, Cherry | Grace Crook, Waterville, Maine; | bride, were the attendants The last Wednesday evening in honor
| Tree. Charles and Robert, both of Bar-| bridesmaids were Lilian Robert- of the 5th birthday anniversary
asl Gray Sri MATERNITY nesboro. Seven grandchildren and | som, wpee Falls, Mass: Mrs | of their son, Ronnie.
Spangler; ! nesboro; Jeanne Ann Trybus, Mr. and Mrs Virgil Richards |the following two sisters also! U. N. Zaturka, Holyoke, and Maury Mrs. Esther Racz and son,
Prouia, pi wld Yo . Mary Barnesboro; Walter Trybus Jr. | Marion Center R. D. 1, daughter, |survive: Mrs. Ada Renshaw of | Lomacko, Fairview, Mam Ushers | Davie, and Mrs. Verna Godfrey
: chock, Hastings; Stephen M Barneshoro: William Becker, St | Oct. 17. Pittsburgh and Mrs Edith Ste | were H E Latyrka and John ane | were last Thursday evening visit-
Arks | Boniface; Paul Baker, Patton:| Mr. and Mrs. Walter phenson of Detroit. One brother, Raymond Nagine, brothers of the ors in Altoona
Bakerton; Veronica rasek
Hae William ey Ea Dy Willam 8 ens, Niles, O; Mrs | patton, son, Oct. 17. George of Detroit, also survives Mrs. Sam Booterbaugh visited
Ruth G Funeral services were held at |
hs (Chicopee irl Bride
Joseph Woodhead (Of Rodney Schenk
my Khim and thawing, bulbs sh
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sekai] and |tected with a pujch of
of this place, ated last Thurs- | Nagine, daugh- I am, b-, the Eimer Gallagher ry Dam
Kingston, Bamesboro; Richard
Cunningham, Hastings: Mrs. Ph-
ilamena Wilt, Dysart R. D.; John
Renninger, Coalport; Nancy Lou
Keith, Barnesboro; Jerry Frank,
Westover; Judy Ann Good, West-
over; Mrs. srniece Demento,
Hastings; Lawrence Fabian, Bar-
face; Albert Urgolites, Hasti s;
Gervase Kinsey, rmesbhoro:
Elizabeth M lenry, Beatson
R D; L Gould, Barnesboro;
Bawa hm, 3 Mrs.
Agnes m, on Rob-
ert Pack Jr, . ’
| with her sister, Mrs. e GAr-
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomas, Barbara Nagine, niece of the
sart, and William Wilkinson,
Mrs. Anns Weakland, Barnesboro
Paul Tabatcher,
aang, Hun gr Rob
Norma Bamesboro. Anna
Laizier, Hillsdale: Mrs. June Sher
iry, Loretto R. D.; Virginia Lee
Gleydura, Barnesboro; Mrs Mim- |
St. Boniface daughter, Oet. 18
Mr. and Mrs John Covel, 8t
Benedict, son, Oct. 18
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adame,
ian Rairigh Bakerton; Mrs Pearl | Hastings, son, Oct. 19
Sterrick, Marsteller:
thy Askey,
Doro- |
Patton, Ann Scott. |g gncier
Mr. and Mrs Michael
son, Oct. 19
Owens :
230 p m Saturday in the Long
Funeral Home,
Rev Gilbert Watt and
was made in
boro Cemetery
Harry Shaw
Barnesboro bY
the North Barnes |
bride, was flower girl and Stan-
ley Bealy Jr, was ringbearer. Al |
| 50 attending the couple were two
ris from the Children of Mary |
ity, of which the bride was
‘a member, A wedding dinner and
| reception followed the ceremonies
Shaw, 58 |
During thelr wedding trip, the
man, m Van Orster last ny.
Nancy Buchanarn and Charles
| Wilk attended the Ice Capades "|
! Joohnstown ast Tuesday.
