Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 07, 1950, Image 11

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    Thursday, September 7, 1980
| ited in town c¢ver the Labor Day
| week end at the Rube Farabaugh
By ROHE MARIE HUBER Mr. and Mrs. Ken Long of Eb
Janet Smuth Honored | ensburg were Sunday visitors in
[town at the home of the lady's
On 16th Anny | parents Mr. and Mrs. Rube Fresn
ersary { Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ludwig
A su birthday party was of this place spent the week end
hed Thursday evening, Aug |of Aug. 27 in Illinois Mrs Ken
51, In honor of Janet Smith, who neth ung: and children re
Celebrated her 16th birthday anni- | turned with them to spend sev
Versary last Friday. Games were eral days at the home of Mrs
¥yed and a lunch served. Miss Youngers parents, Mr and Mrs
mith recelved many gifts Those Carl Ludwig of Nicktown
attending included the following: | Seaman James Lieb of Florida
Mary Ellen Norton, Marjorie fpent the week end at the home
Kirsch, Shirley Kirsch, ‘Teresa of Mr. and Mrs George Lied
- Lieb, Doris Kirsch, Dolores Par-| Mr. and Mrs. James Timms of
Beaver Valley
Mr and Mrs Earl Giliigan and| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Desn Beers |
daughter were recent visitors at and som, and Mrs. Luther V. Mil
the Kenneth Everhart home.
Mr and ‘Mrs. John Esch of | ited in ARoona last Monday even. |
Spangler visited relatives and fri- | ing. i
ends here on Sunday | Mrs Howard F. Glass and Mrs
Week end callers at the Owen ipa. p Kopp attended a reguisr
Black home were Reuben Black of meeting of the Ellen Wilson Rebe.
Gloverfiown N Y and Cecil | pan Lodge 586 of Coalport on
Black of Franklin, Pa Me rat
» , Monday evening
Mrs Clark Forcey of Philips ’ a
- t Sunday with her ¢-: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beers visited
DPUTEg spent Sun AY With her pa : :
ents Mr and Mrs M. J Nedi-|at the Charles W. Beers home last
myer { Tuesday evening
Mr and Mrs Harold Kutruff | Paul E Kopp of Detroit, Mich
and son, Donnie, were recent call- | spent the week end visiting at the
: i t the week end visiting at the |
Fallentimber |2=:: 27-53% Florence Adams
= Weds Joseph Nagle
[ler and Mrs Robert H. Miller vis i Mich , visited here recently at the
Mr and Mrs Robert
snd son, Robert, of
Earl F. Kopp home.
Mr. and Mrs Nick Muhau and ends and relatives, Miss Florence he St. Thomas’ Church Hall
som, Jackie, of Detroit, Mich vis Adams daughter of Mr. and Mrs |
(ted recently at the home of Mr
‘and Mrs Walter B. Kough
Mrs Robert C Gates and child ;
ren; Mrs. Vela E Glass and son MATTIage on
Arthur, of Rahway N J
with relatives here recently
Mr and Mra Howard F. Glass
i celebrated their 37th wedding an pny
niversary on Friday Rept |
In the presence of a host of fri-
Ned Adams and Joseph F. Nagle
all of this place were united in
Saturday moming.
Sept 2 at “ a m in the =
Augustine Catholic Church Rev
Father Edward J Walters. pantor,
performed the double-ring tere.
and sang the nuptial high
sor of Mr and Mra. Ferd Nagle, |
rish, Dorothy Rirsch, Joann Hu-
ber, Mary Agnes Kirsch, Martha
Smith, Janet Smith, Joe Brown,
John H el, John Dumm and
Billy Joe Xirsch
Mr. and Mrs BEd Farabaugh
and daughter of Philadelphia vis- |
To Visit Qur
Factory Bhowroom
Drive $hrough the pict
convenient terms
as Iifttle as 10% down' You're
weloome anytime!
