Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, September 07, 1950, Image 1

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    Northern Cambria’s :
Best and Largest Weekly .
Serving ‘Northern (Cambria (County
PATTON, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 Subscription $2.50 Per Y¢a
Field Registrations of Voters 3 Men Entering McCann Proposes Appointment Centennial Plans, Big Statewide First-Aid Meet
To Take Place Next Week Service Honored Full-Time C ivilian Defense Chief Carrolitown, include At Ebensburg This Saturday
Registra to SAL To oc AY Joint Dinner A pn TE Sass 2 Pontifical Mass Patton Lz 40 Crack Teams
early Every Town . [coutive “director tor crufian do-|be paid” from u Joint fund set ul Patton Lady Hurt ;
A Y ratio Former Army Chaplain | (In Cambria County. was 8d- by the county and organizations! Parish Banquet, Dance | a ur Event AF
The big voters registration | 2 Ahatt ay and. imterented In elvilan ) " 1 1 ranking figures »
drive in Cambria County will «Early Next Week Speaker Last Thursday Judge John H. McCann, the defense : Among Other Events In Turnpike Mishap ele ln industry
ri county's civilian defense coordina ; ! in 2h
neld next week on Wednesday, | Hey fudge MoCann explained that
. . s un a a . i tor : fter what Judge ) an F 4 that : i state, as well as the top
Thursday and Friday -when field | Th. Garden Study Club of Pat Members of the Northern Cam. '10r made the proposal after ; oN iba " : By CYRIL R SBTEVENS,; y :
registrars will sit In nearly every |,, will hold their Fall Flower bria Kiwanis and representatives he said was Caival ronsideration oe Sounty Jaigh! Show negli | A ad n Pohtifcal High tases of 3, Catherine Somerville, 85, Hama, will converge on the
i : \ ; t ’ : ‘ a1 fram: the Patton od + of what can be done by volunteer Ee hu : ah a ; . ol persons sirgrounds Saturday
“Both Deinocrate and Republi- | Nd 13 31 the Patton Mote diiner. at the ATT Hote! He explained that the aid of legality of such a contribution Guilfoyle Sunday, Oct. 1, will cars on the Super Highway near big state first-aid of the
> noc {| Home. nner al lhe Loammercial Note al Luau b ™ | However, the jurist explained that (pen three days of celebration Everett Friday evening. She was Pennsylvania State minous
cans have heen busy working the | public is cordially invited Patton last Fhursday evening volunteers in directing the county o. 4 wee 11 is not over official. marking the centennial of St admitted to Timmins Hospital in
3 , i I 53 eye ard § vo . i yr + - < 34 Ys 2 inte it that na A odin z : . . . he : By 4 , " d
past several weeks lining up folks | | attend and bring any entries! Representing the VFW wee Com 3Y2 41 Was SPPTeciA d. but that | == 4d that under the broad! Benedict's Catholic Church in| Bedford suffering from a severe
to ge a Hheiy eT. wy may have for the show on mander Michael Boback anil chair Perscna sugaged n other full scope of wartime powers, the Carrolitown. cut of the forehead, possible in-
parties. House-to-house drives are. t... g.nt 12 The entries will man of the committee Edward T time occupations often found Wi. _ oo oeei eal Day 8 In announci pi ar the ternal Injuries and shock.
being conducied by committeemen | | AY RE aiv- | Rounsley difficult to devote sufficient time county possibly could help pay a inouncing pians for th J
iv into the R y ry festive occasion Rev. Father Al | The cars were operated Mrs.
p t rties Ye : 1 . tey defenae lirector hy » . + |
and women of both partie | tions Fhe object of the joint session fefenne work ban Basnik, OSB, pastor, san the Marian E Walters of
Vol. 57 No. 45 a = a Single Copy bc 13 Pages — 96 Columns
msn A ri:
AE RTP od a
However, persons wishing to Flower arrangements house was to honor a number of local During World War II, Walter, Judge McCann also noted that A openin Mass will be held at) and Mrs Mary G. MoCarrick of
register must do so personally BY | nlants ohh fruits, wild young men who recently were Btinson of Ebensbhurg held a po- | full-time director, who has & COM- | 14 a5 8 the church. Other Plans Pittsburgh. The Walters car was
either visiting the a A flowers, vegetables, canned foods called for duty in the armpd fore- vag similar to the one proposed | piste understanding of the Situa- | for Solemn Masses to be hei aid to have crossed the medial
office at Ebensburg or one of the | = 0400's arrangements and| es. They were Donald Forsythe, | Judge McCann. Other work tion, could set up a much betler|., sn, oliowing Monday and Strip and hit the other car, which
special field registration points En Faun: ni . Rr atuli R3 was on a volunteer busis | defense than part-time workers | " (was travelling in the opposite
pe | hobbies Bill Whitehead and A’'vin Alr { Tuesday.
