La Ts Thursday, September 14, 1060 Beaver Valley | AMSBRY By KATHLEEN BUCHANAN Local Lady Observes Mre W RETEN ef ‘ering srw son 84th Birthday Anniversary Ty. of Tov A = birthday party was IDs M and Mrs rday evening Mrs (Gray's noth Montgomery Who X4th birthday Anniversary and her grandsor Edward {:rav y celebrated his th anriversary Fhe aged lady received many lovely gifts. A | Brandparents here recently lunch was served with the birth- Mr and Mrs Mike McMullen day cake being baked by Mrs (and family of Loretto visited in Montgomery's granddaughter, Mrs | town on Monday James Hamilton. Those and Mrs Gordon incinded the following visited among relatives Re Mrs. Terry of Coal: | Ohio over the week end i port; Mr and Mrs Aldene Hamii- | 5 " acehn of OGailit- | ton of McCartney: Mr. and Mrs. |. APRA Marie SBaracena of Gallit- | KR. McMaster and daughter of |." visited here last Tuesday with h : L n nt £31 Yonns y . thompsontown, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Donna Buchanan ward Gray and family of Coal | John i port, Mr and Mrs. James Hamil- | Eugenia Clawson has tof? and sons of Beaver Valley; | ® two weeks Naval Mr. and Mrs. Casn Gray Jr. and course in Philadelphia. =~ daughter, Kathie, of Van Ormer;| Regina Link and Lyle Shopper Mr and Mrs Joseph Warrender | Of Hastings spent Sunday at ths and children of Coalport; Mr and | Gilbert Lewis home . | 8 Mrs Thomas Hamilton and family Mrs. Paul Madigan, Florence of MeCartney: Mr. and Mrs Madigan and Helen Racz were re John McMaster and family of [tent visitors in Patton Thompsontown, and Mr. and Mrs. | Mr and Mrs Geraid Cash Gray and son. Don. Ashville visited here ’ ! oP Shirley Buchanan Mr and Mrs. Gerald Miller of fume McCloskey in Johnstown spent Sunday with the © ep wid w . of tSaitiigin lady's mother, Mrs. Mary Strayer Amverne arner of Csallogh Mrs (Marence Hobba of Altoona | Visited at the Elmer Gallagher re spent the week end with her sis- |#idence Sunday afternoon 3 i w brs § , ter - Mrs. Mary Gates and sons Mrs. Leo Link of Hastings © 5 Mr and Mrs Elmont Marrow ited with relatives here last Sun and daughter, Kathie, spent Sun. day. . Chasis day with the latter's parents Mr | Mr. and Mrs. George Garman and Mrs. Ted Fegan and family | 2nd children, Maxine and John. of of Irvora “Van Ormer visited here last Hat- . Bam Booterbaugh attending Mr Litzinger Neffs Mrs ¢ wnpleted | Training | Clawson SIT) of Rishon recently visited with Cresson las! GALLITZIN By MRS MADALENE GG BUCK Phone 617 JE Cleveland Street Voter Registration Here Today And Tomorrow Registration days for voling will be held today and tomorrow in Gallitzin Today, Sept. 14 ter to vote in the cs | urday at the home John Gates Wins Top Mr. and Mrs Benjamin . . : of Cresson were last Saturday Prize On Radio Quiz vigitors at the Lloyd Pugh home John Gates of Beaver Valley Stella Plerwola spent the past wom the jack t on » quiz | Week here with her mother program over Station WIAC, Mr and Mrs. Norman Btephen- Johnstown, at the arena at the son and family have returned to Cambria County Fair last | York after a visit here with rela. Wedneaday evening. tives m. io Pp Mr. Gates received roxi- Mr. end Mrs Cerald Hartman 10 pm $200 worth mer- returned home after a vacation se for having the closest | (5 to Florida asswer to the question, “How Mrs. Eddie Eckenrode of Loret- rg persons were treated at (i, nent the past week here at the Cross First-AMd ht the oy Cappaullez home He at the fair Between _ Sunday visitors at the home of J and Wednesda y Mrs. Edna Blakney included Mr to the United Stile Senate from and Mrs. James Litzinger and Pennsylvania, and Judge Michael family of Colver A. Musmano of Pittaburgh can {salen you may regis High Building from 10 a m. to 3 p m and from 7 p m. to 10 pm This Friday, Sept 15, registra. tion will take place in the Gallit- m. and from 7 p m to U. S. Sen. Francis