Expert Pactory Restyling, @®
RBM Tring at
Very ate Prices
Foex-Peale Post 508
Packed to Take Out, Too!
x | the holiday week end with relis- a M
Mrz Harold E Bland of Clarks
burg, W. Va visited recently at
hare +f her meother Mrs Jessie
| roit, Mich, spent a few days ers at the Ted Fegan home in | home of kis parents, Mr and Mry
| in town at the home of the ladys irvona asthe. rast al <hiid Ear! F. Kopp.
| i 4 r a rs mar a rani and Cag | yi & Wmiviy ; #
| brother and sister-in-law, Mr. an ton. ier nd Bob, of} Mr and Mrs. Calvi W. Shaffer |; pron
| Mrs. Gorden Harney. Paty Ni 1 shent the Moliday | °f Hyattsville spent the past
i Sister Mary Ricarda, REM {3 Ratsgra) 4 “Lt Aug ie by More wee visiting with Mrs Flizabheth
| Loretto, spent the Labor Day Ww na * "ne oF MT. Shatter :
i ’ . + CYR TS Green : The Stat Deoartrnent of In-
| week end with relatives in town Lida Greer raviend Rice ofl Joek B. Rough and friend of lara e Departs t of 1
Miss Beata Kelly of Pittsburgn Mr and Mrs Raymond Rice i . rornal Affaire in H a
| pent last week { the home of Ashville were Wednesday evening | Akron, Ohio Spans the week end approved a bond Tmsue for Cam
3 =” ee callers at the Cloyd Shope home | Visiting at the Walter B Kough pei, Township It calles for $110
As pneu ord and Miss Eugene Oldham of Windber vis. | hone 000 for improving roads The is
Miss Alma Fara gt - vis ited a few days last week at the | Harold Potter of Detroit Mich sae was approved by voters
| sted Par Dan ot Narr home of his uncle and aunt Mr | . EE sii ams ——
4 on y & . ] aM Robert Barnhart
i ; : an re bert Barnhs
| Shero home in St. Benedict Mr and Mrs George McMaster
| Mrs. Genevieve Huber and dau- | oT "'% Tn niin spent the
| ghters, Joann and Rose Marie holiday week end st the Lioyd
(and Bill ck ere SUNdAY 3.108 residence
visitors in ollidaysburg. ee Mr and Mrs
| Miss Helen Farabaugh of NicK- 4 a,.0nter of St © Augustine
town spent the week end in Ene. spert Wednesday evening at the
| Pa, with friends Lawrence Noel home
. Mrs Sewell Oldham has retumn
DEAN home of her brother ar { mister-in
Mrs Sara Balzano, who under: ju Mrs and Mrs. Robert Barn
went an operation for appendici- ngrt and family
tis at the Mercy Hospital Altoo Frank Harpster of
| na. last week is recuperaling 8! ing sperit the week
| the home of her parents Mr and home of his parents
Mrs Howard Swires Harry Harpster
Roger Fortaneila who is With Mrs Mary Mellott ¢ Peas
{the FBI in Washington, DD. ( Falls spent the week end at the
spent the week end with his par home of her parents, Mr. and
l ents. Mr and Mrs Mark Fm Mrs W A Flemming
tanella Tuesday was opening day of
Leno Spiller and David Spiller the 1950-51 term of White Twp.
| of Plainfield, N. J, have returned Sehools. The township school
{to their home after spending a staff is as follows: Mra Gene-
few weeks vacation here Leno is vifve Kieinmyer, Mrs “ Nellie
a son of David Spiller of this Hollis, Mrs. Mildred Smiley and
place and David is a nephew Miss Matilda Horn,
A wedding lunchedn Was sors Mrs Frances Davis has return
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs sd to her home after spengling a
Fortunate Funicelli for their son, two-week vacation with friends in
John. who was married to Miss Scalp Level Pa . .
| Dorothy Lidwell of Ashville as Mr and Mrs F.than Weak esser !
