Thursday, September 14, 1960 Around Patto ‘ tk Pvt. Wilkam A. Rudolph Miss Helen Baranik er a Bride On Saturday | Pvt. Wiliam A. Rudolph of the | Medicai Corps, stationed at Gra- Miss Helen Baranik, daughter fenwhow, Germany. recently re of Vasil Baranik of Patton, be- ceived a Good Conduct Medal, for came the bride of Joseph Ferenic, | one year of good service. General son of Mr. and Mrs Michael Fer- | Heart, presented the medal to enic of Emeigh at 9 a m. on Sat- | Pvi Rudolph. urday, Sept. 2, in St. John's| Pvt Rudolph, a son of Mr and Greek Catholic Church, Barnes-| Mrs. Joseph Rudolph of Herri- boro. Rev. Father Joseph Penyak Iman Ave, Patton, entered the officiated at the ceremony i service on May 7, 1948 and re- The bride was given in marri- ceived his basic training at Ft age by her brother, Andrew. Dix, N. J. He was stationed at Glendienn Ferenic, sister of the Camp Hood, Tex, before going bridegroom, was the maid of [ovarseas on Apr 28 1950 hemor, and Andrew Baranik, a eo cousin of the bride, served as ~ be FFA. FHA Cop Prize A wedding dinner was served at | the Susquehanna Hotel, Garman- | town and a reception was held at ‘Mone At Co Fair the bride's home. | . Mrs. Ferenic is a graduate of | Patton Hi School and is em- | ad ployed at Oe McCroy Store in| Farmers’ display placed third at Patton Her husband, a graduate | D¢ x mbes Sa Ee week, nettin the © Ti of Cherry Tree High Scho, ie | 35% STF 108. in "he vegetable displays, the FFA received sixth employ A Cherry Tree Coal | nee ‘among 10 entries and was “Following a wedding trip to the | awarded a prize of 34 news | Leo Little, a Patton High soph n wl Pa # wil ED iyweds omore and member of Patton : e* 0 FFA chapter, received a check for $10 as first prize award for Robert Coffman Named nis entry in the sow pig clams By Presbyterian Group Bill Trexler of PHS Class [80 and also an FFA member, Robert Coffman was elected the ceived two checks of $8 each president, to serve for the enmi- jas A soCor a prize his ing six months, at a meeting of [in the seni sow pig class and the Men's Assn of the Pstton! the other as second prige the Presbyterian Church the Pat- open classes ton Recreation Park last Friday © A Melson Jr evening. agriculture teacher Marlin Mitchell, retiring presi- aise is FFA adviser dent of the group, presided at the | 71h, Patton High girls werent seamion. outdone either, the Future Home. Other officers elected Include | makers winning a prize of $8 for Bert McConnell, vice president second place a display which Deloss Elma secretary-treasurer consisted of clothing, baked goods A picnic supper consisting of rugs, draperies and a stool Miss corn, frankfurter sandwiches and Nancy McNelis is the new voca- pie and cake, was enjoyed The tional home economics instructor next meeting will be held Oct. 13. at the school and FHA adviser Phone Mrs. Ouallahan Dial 2652 Union Prens-Courier Dial 8161 Patton Chapter of the Future of re ~ GTB for entry “ww IF ! KR p in in is vooalilonal at PHS and in Grand Re-Opening! MOOSE BALLROOM PATTON, PA SAT., SEPT. 16 MUSIC BY “THE VAGABONDS” Dancing 9:30 to 1230 FLOOR SHOW 11:30 P. M. Come and Enjoy an Evening Amid Pleasant Surroundings COURTEOUS, FRIENDLY SERVICE Wear ond ter on your cor increase fontosticolly os your driving speed increases. And offer ofl, whea only 32 minutes sooner thon you would THE PATTON AUTO COMPANY your headquarters for regular car care! We're off set wp 1 sof wp yow cor for EXTRA YEARS of service. beter, lost ionger . . . expert mechanics who do © better job foster. Cath in . . . come in-=togularty. Keep your engine