we & a Tbaae 2 hh BE DDD. Ts | SPORTS | Edited by LEO GRIMME tton Trims Carrolltown, 2- 0, In Annual Grid Battle Ott, Swab Do Scoring; Statistics Favor il Patt H the the Carr eors 12.6% t Mi ("HS | ADDY The vy an inter fumble the secor Pye i he Saah Lhe ser ) CHS 12 vard pays inter 1: from 2-VAa pine no good ifr Fy bik Kaoff their ows ed Six pavdirt extra Ix Coad h fought ! ond } tercepted a Fanther | CHS 4R and ran it to the Following four plays the taineers advanced lhe val t PHS 23. where the whistle stop In the closing game the Mountaineers ball on their own 30 plays went to the FHS 19 off the final play of the frar : PASS 8) } PHS 80 Moun the halftime ped the drive the minutes of where threat pags. Carrolltown held the edge in first downs 7-5 and gained 115 net yards to the Patton 83. Coach Martin's Panthers made 1 of 3 pass nttempts for 5 yards and CHS made 1 of 8 heaves for 15 Patton intercepted two and Iitown one. The winners had one fumble and CHS 3. The sum- mary: Patteos—12 Carroiltown—a9 BOMtrick OG Myers T-+»Dmvis Mo Nulty LO Brinso Bermonsky C —Stoite Messmer RO Kopera Miller RT— Turnbull 0 Buck Oe Buck RE b Ee we PB Jeakine by intercepting a Mohler Sediock J Bekenrode $ tha | and in 11} game | Evan Jenkins of PHS stopped the | CHS | 1 Revised Bowling Schedule Listed For Patton Loop Week (vt 18 ra-8O1 ¥ ra-M { oginm 8) ne ak Week et. 23 Legion S01] Eagles Slovak Vers. Moose Week Dee 4 feta. TY M me Blo BE Fag! a Week Dec 1 Veils Week Het 1 ag on - Mowe Sv! Riovak Bir via. Eagies Eag en Mow Week Nov § Week Dee 1% peter Bagies Vets. MOvvme we SV] Pagies 81 Vets Biovak fegton Blows Week Nov. 13 Week Dee. 135 Legion -8O1 Legion 801 Eaglien Kiovak Movwme Siorrak Vets Moree Vels Engion Week Nov 19 Week Jan 1 Vets-Siovak Veta 801 Eagles -Biovak Legion - Moose Week Feb 19 Vers ROY Mowae- Rie Legion ~ Lag! ak Veils ld Week Jan 13 Eagies-8O1 Moose -Biorak Legton- Vets Week Jan 22 Veta 801 Fagen Moree 15 Legion -Sovrak Week Jan. D9 »— ~Mooes 12 w ~Biorvak 13 1 Vets Eagles 15 Week Feb. § SLegion SOT § Engle -Moose 8 Veta Slovak Week Feb. 12 Fagies KRivveak Movome - Vets Week Mar § Moose. Slovak Eagles SO Legion - Veta Week Mar 12 i Vets Motme $ HOT - Slovak Legion - Eagles Week Mar 1% 18 Legion -Elovak 20 Moose - SOT Veils -Eagies Week Mar I ~Bagies-Slovak 4 --Vela-8iovak - Moose -801 7 Em ee B01 is. ~Lagion-Vels 8 Lagoon - Moose Weak Ape. ? i Vein : 3 Sovak § $ — -.,-aHUH ® : Blood a has saved a lot | plasm of lives just like our Clamsifieds have saved a lot of purses Barnesboro Nips Hastings Knig hts By Making Good ‘Big’ Extra Point The Barmesboro Dragons scored FL Sg riage I od the ex ri- to be the deciding point, to just Hastings, 7-6, last in a game at Barnes- extra point, which proved Wargo scored in the opening frame on a 25-yard dash The | winners came into possession of | the ball on a fumble two plays earlier. Warko also kicked an ex- | [SATURDAY FRIDAY, SATU What's Domg In Football . . SC HEDL LE FRIPAY ir 7 SATLRDAY M1 x WEDNESDAY, 4 T 1% Fae bx NORTH CAMAR] MONDAY EMT 16 OCY. 1 TN Hastie * TLESDAY CAMBRIA SATURDAY w R1ivRT gir at Barnes Hor INDIANA OCT. 14 At Bakeriom He « at Bbensbhurg St NDAY Of ¥. i$ = Heronil ¥ "ry Cm PROFESSIONAL rm REPAY, OCT 12 an FPrancison 49ers at NY SUNDAY, OCT. 15 Pritsburgh Steelers at NY Giants Creag Cards at Cleveland Browns Priladeiphia Eagles si Baltimore Bay at Chitagy Bears Rams at Detroit Lions TELEVISED GRID GAMES OVER WIFTVY AND WIAC-TY OCT. 14 Yale vu ¢ urna at 330 p SUNDAY, OCT 1% las Angies Rarns ve 18pm CAMBS Yanks * {sree L A * % * Dwetiradt 3 OOLLEBOE OAMES OocTY. 