Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, June 01, 1950, Image 5

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EE aa erat
Jhursday, June 1, 1950
Phone Mrs. Callahan
Around Patton vfs
Dr. B. J. Overberger, with solos | student particpation in the Pat.
ton High School Commecement
1 Shannon | Exercises, the theme of which
(was: The Mid-Century Man and
| Spence served as best man, and
Donna Daugherty
erty, brother of the bride, and
ls Bride On Tuesday Sasi >= = =
The bride, who was given in
A beautiful wedding took place marriage by her father, was Aatl-
in St. Mary's Catholic Church, on tired in a white slipper satin
Tuesday, May 30, at ® a m., when and lace gown, wore a sweel-
Miss Donna Daugherty, daughter heart pearl trimmed bonnet with
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daugh- a finger-tip veil and carried a
erty of Linwood Ave ,K Patton, be- | white prayer book topped with an
came the bride of Donald Dine- orchid, with carnations fastened
hart, son of Mr. and Mrs Robert | to white satin streamers
J. Dinehart of Johnstown The maid of honor wore a green
Rev. Father Rupert Stadtmiller, taffeta gown with a picture hat
OSB, pastor, officiated at the dou- to match and carried a colonial
ble-ring ceremony and sang the bouquet of pink rose buds The
Nuptial High Mass bridesmaids were attired in yel
Marjorie Swope, cousin of the low taffeta gowns with pi t
bridegroom, was the maid of hats to match and carried «
honor Marjorie Moran and Connie ial bouquets of pink
Sheahan, the latter a niece of the The flower girl wore a
bride, served as bridesrsaids Ca- satin gown, bonnet 10
therine Cihan niece of the bride. also carried a colonial bouque!
was the flower girl Robert pink rose buds
The name Art-Corved imide these
fomous diamond rings is your assur-
axe of iHefime gquolity. Mode
from stor? to finish by America’s
sidest ond largest ringmoker.
Registered ond guoronteed. See
our complete collection.
EM i ..,.soL
Prices inchude Federyl tax
MILTON'S Jewelry Store
Magee Ave. PATTON, PA.
“Styled for a
Comfortable Future”
Sheer Sport Shirts
$1.96 to $8.95; lin-
en type elastic top
Slacks, at $4.98 to
Silky Rayon Gab
Loafer Jacket at
$9.95 to $1650
| rendered by Yvonne Yerger, ac
{ the ushers were Kenneth Daugh- |
single strand of pearls, gifts of
the bride.
Music was provided by the sen-
| AH of the attendants wore al
school last Friday for the final | Church of God Chapel
day of the 1849-50 term
Among her diverse activities, |
Miss Connell coached the speak-
ior choir under the direction of [ers and arranged the program for
compamed by Mrs M
at the organ
A wedding breakfast was serv
od at the home of the bride's par- |
ents, with a wedding dinper be
ing served to approximately 100
guests at the Eagle Baliroom,K Pat
ton. A reception followed in the
afternoon at the Eagle Ballroom
Woman Together We Build
® & »
Mr and Mrs Henry Sosinski
are spending Iwo Weeks wilh
| their respective parents Mr. and |
Mrs Joseph Sosinaki of Claridg:
‘and Mr. and Mrs James Burns of
Mr and Mrs Ddnehart, are
both graduates of the
High School. Mrs Dinehart is
employed by Central Trading
Corp, St. Benedict and Mr Dine
hart is emploved by the Johns
town Distributing Co
Following a wedding - trip to
Niagara Falls and Canada, the
uple will reside In Johnstown
ee & »
Women Of Moose
Slate Candidates
Marts nr
Misa Ethel Blair
he Miners Hospilad
Kpangler, wag presenisa a Bonk
Plymouth Adventure the
Hospital Guid
j* was also announced that ANY
nurses at
i member wishing to Allen {i the
i Wormnen of the Moose plomc n
{ June 11 at West View Park, Fitls
burgh, should ntact Mrs Laver
Flection of officers of the
| group will take place at the June
IR moeting
® sw
Miss Gloria Vezza Feted
‘On Birthday Aaniversary
A surprise b rihday party Was
held in honor of Miss Gloria
| Vezza's 17th birthday Anmiversar;
the home of her parents Mr
snd Mrs Domenick NV ezza
Magee Ave, last Thursday, May
2h. Ames Were
neh was served
lemma Bojoamon Pat Contrela
Joanne Simpson, Marjorie Swope
Greta Burkey, Lots Thomas, Janet
Rtevens. Babs Rhody, Doris Dune-
gan, Betty Lou Karihiem Mar
shall Swab Patty Hoover. Jane
Semelsberger, Heaien Wharton
Patty Thomas. Dolly Holtz, Joan.