running cool with our COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE Rodictor drained — dirt and rust fshed out — fat wd on a tial ah bein ot S350 rodictor checked for leoks— water pump checked . . . ofl for Orie ir for FRET PATE SERVICE THAT AEEDE YOUR CAR IN SYARES - PATTON AUTO CO. ~ Phone 2171 Patton, Pa. PHS Classes, Band f UNION PRESS-COURIER -— | Mr. and Mrs Andrew Kepshire | VFW Aides Plan Elect New Officers To Aid State Week For 1950-51 Term At reorganization meslings {held recently in the Patton High School the various classes elected officers for the 1850.51 school term Leo Panther Zajicek of the Cub Staff and president of the Press Club, was elecied the president of the Class of 51 Ronald Stoltz was named as the vice president; Nell Bheehan, sec- retary: Gladys Haluska treasurer and Donna Jenkins and Pauline Gionfriddo, cheer leaders Faculty sponsors are Miss Homyak and Mr Martin. ; Officers the remaining class es are as follows Juniors Thomas Wonds presi. dent: James Delpierte, vice presi dent Betty Ann Shuss secrstary Mary lee Garrity, treasurer and Marshall Schwab and Margare® Smith. cheer leaders Faculty sponsors are Mr Soginski and Miss Davis KRophomores - Richard lent. Charles E Vincetin erat hy member (wader. Weber Petior Rig ges pi Bricker leaders Lowes nreR president qos Ppt ary rer Fialne rs i y Migs Garrity Kenneth Bill Harris Isnhel O12 retary red Weher Vo cheer Mra ard Shirley and Rararich hear STOMROTR Miss ‘rem are arid Frosh nresi dent ” Trexler Trees ¥ Miia Batty nt ner tort Bes treamurer and Beeky, Gay lenders. Facully. Sponsors Masrica and Mus Kollar eo 8 FHS BAND NAMES OFFICERS The following officers were el sed to head the PHS Band Robert Maker capiain Kelly and Calvin Batler ants, Dorothy Bertisom, Donna McDevitt, assistant iar. Paul Bertison Karl Malkin student co Patty Costello, manager Murray, color guard sergeant Connie Christoff majoretls tain i es” Margaret Karanik Weds Robert Noel Miss Margaret Karanik daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs George Kara- nik of Patton, became Lhe bride of Pobert Noel son of Mr and Mrs Robert Noel also of Patlon, ‘at a pretty ceremony performed at ® a m Baturday in 8t {George's Catholic Church Rev Father Basil Balko, OSB, pastor officiated at the double-ring cere. ‘many and sang the nuptial mass Larhich followed ; The bride was given in mar. iriage by her father Mr and Mrz {Arthur Askey, brother in-law and sister of the bridegroom, were the attendants Miss Helep Karanik winter of the hiride was bridesmaid and Nicholas Bobby was usher redding Was served roanrn if the Garrity and are Floyd isylen. ibrarian lihrar drum major rae lo Mildred and y AD g£ dinner ¥ here new dinin ercial Hotel and 8 re. ception held at the Moose Home Mr. and Mrs Noel will reside In Patton upon thelr return from a wedding trip - Mr. Noel served in the Army during World War 11 He is grad- ule of Patton High Bchool and in employed the Monroe Coal Cao at Revio Fire Co. Auxiliary Visits Niagara Falls | A group of ladies of the Pal. ton Fire Company Auxiliary chartered a bus this week lend and enjoyed a trip to Niagara | Falls and Conneaut Lake The { by ing and returned early Sunday | morning { Those making the Mra. Peg Forsythe, | Bwisher, Mrs Daisy Lacey. trip were ‘Mary Marshall Mrs. Ann Dona. hue, Mrs. Leanore Donahue Mra Kate Hudak, Mrs. Florence Bur- key. Mra Sue Theresa Gresko, Mrs Catherine Makepeace, Mrs. Laura Lowes Mrs. James Healy, Mrs Angie Whiteford, Mrs McHugh Mrs , Mra. Agnes Jones Mrs oat Jones and Mrs Betty Bunseri. ” oe LEAVE FOR NAVAL DUTY Joseph Allen