13 Predhsm st Posten Oo Ambama * jiege * Purman at T Spangler High Leading Class B Team In Westem Section The { onferency wspangler High School football with an undefeated their se hodind bre town wt e TES ERITIER OW prvel KNOW YOUR COACHES nrtisrd record thas far this ssason ith with Nantyv Gla at team remains one of only a very Filly pest Wednesday Fhensburg Stadiam w iy Keenan Believes Athletics Help Make Good Citizens Spangler Coach Has Background for Claim fepiny Virginia Tech at Oeorge Waal ington Liitnsots at UCLA + Marguette at Detroit * DAY, OCT. DISTRICT OAMES Bice at Putt Geneva &1 Allegheny Westimister at Bethany Thiel st Ciarion Edinhors at indians STC Grove City 8% Hiram Juniata at Busguehanna Wayneatra at Mt St: Marys Akron st Osrnegle Teeh EASTERN GAMES Biste at Ryrscuse Army at Penn Michigan U vs | Baadiure. New York Barvard at Cornell Oobumbia at Yale Rite island State al Mody Cross at Colgate Dmrtmonsth st Penn Marpand 8% Oeergerown Navy at Prinostion Tempe at Rutgers Bucknell st W & J * BIO TEW GAMES One Stats at Indiana Wisconsin at lows WwW & M st Michigan State Lsebey ieeed Brown Yankee | Reed training i in just oF 4 % i#am Mr He “A 3 ¥ a anni AN Rimsel? and Observing training riles Keonan explained, is the best nsurance against injuries 8 Ta the leharge of | program : Macon, | sports. He follows {of major | football e leary y 192% He Hac on Lhe etter four years He alse the basketbail team and ber of the track ished Mm itxtanding 8} pact Ar Lean he disting tack ie «ty of Marviasd Twice arid 1932 he WAS » All-Marviand team KAS thie rity BOXIRK had addition Poe 1 PRO In 1834 t nisl football Washington Redskins Rince 1935 he Ras fied PIAA football official M J oach at « awn, for the past several years have donated thelr serv as officials for the home gameas of the Parochinls of St Benedict's Behoal wha play in the Cambria. intiana Boywy League. Even while Mr Keenan served in the Army during World War II. he was associated with athle- tic For a time he was In the physical education at Camp Wheeler Ga. His He has Fo mgh« Deer a ert. He and (ORT AITO EH the league busebail and In he follows closely Uni- | versity of Maryland Notre Dame | and University of West Virgina. school It i cently ; science degree ! tion education He has reason to lke the le was Trom here received a in physical To teaching phywicad ; Spangler High, Resides at ‘also is an instructor in Wo Mz Keenan resides in Carroll | town but he spent 20 years of Nis |’ | Windber in two | Ife in Windber. He taught High School for years and served as assistant {comeh. He is married to the form- er Bernice Sullivan of Colver and | they have one som, Daniel CHARLES T. KEENAN (James Muadic Phots Patton Mr Keenan has a fine Dback- ground for his work as coach and physical education instructor al Spangler High As a student at he won the han | 1943 During that time Except for the two years he [served In the Army, Mr. Keenan | nas been comch at Spangler High " teams wont about 60 percent the football games played He i» conch of basketball and track and | until last season served as mentor he and RBarneshors » at | one hobby 8: activities | of | teams in the PTAA Western Bobheats have four giumes still (Nov, 11 aml at Pat few Altoona Catholic Drops Gallitzin, 25-0, Friday Nite + Fr BOY Wearing the ing ed 5 ward dr v-yard Rtatue of Liber geared for the winners in the 4th Karl returned an intercepted sast AS5.