Thursday, Jaly 6 ’ y, July 6, 1950 UNION PRESS COURIER PAGE THRER Aly i + ok ; k eo w CArrvVing Colonial Maro § Fihenshary Af § uid % vigited in Akron. O al the Aome 1 ; 3 . Banding : ‘ ri gk $ ; Third 1 > 3 : z= . al £a 1 BY WC DOER ormer Ashville rev and Mrs. Albert Gill of Hasting: COLYER € 8p i r a fe iting i » ! LI y FIRAR nay Lemme i! La r nd of Mr and Mrs Pete Jiroka F R : i MH { il the Pete and Josep ; veAFing an aqua gov pith mat rs Clair Leslie fr 2d ra Daniel Michrina who ix st » » Requiemn High Mass was held ib made Hancharick hi Ning ACCOSSOT Ad CArrying a oO Bolts fief fal : tioned Field, ® en Expires In Akron, Ohio at 9 a m on Wednesday at the The Colve : ¢ §-} : at Soolt ii plans f "Tr Fier Lil { 3 i I's ‘AY of i} 4 . § 0 eigc ae FT13¢ os t i yp . i x > ¢ ow 3 ¥ ¥ o e ¥ - p a . atlend the Camp at Camp ited Tuesda: ne Mae i" ; ve. &reamad 1 A Pig oe a Tm is Sew ays - ae pole of May! n L. Conrad 63, formerly Immaculate Conception Catholie Paredise 1 of. 1% ro ASPIRWEE 2 ] k : vidas \ tue = ey ay ils, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M f Ashville, died suddenly last Church in Akron, Ohio ~ Ey, } ABpINWan vi ras ! : - - ¥ ; ! : : ; : Sparngier fis Eri Rt oir: hirifia Ssyynday hay 2 at Poh un in rid n i} f Kaj } Co devm . t ' . > 3 ¥. Joby 2 at his Boome in g Frida ws Kay pital s ; A ? HE dia Wey ¥ ork and Mrs Ton Frank Stachurs MH Detroit Akron Chico Rt ! : 3 3 ry ~3 % ¢ “3 ™ » 4 ¥ ‘ ¢ 2 Angert, ( . ! - n Lam- Mrs. Ed Burry of 21 ] : : ) ih ie : i y / Y Benwick Mr nd Mrs ! M 4 visited friends Nore iia He ¥ i hit a In India. barren women walk bie and Marjorie Griffith will a visiting with h : is hava io a oy Tl) teylts tor ¢ th ride and Plan andl Areas ii den sat Week $ survived by his wife tend the camp during he week Of : ’ he ne iY hh his paren hie . 4 Hi 3a ui . i a : A 42¥ : : ug! ers : and D8 J 1 [rene two brothers M A Con. around trees so that they may be r a fev y! rad of Akron and BJ. Conrad of fertilized by the spirits Jving July 16. The ; a 8 prepare i M . ’ ! yet on y hl a : o rou ISG prepal My and Mrs tO Ar § ¥ Yee I ai. © wg ¥ »411 ; a buffet mes l of its pro- family left on Su for a visi ? . "Wit # Pradd § & . ~ : Colver H * Hyattsville, Md and one sister within Ww FEL Fi 8 uf | ‘RN g i I 4 EINE expressed tay ry Ind : 2 - i I I The i Ts ere 4 riir FN ter hy yr cd FE w 4 ¢ * J } TE LES a . { § t peo $ og . ¥ of her mother, Mrs Fedorka, on Sunday night. She had been living y day vacatio nir Plain & 4 ; ; the list of patients at her daughter's home for the J. Wilh M1 Gaboda s brother : _— hehe rE ime IL ih admitted and discharged st the past few years and upon thei return inp hey A . i = ga 8 ot ir Sunday iors. al ie HATTY Colver Hospital during the past A new Cross was installed at will stop over in Philadeiphia ! ; » : Of - Bpangier sang 1.4 home fod Mr and week ’ ! Holy Family Cemetery at Colver Visi r. and. Mrs. Stanley Re | EYIY LC 1 ve Ve he Lore Harold Ream and daughter Admitted (Catherine Killinger on Monday The foliowing men 3 { i rayer i xd Mr ind Mrs Joh Beverly Blick. Barbara