Whiteford, son of Mr. and Mrs William Whiteford, and and nesda Phi FISHER'S 1949 HUDSON 4-Door Sedan 1949 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan : 1948 FORD 5-Passeager (Coupe 1948 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET 5-Passeager Coupe 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Sedan 1942 CHEVROLET Coupe — TRUCKS 1948 DODGE %-Tom Pickup 1940 GMO 1% Ton, Long Wheel FISHER'S USED CAR LOT Corner 8. Fifth & Park Aves. PATTON, PA. * The Patton VFW Auxiliary will take part in Pennsylvania Week activities in Patton, it was an- nounced at a meeting of the unit ast Thursday evening A donation was given to the hospital chairman, Eleanor Hiteh to purchase a carton of cigarettes for Richard Batdor! who is a pat. jent in the Butler Veterans Hos pital In other activities at the ses sion, Mra. Marie Marshall was ap pointed by the president ag the new flower chairman, to sucoeed Mra Ellen Hollen [It was also an- nounced that a membership drive is under way. the one bringing in the most new members will re [cetve a gift i ¥ i The meeting was closed and the group then went in a body 16 the cemetery to hold services for a deceased member Mrs Ellen Hol en The next meeting will Sept. 21 at 8 p m in Home he held Frost the $$ » 9 Legion Auxiliary to Meet Legion Auxiliary will hold their mee! Monday. Sept IR at BR p nn the local Legion Home All members arse requested 0 bring their chance cards wilh thers as the award will be given sway Monday evening so Mrs. Mary Garrity Honored At Dinner Mary Garrit 420 was entertained al , oa Reid hy American Patton ing m unit mn [ang ur Mrs Ave Srise i 4 3 the 4% Pa TH " 5 Patton RH [erst Bap ix "ay PY family. a! ! creation Park on Bunday All six of her children her 19 grandchildren and great-grandchildren helped make he occasion one fe »~ her oF five 8 memorable Guests who gathered cided the following Mr and Mrs Mask and children, Annette Gary and Gene Al Haikey, Jack Gallity, Wiliam and Marie Krottndofer Mr and Mra Richard Burns and aon Hck: Tudor W. Mask, Charlies Schmitt. Mr and Mrs James Saxty and Barbara Weber. all of Washington D. C. Mr and Mr Joseph P. Garrity and children Pat. Ann and Mary of Newpor News Va: Mr and Mrs Andrew C. Mullan and daughter, Kathleen of Cumberiand Md William Hinderliter of Chester Pa Mr and Mra Grover J Beel Sr and daughters, Madeline and Peiliie of Mahaffey. Mr J Carrity of Hastings Mr and Mrz James Terrizzi and daugh ters Sharon and Jane of Barnes Mr and Mra Francis J Garrity and children Jimmy Tan ’ Codeen and David Mrs Eliza weth (Garrity and daughlers Mar and Petty Virginia, Mr an? § Prash and oh irern Dannie Johnnie and Betly and Mins V Patlon * Methodist Festival Slated For Saturday, Sept. 30 The Harvest Home Booth Fest: val will be held at Tyrone on Sept. 30 This affair ia to obiain provisions thodist Home for Tyrone During the sone members of Meth Youth Fellowship will visit ihe homes of the members of the Methodist Church to solicit pro- visions for this home Your inter est and cooperation shall be ap (yahriel ¥ 4 Wy Larry ton irs * ¥ Donal Fane Mar I oh # ao EsRTITIY 3 all of Leo (sarvity VERT Me “t held every for ihe the Aged th a 24 win? week of 5 et | roup left early Baturday morn. | Preciated i a 0 Band Mothers Start Drive To Obtam New Uniforms Mrs. Kenneth Rhody, president, at the Beptember meet- ling of the Patton Band Mothers Baranick, Mrs § Ethel McConnell, Mrs. Mae Gre- of in the Asan, Tuesday evening new uniforms this coming spring In order to build up this fund the group announced that a series social events will be held the first a bake sale to be held Sat- urday, Sept. ul rr Mr and Mrs. Francis X Young have left on a six-week vacation | i and Mrs. Louis trip to California Sir. and Mrs Thomas Wilshire of Patton announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. § at Miners Hospital, Spangler. 