-vards for the fourth =ix- y ia Vv gwd bi 3 pointer At downs wna held the ode 18- 12 Ihe war Aitooms Cath FY first Gaititrin 4 Laird first The Parochials held the 15-5, and made a yardage m of 221 to the Nick- | 1 The winners did not | complete their one pase a i1but Nicktown hit on 1 of 3 for >» RN Sr A NG FV Ta ry | Krowmkey Bernardine!] Me Tavinl Choma | [Rrveri Moe iy Englerran Carvicel a wo BMY Warner Altoona Ostholic Qafivtain Migros Ne hadi Mato a 4 SLAY | i i 8 8 4 13.3} 8 5 3 Warner sod | i Karl 2? Points plunge: alter touchdowns St. oy Loses 19-7 Decision § Wartior | = To SBS Parochial Coach Beds Lantzy’s Parochials | of 8t. Brtisiets: Carrolltown, deo- | | feated St 119-7, | Indiana Boys League game ktown. { Im the pening minutes of the | game he rochials on six plays | | drove from their own 30 to a TD | Bobby Sharbaugh hit the double | stripe from 4-yards out after! | Francis Veneskey set ‘he play up jon a 38-yard jaunt The Parochials scored in the second period after they blocked a Nicktown punt on the losers 45 | ied S-yards lo score On the ensuing kickoff R. Kir- isch of Nicktown took the ball (n Nicholas’ of Nicktown | Sunday in un Cambris- | ne | i Five plays later Russ Volk plung- CEU u CRIN NE 3 HA aT yO ppp ed yards. The summary: St. BRenedict's—39 J 1D. Buck Weakinnd Kelly Sharbaugh ods Kelly Kelly Sharh gh Boslett ealtey Ber edie $y By putity tine 144 SN A A the largest % } PPAF , ¥ 3 St. Nicheolas'--7 | Sherbaugh, Volk 12, Points after touchdowns—B Shar- bsugh, L Kirsch, STATE ADOPTS PLATOONS Home of S0.minute football for past 63 years, Penn State is now using offensive and defensive pia- toons for the first time. * MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Far! Bersonsky and Katherine Maimmone both of Bakerton Harry Stiles, Belsano, and Mary Ann Stock. Ebensburg "a ri—— CS SA A Crm Make Marino's Your TOY HEADQUARTERS! Joker than vou stock Ore OUR FREE GIFT TO YOU’ A regular $395 ‘PIGGY BANK'' will be given Absolutely Free with your purchase amounting to $20 or over. Bhop Marino's today! think! Come in today and A small deposit aver HOME £& AUTO SuPPLY 917-919 PHILA. AVE. BARNESBORO, PA. Pho 695 HOW TO BE A “SQUARE SHOOTER" On Party-line Telephones WHEN YOU PLAY FAIR AND SQUARE with your party hne neighbors... when you share the service cour- tecusly .. returned! .youll almost always find the courtesy Suppose you want to make a call and find the line m use. If you hang up gently and give the other person a few minutes to his call before trying again, your courtesy is appreciated. And suppose, while talk- slip past day night ———— Minnesota st Northwestern Windber High School Misma Powids st Purdue | distinc tion of _potok slgctad on of the baseball team. OTHER TOP OAMES A Be i ———————— ————— — Notre Dmme st Tulane CARROLILTOWN -NANTY-GLO Janes st Tens GAME THIS THURSDAY Wakes Porest at North Carsd tra point, which was the Seetnet | point. The Knights scored in the 3rd) stanza They blocked Wargo's ihis own 20 and raced SO-yards to score. Lou Kirsch added the ex- {tra point on a Noe plunge in the third period the Par> ing you realize that your neighbor wants to make a call. He'll appreciate it if you hang up in a few mun- utes and free the hne. a a a ns CARROLLTO Drive-In THEATRE located along Route 219 SHOWS at 7 and 9:15 Box Office