The registration deadline for the ; ‘ LL semen sms a A ———————— } { direction.
a November is i hart { Father Alban is serving as the
neral election in vem Ti | Chief speaker for the event R R Il 4 P B H Id | general chairman of the centen- | Pam ® to both sutos was set
y ¢ ' . i 183 s for fH fen | KY Y " MM a »
: ra on Nemocratic ® Gouaty t fo Begin { was Rev. Father Rupert Btadt osary a y or eace to € e | nial committee. Also serving on | Jas er sri
d the miller, OSB. Other who. spoke ithe committee are Rev. Futher |
Chairman, John Torgquato, an : i ’
GOP chairman, Robert Gleason, briefly were Rev. Dr. J E A / n er n Sunda Afternoon | Anselm Ober OSB, Rev. Father | Minape
made pre-feld registration state- | on 0 ence Bucke and Rev. Fiammer Harvey | Nicholas Lesko, OSB, A. A. Lied,
ments this week | Father Stadtmiller enjoined the . me bm : {B. J. Dillon, 1 J. Bearer, Hugh |
Torjuato: “The special ar- ‘men to attend religious services {By CYRIL BR HTEVENS Jill be given by Father Jolin R. | Cunningham, M. D Connell R J To
rangen\ent saves voters a trip to { C and to be a friend of the chap-| Thousands of persons from | Reichert of Bt Patrick's Catholic (Wentz, T. A. Owens Sr. and| e
the yuse and simplifies the | Iain who will be most sympathetic Northern | ( ambria County will Church He recently returned Cyril R. Stevens |
who process of registration. It We Ki ks-Off Fund | and understanding of their pro- gather at Spangler Sunday after. from Rome At the ciose of the | A parish banquet will be held im |
rags the registration machinery | oose RIC | blems. Commander Boback ex- Poon to pray for peace of the] ceremony the group will Ko 10lthe new church hall on Monday | y
to , voters with a great saving Drive With $200 Check plained the meaning of the meet. world, ‘ 3 Holy Cross Catholic Church where | gwening of that week. A bazaar |
in time and effort re is no | ing. Mr. Rounsley also gave words The event will be the Jourth i Father Eugene Neubert, OSB. {also will be held at that time Students Graduates
reason why anyone who considers | Work on the erection of a steel of encouragement. : an series of Rosary Rallies in| will officiate at Benediction of the | A dinner for the clergy has | Feted B Al
himself a loyal and patriotic citl-| "0. und the Patton Athletic, Cletus Lehmier, president of the honor of Our Lady of Fatima. | Blessed Sacrament. | been scheduled for 1 p. re, Sun- | y
gen should fail in the most im-j._,, expected to begin the | Northern Cambria Kiwanis group, The devotions Bunday will take | The committes In charge of the | day, after the Bishop's Pontifical | Commencement exercises for
portant of all civic duties that | titer part of this week, accord-| announced that Kiwanis will ob- Place at 3 greies Kk in the Bpangier event announced that there will! Mass, and a centennial dinner will | the 1950 graduating class of the
oe Seguros yo Ing Al ‘ing to reports from the Pation | gerve National Kid's Day, BSatur- Municipal Stadium and will con- {pe plenty of room and ample | be perved in St Beholastioa's Miners’ Hospital School of Nurs
Got County 4 gan Recreation Committee. day, Sept. 23. At that time a clude with Benadic ton of he sarking space for those who drive | Convent thst same day for the ing, Spangler, will be held Sept |
Gleason: Me Ed Es Dlr. | The group now has funds suffi-. radio round-up will be sponsored, Bleed Sasramem i Holy Cross to the stadium | Sisters. : 13 at the Bpangier High School coal sections
TH Sisle «lection of Am- |Cient to erect the fence across the 1), program to be given over Cathinlie A ureh. The event 21 The Rosary Rally devotion is| Children of the parish will be | Auditorium at 8:15 p. m {tered in the meet.
