Thuraday, October 19, 1000 St. Patrick’s Church Marks 65th Anniversary Recently Gallitzin Edifice Was Dedicated Oct., 1865 8t Patrick's Catholic one of the oldest in the Altoona | Diocese, was 85 years old Tues day of this week. Erected in 1885 the church was dedicated Oct. 10 1885 by Rt Rev then Bishop of Pittsburgh It was built at a cost of $100 600 during the tenure of Rev Father John Bovie as pastor The beginning of St. Patrick's dates back to 1848 when Gallitzin was settled At that time the PRR was building its famous Mountain Division, two tracks over the Alleghenies Jackson's Flat (Altoona) to the Johnstown area, eliminating the routs f the Old ] road The litzir of the being pro} in the pass ALY T'} jets (sf from its tune wen 1884 bis § large and dedicated y Hi Michael Domene. then Bist Pittsburgh Rev. Hyan was ap jointed the first pastor and ser ved 11 vears He was succeeded by Rev Father John Boyle under whose pastorship the present building was erected The present brick edifice was You spend A LIFETIME ON YOUR ATTRESS Richard Phelan, ! begun in 1884 and completed a vear later It is a beautiful struc ture situated on the mountaintop and is walls is Rev and the Father Father assist Present pastor Joseph Farran ant pasts . is Re Tames | Kirkpatri GALLITZIN By MRS MADALENE G BUCK Phone 1817 308 Cleveland Street Gallitzin Legion Post Lists Committee Heads ames HH Lupine! Mam a Charles Parazack legal HH Isascsor lohn PJ I» A Plunket! membership Frank Longosky, W H Weston J W Rose and J R. Gillen (Gal itzin}, Faber McCloskey and Fr ancis McTavish (Tunneihill), Har old J Luther (Coupon), and El- mer Gallagher (Ashvillel] and Ralph Lewis ( Amsbry) National defense, A. 8B Julian publicity, W. H Weston and Lou- ine McCaa, radio, Joseph Bis. marck. rehabilitation, J W. Rose and J F. Byrne, rifle James Ber tocchi;, Scotland School, Patrick Grogan and Chester Claas, Sons of legion, J FF Bernard R F McCaa and Michael Perehenic, uniform, M. WW. Percheni¢: wel fare, Wm Bricca, Dean lewis and D. B. Bell, service officer, J W. Rose. bugler, Michael Pere. henic, and founty delegates. J F Bernard, Chester Glass, MW Serehevic and A C Julian * 2» wes and ‘Convent Club Entertained ...OR IN YOUR SHOES At Kilmartin Home Here Mins Jane Kilmartin of N Main Street, entertained the members f the 8t Patrick's Catholi Church Convent (Club at her home last Wednesday evening Attend ing included the following Mrs Corrie Beck, Mra Johnson, Virginia Julian Noel, Mary Hall, rita Brannan Ameer lenz Mra Carrol, Jane Bishop, and Rose Bardenell The next meeting of the group | will be held Nov. 185 at the home | Lottie Mary (of Mrs. Jane Bishop. The club { holds a social every Sunday after. ‘noon from 2 until 4 o'clock in the 1 Shareh hall, «BOTH | SHOULD FIT AND BE COMFORTABLE | See our SLEEP EXPERTS ond the SPRING-AIR SLEEP CHECK CHART for Scien tific Guidance in selecting yowr mattress fo FAT YOU! Ne Obligation | Sept. 30 In St was the matron {Orlando Perry, stones with rose point lace { carried St. Patrick’s Church ‘Scene of Pretty Wedding A double-ring ceremony united {Miss Virginia Dxiedzic, daughter lof hk Dziedzic of Detroit, Mich, in marriage with John | | Perry. son of Mr. and Mrs Dom- | | enic Perry of Gallitzin, at 7 a m Patrick's Catholic | i Church, Gallitetn, Rev Father | i James Kirkpatrick officiated at! | the ceremony. | Mrs. Orlando Perry of Detroit | of honor