Myers To Visit Here Wednesday I'nited Riates Benator Francis wr ant stm Dae ros | QUAKE HEIGHTENS EVEREST'S PEAK Ohio spent a few days last week | ’ hete at the Harve Lenhart home. | & ; \ * Betty Lou Gens, who is employ Fo 2 ' ed in Buffalo, N. Y., visitea re- | dl cently at the home of her par- ents, Mr and Mrs Walter Gens. Jim Krise and Bobby Barnhart visited relatives and friends ‘in Detroit, Mich, over the week end Mrs. Hannah Kuhn has return- ed to her horne here after spends ing some with relatives in Akron, Ohio. Mr and Mra Michael Nedimyer and Mr and Mrs Robert Retling- er of State College were vacation. ing over the week end in Canada, Mr and Mrs. Harve Lenhart spent Sunday visiting at the Ded bert Lenhart home in Bradley Junction. Mrs. Clark Forcey of Philips | burg spent last Thursday at the’ M J Nedimyer home. i Mr and Mra Calvin Gales and children of Johnstown spent the | week end at the G. M. Gales re- sidence. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Burchill and daughter, Ruth Ann, of Utah- ville, spent Sunday at the Earl Bollinger home. Mr. and Mrs. Lemoine Hemsakey | . and children and Betty Hemskey : visited over the week end at the 4 Nt a BHUTAN ~,- Jay Hemskey home in Willlams- , Be i : time i ’ - «tis “te, 7’ oly, AME, hy, 7 ‘% Tail ym iy 2 “it " with § Mr. snd Mrs. Delbert Lenhart | of Bradley Junction spent Sunday bere at the Harve Lenhart home. Mr. and Mra. Raymond Kings- i f ih fi ik 6 Ho i i £3 y o | il : (International) YouTrylt... You'll Like It . . . Goenner’s Special HOLIDAY BEER “Make Every Day A Holiday" Ask for It + + » at Your Favorite Taproom or Distributor’s 5 BREWED AND BOTTLED BY GOENNER & COMPANY, JOHNSTOWN district firemen's parade at Tyrone School | gin Municipal Buildng from 10 a | Myers, candidate for reelection! {aystem of | automatic jone train to another by high-fre- | transmitters and receivers | {installed in the | caboose of each train, | quency UNION PRESS.COURIER didate on the Democratic ticket for Lieutenant Governor of Penn gyivania, will bring their caravan t Gallitasin next Wednesday They will speak in front First National Bank at wm caravan will meet the i High Boehool Band at the to Galiitzin” arch and parade up Forest Street, 1 down North Main Stree!, over Lhe i bridge to the bank building LE I ‘Mrs. Madelene G. Buck ‘To Attend State Meeting Mrs Madalene G. Buck of 308 | Cleveland Street, a member of the | Democratic State Committee and ithe State Executive Board, will i attend the Democratic State Com- | mittee meeting this Saturday, {Sept. 16 at 2 p. m. in the Ball iroom of the Sylvania Hotel in Philadelphia The Democratic Blate Platform will be adopted at this lime, eo ‘Former Gallitzin Resident Gets Patent On RR Device Paul M. Branner of Duquesne a former resident of this place granted a palent or riadic waming egg which can [engineer of a speeding es dE beats Aion § v CEG LANUOAS ING RLON haa been high frequency Fy vy ¥ Mens another train isa on the how far ahead 1 is Mr. Branner was born in Galiilt and graduated from the in High Bchonl in rs Candl- 193%. He was } Ieee? 5 Air Fores during World War Il He is employed by Switch and Bignal Company of Swissvale, Pa as a palent at- Lorney Mr. Branner waa assigned pat- ent number 2.509.331 } The new invention to supplement the the UU. 8 length of f the UU sh fie oho iF is designed usual safely railroads It (divides a track into blocks and flashes semaphore or light signals to show whether a itrain is in the block ahead The would Lm pulses equ pment radio provide from locomotive and i The indicators in the engineer's cab would translate the time the echo takes to return into a dis | tance reading ® 0 The Gallitzin Band organization elected Bride Murray as president of the group at a meeting Sept. 8 in High School Other officers are Laird, vice president Leonard, secretary and Bernard, treasurer The next regular the group will be held at 7:30 p im., Tuesday, Oct. 3 in the school bullding . 