| Saturday morning. About 60 rela. ar § children of Chicago, Tii, have
| tives were served at the luncheon returned to their home after
, while several hundred persons al- spending a weak at the home of
‘tended the reception which Was Pe oY Jurens Mr ard Mrs
held ir 8t. Thomas’ Church Hall yi hates of Chita Was a
| Ashville. Sunday caller at the home of his
Mr and Mrs James Reghetlll
, uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs
of New Brunswick, N. J. spent Harry Harpster and sons
Gates and grandsons
tives here Monty and George, attended the
Holiday visitors al the Ernest fire wardens pict a! Patton on
Cavalet ‘Thame included Mr. and Baturday
Raymond Noel!
ed tes her hoa Tr ir her afte
spending a week's vacation at the
When you come here to borrow money,
oll information relating to the loon oppli-
cation is treated in strict confidence by us.
This is just one of the reasons we worront
the confidence shown by the folks who come
here to borrow money. Come in when you
need cash for any worthwhile purpose.
Bernard Adams, brother of the
bride. and William Shingle, neph.
ew of the bridegroom, served at
the altar which was very bewuti- | Saturday, Aug 26 at 9 a m in
fully decorated with gladioh
The bride's gown was of white
1 L.A
Following the ceremony a
breakfast was served at home of
the bride and a wedding dinner
was served at the Funicelli home
in Dean A recept was held at
d her huiiband is émploved By
& construction company In Al
Loon. i
At Recent Ceremony
Miss Joan Gibbons and Herman |
Krug were united in marriage in |
a double-ring ceremony performed °C
by Rev. Father J B kett om | (D-Pa
{ 8t. Thomas’ Catholic Church here |
satin with a long train and lace |
trimmed veil held in place with a
& White praver book with streany |
ers of pompormns and | corsage of
white carnations The bridestnaid
Miss Frances Adams, sister of the
ride wore 3 gown of seafoar
green fafeta with bheaddreas to
mate and carried a cascade of
veliow roses Robert Nagle, bro
ther of the groom, served as best |
Ushers were Frad Adams bro.
ther of the bride. and Gerald Na.
gle, brother of ithe hridegiroors
Flower iris were Nancy Adams
ard Sharon Bhingle who were
dressed in gowns of pink and gold
taffeta, respectively. and carried
mal boasjuels
A wedding dinner was aervad
r the two families at the Adams
omrwe and 8 reception was Meld
the evening
rr thedr return from & hon
mn trip. ihe newlyweds
Ip Bouse Keeping
torn, where Mr Nagle is
BY Sleriing O%ice
Miss Dorothy Lidwell
Weds John Fumicelh
Mr and Mrs Bernard Lidwel)
bam rap YR Relde ff Jed Pama
+ Fe al % Bret 4 Y PIG
¥ & A
pw rt ormed
day Rept
dw CRagreh hops Rev
{John Hacketl pastor, off
{the double-ring ceremony
® 3 nn ant Matype
sn Ht Thomas Cath
i The bride was given in mar
[riage vy her father Rhee wan bed
Pati al in &
| gown and train and carried pn bot
1 yet f white (lien of the miley
The bridesmaid Man Helen
Morasn wore a gown of yellow
white slipper satin
Mrs James Cavaret and children
end John Fabris of Akron Ohio
Mr. Fabrig is a brother of Mrs
CARROLLTOWN “ Callers in Coupon Sunday
ROUTE | were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cavale!
SHOWS at 813 and Jo 15 P Hand children. Elio, Emest and
BOX OFFICE OPENS at is | Marie Cavalet Mr and Mrs
: { Anthony Boito and son, Leonard;
8 | Arthur, El and Domeni Funiceill
2: Mr and Mrs Fortunato Funiceill]
Mr. and Mrs James Reghetti and
i | John Fabris and Mr. and Mrs
» James Cavalet and children
Visitors at the Bergamaschi re
sidence on Labor Day were Mr
Carol Peterson and
Clairton and Mrs
Loy McCallister in
errr ddd Bid rE
Saturday, Sept. §
DOUBLE FEATURE aalldren - of
toy Rogers in “1 William Beckmann
Under California Stars ~~ /
Also Hopalong Cassidy in . .- Ce a
- ¥ VENTURE Prince Gallitzin District
Students Begin erm
The Prince Gallitzin 8chool Dis
+i trict has about Lhe same number
Sun, Mon. t. 10 & 11 .. of pupils enrolled for the new
lois Butler in ‘achool term as attended schools
MICKEY | last vear about 325. Classes be-
{gan on Monday morning.