and | sisters of the bride- The bride was attired in a net | over satin gown fashioned with a Peter-Pan collar trimmed in rose point lace. Her finger-tip veil fell from a tiara of pearis and rhine- | a fan of satin and with an orchid center and glad- jola. The matron of honor wore | an orchid taffta and the gowns were of rose | taffeta. g the ceremony a wed- ding breakfast was served in the | Horseshoe Trail Tavern, after which a dinner and reception were held In Johnstown. The couple Just Arrived! Carload Shipment YELLOW PINE FLOORING :NO. 2 D and C GET ALL YOUR SELECT FLOORING NOW ‘Building Material, Insulation ® Rock Wool Batts ® Roofing ® Siding ® Sash ® Super-Kemtone ® Celotex ® Doors ® S. W. Paints Oheck Our Prices FIRST! PATTON LUMBER CO. Lamber and Building Materials ONE 1621 PATTON, PA. Mot. rh Co pany graduat 1 Detr lonial especially noted for ite 2 Tuglin, i rio inte Church, | hand-painted | then left by plane for Detroit. | Mr. Perry ia a graduate of the i 3a Rita n High 8« hoo) and is em in Detre by Generai His wife, is a of Chassis Hig! Schoo the it and is en ployed at the 174 Department Store, [De- The couple will reside at Detroit form I Home served as the! best man. Adelaide and Wilhem- | (‘na Perry, | groom were bridesmaids and Mike | Rocus and Peter Kuzma served as | ushers. She | ace | Green Giant PEAS 2 No. 33 Cans 39¢ Niblets CORN 2: on 33¢ Mexicorn NIBLETS 2 35¢ * Chopped Ham ARMOUR'S - 55¢ “Vienna Sausage ARMOUR'S won 21¢ Prem SWHT'S 12-01 Can 49¢ Ideal Doe FOOD 2 16-02. Cans 27¢ Marshmallows CAMPFIRE 16-02. Pkg 30¢ Octagon SOAP POWDER wa ve S16 Octagon GRANULATED SOAP Large Pie. B11 € Octagon LAUNDRY SOAP Bar 1¢ Swifts 2... cs 21¢ Lux TOILET SOAP 2: 15¢ Palmolive BATH SOAP 2 5 23¢ Rinso Lares Pee @ 4 € Super Suds arse ee. DAE ——— rian Bp — Silver Dust Large Pkg. 29¢ a —— A St 54 RR Large Pkg. 27¢ Holds Halloween Party The regular monthly meeting of phy American (all of a Halloween Thursday evening in local Legion HH hairmen for 1951 Publication, music, WITIR Mrs Mrs legion Auxiliary Emma was held in the Party ug itn, ast son child vowel]: Madalene welfare, Mrs press and Buck unit hat on lave you note ed? frract ¥ ts Are more & n rime Tr . we ave wi 3s de pa | Mrs. Ella Chase, president, an- | | nounced the following committee Miss Regina Mur- ity Louise Buck: Glass: halbilitation, Mrs. Genevieve Lar- Mary Mrs activities radio -— Miss Mary Halicky; Mrs. Hilma Nordstrom, commun- science, Mrs Esther Lynch; | membership, Mrs. Bride Murray, at re- juniors, Mrs. Gladys Fuiton; pop. | pies, Mrs. Betty Melhorn, cards end flowers for the sick, Mrs. | Lottie Johnston Members of the finance commit- | Mrs Olive Stevens; Americanism, [tee are Mrs. Emma legislation, | | Gladys Fulton, Mrs. Lottie Johne- | ‘ton and Mrs. Madalene Buck. The next meeting of the unit! | Totaries conference in which time a Than will be held on Thursday, Nov. 1 party will be held ® oo 0 i Mrs. Ella Chase, | the American Legion Glass, Mrs | 174, Gallitsin, and | Buck, secretary of ttending the presidents of I The Amxiliary ior Fryer . . . Rouster . oe Turkey . . . Puck . A«P HAS YOUR FAVORITE handling of F'> . 