PAGE TEN Largest General Weekly Newspaper Circulation in the Area rn 4 v v » Cty y “ I'HE UNION PRESS-COURIER Patton Courier, Fstab 1898 Union Press. Estab. 1935 Published every Press. Co nd the Thursda irfer Building. 542 class ma r May At 1270 rediay hy TF Mages matte 3 Ld Mar 3 Tt INAS A { wer iit ’ FRANK P CAMMARATA Business Manager THOS A. OWENS IR Managing Editor FEED 1 OWENS Circulat Manager NATIONAL EDITORIAL [1s8pcbyrion Subscription: $2.50 Yearly in Advance Individual Copy, 5¢ Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Application of the Urntom § at ovr The endeavor ress. Co is to mtalin emaonomis t be stared » the writ sincersly represent Org Material ¥ CAL 8 ¥ i fait} r in 3 Crpgurt ivy frerw os » i il on OF Pu iter 88 Nn evidence f « its advertisers the 5 * god weeklies You Can Become Eligible : Elsewhere ¥ tt fF: 47 re i * fat Blh| 1 LY 1 §? ¥ Yt It will be noted that there will be a registration in Fatton on two different days. Al of the field registrations will take place in the county during the second werk of September, and on the Saturday of that particular week, Sept. 16, the last day to legally register for the November election will be at hand It is the duty of all citizens to vote. Don't have yourself in the position of not being able to do that, If will be an sassy matter to qualify We Like This Th mr © between rather 1 to questior we were those 83 mud! Barneshoro sitting lay Ke Eher eatly dres ought last week we p 1 up a hitch C1 KITT rather fellow travis + il aw and Cher As his talk went along we became indignant, and by the time we had reached Carrolltown we had invited him to get out of the car. He then began to take “back water” and said that we had misunderstood his thoughts and that he was a good American citizen, etic. But it isn't hard to spot this insidious worker. Likely this fellow was just a stoage for othe s. His line of talk had to do only with generalities, mostly on the theory that our soldiers should not fight off the continent. All such folks should be smacked down. There's a Republican Representative from South Dakota who has called upon the armed forces to draft American fellow travelers and put them to work in closely guarded battaliornis Rep Lovre said tha! defense regulations now call rejection for military service of Communist Party members sons affiliated with communist front organizations This regulation Lovre said, could be used by draft dodgers to stay out of service communists and labor f per 3 8 § OF “Real communists who are not taken into the armed forces will be free to roam the country,” the Congressman sald, “and as civilians, at liberty to carry on arty activities. Meanwhile Joyal Americans are being calied upon for serviee and sacrifice.” He suggests that they be placed in special labor uniis where they cannot commit acts of sabotage and could not Influence loyal troops by their propaganda. We are an casy-going people ours. We tolerate a lot of things Iran Curtain wouldn't dare voice, for if they did they'd promptly find themselves in a concentration camp. or maybe beneath the sod It's fine to give just criticism to government! bul when it cames to that has as its objective the complete overthrow of our government, we phouldn't tolerate it. When you up with =a who starts Flaving on you along those linea, put him in his place —and fast. He'll bear watching in this great free Democracy of that the people living behind the mee! Pennsylvania Leads Nation Communities in Pennsylvania have to take money to spend! money and parking meters, as a means of raising extra cash, are most popular in this state Pennsylvania leads every other state in the total number of towns using meters -242 of them. Ohio has only 137 towns with meters. In the entire country 2.240 municipalities use meters and L880 of these are under 25,000 population Those pennies and nickles certainly count up where metering is in operation Patten had some complains confronting it, mainly dy local tion, before meters were finally installed. However, now they've been in operation for quite some time, and reguls- tions are such that they do not create a bad taste with visiting motorists, all in all we believe the meters, instead of being detrimental to our community, really are just the opposite. Hunting A Bit Too Early There are two types of sportamen, the sincere and the insincere Most all men who take an active interest in hunting and fishing and | in the conservation and propagation of fish and game are sincere | all the way along the line, and without question some of them have been unjustly penalized at times. However, here's one for the book The deer hunting season was opened much too early In Huntingdon County yn Te three residents of Lancaster were apprehended Suing game Re edged aN three in jail, deer, In ac season, possessing a in a car, and owning an illegal 30-20 pistol with a 12-lech | visited wilh Mrs ler, ‘ed with Mrs Scholtis’ [George Bodnar in Martins Ferry, i Ohio, | Finleyville LETTERS vig pms go i gage gmp CARROLLTOWN By MRS. THOMAS A OWENS Miss Ruth Haas Bride of Robert Farabaugh : ¥ « ry Hannur and nep r Hannur, of nd visit Mrs rot Johnstorwy WET re with Miss Mar Morir Beurer turned to Johns Hn or sister Be Are with nurs Mrs toyamn minther Mrs Susan Mr and Mrs and Miss Mary home Friday ting for & week al agara Fails N.Y points in the Province Canada Mrs M N. J Habe rt Rigier ¥ them to viet wit Hannur Fred J Joo Wentz night {rwens return after via Erie. Pa. Ni and varios of Ontario