Franz did the work: Tom Ball Mik: Mr and Mrs Frank Malesky 8 oh The groom is employed by Tata irtie Creel Mr and Card Bobby Leonard Zaman Kostelnik, Mike Pastir, Andy Sit- and children of Nanty Glo spent % elec and is a graduate of Bpang farlin Ream of Pittsburgh. Bobart Conigy. John Sra ules ko Sr. George Kormanis "Andy Sunday at the home of Mr and ; go we 7 ier High Schoo! The bride is en nd Mrs Charles Ream and Bartara Gemorel Arthur Flee f v ‘ 1 hy the Phill 8 Jones Corp . ¢ vty Thr K ® Reynolds Jet Helen Hoffman Loma Mea and Joe Kormanec. Joe Kormenec Mrs Sam Belin kL a ‘ ; ; os : n ; WE 3 5 v Ba F#m x Bk 8% - ; . . donated the Jumber and his time Mr and Mrs John Hanayk and ait ™ ’ in Pat fr and Mrs Howard McoClellan, ak, Mary E Hirsch Stanton Kir ‘ gn i ve? byw aR A fhe us . 4 oe to construct the cross, aided by son, of Homer City, Mrs E J i : Er iE A recepl) Was eld at M [eck and Mrs Margare: sch Bobert Blirsch Joe Miche! - 8 = : pos fm i hride's home After a Rhofmeymoon ba * Mr Bellish of Tripoli vancas of Ramey, Misses Killer erdale and Ei O Mrs Joe Degretio and son. Mi- and Dorothy Kitko of Madera R Judy Ls two-year-old trip to Niagara Falls and Canada ygicnel] and Peter Kutchman of Pischarged Charlotte McGuire chael, are spending a ten days D, and Ann Mae Gregal of Hou- “8580 Mrs Mary Long- the uple will reside in Patton po : Bartiara Frana, Carol Bobby leo . ” os Py vf A £ . ave gr ly f =e ! ; e vacation with the lady's mother tzdale, were Sunday visitors at "5°" = 0 OF a, NY . ee Beile Ahistro nd day "2rd Zeman and Robert Conigy A Li ey , ort ty tien) Misternity ii Yh . Hing fh T a Fr i { in Johnstown, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike 1 younges: per. Mr ard Mra John Turner and i Mr ard Mrs Flay di » appear on WISW wan Johmay, of Pittsburgh were : . ie PE Az 4 mond Novak, Revioc., son. July } olOWIing is : 3 vacation iy 1 rek, She whist Sunday visitors at the Jacksor ; Mr and Mra Olin Hofman Fb is visiting at the home of Mrs John Shook Jr. spent a few $s ; , ¢ Charles Juba and will spend the dayg in Homer City the past week — PDE raidence Silay - ensburg. daughter, Jume 30. Mr oe WE SBLL IY Ces. She was Mr and Mrs Ed Young and : ; and Mrs Harry Killinger Revioe summer here Visitors on Sunday at the John ,_. . istie by her grand j sho vacation the hon * daujht ; 2% Mary Ann Kormanis is spend- Gaida home were Mr. and Mrs. Wola ger Erand- sons, Roddy and David, of Brie. yf, and Mrs Andrew Baver. oor lune 48 , oe WE INSTALL IT . } Lak VIRGO, Whe! 874 wpe nt the hediday a ered Al A ta 3 ing her vacation visiting in Phil- Robert Blakney and children of onl . ' edb thar a anErst own OR adelphia with her aunt and fam- Amsbry, and Mr ‘and Mrs. Louis oe the home of Mr and Mrs Jo Tas White of Bradfore 2 Colver 4-H Member - ; ® WE SERVICE IT * tly Armanini of Ebenshurg "ph Michrina raited this week at Lhe hiut sesem $ Miss Elizabeth Gura of Pitts. Miss Irene Pastir left on Bur : ¥ ena Va burgh is visiting with her brother day to spend a few Weeks Vaca ' huni . er ell Ludinglor Tri ide : ‘ ty a #ied . BE iit Ray : N : Rev Father J. J Gura, for a few tion with her aunt Mrs Arthur if ¥ PArAadise on iSUng b & fu a HI Pate ¢ 3ar { rye my ¢ a EE ihm . : ~ Mrs Rose Dambrosia and dau Visitors on Sunday a ¢ home i with his ents over i : buffs q. Y id’ Usa ar Nopemca Are Tina ar aap 3 CASH tors of Mrs. John Gemerek were M Shi eal : fa : : io in 3 Won Ber ASS wees ng la Friduy hia : : Modern Cobwet Sinks last Sunday the Joe Degretto Mary Surkovich and son Vino : vod | Lirgsky of DD : $id \ , it ; Fermaces ter. Barbara of Atlas : a as : 1 3 ! \ RT ROTO Repple : 3 ‘h will a La 1 er Todet Bowls and Tonks Ruditon Fame \ Nick Mazar of Newark, N. J, Pastir and family ghter of Johnstown, were vis Mrs Malosky and daughts PRE 7 2 rs : ah luras vo 4 § 3 J Traps, of Houtzdale. They also visited go, Ti. a : Ty oid Burr 3 £ Jy Th Pace: aad ; y a visit w dectomy Friday g! Was ; 3 ! 3 ? ’ : : ‘8 - » al . ae : Gary, Ind Mr and Mis Nick Olexs a . . tow rents M ra tng were | Law CHURCH NOTICES Kitchens and Bathrooms Modernized A ra oa al kK Mrs Andy Mehalik were Raty i i f : ED 4 plow GW SC Benedict Presbyterian © Nareh Ee 1 a er “per * § rica y vig day svening v gitors in Yymier £ i A 3 v -y Hl i B® ! , J ht § aE n n Emeigh Mr Mikes Batchkosky of D : ; J : A Mir or, Job SET. Tha Beh ratnat. at tha k =) rie rs. ] nh Petak and tenit Mich visited with his w CET ia i PATCH, AY A : PERE 3a a } ri sliognr Ire 1H 1 e dt CONTRACTOR Phone 4751 Carrolitown Is Your Car Payment Too High? Is It Hard to Meet? Does It Hamper Your Fmances? Is It More Than You Can Afford? Does It Create A Burden? You Can Refinance Your Car and Bring Your Monthly Payment DOWN! wete Mr. and Mr ney. Mra Alex Fi LOWER IT TODAY . .. = wi Met 2% GENERAL ELECTRIC 1950 MGDEL REFRIGERATOR PRE-TESTED Arthur Becquel is 8 patient al . tn nes § 3 o he udder { Te 1f a) » 4 A y L a fa (Caiver Hospital weher hh 1a FOR CE . ome in and take advantage of our low bank rate | Cer SEIN, Tall or ber YLVANIA TO FIT YOUR BUDGET . : + and make it easier on your budget. Just bring in aia . your title, and we will quickly make plans to give { you relief from high payments = . . at our low St Benedict ; 10 3 vk 1 » bank interest rate By MISS MARY REAM Not » 6, Not An 8, ot a e BU . cu. fe. Step in . . . walk out with a reduced car pay | . ment made possible for you : at the bank Mss Dorothy Stoltz with a smile. Feted At Bridal Shower A bridal shower wing held in SPACE Ih KER I monor of Miss Dorothy. Stoltz this | A FIRST NATIONAL BANK past week at the Feale's Cabin ; Games were played and a lunch served Miss Bloitz received many gifts Attending inchudied Mrs Bernard Rmith Mrs fervor ’ . itawrence Mrs James Hunter Mn Mey Per i ingten Jr Verio Andy Bxupaks Mrs Stan Mrs Belle Abldstrom I —————————— [| a | - \ J 4 Chur ion Norbert Peighoer EERSTE BIG STORAGE SPACE 7 PAUI ¥ y Jari STE J RBeaun Mr Ra yor ; : Mr ane Diy Broun. More than 10 cu. ft. of refrigerated food storage space. — Mrs. “Rudotph Webn, Mry. Jon Men More than 17 sq. ft. of shelf area. - com rin Mrs CUhaties yery . eh ” onal oe ’ be el Cove. Mrs Max