ing on the future gourse o | front section of the field, and It wNCC, Barnesboro Upen to non-Catholics as well BS | bein onsored in the Altoona |Kiven a chance to take part in the! Nursing diplomas wi ibe $350 and a
erica should be an incentive for kh money Ma Fh Catholics £5 OONA | . gE dip will be pre. |
every citizen to register and tolls hoped that enough ney ay | Dr. F. E. Arbie is general ® OUR, RICH has its oripin With Diocese by the Little Flower Dis. | Centennial celebration. The Parc | sented to the following students: |°Y Mine Bafety A
vote.” [be hised Via house-to-house chairman of the project. Other a. 8 Gp 4 cussion Club of the Cathedral | chisls—8t. Benedict's School fool- | Mise Mary Louise Bender, Car. 00nd prize,
. s {other canvasses to complete the i i1ee chairmen are Bob Cof. the apparition of the Blessed [rl bly Members of the | ball team will play the Hakerton rolitown: Miss Shirley Ann B
jons will be taken next | . ~.,. "call : ' Virgin Mary at Fatima Portugal ' *r in ARoon ~ Arey Ann rows |
the county J 18 : fmann, co-chairman; Plummer E y ; " hav t posteards contain | Fence Busters in a Camidris- | of Barneshoro: Miss M ial C 1
week in this section of th yi & the first section of i 918 Sh } od 1 thr init Ave sent x . ary, Thais :
dates and places listed below. Financing ¢ g Harvey, publicity; Clete Lehmier !in 1 ahe Appear a *¢ ing the high points of the Blessed Indiana Boys League game, 83 RB Cunningham of Hastings: Miss agus given by NCA, and
ren ay register at\any one the 6-foot, 6.inch mesh fence » radio: Lou Stoltz, advertising: | shepherd children, asking them to Virgin's message at Fatima to all | feature attraction of 3 Sanday Ann Francis Ferrari of Bakerton | 106 and a plaque by the J
of the places no matter which being done largely through funds | ol Coy. whools; Harry 40 penance and pray the Rosary |... ou... is the diocese afternoon entert&inment | Mins Rita Barbara Mare of | Yon Democrat.
: ‘donated last year, which total 'o har] Bow. for the conversion of sinners and , ig on tion will be citman-|§ al uzzo of | :
voting precinct he may reside. } Nehrig, churches: Dr. BF The celebration Hastings, And Miss Marie Thomas inning prize rf ”
18 $730. The group also is rr hospitals; Bob Caldwell, the peace of the world Another rally of this kind 8 4 with a Centennial Ball at the hr | presented to the Mon will
w § Ny A $143 obtained in rent from Lhe , he aimed in this Father Thaddeus Kolodziej of planned for Oct. 8 at the Cricket gunet Ballroom Tuesday evening, Haat : | tenms by W first four place
Barr Township, Northeast the .,..,, and $25 from the medicine | Mum pal. Fukds ’ Jae hase St Stanislaus Kostka's Catholic Field in AMoona¥ Previous rallies i £ ar t wn 8 Ort oaths of the £2 wd RB re : Garfidiy
basement ¢f the Stanley Prebosky | now il m8 other activitiesifcampaign wi used to purcanie ; rch wi : A Aun rallies | cording to pr ; ¢iess, Mary Louise Bender is foi.| Bare Chapter of J
Blog. West Bronch ow, 4s Yoel ot he Loyal bed for the children's ward at Church will ond {he Fost A held were in HolliSaysburg, Gallit- Meanwhile work is progremaing jowing her mother and three! A. Holmes Safety Assn will
Carrolitown Borough East the rqer of Moose kicked-off the the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler | Speciag sermon or the occasion Zin and Blank Park on the publication of Our Lukas aunts in the nursing profession 'Dost at the Friday rally, with
