dure” roman besenerty. | Fairoiew Cemetery Assn. Elects; — assisted by Father Rupert Stadt. miller, OSB, and Father Basil The hymn “Holy God” brought the devotion to a close. . oo and Mrs. Thomas Daugherty. | The American Legion Post of. | fr 52 x0 Sines ne amy Improvements In Three Years ling on May 23 and June 1 in the Election of officers featured the” rr e,e—_—_—————— Mal Union Dial 81681 | po home. Election of officers ~ Former Local Folks Father Basil Mark 40th Wedding Anniversary Today ° Mr. and Mrs Herman Beck, | Blandburg, former Patton res dents, were tendered a surprise turkey dinner last Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Aima Capion, in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. Herman Beck and Cora Mae Lovell were united in marriage in Blandburg, May 25 1910. Nine children were born to this union, all of whom are living and also in attendance at the dinner The children are Hilda Brad. ford of St. Benedict, Louise Mc- Cellan of Altoona, Esther Coder and Florence Simpson of Patton Mary Letcher of Williamsport, Alma Capion of Blandburg, David of Blandburg, Edna of Pittsburgh and Russell, a senior in Fean State College There are 12 grandchildren deceased ! Both Mr. and Mrs enjoying good health Mr. Beck is a retired dispatcher of the Pennsylvania Railroad The homored couple were pre- sented a cabinet sink from their children. Open house will be observed this afternon and evening, May 2%. at their home for their many friends and relatives : ® 9 Urbain Wins Third In Essay Contest Joanne Urbain, junior in the Patton High School, and daugh- ter of Mrs Mary Urbain of | Patfon. won thirg prize in the annual essay conlest sponsored by the Conemaugh Valley Chap- ter. Reserve Officers Assn. The title of the essay, “An Adequate Reserve Force for Peace and Security.” The contes! ‘among Cambria schools in connection with Lhe 'jocal observance of National Security Week May 13-20 Winners of the two top prizes, ‘$25 and $15, respectively, were | Barbara Ann Grove and William | Hunter, both of Dale High School {Miss Urbain received $10 [for | third place. | i i i Barada, Nog 3, 1080 ifrom the pastor, Attend [5-5 c= { | ascended the steps to the altar y { and placed a flowered crown on {the statue of the Blessed Virgin. St. George Church listened to the pastor, who spoke on qualities and virtues of the Accompanied by the strains of | Bleased Mother as contained in Karlheim at the organ, a colorful | Who paid her homage picture was presented when the Following another hymn, the sodalists, altar boys and priests | procession then moved into the erected for the May Crowning Blessed Sacrament. ceremony at St. George's Church; Tne May queen attendants were here on Sunday. Following the Anns Mae Ianniello and Patty Tominac recited an act of Reed and Carol Chverchko; flow- consecration, which also was re- or girls The Junior Sodality ap- newed by the sodality {proached the altar through a Chverchko presented the crown of the Senior Sodality to be blessed; the May queen| Celebrant for Benediction was then knelt and received her crown Father Malacky Brawley, OSB | During a hymn, Miss Tominac An estimated 500 persons then a processional with Miss Leona | Nr litanty and commended those proceeded to the outdoor altar (church for Benediction of the “Hail, Sweet Virgin" Miss g1.4k,. crown bearers, Ronnie Kevin Gooderham and Andrew flowered arch made by members re Sincere Thanks. .. Sack. 4% For the wonderful support | received in the recent primary election. LEWIS E. EVANS CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS 26th DISTRICT ep Choose A Crisp, Cool Straw For Summer Long Comfort— was | sponsored County high { |VFW Aides Will Attend ‘Memorial Services In Body {| A $10 donation was given (0 ‘the Baptist Church at the regular | meeting of the local VFW Auxi- Lary last Thursday evening The auxiiary sponsored a party ‘on Tuesday evening in the Post Home for the children that helped ‘to make Poppy Day a pucCess | Attending the affair werp Earl Caretti, Jack Gregory, Pagent | Burkey, Mona Solomon, Lots Hal- aska. Arthur Hauret, Jennie Leonard, Kenny Letlsd, James Bringo, Esther Donahue Jerry Hauret and Gene Brinao The next meeting of Lhe ivi] be on June 1 at 8 pm Memorial Church Services will ibe held in the local Baptist | Church this Sunday, May 28. All | nembers are requested to be al | the home at 7 p. m., to leave ‘at T:15 p. m. sharp. g oe | The Patton Fire Co. Auxiliary Smartly styled, | will a card party at the this Friday, May 26, at and pleasantly {8:30 p. m. Prizes and lunch. Ad- eed mission will be 35¢. The public is piste. invited to attend. ” Mrs. Stephen Zemyan of Syra- cuse, N. Y., who is spending sev- eral days with her ts, Mr | and Mrs John Micklick, Third Ave. will leave this Saturday for Chicago, Ill, where ashe will join | Lightweight weave, contrast ing band. unit Cool textured straws, choice of bands. $2.95 $5.95 No telling you're wearing ono of these hats, exeept for the admiring glances cast your way, and the re- freshing ecool-as-shade feeling. LUXENBERG'S MEN’S SHOP ROLLFAST BICYCLES $29.95 . $59.95 ALL SIZES FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN BICYCLE REPAIRS BICYCLE PARTS BICYCLE ACCESSORIES MARINO'S HOME & AUTO SUPPLY ost | will be held at the regular meet- ling on June 27. The Women of the Moose, chapter 637, will hold nomination of officers on May 25 and elec- tion on June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Button, daughter, Carol, and son, Billy, spent the week end with the Ber- nard Button family in Pittsburgh. Ethel Callaban was a guest atl the home of Miss Phyllis Martin in Pittsburgh, over the week end Frank Calishan returned home from the Miners’ Hospital, Bpang- ler on Tuesday, after being a pat- jent there for the past seven weeks Mr. Callahan was injured in the Sterling No. 1 Mine al Bakerton, when he was caught between a loaded mine car and a croms bar, fracturing the pelvis bone in {wo places, Wilh severe hack injuries A son was born Mr Mrs George Gregory of at the Miners’ Hospital on day. May 16 Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs W. J Hoover were Mrs T H. Longwell of Harris burg, Mr. and Mrz W. Holter of Massalaon, Ohio Mr and Mrs Joseph of Nicktown and Mr. and Mrs Gane Bulton and children Pittsburgh Mrs Jack Dietrick, who has been a patient for the past three weeks in the Johnstown Memorial Hospital, is reported lo be some what improved Donald Resko, Vincent College, visited here over the week end afl the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Resko, of Mc- Intyre Ave Donald had as his guests over the week ond, Ed- ward Kane of Pittsburgh, Frank Martin of Pittsburgh and Waldo ilepisa of Porto Rico. All the boys are students at St Vincent Banns of matrimony were pub lished Bunday for the [lirst time in St. Mary's Catholic Church for Miss Clotilda Clara Kiine of Bt Nicholas’ Parish, Nicktown and Raymond H. Karlheim Jr, son of Raymond Karihiemm of Melion Ave, and Angelo Francis Laurito, son of Mr. and Mrs Agostino laurito and Miss Athea Mary Pavicck of Barnesboro Cpl. Wm P. Donahue; son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Donahue of Patton RD. is stationed al the Yokota Air Base in Honshu, Japan He works in the control ler's office as a clerk typist Francis Harvey, hospilal corps- man, at the UU 8 Navy Hospital Bethesda, Md, spent the week end with his mother, Mra Mary Harvey, and other relatives Mr. and Mrs Einar Bloomberg of Patton RD announce the birth of a son on May 16 at the Miners’ Hospital, Spangler ee The Trinity Methodist Church tev. J. KE. A. Bucke BD, K DD Pastor Sunday, May Church Bchood, supl., aduils at and Patton Tues to Of student at St 28-945 a m, Roter!: Rowland, the Grand Thea tre and primary and juniors at Odd Fellows Hall Worship ser vice al the thealre sermon Dy the pastor, “Viewing One Pal- rictism Music by ithe Choir Youth Fellowship program oon tinued from last Sunday Will feel at the home of H H. Nebh- rig with devotions by Meade Neh- rig and discussion bY J afuce Delpierre. This congregation Joins is the Union Service in Lhe local Baptist Church, Rev. Ralph KE Whitmer, pastor, preaching Lhe annual memorial sermon to the servicemen, Wednesday, May 31-730 p m Prayer meeting at the Parsonage - a0 First Baptist Cnurch, Patton Rev. Ralph E. Whitmer, Pastor Friday, May 26-430 p m juntor choir practice. 