0 NOTE OF THANKS : The Band Mothers organization of QGallitzin, wishes to their thanks to the 1850 Class of Gallitzin High School for their contribution of $85.50 toward the purchasing of uniforms and ins- truments for the school band Signed, BAND MOTHERS [I Julia Basal of 310 Main 8t visited in Pittsburgh on Sunday. Don Wess of Washington, D. C,, is visiting the Wess family on Church Street. Dunmse of Detroit, Mich. is visiting , Mr. and Mrs A. L Jie. of Church Street. The American Legion Auxiliary unit 174 “of QGallitzin will hold their regular meeting this Thurs- day evening at 8 p m. in the Legion Home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDer- mott of Jackson Street, have re- turned home after spending a 10. day vacation in Buffalo N Y, and Niagara Falls. They also vis ited to Toronto, Canada. The Women of the Moose, Chapter 228, Gallitzin, will hold their second monthly meeting on Monday, Sept. 18 at 8 p m. in the local Moose Home on Main Street. Mrs. Mercedes Quinn, sen- jor regent, presiding. All members are requested to be present. Mis. Elizabeth Meintel of Wil- son Street is a patient in the Al- toona Mercy Hoapital, suffering from a broken hip, which she re. ceived from a fall down a flight of stairs in her home. Mrs. Margaret Olson and Jack and Sharon Dsiabo of Main Street returned home from Baltimore, Md., where Mrs. Olson visited her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Templin and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Buckrop and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Santoni of Detroit, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs Mark Buckrop of Rock Island, Conn., were visitors at the Fritz Buckrop home on Craig Street, over the past week end. Mrs. Rupert Howell of Craig Street, ig recovering from a heart attack which she suffered a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson and Mr Elex Leona Kathyrn children, Jackie and Karen, of $m of Erie, Pa, and son the Gallitzin | len home. meeting of high | Patton High School Band Wins First Prize At Tyrone Parade {James Btudic Photo. Patton As a conclusion to its summer season, the Patton High School Band recently copped first prize in a Among the organizations’ other summer activities were the pro viding of entertainment at various local affairs, the All-Star football game in Windber, and partici pation in contests at Pittsburgh and Rarnesboro. Baltimore, Md, are spending their vacalion with Mrs Carlson's mo ther, Mrs. Susan Olson of Grant Street. Hollentown Miss Betty Jane Simmers Bride At Ceremony Here A beautiful wedding formed last Saturday Sept § at 2 p.m. in the Pentecostal Church in Hollentown, when Miss Betty Jane Bimmons, daughter of Mra Helen { Simmons) Simmeras of Patton, became the bride of John Hollen, som of Mr. and Mra Carl Hollen of Hollentown. Rev. Lioyd Weyandt, pastor, officiated at the ceremony Mardeila Simmons, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor, and Richard Isenberger, a friend of the bridegroom, was best man The bride, given in marriage by her stepfather Ray Simmers was allired in a blush pink satin Rown and wore a TRA ® : white carnations. The maid honor wore a blue taffeta gowy and a corsage of red roaes Mra Paul Green of Bellwood renidered a piano recital before and aller the ceremony A reception was heid al hegne of the bride in Pall owing Lhe ceremony with a large number of puesta allending The newlyweds received many gifts The Kane, Pi od was per nit * Are where Mr residing Haollen employe as & 9 Week end visitors a the Carl Hallen week end included Mrs, Jack Hommer 8ua. anna Matthews and Lester Morris of Beccaria; Mrs Paul f i & it . hame over lhe Green of | Bellwood; Richard Isenberger Mr ‘and Mrs. Harvey Davis Mr Mrs. Wm. Nelson and | Elaine, and daughler