2 for the eg had as her or we Mrs Emma Parks of { CARD OF THANKS Senita. They also, RD Mrs. Andrew visited friends Minneapolis, {Chicago and Gary. A daughter was bormm to Mr . 10 at the Miners’ Hospital and Mrs. George Kepshire and Mrs Harry F ment, Gelormino on and daughter, Annette, of Detroit, | Mich, visited a few days last week at the Charles Bertison re- | sidence ! Mr. and Mrs Clament Hartzsog f Houston, Texas returned home after spending some time with the former's father, Frank Hartzog of | Patton RD, and other relatives Word has been received by 3 4. Rively that his som, v. Father William Rively, 8. J, is seriously 1 in the Caroline Is ands and that is being remov- ed to Guam Naval Hospital. visitors at the Frank Hartzog home were Mr. and Mrs Fred Lenz and son “Ty” Mr and Mrs James Butler worth of Detroit, Mich, spent! last Friday with the former's hro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr ani Mra Millurd Butterworth of Pat- ton R. D Miss Sally Bertin = the weak end in New England States Mr and Mrs Wm Bender of Patt B® and Mr and Mrs Mit Broltz of Akron. Ohio left { three week vacation WiLL ~ounin, Alfred Bender and n North English [Towa and Mra Hugh Semelsber- Patton R visited ast evening with the n-law and sister H H Ginsberg of Recent pent 1 i for 1heir family Mr af a Rer iD xy da Ww adniesday SOT Brother Mrs mers and Altoona yw 8 Patton Presbyterian (burch Fiummer Harvey STW Minister Bept 17-10 mm Bunday ’ " 1 am Hert Weer A stiody Ire te Bide the monin-T Kings pm Feliowen ip Isobel Hbhige Bwiaher charge £ Opin oes rs Bork of West rniinater sid Catherine Ww Rag vow “Fok retusa rail eRoN and Carol irday at i} adit Y : day at 7 Pp Wm penreal each Hat Priday, Rept 15 Monthly Westminster Guild si Ihe Basch Ave Mrs Harvey a 14 and 15 Annus ¥ # Camda Cognty 8 Wedron ody Te 2 mi reve ing The Trinity Methodist (harch Rey J FE A Bue By DD Pastor Bundar Sept 17 poppe Rehos al 24% a Rovere Rowland, supt 1d adults In » theatre and juniors snd c iemary in Oud -Pellows Hall Worship and meres 81 JO 45 A ; thealre IELORS ws Bert Worship Y omath Fellowship at 630 p m in the Par sonage devoliors in charge of Martha Lawnard Aiscussbon leader Patrica Lister Feaning Worship st 130 p ™ rn Luthersss Churse A swig Services atv Brie! sermon » the Bibde Wedriondsy Rept 6 Prayer service at the Parsonage at T30 p m ® 5 9 Trinity Episcopal (hurch {3ihert Watt Priest in-charge Sunday Brit Loo pening Atul sermon at 91% a Behodl at 04 a ™ Thuraday ed 33-8 Matthew's my Holy Communion st 0 a Mm The Ih annual pligrimages to 82 Margaret os Mernorial Hospital Pires burgh will De Reld his ovaning Bun day. Sept IT at 31 48 m ® 0 Church of God Chapel tae OO Coreg Pastor Bunday Sept 12. Binds Study Sehoed at 10 a mm Cecrge W Coiberg supt Premceling Bervies st 11 & Young Peoples Meeting st £45 p = Evan gaitatie Services at T “WE im WH ainnesdar Sept 30 Weel DUBRY dr and praises service af 730 pW Wa satend to ou a sosdial Invite sles to tute in WISW Radis Staliomn Aftonna, (790 KO seach Huitday eon £35 ts 990 a In snd Bear ihe CAs Pashicmed COhoapa] oo the Way vf Tegtl peogTars by 2 OB Martti sna eoworpers of ¥Wagerstown 4 ¥ hula Sega ia wy tise Churd of Carat In These dio RE Laller ihe in Sere Trees a Lsered Patten arreiews wil Sunday. Sept ese Calvary Baptist Church sreciay + 48 p wm practice and 7 0 § Tle M2 Bunday Sept 17-9 a Wm wal ip Pah and Works Sunday Sehond ® +» be Held one be #13 , a t Hep x w Sept 17-10 a m Sunday a Mm Morning Worship Pair and Works” 73 p mv Peening Worship candies light service and COAT GL ion sored ty the Christ. tan Young # Society there " RANMOTS a Tuesday, Sept 19-430 p m Christ aa Y d gi Socwty w y pS Hour “i> funtor chodr oe m Se howd il Te Die Study 830 p Mm een Wor praciion «© Lagana ‘the firat-ald meet ro LL HASTINGS By JOSEPHINE MARTUCCY Phone 4876 Miss Ann Theresa Kumka Bride of Charles Lagana Miss Ann Theresa Kunka, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mra Jucob Kunka of this place and Charles son of Mr. and Mrs Frank lLagana of Colver, sxchan- ged marriage vows at a ceremony in 8t. Bernard's Catholic Church here Sept 4 Rev. Father More Herald officiated at the nuptial high mass which was held at § o'clork Miss Dolores Lagana, sister of the bridegroom, and Walter Kun. ka. brother of the bride, were the attendants The bride wis given in marriage by her father. A weddin ved at the Kunka home and a re ception followed later at the La- gana home in Colver Mrs lagana is a graduate nurse of Mercy Hospital Altoona Mr lagana was called for his physical test last week and prob ably will be assigned to kn service post in the near future LA » - - * Hedwig Niemiec Bride At Pretty Ceremony Here Miss Hedwig Niemisc daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Niemisc of this place und Darl Davis of Ar. cadia were united in marriage at A ceremony at 8 a m Sept. 2 in | Bernard's Catholic Church Rev. Father Adalbert Kalsch of. ficiated at the double.ring cere mony and the nuptial high mass which followed bride was given her father Mins Danda Noel of Newark, N. J, mnerved as maid of honor and John Pleur of Barnesbors bretherdin-daw of the bride was best man The in mar riage by A wedding dinner and reception tows piace af the Niemi home Mrs Davia is a beauticinn Al- toons. while her husband is em. ployed in Arcadia IE Carol A. Brazill Feted On 11th Anniversary Mra John Brasill entertained a number of young people aut a birthday party held in honcr of her daughter, Carol Ardeth, who was 11 years old on Sepl § Lurich and refreshments were served Carol received 3 number of nice gifta Those iw &3 present included Colbert, Renalda Beck, Margaret Stotaky, Janet Thomas atty Riordan, Janet! Lubert Nancy Lae bert, David Commons and Mar lene Paterno, all of Hamtings ® + 9 ‘Abe” Firment of Erie npent the week end at his home here Hastings High School Rand par. ticipated in a program held at the Cambria County Fair Tues. day of lant week and agsin at Saturday Misses Fegina and Asn Cuaviuk were callers in Barneaboro Angie Fasly waa a visitor Spangler last Saturday Mary Nelson was caller in Altoona Miss Anne Nesdore a spending a week's vacation in New York Misa Pauline Neadore visited in Spangler last week Mr and Mrs Clyde Kirsed Bildren visited here Runday Mr and Mrx Rex Switzer and sor, Douglas of Cumberinrnd. Md are visiting at the Ford [Basly home here Fide Bemelsherger visited nas?! week end Akron, © Elizabeth Gaviak, whi is with the Wamen's Air Pores at Me. Chord Alr Force Base, Washing ton, D CC, was promoted to cor. poral recently. She ia a teletype aperalor al the air bame Mise Margaret Betty Gallo daughter of Mr. and Mr. Andrew Gallo of this place and Louis Seott of Emeigh were married at A ceremony Aug MM in Cumber. land, Md. Miss Jeanetts Lefebure of Hastings and Thoma King of Cherry Tree were attendants. couple will reside in Hasthigs Mrs. Anna Castronown has