Municipal Bldg \|drive for funds tofBomplete the Kiwansi will meet at the Cen. J opq CAMBRIA PERSONALITIES—NO, 76 Heritage, a souvenis bok for fi Mrs. Cecilia Fritz Bender, mother |(Fe0rRe P. Reatick, of
Chest |] rings Council rooms. {ence durin the past week by tral Hotel, Carrolltown. this sey ; . » * + bk REIN The work bi] Sune ef Mary Louise, gr todd tf [ihe chapter, presiding. All ant
Chet, Toma? —Oran® al Gombe A the most eck ot | Facpar Anson, 0b. ammtant| | @QC ee aren ene ee ot Brn hoof ar. | remissions wi ge bref 2%
at St wrence tion. Within next week or! Father Anslen, OSH, assisian ails oung in this : : "ing in the class of 16422. Three ©
. _ Clearfiek! Township -- Thomas ey solicitors also will knock on pastor of St. Benedict's Church, | Gallitzin and Father Lemke. the nor qunts Mrs. Mary Fritz Nolan, |” :
Sheehan Hus: : every door in the community for Carrolltown, will be guest speak: | coming of the Benadictinel ard Miss Lena Fritz and Mrs Adeline | 80 . deliver a final report om
_ Cresson -Municipal Bldg. nancial aid towards its com- op a | growth of St Benedict's Couns | yenia Semelsberger, are also] rat-aid contest plans.
Gallitzin Township, East (Cou- plete) erection. : | . . ‘ and School More thy 300 Bie graduates of this school. Represented at the first-aid
pon UMW Hall R No. 2 Voltmteer workmen have been | . _ tures will iNustrate the writtem |” ge diy of the ting | meet will be Central
—— » Township, North No busy far the t few Wilts cons Bearer Resi : » | material . ; : ot th clang were guests of honor at a Safety Assn. with 10 teams: the
y Bb : strocung bbl ticket Booths andy | | The actual anniversary ¢ ¥ dinner sponsored by the Minery | North Central Moshannon Safety
ales a © ,
{ church does not ocour until DEC. | aoegine Alumnae ia on | Assn, five © North
a Tome i present 2 n- Carvolitown Office | 50 ae ws Christmas Duy. | Noesiats Svening. inthe Bpantior | Crt. Safety Asan. six team:
Jaen when the church was & ypw Home. was announced
Losing Appearance when Soample-
# i : Bidg. ar i esi TR SRE Pg: i. nil As Aiaetin ll i. $ 4 . the ; ; n :
Barr Township, Northwest—the | Bieachers have been rented by | Council Takes Action $ P Slonsd.Hawevar. ead 80 thet" wtf intel a on
Marsteller Community Bldg. the school board from the Cam- . . i 3 : | might be held before winter urged tend graduation
Carabria Township, Colver—Eb- |bria County Legion Recreation On Sidewalk Repairs Pr of J her wots In i. Nid, cc a
ensburg Coal £3. Bids Committee for use at the Patton ; a Bost 1 > : or gradua Asn
East Carroll T ip, North— | High home football games this Burgess Robert Bearer of Car-| week include a hayride sponsored
H Whiteford EAr e. fal and will be moved to Patton rodltown Tuesday evening handed | by the undergraduates.
oh Township 5 Boniface &8 BOON AS the Fair is over in his resignation As A burgess of | The offirers of the hospital will
YMI Hall " that community. The resignation | be the hosts at a farewell dinner
Gallitzin Borough-—High School was submitted at a regular] i § : : tor the ee ant y
Bldg Draft Age Boost meeting of Carrolitown Council. yg ( 4 | i} W evening. opt. 1 4 Thursda
The group also discussed at i | Fo i : Sen. John J. Haluska adminis
Leretto- Municipal Bldg.
Patton Patton Fire Hall
San kertown--Council rooms.
Township, South—
A School
nelhi}-—Public School Bldg.
West Carroll Township, North
St. Benedict
Friday, is
Aun) mento Weakiand
Barnesboro—Roosavelt School
Barr Township, South--F. R.
rs Fonaniy Revioc—Rev-
new election house.