and Carol Delores Ten hier, Mr and Mrs. Ray Simmers and family and Rev. Lioyd Wey andt Mr and Mra Lewis Apple and Mr. and Mrs Calvin McCartney visited in Ebenaburg last day afternoon. Mr and Mrs Byron Richards’ of Lock Haven visited at the lL. Hollen home here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Hollen Jr is visiting In town with his parenta Mr and Mrs Satur {Lemuel Hollen, Mothers | Mr. and Mra Kenneth Douglass of Bellwood and Mrs Dave Naah of Blandburg visited here Sunday at the Preston Hol- Mra. Fannie Green of Comlport | visited here over the week end at the Curl Hollen home Mr. and Mrs Ray Simmeras of Patton visited at the Cart Hollen home here Sunday. Crash At St. Benedict ‘Breaks Power Lines extend ¢ Carrolitown was minus elegtrie power for about 15 minutes Sun. (day afternoon when a car crash- ied Into a steel utility pole near i the intersection of Route 219 and ithe road leading Bast the Presby- , terian Church in Benedict. The impact caused the pole to lean, severing the wires Heads U.N. Council box AAA PR SS HRP OIA i EY Sir Gladwyn Jebb PRESIDENT of the UN. Security Council for September, Sir Glad- wyn Jebb of Great Britain goes over his ootes at Lake Success, N. Y. He succeeds Soviet Delegate Jacob Malik, whose filibuster stale. mated the Council's debate on Ko- rean aggression. (International) Archabbot to Officiate At Vespers, Mass At Centennial Rt. Rev. Strittmatter ~|biween the Parochisis of Bt] To Visit Carroltown ton Fence Busters. The game, By CYRIL 1B STEVENS; | which will take place at 3 p. m. erie rs if the iB n fiet 1 n Lhe £ arrolitown High School * 5 ALF 3 LY EIRP LER As 1 & > 4: # from St Vincent . Archab Stadium, has been arranged to t ub roles od eo rata eet igive the children a prominent 14% He Pian gah 8 +5 ¢ part ‘in the celebration, Dinner for the clergy will be served at 1 p. m. Sunday in the | i i » Lake part in celebration of St in Carrolitown. | be held Ot 3, a! held for the sisters in Scholastica’s Convent. Sunday's | observance will be climaxed with | The centennial of the town church has special ance to the Benedictines more than a century of tine mervive in Carroi- wignific. It means Northern fenedic: hal given by the Catholic Northern TT Veterans of Johnstown, In addition to the { spent or LAVAL Y Fy ihe monks from 8t who atlend the Vincent festivities Will | form a ch ng al the Solemn High Mass to be offered by Most Rev. Richard T. Guilfoyle, Bishop Altoona, al 10.30 a mm 8un aay, Oct. 1. The Benedictines have charge: of the Northern County missions Carrollitown | ish banquet at 8:30 p. m. in the held. been in (amibria even belore the chiprch wan built High Mass at 9 a. m., Tuesaday church hall. A dinner also will be | an entertainment in the church |... War | vv 0 of the Carrclitows Church. A treat will be held for the children of the parish in the church hall at 1:30 that afters noon. The Centennial Ball at 9 p m. at Sunset Ballroom will con {clude the festivities Our Cathotic Heritage, a sou- venir book telling in words and Ip picture the history of the church and the work of the Benedictines, s being published for the og- casion. It is now in the process of being printed. : oh #4 wd - } uy memorial | 4 Mass and services at 9 a. m. Mon- of nt) day, Oct. 2, the anniversary will |. ir to furnish the ming- | : : ; y | od Pontifical take on a joyous air with a par 'q church hail. A bazaar also will be | 4 - Highlight of the third day ot | § the celebration will be a Solemn | & St. Benedict's Church. This will | Bem Fhey came to the area in 18468 and two years later the Bishop of Pittsburgh assigned Lhem to take care of the missions. { . Al the invitation of Peter Lemke, founder of Carroll town, the Benedictines came to Carrolltown in 1848. According to original plans of Father Boniface Wimmer, OSB. who brought the Benedictines to Amerioa, the | monastery and school