Opens at § P. M. hare, Fri, October 12-13 SLAVE GIRL Yveane DeCarlo, Geo. Bremt , October 14 WHISPERING SMITH Alan Ladd. Robert Preston Sun, Mon., October 15-16 FATHER WAS A FULLBACK with Fred MacMurray MONDAY “- $1 PER CAR NITE Pues, Wed, October 17-18 ~~ SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON John Wayne punt and recovered on the BHS | 11. Two plays later Rills hit the center of the line for the TD. The | charges of John Neving missed | two scoring chances in the final) round Hastings first drove 42-yards -) § plays to the Barnesboro 16, only | toc be held on: downs. A few min- | later the Knights recovered | Bovai Bogs! Wak una: Oslin Hindmarsh J. Anna Bills Molino Weakland Keily T 6 6 04 32 0 8 0-48 J Pet, Yonkosky COwod- ay. Schall, P Referee—8olic. Umpire-—Rich Head Lineaman—Hartnett. “I Carry My Cash In A Fountain Pen!” YES... For convenience, for safety, for peace of mind . . Open a checking account with us today! MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION National Bank ve . pay by check. = Mississippt at Vanderiih Chat 8 Tenheass Drike at Worth Owralings State Misatadpp! Mate at Oeonpa oth at 258 Kansas al ows st Kansas ye Oklahoma at Texns Washington & Lee “ Virginia VMI at Tense A & West Totas State al ~ Mexico * Caltfornia st Southern California SUNDAY, OCT. 13 St. Prancia at 8 Vineent Eoenabruryg it aan i3 Cath 7. Manty-Oic 13 Punrsusawney 0 Mew Kenatnguon © Dros 1, ire Bedford 90 hemring Spring 14 SATURDAY, 5k Windber . Eason 4 Portage " Lilly 6 Adsses Twp 7 Yea verdate 6 Eiders Ridge 33. Homer City © Conemaugh Twp 3% Westmont 6 Bellwood 33 Bazton O Sewickley 33. Artes ORTH CAMBRIA JV LEAGUE LEAGUE 19, Bt 4 CAMBRIA- INDIANA BOYS SUNDAY, OCT. 8 ft Benedict's of Carrolitown Nicholas’ of Nickiown 7 PROFESSIONAL OAMES SATURDAY, OCT. ? Cleveland Browns 3» Steelers 17 : Phtiadeiphia Bam 4 1. A Rama SUNDAY, OCT N Y Olants 21, Wash Redakins 17 Dutra $M. San Praneiso N y Yanks W. rss rE 31 Chines Benes Can FRIDAY, OCT. ¢ Miami (Fis) 1s, Vilianow 12 Georee Washington 371. West Virginia 13 Erte Opnngs M » 0 SA D . a Boston n, Duquesne Bethany ? SATURDAY, Ohio State 41 Wisconsin 7 Indiana 20. lows 7 Michigan 27. Dartmouth 7 Maryland 34. Michigan State 7 Nebraska 32. Minnesota 28 OTHER Tor GAMES SATURDAY, OCT Purdue Notre Dame 12 Oaltfornia 14. aT Pitt Tilinots 8 SMU 21. Missouri North Carolina 0. Georgia © » i PRISbUTE® covered a Red Flash ‘the winners 48 Ten The Carrelitown Nanty - Glo ignmme will be played at 8 p. mm : rodltown, ! | game i hav i fumbled 4 times and both loa? ioval on 3 this Thursday at Ebeasburg in stead of Friday night at Car va aa previously assoun- F rankies Defeat Although the Homecoming cele. | hration was washed out. the Rea "lash of St Francis College, gave the fans something to a abou? as they defeated Kings Collegn 19-6, last Sunday altlermoon in a at Cresson. The Prankies ¢ a 2-2 record Due ie heavy fell during the game, to whicn teams Rin both the weasions St. Francis turned two recovered fumbles into Trs and Kings one (in first { which covered 3-yards, Pat N: The winners recpversd a fumbis stanza and after 8 plays RN scored from K-yards out Brown's placement was good i soored apa In second period the Bed Flash r. as Hank Bullivan hit Willie Campagna with a 25-yard pass and Campagna raced another 25-yvardas to paydirt In the third frame the Frankies (recovered a Kings fumble on the losers S-vard line Campagna BOOTE. Several