On Monday and ‘Tuesday, the |
pupils of the lower grades were
Foren their physicn]l examination
‘by Dr. Ginsberg of Altoona and
{ Nurse, Mrs. Ruth Beers of Ash-
of this place, was buried Wednes- | = spent . eek a ig
Mrs | (day afternoon in North Barnes | :
i Mr. and Mrs. Geno TomEINL pass Cem owing servic ay will reside in Chicopee,
| Harriet y Camatery fol wou where Mr. Schenk is stationed |
Shobert, Cherry Tree;
Mrs. Bu Va Bakerton, daughter, Oct 20 conducted by Rev. Walter Glenn ;
ian Peles, Patton. Jucy Mr and Mrs Joseph Lannon igs 2 5 m 7 his late hone. | with the B. 8 Navy.
ood Westover: Mrs. Catherine Patton, son, Oct. 20 Mr. Shaw died Salurdas H
Crystal, Spangler rs ek. 2 th . Rha g alureny. He
8 M Mar Mr. and Mrs. David Berto, Bar wus horn on May 18, 1802, a son |
garet Stiles, Barneshoro R. D “on 0
| Patricia Canteloupe, Arcadia joi go Jet 2 ax Wetzel 3 Ln and Elizabeth (Hah) |
| George y ert
PU eorge King. Barnestoro. Albert Cherry Tree, daughter, : ot, 22 rh. ] Surviving are lhese chidren
| Ratney, Glen Hope. Harry Grif- Mr‘ and Mrs. Charles Smith- Ernest, Spangler; Joseph and
ith "Cherry Tree and Mrs bauer Loretto R. D, som Oct 22 Betty, at home, and Mrs Sarah
| Gladys Bills Hasting : <i Mr and Mrs. Raymond Baum, Jane Prwivo, Brooklyn N. Y
. iy NES. Frmeigh, son, Oct. 22 { There also are 12 grandchildren
| SURGICAL DISCHARGED . He was a brother of Joseph,
Mrs. Ruth Stein, Cherry Tree CHURCH NOTICES Pittsburgh. Sara Ankeny, Johns
| R D.; James Snyder, 8t Bene. | town. Mrs Margaret Foxall Bar-
| dict; Joseph Mance, Alverda St. Benedict Presbyterian Church | nesboro, James, Phoenix, Ariz:
Flummer Harvey
MEDICAL DISCHARGED | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
| LaJose, son, Oct. U9 ville
Walter Wojno, Marsteller -
Mrs. Joseph Racz and Mrs |
Edna Blakney spent last Friday |
| afternoon in AltooRa
Nancy Buchanan attended the
football game last Friday night |
| at Hollidaysburg between Holl
uch er | daysburg High and Cresson High |
| Young folks from town who at- |
‘Mines Cop Banners | tended the senior dmnce in Gallit- |
igzin last Friday evening were
| Betty McConnell, Gladys Booter-
Three mines of Barnes & Tuck- | baugh, Donna Buchanan, Florine
er Coal Company, Barnesboro, | Madigan Mickey Godfrey, Paul
made & clean sweep in the Sept- | Madigan and John Clawson
ember safety competition of The | - ar
2 soph X. Holmes Safecy Acct ASHVILLE
Fox-Peale Post 508
Packed to Take Out, Too!
os a Party-Line Neighbor
7. When you smart » make os wisphone all sad fad
your party lise in we, hang ap goody snd give the other
3 Sunday visitors at the John |
A Stefanik home were Ronald Con!
{ley of Colver and Mr. and Mra
| Gearge Raynish and duughters of |
| Barnesboro
Francis Fitch of New York Cit
spent the week end here at the
| home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs
George Fitch
| Nancy Elelith, Barnesboro, Mrs STM, Minister | J hn and Lewis, Pittsburgh. Mrs. | | Joseph A. Holmes Safety Associa- |
| 13-943 4 Warship By MRS. GEORGIA LIDWELL
| Barrett, Patton; Tony Kaschak, 104% a m Mrs. Jennie Byrnes North Brad. '*h House, Barnesboro A
: Thursday evening, Oct 28 at RB p |
Patton: Philip Baker, Pat-| 3 'm aha Westminster Pellowship at | dr T C The Cass B f tt
i man, tton: i aker at- aranic urtie Creek ton he Class flag wen 01, . ; : . a
Imelda Beringer Nick- 145 p mm each Wednesday ng ne sponsorship of the Ladies
: \ ; ‘ i m The *,
| town; went the he played 4 june
Presbytery will meet for dinner In the J
i Jerr ¢ WV xd pen An boro
{J y Fronk, Westover, Henry Wednesday Nov 1-The Moderator | hy 4 PF a Dennis J. Keenan Barnes vk
g 3 MM: { 3 i LON
| ningham, Hastings; Mrs. Mildred BE. Fisher federal mine inspector, |. John Murphy «of ng
i 3 61% mm At
{Sane will bas T a N ¥ ning home of his parents, Mr. and Mra
a the chureh. Niagara Falis, N.Y. after a vimt | ® ;
ams Barnesboro, | oa the group Im ’ . 8 t am——————————
o fi Weitere ‘Trees Coatrol Climate, the sick list
person s few minus 0 finish his call
sion meeting was Rield last Friday,
i wit? i it {
RN his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M There are simple ‘ways to con
Week end guests at the home Mrs June Oriffithi. The clang i» ieee the line.