7:30 p m., jundor missionary society at the home of Miss Janet Sua. Suny Sunday, May 25-10 a. m., SW day School. 11 a mm, Morning, Worship, theme, ‘Victorious Liv- ing.” € 30 p m., Young People ; Memorial L* J annual meeting of the Fairview Cemetery Assn, Inc. held in the IOOF Hall at Patton on Satur- day. : Elected as wirectors for three- | year terms were Norman Swisher and Dr. John A. Murray, both of Patton, and Adam Heist of Al toona. The holdover directors in- clode Rev. IL. G. Gorsuch, Leo- nard J Lacue, J Fred Blanken- horn, William Nelson, George W Murray and Eli Steir, all of Pat- ton Officers of the corporation for the year were elected as follows Dr. John A. Murray, chairman of the board Adam Heist, vice chairman, George W. Murray, secretary-treasurer; Norman Sw. isher, superintendent, and Rev. L GG. Gorsuch, issuer of permits The meeting was the third an- nual one since the incorporation of the group in 1947. During this time the association has improved Fairview Cemetery until today it is one of the finest in this section The grounds have been graded and planted in grass, roadway and drains have been cofistructed and evergrsen trees placed on the boundaries of the land A cement block tool shed has been built and squipment has been purchased to supply the needs of the associa tion. A trust fund also has been sstablished which will provide for continual and permanent care of the grounds It is contemplated that an ad- dition of land will be acquired in the near futures tn provide for further needs Arrangements for Memorial Day services also were made at the meeting. Members of the committee in charge of these ar. rangements are Adam Heist, Wil- liam Nelson, David McConnell, Norman Bwisher and George W Murray Friends, Neighbors Aid In Cleaning Up Debris Loss which may run over 310. Wi) when final estimates are com- pleted completely destroyed the large barn on the William Spr inger Farm about three miles from Carrolitown along the brick road to Loretto ast Thursday raorning during a severe electri- tal storm. Mr Springer's loss in addition lo the building, included a large amount of machinery and seven AER During the storm, and follow. ing an extremely loud crash of thunder, smoke was noticed com. ing from the barn. Mr Springer tried to phone the Carraolitown Fire Co. but the phone also was knocked out of order. and he was forced to drive to town to turn in an alarm AL the time Mr Springer lef! his farm the entire’ top structure of the barn was ablaze, and when firemen reached the mene fames were oul of control Efforts were then directed toward the saving sf nearby bulldings Firemen were forced to Kill a cat which was caught in the blaze Mr. Springer stated he had ap- proximately four toms of hay in the barn. There also were two tonis of straw, 125 Dushels of Sata 5 ig of buckwheat, bushels of corn. a machine, grain drill, orang other equipment in the building District farmers turned out on | clean up the Saturday to help debris. The East Carroll Twp constructed by late summer. He tated his wish to use this means to thank his many | friends and neighbors, as well as the fire company, for their assist- Ance. i Levi G. Gorsuch, Pastor. | Sunday, May 28--Bible Study School at 10 a. m., Geo. W. Col-! berg, suptl. Preaching Service al) 11 a m. Young People's Meeting | at 6:45 p. m. Evangelistic Ser-| [vice at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday, May 31 Mid-week | prayer and praise service at 7:30 Pp m You are invited to tune in 1290, Altoona Fashion Gospel Truth program by E E Marquiss and co-workers of Hagerst y 28-10 a. m., Sun- y School, Deloss Elms. super intendent; Worship Service, 11 a m., Memorial Day Sunday. 