minutes later Kings re fumbie on plays later Two plxys plunged ver for ater jJoe Lawlor made the TD from 1 i 2 i | Rost ackl yard oul on a plunge Kings held advantage in first downs, 13-8 but the Red Flash held a 141-81 net yardage advan: age on the ground The winners made good 2 of 8 passes for 07 yards and Kings hit on 4 of § heaves for 30 yards The sum. mary: St. Prascie-—1% LE --Turebetts LY —Besrk C —Zlaltis RO-—8edor RT Wheeler Went i Kinge—»_ WORLD SERIES Philiien Yorn Sobers and Seminick Pre 8) Lopate [19]. Phillies Third Game PRililes Ge o81 05-3 3 Tanks Ga oom 9M Batieries Hetataeiman 8 Mayer # asd BersinicX Phi Lx — Perrick $ and Berrs York Fourth Game 0 Hw le ¥3 stality Bares Four-Days Figures ALSenudanoe 08 009 Reveipts 4055 888 50 LOaniasionier 8 aliare Players share $488 71 £3 and Leagues $£i34 24° 4 Barnesboro JVs Nip Hastings 19-7 For Second Win Barnesbaoro High JVs took ths second straight game last day evening when they defealed Hastings High JVs 197 in a game at Hastings in opening frame Craver scored a TD for Barmesboro to iS-yard drive. Jus: before the 1st "a Vii Tues. lehials scored again as Russ Valk plunged over from I1l-yards out Bob Sharbaugh keored the extra | point on an end run In the final minutes of the con test the winners drove from their | lane, only to have ‘te end the threal. the final whims to the Nicktown 9H yard That's “square shooting” It pays dividends! THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA ® Enjoy the hell of Gyro Maric thot lets you drive ofl day without shiPiay Mg? grees pou aE portast advantages Mof found nn amy THORN SOE Ciro Matic & sphonel an Coronet models of mod erate satra cost rug climax & {rame ended BHS scored again as Frantino Cut, plunged In third pertod Hastings block: ed 4 BHS punt on the winners 4 Forberger hit the line for the TD | and Yeager added the extra point | In final round Craver sprinted’ |15-yards to score the last HHS | TD Frontino's plunge for the ex [tra point wag Graupensherger, Alvertes. : ftesiow, Black Klock Kings wt | Craig Youn bioad. Oresh Casoviatore rdy Tyoel Carapagns 2 Potnts after touchdown Brown On 8 | | placement Referee Umpire Billetdea Pleld Judee Conrad Linesman Tivie Georgia Tesh 18 Flockds 13 Tennessee 33 Duke 7 } Vanderhily 7 3 0 | : Fn Carolina State 8 19. Kings Oullege € i Stanek, and Yeager good. The sum- Wasting»! LR Craver | RR—Proatinoe | VB Sedioek | Barnesboro Hastings Subwiitutions Barnesinmo- Desc Hastings Oy Dw tal Kk i wy i P wherger Points Hoover Tin Craver Prontine alter Rau Puanges Pirst downs Barnesboro 1, Hasttng: § Passes completed Barnesboro 1 of 3 Hastings I of 4 Net yardage gained Barnesbore 153. Hastings 8 Linesman --O Keenan Clowro, TAOWHS from S-yurds after Henerick ran from the | 147 to the HHS 2 wou Sve Vie tas wi ik Wt tring aed to Dodge plone! Roget sesvievy ia I vaxxs but {i short mimstes to see for vourself why Dodge owners say could pay $1,000 mone for a car and not get all the estra room Dodge ill the wonclerfal ense of hamibng that lets vou drive afl all the famous dependability that belongs to Dodge, we all the biz advantages Presson ee easv it is to own a big Now more than ever, youll want Dodge ruggedness and dependability IC The extra room for EX gn aiden The breil ivr ou 018 end ol, Tw ctaethag Come in now! Let us show you how dependable Dodge. Learn why youll be money and miles abead by buying sow. PATTON MOTOR SALES 400 PARK AVE. PATTON, PA