’ 4 ¢ NS Fe 4
If a windbre of trees = sub lect The next meeting will he
OF ENTIRE REMAINING STOCK § isn’ Al%andria Va. Mr |per hour at 32 degrees it wil
: i > courmously
ghler and Mrs Joseph Benden of 15 winner of a Hamilton Mixer al seighbor coopers , everybody benefes!
| al the home of their father the hot mer weather Planted MARRIAGE LICENSES
sum her. Planted
| Mrs. Joseph Panczak heat is hottest in the afternoon. D. 1
{ where she has secured employ-
| Beulsh Lydic, Clymer; Catherine| _ =" tachel Milburn, New Kensingfion, O70 Wii oi) I Jast bai
Tocarchick, Barnesboro JAMes | Qervies “Earth's CSreatest Values Mrz Esther Patterson Carnegie; day ght in the Ot nomas af
Sunday School James H a / o ¥ wr oi tY A ¥ i
48 Je card party will be held this
| Bt Benedict William Sclesky Ps aren 5 ehedr rehearsal at dock ; Frank, Barneasboro. Robert The Class A Danner Was pre N a ”
Patton R. D.; Mrs. Pheobe Bow- : 2 Windham, O, and Mrs. Viola Mo- | sented to Barnes 15 Mine Baker in the local VFW Home ander
p mm and Weston nater Peliowahip at
iton R. D.; Barnes 20 Mine at Bakerton and A Y Deu
2 “hi ,- Auxiliary of the VFW. Pinochik
Nicholas Domingo, Penn Poti Fh BN tS iairevilie BAKERT the Class C trophy it to BOR will
Run, R. D.; Judy Good, Spangiet; Presbytery will Barnes 12 Mine, Barmaboro will be served and prizes awnrded
tro eh ; Admission 50 cents
| Anna, Carrolitown; Richard Cun- | 7 0 po aityteriag Churen In the state mine inspector, and Charles
| United States will visit Johastown. A. Mr and Mrs Howard William C., vi ently the
| Legros. Hastings; Harry Houck, |! : Rr ws | have returned to their RE ro” were guest speakers for the ev- D visited here recently at
|] R. D. 2; Mrs. Betty Wi. (8 p wm. Dr Hugh Ivan B¥ans T. J. Murphy
Walter Eager. | | suditortum. ihere at the home of Mrs E T Mrs. Shirley Chidon has been on
| Mike Christoff of Washington . A +H Home Economics Exten-
D.C. spent the week end nero Home Fuel Consumption
Oct. 20 at 1 p In in the Jocal 2. Whea, while uiking, you realize thet your neighbor
Ci OSE - OUT | J. Christoff cr lf aaTe nd school under the leadership of is weidag ®» make » call, hang sp ressomably secon sed
wre 0 i 4 nurse . %
| of Mrs HL. Strong were Mr and hota, 4eeorisg 10 SUFIeYHIR for adults Sewing will be the
| Mrs. M. B Strong and daughter, tne wind from 12 to three miles id today at 1 p m ea ye SERS Sti ES Siac
held today at with dividends in service. Whea party-line
and Mrs J B Stydshar and dau t4ke only half the amount of fue! Mra. Dorothea Hollern was the
i heat your bome An actual .
- Harrisburg . government test showed a saving the cooking classes in the Jaffa
| George and John Romnosky, of 229 percent Mosque, Altoona. Oct. 10, 11 and
who are employed in Washington T i2
\ . ’ : rees planted on the west side The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
a * Bu _ Pn a "e nn
3 spent he week end here oo your home will give shade in
PATTERNS) b | Claru Heatale of Joma WAS 4 on the east side, trees won't keep Frank Legros, St Benedict, and
| Ruest (asl XK al the home Of your house so cool for the sun's Rose Emma Chingon, Pattom R
P| Miss Norma Murphy left on
% OFF { Bunday for Washington, D CC,
All Borders Reduced!