7 p garet Cogley. moderator, Saturday, clean up day at Pine Springs of erian Home in Oakmont. ® Thursday, May 25--&30 p. =m choir practice. 7:30 p. m. Bible jay, May 26-600 p m our. Morning Worship, tortious Living.” 10:00 a. m_, Sun- day School. Communion and sermon at 9:15 a. m. Church School at 10:15 a m —{jood humor will always win any prise. | two- m., Westminster Fellowship, Mar- | May 27-8 a mm, Sunday, May 28 Whi vf : ersey, and ee. $198 to To Ta etzel, Carroiitown. : { ! i ‘are his ‘Mrs. Clementme Gunther Mrs. Clementine | . Hastings Gunther, 89, passed away at lher | home here at 7:55 p. m : Tuesday. She was born June 1880, in Poland, a daughter of’ Ferdinand and Katherine (Gania) Bohenski Rosary Confraternity and of St | St. Stanislaus’ Catholic Chuich, | Barneshoro Surviving are her husband, | Fred Gunther and these children: | Fred Jr, Chicago, Ill. Helen, Blandburg. Sister Ferdinand, Bis- | ter of J; Bister Clementine IFHM., Pitts burgh; Mrs Clara Van Scoyoc, Bilandburg: Mme John Kolotiay, Trafford, Walter and Alex, both of Hastings: also 12 Soh ild- ren and two sisters: Mary, Chi- cago, Ill, and Louise. Poland Solemn High Mass was sung at 11 a m on Ssturday in St Bernard's Catholic Church here Burial was in the church ceme- tery Ralp ’ h Bodenski Ebensburg Raiph Bodenski, 78 of 804 West High Street died at 3:15 0 m. on Monday, May 20 at the home of his daughter Mrs Clara Sibert. He had been in ili health for past three months He was horn on Oct. 24, 1870 in Po land, a son of Andrew and Joan (Birata) Bodensiki. He is survived by the following | children: Michael of Carrolltown: Mrs Clara Sibert and Mrs Jose phine Campbell, both of Ebins- burg, Mrs. Anna Rice of Yon- kers, N. Y., Joseph of Elairsville; Mrs. Kathryn Hancharick of (ol- ver, Mrs. Bertha Boryswski Yonkers, N. Y.. and one brother. John of Blairsville, formerly of Caolver ercy, Bouth Amboy, N | PEt PE PR FP ee ST No RE Ns A i a of | . He was precnded in death by his wife, Mrs. Mary (Soyka) Bo- denak!, and these children: Mrs Rose Petak, Charles, Andrew and Felix. Funeral services will be hekl at ? a m this morning in the Holy Name Catholic Church in Ebmas- burg by Rev. Father Charles W Gallagher and interment will be made in the church cemetery John Oscar Noren Colver one of of Codver, died al his home ljere Tuesday of this week after an iinemn of nine months He wis a retired coal miner and a meniber of local 880 UMWA, Colver Bom in Amott on Jan. 30, 1RSR he wis & son of the late John and Christine. (Fors) Noven Surviving widow, Mrs pret iRamueis) Noren: a daugditer Mra James A. Malone, two sons, John and Charles, both of Colver: two grandchildren, Jack and Lots Jean Malone: twn sisters Mra Edward Hindmarsh of Hastin and Mrs Edward Quist of Riek. ford, Ill, and a brother Carl Nor. en of Detroit Lack doesn't break -—it has to be crashed he tee arto WRICNR RE John Oscar Norven, 62 1 the best known residents: She was a8 member of | = 8-diamond en- semble, in popu lar fishtail style agement ring. FOR TODAY'S BRIDE 1: Wor find here a selection of engagement and wedding rings to make any starry-eyed bride- to-be thrill with pleasure. [ Si Al 1 > $125 6-diamond #0 semble, both ia Exquisitely sim- ple diamond en- “The Store for SAFE Diamond Buyimg"' LUXENBERG'S PHILA. AVE BARNESBORO Ee See 0 ga PAUL'S SPECIAL PURCHASE! GENUINE NORZON SANDALS BALLERINAS . . . Whites—Blacks—All Colors Sizes 4 10 10 . HUNDREDS OF OTHER STYLES $1.99 $2.99 .. sass PAUL'S SHOE STORE BARNESBORO “BENT VALUES ALWAYS" PHILA. AVE. AU 5-Pleces $4.95 $7.95 BE - | ha took ogain! This remarkable low price is for—not one—Dbut the entire snsembie . . . Soddie-sect chair, comfort-mode rocker ond the groceful tablel Constructed of heave gouge steel on « heavy tubular frame. Many coon of baked enamel won't rt ond keeps its bright colon for yearns. Available in either red or green with white frames. CHOICE OF COLORS. AWNING MATERIAL . ve 59, 6% Fibre Porch Rugs, .- $10.95 ..- $1295 CHAISE LOUNGE . . . . $2995 PORCH GLIDERS . . . . . . S95 Small Down Payment . . . Balance On Easy Terms heffler Furniture MAGEE AVENUE PATTON, PA.