10 you. Penna. Potatoes 15 » 35¢ Blue Label . . . Reasonable for good potatoes 3 for 25¢ . Yum Yum Large and fancy . Sweet Potatoes Top quality . . . Try them baked with marshmallows Yellow Onions 10 LU 29¢ S.1b. bag 19 . . . adds zest to your meals Cranberries 1b. Pkg ]9¢ Tart and solid Kraut Cabbage Real value . . . at season's peak Spinach Healthful, spring-like greens in the fall Broccoli Break the monotony of your meals Shelled Cashew Nuts. 5° ¢ 3]¢ Shelled almonds and pistachio nuts 60x pkg 3c 6-02. Can 10¢ it's good for you Pi 24¢ Frozen Tomato Juice Birds Eye . . . A new sensation . . . Birds Eye Peas Frosen fresh . . . tastes like fresh peas 2 802 45¢ Cans 12-02. Frozen Orange Juice Birds Eye . . . an every day low price Want a be ald that taste home-made? ¢ your choles of the luscious oven-fresh treats in the Jane Parker Bakery Depart. ment of your AAP Buper Market! Marvel Sliced Bread 18> oa 14e Penny for penny it's your best buy Also spice drop cookies at this low price Jane Parker Pies ....... .P* 49¢ Dutch apple, or pumpkin Banana Layer Cake .... A Jane Parker quality product Glazed Donuts Sugared donuts—doz. 0c. Each 53¢ doz. 18¢ - . + > Pkg. 27¢ Plain donuts Pineapple Buns Sprinkled with cocoanut and ders know that A&P's Grocery Depart- ment 3 a mighty good place to stock their pantries and save their pennies. You'll agree . Once you ve shopped at ALY! Why rot start tiday? Evaporated Milk. White House . . . none finer Iona Tender Peas 2 ™° 38 Cam 25¢ Another every day low price Ilona Sliced Peaches . . Also lona peach halves Mello-Cream Toys Brach's favorite Hallowpen candy Gosd prov ,..6 Tall Cans Je ; No 2% 29¢ Lb. Pes 20¢ Q 10k 2]¢ Cans . Also used In sauce making 2 Ne. 3 Cuda 25¢ 2 Na. 34 Cans 23¢ Campbell's . . A&P Sawerkrawt Libby's Tomate Juim ... , Fm Ca 134 Campbell's Pork & Beans . 2 4° © 265¢ Del Monte Sliced Pinsapple .. ™ * “* 3i¢ dexe Shortening ...... cx Can 434 Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes Heinz Ketchup ..... Aan Page Salad Dressing . 7 Ja 44 Asn Page Macarenl ........ *> ™= 43¢ Asn Page Pork 'N Boans ... 27°» C= 2i¢ Ana Page Grape Jolly ........ 0 21g Aan Page Peanut Batter ..... . "> * Jig Sparkie Gelatin .............3 = IM A & P COFFEE PRICES REDUCED Eight O’Clock and Mellow—34b. Bag 1.38 Red | Circle Rich and full bodied--3-Ib. Bag 1.31 Bakar ......... ci... Be Vigorous and winey—J4-ib. Bag 1.37 You won't find pheasant, quail or grouse at your A&P. But you will find all your favorite, barnyard hired, It's a happy hunt] Ing ground for fresh, young fryers ender roasting chickens . . . plump, meaty turkeys and delicious ducks. And we're not indulges ip % € ff ame when we fav that you've i fa i a ¥ Rift fats. ret now vast ™ ¥ 3 SUCH Fresh Fryers i vy iressad reads Backs Lh, Lh. Rie Lh. Rio 5c . fully dressed Legs Wings Eh. 29¢ Breasts Fresh Fowl Grand for stewing or {or fricasee , , Roasting Chicken Fully Dressed, Plump, Meaty Birds Fresh Frozen Turkeys . . . . Small 6-8 pounds . fully dressed Long Island Ducklings Fresh Frozen , . . Fully Dressed “Super Right” Meats Midget Canned Hams. ** 6.98 6%-ib. Avg. . . cooked . . . boneless . . no waste Sunnyfield . . . Good everytime you buy Rt Chuck Roast Blade cut . . . no stringy neck pieces Fresh . . . Selects for frying, Pt. fe “Super Right” Hams = I> 55¢ Whole or shank half . . . ready-to-eat—ib 56: “Super Right” | Picnics o> 4)e Ready to eat . . . Lean Ground Beef ...... Freshly ground -many times each day Ls 59¢ Pure Pork Sausage Fresh. link and country style Lux Flakes | terse Pe. DA € Duz . Lares re. SOE Oxydol Large Pig. 27¢ Crisco IL Gan 33 or on 93 Ivory Soap MEDIUM S'IE 2 17¢