“oand Mrs
Cartoon Carnival
i on api
rg ps pA ATA
213 Sn Bn Re A A rll
iin the district. which includes
Chest Bpsing and Loretto Boros,
and a number of townships atl-
school in Patton, Cres-
% ba a a i pogong
Tues, Wed. —Sept. 13 & 13
Marjorie Main in 2 tena 2
— Rand Press-Courier Want Ads
Sprenger YY
DUPONT House Paint
Gears 22°
Keope your house always white;
bright and beautifull The
Du Pont House Paint latel de
seribes ite “self-cleaning” nection,
W Ste white . . . steps white
Pie Bhven youre of protection apebod
Yr Sussptional coverage end hiding
J Aloe svelioble is popular “sell
© msi, Ue
We ipecialize in Serving Parties, Picnics, Weddings, Bt.
see es
yy py
i Mr and Mrs lay He mg ey and
daughter Eva Lynn of Williarns
port spent the week end at the
John Hemskey home
Bev and Mrs Byron Esch and
taffeta and hat and carried a bot
yet of mixed pean peaTs The
nid of honor Mary Loa Lidweadl
wore & gown of rose taffeta with
stehing hat | i
children have returned to Macdow
N. Y., after spending a week al
the Perrv Fach home :
Mr and Mrs Joseph Kendrick
spent the week end with relatives
in Grass Fiat, Pa
Ms and Mrs Gary Shope of
Washington, D C spent the week
end holiday at the home of Mr
Bhope s brother-in-law and mister
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Everhart
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Esch were
Pittsburgh callers on Friday
Week end callers at the (hurries
jarniett home were Miss Betty
Barnett and Mr. and Mra’ Jods
Williams ard daughter of Altoona
Mr and Mrs. Ed Gray and fam
ily of Coslport and Mr. and Mrs
Jurdor Gray and daughter of Van
Ormer were callers at the home
of Mr. and Mra Cash Gay
Mr. and Mrs Delbert [enhart
have moved to Bradley Junction
Miss Emma Gates and Velma |
Flemming of Altoona spent the |
holiday at their respective homes |
About 185 high school students here.
father Rich is making his |
home in Ebensbur
Mr. and Mr
Eines Delozier
also have moved to Bradley Junc:
{ Mr. and Mra. David Gates and
children of Celver spent Sunday
‘at the William O'Shall home
! Mr and Mrs. Herbert O'Shall
and son, Bobby, wete recent call
{spent Monday at the home of his
Bar Mr. and Mrs. Harve Len-
{ Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCulley and
son of Flinton were recent callers
[at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lei
| Kutruff and family.
i A large number of local folks
{attended the Cambria County
[Fair thus far this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Glass and
soms of Fallentimber visited Sun-
gay at the Lioyd Gates home.
. and Mrs. J
Nealen, Nicktown, and
James P. Krug, Ashville R. D,
and Fern M. Ansley, Patton R. D.
Richard Novella, Barnesboro,
and Flora Marcenzo, Heilwood.
Ronald Lefebure, Hastings and
Kathleen King, Cherry Tree.
Joseph Ferensic, Emeigh, and
Helen Baranik, Patton.
William E. Price, Hastings, and
Dorothy J. Elick, Barnesboro.
Peter Illig Jr, Ebensburg R D., |
and Mary Louise Kirkpatrick,
Carrolitown R. D.
Robert J. Hoover, Cre , and |
Florence Murray, Gallitsin R. D.
John C. Diebler, Ashville R. DD,
and Geraldine W. Miller, Gallitzin.