Predicted During
Next Six Months
All Fathers Under 26
Eligible ‘Right Away’
Fathers up to the age of 26-
who are exempted under the pres-.
ent draft law-—would be drafted
“right away’ now that Congress
has provided allowances for GI
ing t statement
families, according to a charge and pick up students b
traveling to the rear of the hig
{ school, away from the heavily-
lenght the condition of a number |
of sidewalks in the town. Spokes- |
‘men said a number of complaints |
had been received All property |
fownefs are requested to fix up
uneven sidewalks or the borg ;
1 o
will do the job itself and bil
owner of the property. A warning
about the sidewalks also had been
issued a year or so ago :
Council also heard a request;
frem W. Earl Sharbaugh, MN J. i
| Strittmatter and Bede A Bender
‘that Henry St. be repaired and
put. in a travelable condition so
that the school buses could dis- |
| teaching school is more than just member of Prince Gallitmin Gen-
him teaching school means pre- Columbus.
trator of the hospital will preside
at the commencement exercises.
Invocation will be given by Rev.
Mr. Gilbert M. Watt. Address to
{the graduating class will be given
by Miss Fluth Addams RN. de
puty director of the Nursing Ber-
The Cambria County Fair this Vice of the Veterans Administra-
{with over 45,000 persons visiting ered by Cleorge R. Pollock, music
ithe exhibition on just one day-- instructor at schools.
(By CYRIL R STEVENS) | (James Studio Photw, Paton) | Labor Day Almost half Ha | of bY [ittet B.
Clair J. Urich of Hastings is of Pennsylvania. In addition to pr pasing Shiough opie diplomas by William McMullen,
one o ne outstanding eSueatarS DOA a Se on ur Where a similar number went to the fuir president of the board. Dr. Archi- | Saturday
a = . ' yesterday at bald W. Fees chief of medical
: | a “1 Parking lots overfiowed on- staff, will present the awards and | Who
a meang of earning a living. To eral Assembly of Knights of aay and long strings of cars had Rev ALT More Herald OSB.
to be tu away to find other will give the benediction,
Gallitsiz Borough No. 1-—Muni- traveled Patton Road The dale- | paring the young people of today A member of St Bernard's | parkin space either in Ebensburg —
Eidg. Te ae top rradictod | Fation said the street is virtually to be good citizens of tomorrow. | Catholic Church in Hastings, he i# | taelf or In nearby Seids At one
i (Albeit Thommen BIS. at tor, who | Impassable in spots during long! a, Urich has been supervising |b ast president of the parish time the cars lined the road ror Gf Francis
corner Fifth ves. draft of | Periods of wet weather. principal of Hastings Public | Holy Name Society. six miles *
rans. eT : | Schools since 1933. Before that he | Mr, Une: Yous bora Aug ¥.| Fairgoers aren't disappointed by |
However, Vinson said he didn't | | was an instructor of science and | 1903. 1a Patton. a son of John and | what they have to see either, as
any chan in the t! ts ' : Rose (Anna) Urich. He is mar- all exhibition space is taken ang)
expect any ge present | cense | mathematics at Hastings High i
draft procedures before January. | School. ried to the former Kathleen even overflows outside the bufid- |
jo Lilly, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs ings Livestock barns also tre
al- | | The Hastings teacher also has| jonn Lilly. They were married on filled to the overflowing, with rot
{been aotive - Sanat Aug. 6, 1929, In 8t. Mary's Catho- a single empty stall ot Jeti notad. |
Ce . tic Chareh, Patton. | Horse racing + held on
| Sion Al Present he a Secretary a“ Of their four children, three are the track this sitermeon ued joe
{ ’ nnsylvan ving. John dead N a | morrow afternoon, Satur- |
More and more men are { Interscholastic Athletic Associa wy A of ia s High So AY a state-wide frat-aidl met |
a e¢all to arms and ys and | tion. This association makes rules | j,¢ spring, Bastings 1 at Great And ha, car auto racing will be’
more of them are coming to the and supervises athletic events be- [ayes Naval Training Station Be f
.| same conclusion: It's so nice to|lWeen public high schools iiTwo daughters, Rose Stare
have someone to come home to. | Pennsylvania. Mr. Urich also ig &
had been declining since | Pducation Association, a profes
iste in 1946, It turned upward ®ional orgnization for Pennsyl-
somewhat in July and then zoom- | VARia teachers.