® Bedroom © Dining Room Patterns
NE ord i ys
Hobert Nedimyer
a Farabaugh and
Come in... see why you covid pay $1,000 more
and oil! not get ofl the extra room, save of
handling ond famous dependability of Dodge!
Wh by ving 100 Ven jo — pb
is all ic takes us to show why owners
say you could } $100 more or ar 10d
COST $1,000 MORE |
Here's the finest gasoline on every count that Sinclair ever produced for your car. Try it
Bas thai’s wot all. Magic Sinclair rust inhibitor, RD-119, blended into new Sinclair Gaso-
Ha MeUpt Suit Gut uf You gh wink... out 06 Yate Saud agate... ut of et pup and
carburetor jets. It stops stalling, sputtering, hagd | -—
i missing, starting, emergency repairs
So don"t ask for trouble. Ask for aew SUPER-POWER Anti-Rust Sinclair H-C or Sinclair
Febyt Gasolion —-st the fumoms H-C sign,
You'l! learn about famous Dodge ruggedness
and dependability that saves you money ¥
year after year.
Before you decide on any car, come in! Don’t
wait, spend 5 minutes with us—save $1,000!
| George Gaydosh of Bec ranton |
| vigited here jast week atl the Jobin
| Zanon! home
Misses Pauline Yarko, Irene and
SPANGLER, PA. 3 Pauline Washko, visited friends in
| Phillipsburg on Nunday
Mr and Mrs John Valenty Jr,
AIAN AS IAS SS SSS SSSA, and son of Hastings spent Sunday
Washington, 1). C, spent the pas
week end here at Me John Schill
ing home
Fileenn and Emm
and son of ESeuSteg w ere Sune
WE SAVED 5/000! Se Fer aie
EH | Clair J. Luke and Joseph Davia
of thizg place are currenlly on &
Oak Pash ichi and two daughters and Mr and
u | Mrs. Fred M. Stickler and chi id- |
ren, Marietta and Fred Jr all of |
Johnstown, were Sunday visitors
at the D. F. Home home here,
aasughter, Florence, were last §
urday visitors in Pittsburgh
Patricia Horne, a student at the
Mt. Aloysius Junior College, Cres-
son, spent the week end at her
were last Tuesday evening visitors
in Johnstown at the home of their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Nagle
Mr. and Mrs Marcellus Hoover
home here.
Mrs. George Dunegan and Pat-
ricia and Mary Dunegan of Ebens-
burg, spent last Saturday with
relatives here.
Mrs. Emest Sheehan Mra June
Griffith was in charge of the ses
sion at which time she demon-
strated homemade mixes.
Mrs. Marie Shechan and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boxen-
shotz and daughter of Mineral
Point spent the week end here
with the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E J. Seymour.
ors here at Louis Adams home.
Pending federal legislation of
interest to postmasters was dis-
cussed by members of the Cam-
Miss Norma and Eugene Matt- |
4 ectti of Warren Ohio spent the
s Hardware |:
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Matteolll
a —————————————————————— here at the Columbus homie :
Mins Imogene Schilling of
> - . | Alice Panczak visited at the RK
5 J. Nedimyer home In Bt law.
in w SI o rence 5 RBunday
nS ¢ Mr and Mrs Fred Tirabass
| motor trip Wo Wyoming i
my Mr. & Ms. Franklin J. Knight Mr and Mrs Robert Hagerich |
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McGough
and Mrs. Joseph MoGough and
home here.
Mr. and Mrs Ferd C. Nagle
and family of G rt spent the
week end at the rald Hoover |
The Homemakers Club met last
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Harry Mulligan were last Wednes-
day afternoon visitors in Altoona.
Mrs. Edgar Schettig and child-
ren of Loretto were recent visit-
bria County Postmagters Associa
tion last Kiesday evening in the
Jiu? 8 Av lice mare Phan the wast grind curs
H ( 5
Ebensburg Courthouse. e next
meeting will be held Tuesday,
Nov. 21 in the courthouse.
~-Maybe ita Ducane Practice
are considered the best listeners.