William P. Ammerman and
PHONE 2171
Carrie XK. Noel, both of Fallen-
§ : wt
: Nj
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Troxell | ¢
and family of Mountiaindale spent
{Sunday at the Edwin Gales home i
AS { | :
Dwirmen sc
nd Joseph Funes! Brit hers Of
P of 4 JF
4 7 |
Ages Lucille Most, Barn 0. ° ARE
#55" Advance-Design TRUCK:
Featuring: TWO GREAT VALVE-IN-MEAD ENGINES--the new 105-hp. loodmaster ond
the improved 92-hp. Thriftmaster—to give you greater power per galion, lower cost per kvod ©
NEW POWIER-JIT CARBURETOR smoother, quicker acceleration response © DIAPHRAGM
SPRING CLUTCH for eosy-oction engogement © SYTNCHRO-MESN TRANSMISSIONS for fost,
smooth shifting © HYPOID REAR AXLES 5 times more durcble than spiral bevel type ®* DOUBLE-
ARTICULATED BRAKES for complete driver control ® WIDE-BASE WHEELS for increased five
mileage © BALL-TYPE STEERING for eosier handling ® UNIT-DESIGN BODIES precision bur.
and Dolly Baiest Best man was
3 (boms. Attendants were Miss The-
tiara of sead pearis She carried
The bride was given in mar-
riage by her father Walter Gib
ress Krag, sister of the groom;
Mrs Jean Hoover sister of the
bride. and Misses Mary K. Smith
Douglass Krug, brother of the
groom, and ushers were Francis
Krug brother of the groom. and
Don Gibbons, the bride's brother
The bride wore a white satin
gown and finger-tip veil and car-
ried a bouquet of white roses. The
maid of honor wore a blue mar
Juisette gown and carried yellow
rofes. while the bridesminids wore
gowns of pink and yellow mar
quisette and matching headbands
and carried yellow roses |
A breaklast wan served st the
Kmig home and dinner at the
Ferris Whee! Buckhorn A i
tom was held in 81 Thomas’ Hall
*® * ®
Miss Sophie Hancherick, em
ployed in Washington, visited Ber
misther here the past Two weeks
Mra Lawrence Beers of Wash.
ngtan. D C visited the Dewey
Baers home here over the week
Forty Hours Devotion was held
St Thomas Church from 10
4 - en .
pti (30 pom or
Aa mm Sunday us P
A square dance will be held on
Thursday evening, Sept 7 at 8 p
mi. the Bt Thomas Church
Hal under the asuaspices oF the
imdien auxiliary of the local VIMW
Cur deepest sympathy 8 ex
premaed to the relatives and fri
erida of Mrex Edna Donabue who
fied om Sunday morning
Banng of matrimony were pub-
Hehed om Sunday in 8@ Thomas
Church for Eobert Basal som of
Mr and Mrz Charlies Basal and
Ming Jean Baird of Aloo
Jimmy Baker son of Mr and
Mrs Ray Baker 3 a patient in
the ARounna Mercy Hospital
The following girla attended
the 4-H Club Round-up in Bouth
Fork om Ag 5 Beverly Lidwell,
Patricia Holtz Verma Ever Doro
thy Ever Shirley Conrad Elaine
Brannigan, Joan and Caracol Hol
ere. Shirley Ruekmos Bertha
want when you want it! See
or call us today!
Let's look ot this business of buying a truck — your way.
You wont peck pedormance? (hevrolet's Valve-in-Heod
engines con do more work per gation of gasoline consumed
thon any other make of their capacity. You want econ
omy? You con't beat Chevrolet for low cost of ownership,
operation, and wpheep—or for high rescle valve. You
want dependability? Chevrolet tucks work for more
owners on more jobs, every day, than any other make.
But no mater how you figure i, Chevrolet trucks come out on
top. From start to finish, they re your best business deal ofl
around. 50 come see us. We've got just the truck you wan
Fret in xc lliat ly veind.flet dt ile
bs, mE