m™- turned home after spending some time with relatives in Buffalo Patsy in A Sunday and this ves the and Niagara Falls N.Y Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Emasly of | Altoona spent the week end here The following is the list of pat. lentas admitted and discharged at the Colver Hospital for the past week Admitted Mrs. Dorothy Sloan, | Mrs. Mary Lamer, Grace Folcke- MOVIES ARE THAN EVER AT BLATT BROS mer, Mary Kawalaky, Mary Pro- | do kup and Edward Kuncelman | od Ann Semko, Saily Yaskowitz, Julio Macchioni and Patricia Swarts | Sept. 7. We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted us in any way during our recent bereave- the death of our husband, and brother, Louis J also for the Spiritual and ON PATTON, PA. FRIDAY & BATURDAY Sept. 15 & 10 dohany Weltsmammullor, Trudy Marshall, in MARK OF THE GORILLA in THE GOLDEN STALLION In Beautiful Calor ~CASH NITES 3 DAYS MAUREEN O'HARA MacDONALD CAREY, in | home breakfast 'was ser. iss Rita Rubus has returned | to ington, D. C, after spend- ' tionship, traffic ing the first of the week at her maintenance of here, | allied subjects. Miss M t Koval of New| York is spending her vacation at ory road tests her home here, Miss Helen Koval is spending some time here Mr. and Mrs John Mihalik and John Dwvorchak Sr. of Patton were Monday evening visitors here Mrs. Alice Wolf and Miss Hilda Koch of Altoona were visitors in town ast Wadnesday James Baker of St. Augustine was a business caller here Wed nesday of last week. ted so that Birth Notes Mr and Mrs John Dvorchak announce the birth of a son at the Miners’ Hospital on Sept. 10. Mr. and Mrs ymond Jansure announce the birth of a son on Sept. 4. also at Minery A sont was born to Mr. and Mrs Jumes Fredo of 8t. Boniface at the Miners’ Hospital Sept. 8 To Have Institute Teachers won't be the attending the ns at : burg Oct 8 8 the dates of the annual Cambria County Tea- | chers Educational Conference, i According to the office of the county superintendent of schools | Dr A.M Stull on the same dates | a transportation drivers’ institute for all school bus drivers will be | conducted. The drivers institute will not be an actual part of the | teachers’ conference but it will be held on the same dates since bus drivers will not be on duty those | two days Most county public and | high schools close on those days drivers’ event will take! place in the music auditorfum of Ebensburg Cambria High School. | The teachers sessions will be | held elpewhere in the high school | biuldirg and in the Courthouse | The drivers’ meetings are being sponsored jointly by the Division | of Highway Safety Education and the Puble Service Institute of the Dept. of Public Instruction. Quali- fied instructors will be present to fiscume such subjects as driver DEFINITION OF COMFORT! ty of PAUL'S SHOE STORE ., a HEY KIDS! ad WE HAVE FOOTBALL UNIFORMS FOR just like the big boys use! Helmets Pants Shoulder Pads Knee Pads ... and Footballs LOW PRICED, TOO! SEE THEN! >? CAA AA AGG SAA SS A SSA A ISAS GSP VASA SS SSS YOU Brrr or OME A AUTO SupPLY - HILA. AVE. BARNESBORO, pa, FAK 695 PA ASIN PAE au, FPP There are two reasons why men the country over are lining up for this sport coat. It features a colorful lining of authentic Royal Stewart tartan plaid .. . and » turn-up collar that buttons with a smast tab! Made of soft, durable, rich-looki Baroy, tailored with deve tion to detail by America's largest producer of men’s jackets... and a standout value. We have HIGHLANDER in your favorite color..... ®s sdrveriioed in VARSITY and ESQUIRE ¥ LUXENBERG'S MEN'S SHOP PRILA. AVR