ed In A Mr. Urich is widely known for
his activities in the Knights of
; Columbus. He is a grand knight ' 8 College. iren's Day. y.
| marriage licenses : of the Bamesboro Council and . and Mrs. Urich have re larger than the ordinary total! Resident upper
3 | County. Except ie, also served a term as District | sided in since they were but then there was so mach tO register on Tuesday,
said that Presi-| Still has & ob § sdgu, it Was the | Deputy of the Fievents Distt) mand in L am. of to ese. | fresiimen
could order the highest monthly total since y
:, vy amen. th Be Rica a Hospital Addition Contracts |
t would not require |in June of this year
rd mesa: ©" May Be Awarded Tonight |
‘June the 1950
wedding rate wag 22 percent be- : . each project. As a result, the gov-
hind the 1049 pace; as of last Low Bids On Wing | ernment will contribute $336,727
Friday it was only five percent Total About $728,000 toward the construction of the
*! behind last year's figures. ’ | wing. The hospital must raise the
1 > - Action on the awarding of bids balance of 091. »
i |for construction of a new wing Sen. Haluska said cash on hand trailer truck crashed
own Road {and possible renovation of the old totals $142.71650. He said that eg
| Y i section of the Miners’ Hospital an additional 321237482 must de The brakes on the truck, park-
Spangler, is expected to be taken obtained before the completion of ed above the rink, ed and by the college for the
: i at a meeting of the board of the work, which will take about the runaway vehicle crashed int academic year 1960-51. Members
ent of the college. | directors this evening '18 months. He pointed out that the wall HI2 | of the Third Order Regular of St.
on nh Tau fra.| The Carrolitown Borough Coun-| According to Sen. John J. Hal- (he based his figures on construc- cies Francis round out the college's
ternity and was tor of the cil last evening voted to join with | Uska hospital superintendent, the tion of a new wing only and did Migs Matilda A. Horne | Eat ans }
Penn State Summer Collegian the state in a $35,000 road im- board has received bids calling not include the renovation of the - Co-education, now in its second
carapus r. He grad- provement project. (for expenditures of $728,000. He old section. Receives Degree Friday
uated from Patton School| The legislative route through | Mso said that directors may drop; The superintendent also said Miss Matilda Ann Horm
and for some time attended St. the borough from the intersection the renovation portion of the pie. that when construction work be , tr of
st. |
Francis College, Loretto. lof Route 219 to the borough line | from for the present time. gins, an extensive fund campaign Augustine was one of 16 semiors:
i Ff A . ; to be aduated |
| from 16 to 28 feet. formal awarding of contracts will jalso will be started A drive to gra: Friday at State
ha a | : : {probably be made after all bids collect pledges from the ¢ Teachers’ College, West Chester. AREA MAN IN KOREA
St. Boniface Fall Festival | oF Seting wl Spesta) session €oun- | have been considered at the meet- pip 2.4 also is planned. J She received a bachelor of science | Cpl. William Zadal, 24, son of
To Be Held 17 |S cade > den tnt Hua = in tonight. » Work on the projects will be- degree in elementary education at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zadai of Car
On Sept. | it © -1 w bids for construction of s|@in about two weeks after the .MfOrmal exercises at the clos: of rolitown and husband
The St. Boniface Church will tween Main and Church Streets. new wing and renovation of the board officially awards contracts. ‘he post-summer session. She: is er Dorothy Buck, of
annual “Fall Festi- The cost to the borough will be old section of the hospital totalled | [ow bids for the new wing | X, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dlen- is presently
pt. 17, at the | Abcut Ro. he state will spend $78,000, The Sonsivuel jon ag were announced as follows: Gen- . : . !
jc Grounds. | 000. _ Alone broug eral contract, $373216, M
or beef dinner | The state's work will be con-| $515,982. With other expenses, the | Brothers, Altoona: | aes | pilageiphia, and a: Shep-
be served from 11:30 a. m. to crete. The borough will blacktop (cost would run to about $501 818. | ventilation, $33,472, Ma arn | Po qe a
m. in the afternoon the part of the road it widens.| Under the construction Hollida 3 ng, 019,
Fb ong Begg a | Net meeting of council will be [the federal government will’ pay | Mulch Broa . electrical work, $28..
come. Oct. 3. 40 percent of the total cost of