re Urbain, Anna M. lanniello, Cor-
rine Hoover, Marion Cooper,
“Cork” Swab, Alan Dietrick, Alan
Christoff, Joseph Stevens, Fred
Rurkhart, Ronald Tresler, Paul
Urbain Leo Fregly, Bill Albrigni
Karl Malkin, Twila Vezsa, Alvin
Vezza James Rhody, Dick Welly
and John Barnard
* & ®
Miss M. Agnes Connell
Recovers From Illness
Misa M. Agnes conned], Patton
High School Senior English in-
structor, has recovered from 1}
recent illness and was back
in shade with a cool cas
ual from our ocomfort-
crammed collection.
Patton |
Mr. and Mrs Herry Jenkins
and son of Indiana spent Mem-
orial Day here wth Mr and Mrs
| Marcellus Weakiand
Week ond vistors atl the George
included Mary and
James Donahue of Washington, D
Russell [Donahue of Wright
Patterson Field, Ohio, and Mr
and Mrs Harry 1 and
[nahue home
amily of Williamaport
Mr and Mrs Foabyy
snd Mr and Mrs
r he woeR end
Youngstown, Ohio
> Mr. and WM
and aor
and Fis
J (rverb®yger
Mr and Mrs Bari Sp
{im 8nd {Mo spent the
end and Memorial Day wit?
parents, Mr and Mrs V
dar of Patton and Mra
Springer of Carralitown R
Mr and Mrs Earl Holtz and
Mrs Rteve Dietrick of Cleveland
Ohio, visited for
relatives n =
Daraothy Whartor ¢ Washing
ton, Dr OC spent Bunday att
home of har parents Mr
Mra Omer Wharton She had
her guest Miss Fernie Gibbs
Washington, formerly of Towa
Mr and Mrs han! [Vx
children, Anna Fommy
leoslis 1¥X Fy
vee end here
Andrew Senita Sr
¢ A yy 5
Oat -of Lorem
r o ® av Tin agh
the IMaughertiy-O
p 4 mH
Vernon Jr. of Sharon, Pa. Mi:
Mr Build Caliahan, Mr a!
Mrs Harry Walker, Mr. and Mra
ww Maonigomery Ang Jaughier
Nanis, Mr and Mrz Wm Hing
enho and daughter Ellen afidd
[rig Galomb of PRISHUGIE:N Mr
and Mrs Howard Vepiad WN
faughter, Nancy Mr and Mrz
David Berry and son, | :
xridd Mrs JW Penning?
ote Mr and
raugaerty and
WW Philadelphia
lobe rt {omner A faughier
[ompna Marie of Dielair, N
Mr ard Mra James Monigomery
& Aahville: Mr. and Mrs Charlies
Sheehan and sons, Ciyde Paul and
onald, and daughters, Sally and
{nnnie f Ebhenshurg A Ho
suer and daughter Gra f
reahoyr Mr i Ii
Marvellus BW
y i Campbell
4 Mrz Glenn Besse ail
Onis Frank Campbell
Mr and Mrs Robert Dineharn
and daughter Roberia of Bal
timmore. Md, and Arthur Noel and
daughter, Mr. and Mra John Sia
ter and son and Mr and Mma R
Spence and family, all of Johns
Mr and Mra John Flood were
overnight guests of Mr and Mrs
| James [. Sayder on May 30. Mr
| Flood, formerly of Mansfield ©,
land Sunbury, is junior exsculive
lof Westinghouse Corp.
| present is on an inspection trip of
and at
eastern and northeastern plants
Mrs Flood is the former Misa
Amy Weakland, daughter of the
ate 8 1. Weakland many years
resident and operator of the old
Palmer House here Misa Betly
Weakiand of the U. 8 Embassy,
Rome, Italy, who recently return-
ed from a visit at the Flood and
Eugene Watkins homes in Pitts
burgh, will accompany Mr. and
Mrs. Flood on their eastern trip
Pvt. Morris I. Prevost, son of
Mrs. Leona Prevost of Patton R
D. has reported to Lackland Air
Force Base, San Antonio, Tex, to
begin a 1J-week basic training
Sunday visitory at the Puul
Yahner home in Patton R. D, in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs Hobert Har-
Hospital, Spangler. |
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mitchell vis-
in Cleveland Ohio, spent the past
week end here with his parents |
bert Callahan who are empio
in Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few
days here at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Call-
parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Hen-
and Mrs Paul Lapis and
: r of
Altoona visited here
with Mr and Mrs Francis Calla-
han. Mr. Lipple is a brother of
Mrs. Callahan.