MsDevice Mrs More than 25 qt. capacity vegetable drawers. in Oust W Anderson. Mrs Harry Moore Luxurious New 1550 Wodel. Mrs Praca Mikhnss Mrs Clyde Headford Mra John Emerick Jr Mn Benny Biko Mrs Andy Kost Mm Jake Biko Mrs Bernard Swanson Mrs foc Bervitiger Wee Whi baen Keak Mrs Ciznrence Rants aa ® Misses Marguerite Miller Lynn Saf. yo 2 ford. Jane 0 tet fi Bymor ARG i : Kane, Mary Andee, He odors The G-E refrigerating system is famous the world over for Lots White Phylils Ahlstrom Jean dependability, More than 2.200.000 (G-E refrigerators with ele Ablstromn Barbara Wiser y " aS or : Shariey Hunter. Rose McDevitt Vivia hermetically sealed units have been in use for 10 years or pos, Shirley Brasdiprd Dolores longer! srins and Mrs Paul Twmany sod (Mrs. James While Mo Bernie Mara | SUCH A BIG MODEL } Bride Of Lawrence Mondi Miss Berniece Marana St Benedict, snd Lawrdnce Mondi Bamesboro, exchanged nuptial J Purchase this great, full 10.3 en. MN. Wedel NC-106 Gemerai vows Monday, July 3, before Rev Electric Refrigerator Ri | Father Valentine Koeldier, OSB, in at just 5300.75 oi receive thin bons i St Joseph's Catholic Church, tif wil lasting West Bend Alwmsinmm Ehlomerend redfreshmeni Hart's Sleeping Place , | Hostess Set as a gift. A regular $15.00 value free. Witnesses were Miss Victoria Marana, sster of the Bride as 2 S + O E S maid of honor, and Angelo Mond. This glamorous Hostess Set, never before on the market con b ih of b . h a Bre oy Sr sists of & lar ge serving troy in gleaming atumivam, (rimmed FOR EVERYONE! | place before a Nuptial High Mass with polished walnut, cight big cluminmm tumblers, g (we celebrated by Father Videntine | cher, and a \ Miss Clara Glasser, presided at’ quart pit . handsome ice bucket and tongs. the organ. r 4 The bride ia a daughter of Mra WOMEN'S MEN'S {orn dia i WHILE THEY LAST her husband is a sam of Mrs : : Josephine Mondi, Barseshoro, A wedding dinner was served st the American legion Home, Hh i 4 i % Barnesboro, and a reception fol ge : 4 5 . lowed at the home of the bride : * groom in Bamesboro Up UP Both Mr. and Mrs Mond are employed by the Phillip-Jones Corp. Barmmasboro They ook a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and CHILDREN’S sy ; .e | Local Presbyterian Church $1.00 .. Scene Of Pretty Wedding Church was the scenp of a very (NOT ALL STYLES IN EVERY SIZE) lovely wedding on Saturday ev. lentng July 1, at T o'clock. Miss! } | Dorothy Stolts, daughter of Mrs. | iMae Stoltz and My Oscar J You'll SAVE MORE At | Anderson. son of Mt. and Mrs | | in marriage. The double ring cer- : emony was performed by the Rev. 9 Plummer Harvey. The bride was’ 3 | given away by her brother, John Stoltz. The bride wore a [white satin] and lace gown with a matching veil, carrying a nosejgay. Marjor- ie Stoltz. sister of the bride, was! maid of honor, wearing a yellow gown with matching veil and car PHILA. AVE. BARNESBOROQ § fn + Coltnial moujuet Brides mage ere Esther Anfderson, sis- €¢ . . ”” iter of the groom wenring an or-| Th H + al t F | ehid gown with mat acces- | : e ome 0 1 y ul nitus e