were to be sxtablished in Carrvoiltown, The monks settied near Latrobe, | however, at the invitation of the | Bishop of Pittaburgh. Two years after that the Benedictines bought | Father Lemke's property in Car- | rolitown and a short time after! that Father Lemke himself be came a Benedcitine i The date for the calebration was selected because 11 ig the Sunday nearest to the anniver- sary of the coming of the Bene. | dictines. They arrived in Carroll | town Sept 30, 1848. i Rt. Rev. Dennis Htrittmatier | OSB, Coadjutor Archabbot of the | BL. Vincent community, will at. tenid the Masg celebruted bY Bishop Guilfoyle Rev Father lidephonae Wortman, OBB, will direct the choir of monks who will Falher ¥ Dancing from FRATERNAL ORDER of EAGLES AERIE 1244 FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13 FISH FRY . . . for Members and Their Ladies SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 16 ROUND DANCE from 10:00 to 1:00 BERUCE BOWSER & HIS ORCHESTRA SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMAER 17 ROUND DANCE AND FLOOR SHOW BERNIE WIEDMAN AND HIS BAND ENJOY AN EVENING AT PATTON, PA. Presents FINEST BANDS Pleasant Atmosphere COURTEOUS SERVICE for Your Enjoyment! 9:00 to 12:00 THE EAGLES! be accompanied by Rev, Father Arthur Holtz, OSB i Archabbot Dennis will officiate | at Pontifical Veapers at 7:30 p. Sunday evening He also will be celebrant of a Pontifical High | Mass the following day for the J deceased members of the congre- gation Special services will be held at the grave of Father! femkes in St. Benedict'y Cemetery after the Maas A highlight of the event on Sunday will be a football Rams DEAN and daughter of “i “¥ Y have Arthur LaBlan: Niagara Falls, returned 10 {heir hoane after apending the Labor Day week end al the Elmer Brig | g2 home Mrs LaBlanc is the former Vivian Bri Mra Paal Woods of Windber was a visitor at the Bhome of Mis | Mary Ann SBwires last Waednes. | ay : Mr and Mrs James Catralet | and chilkiren and John Fabris : Akron, Ohio, have returned home | after apending a mw days with relatives here : Zoe Ross and B J Effinger and daughler of Cresaon ‘wer funday afternoon visitors at the Bergamaschi home, i Domenic, James and BN Funi. | celll, Mario and Idelic Boito, | Bruno Florentin and Bdward Bwires Jr., were members of the National Guard unit that left Al toona Sunday afternoon for In. dianapolis, Ind Joyce Lauer was a visitor in town on Sunday. Mary Ilda Wills, who a employ. ed in Altoona, spent the week | end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert Willa : Frank Reghetti of Brons Qreek, | N. J, was a visitor with rela. TIERONE] Tadloned by MWickaels-Sters . . . Combines all the best features of sharkskin worsteds, gabardines, and coverts in this unique “suit-of the year”, SHARBAUGH & LIEB BARNESBORO A HERAT A IESE 47% tives here on Sunday. i SAVES YOU MORE! Yes, . . . 376 saves you more! 376 independent retail hard- ware dealers located in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland and New York, are saving you money on every purchase you make at Lieb’s Hardware. Because we are a member of this mass buying organization known as the American Hardware Supply Co., we obtain lower prices through our quantity purchases . . . which we pass on to YOU. So, on the average, when you buy something in our hardware store, you are paying less than you would ordinarily pay an inde- pendent hardwure merchant. These savings are given to you with ne sacrifice in quality. With the exception of fair traded items, you get the same quality merchandise from us at lower prices as you would receive elsewhere at higher prices. Try this test: Whenever you need something from a hardware store, shop around first and then stop in and see us... you'll know what we're talking about when we say you get the best values in this section at the lowest prices here at Lieb’s! MAIN STREET