Episcopal Church
Gilbert Watt, Priest-in-charge.
4—Trinity Sun-
Communion at 9:15 a
at 10:15 a
School, 10 a. m, Geo. W. Colberg, lowship,
supt.. Preaching Service, 11 a m ator
Young Peoples’ Meeting, 8:45 p |
'm_ and Evangelistic Service, 7:43 ing at the Church to arrange for
Altoona, 1200 KC. each Bunday
from 2:30 to ® a m and hear Trinity Methodist Church
the Way of Truth program by E Rev. J KE A. Buckle BD DD,
E Marquiss and co-workers of pastor
Hagerstown, Md This program Is
sponsored by Churches of God in 5:45 am. Robert Rowland, supt
Patton and Burnside
Patton Presbyterian Church
versary of his pastorate with a
levi G. Gorsuch, Pastor sermon appropriate to the occa.
Sunday, June 4 Bible Study sion, Tp. m: Westminster Fel
argaret Cogley, moder.
Friday, June 2-2 p. m.: Meet.
; the annual Children's Day Pro
Wednesday, June 7 Mid-week KTam, 8 p. m.: Monthly meeting
Prayer and Praise Service. 7:30 p. of Ladies’ Aid Bociety at the
oe John Makepiece home 304 Herr.
man Ave
You have a cordial invitation Mrs. Makepiece hos.
0 tune WISW dio station
y tune in J radio static ‘oa
Bunday. June 4 Church School,
Aduits at Grand Theatre Pri.
mary and Juniors at Odd Fellown
Hall; Worship Service at 10:45 a
Mummer Harvey STM Minister mat Grand Theatre, sermon sub.
Sunday, June 4-10 a. m.: Sun. inet "Obeying Christ's Com
fay School Deloss Elma supt ; mands” music by choir; Youth
2 BD Waorshin Service Mr Fellowship at the Parsonage, de
Harvey will observe the 5th anni- volions, John Gregory, discussion,
Mrs. Pavia; Evening Worship at at 7 p. m.
7:30 p m. in Lutheran Church, Next meetin
song service and sermon, ° ‘
God Asks of Us”. ‘Day will be observed Jume 11.
WSCS meeting Friday, June 2, | Next meeting of Ladies’ Aid Soci
at Parsonage, Mrs. Peter Del- ety on June 14.
pierre Jr. and Martha Rumberger | r——————
hostesses i ¢ Barnesboro
Prayer Service at Parsonage ormer :
Wednesday, June 7, 7:30 p. m :
Daily Vacation Bible Soho be Killed In Chicago Disaster
gins Monday, June 5 9 a. m_ de- John Plus Penn, 39 formerly
tails of which appear elsewhere of Barnesboro, has been identified
in this issue ‘as one of the victims of the
“es street-car-gasoline truck wreck in
St. Benedict Presbyterian Church Chicago last Thursday.
Plummer Harvey, STM, Minister Penn was one of the 32
Sunday Jun® 49:45 a m, : | CAF passengers who lost
Worship Service Mr. Harvey will lives in the wreck. He
observe the 5th anniversary of his route home from work
pastorate with a sermon appro- traged
priate to the occasion; 10:45 a m. who Jeft
Sunday School. James Stratton, years ago, was married and had
spt one son.
Children's Unoir rehearsal each William Penn, Barnesboro, was
Wednesday at 8 p m: Youth notified of his brother's death
Choir rehearsid each Wednesday last Friday night.
$577 . 0.71
9 , (own Cottons
- $9.01
ced amazing!
low for style and hd
ity! See them! You'll want
several to wear everywhere
all season. Select yours from
a variety of washable cotton
fabrics in thrilling shades.
For Every Enchanted Hour
The biggest hit show of the year inspired these
lilting patterns. Soft gentle prints backed by
refreshing tropical tones and fashioned into
seven of the loveliest frocks of this or any
other season. You won't find them anywhere
¢lse at this tiny price, so snap them up. You'll
le the best dressed gir! in town.
®* Younger Than Springtime
Cockeyed Optimist
Honey Bun
Bali Hai
Dites Moi
Wash That Man Out Of My Hair
Frere Nemes Lr This Tne!
Waffle Pique
$6.71 $1.
Wonderful waffle pique . . .
it doesn’t have te be
“The Friendly Store in BARNESBORO”
eee ei