Union press-courier. (Patton, Pa.) 1936-current, May 25, 1950, Image 16

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    Thursday, May 25, 1960
Medical Quacks Victimize
Millions With Fake ‘Cures’
Electronic Ray, Atomic |
Machines Included denounced the apparatus as
{fake and a fraud
Hundreds of medical charlatans | suit against the
are victimizing millions of Ameri Another electrical gadget,
cang the country over, declares Estemeter, has been used
Norma lee Browning in a recent | many for its supposed ‘'‘revitali
izsue of The Reader's Digest ing" effects. Its creator, Dr
Capitalizing on our faith in|Estep, was barred from
modern scientific developments, [in Florida on grounds
today's quacks offer an amazing diploma was fraudulent
assortment of cure-alls including Estep was in court on
“radar,” “atomic pills,” ‘“electron- quackery charges.
ic-ray machines.” Gullible persons The “Magic Spike,” a met
pay heavily for these “cures,” but cylinder the size of a cigarette,
more serious is the fact that|alleged to effect
grave conditions which might re-|tached to one's
spond to sound medical care often cylinder holds a Ut
progress beyond hope of a cure filled with what
while the quack applies his course | “Vrilium Catalytic Barium
of fake treatments. ide,” and is said to emit
Miss Browning, after a physical rays for the relief of manv a
examination at Northwestern Uni- | ments So convincing has
versity had found her “disgust- Magic Spike's promotion
ingly healthy, submitted herself | prominent Chicagoans, Ind
as a prospective patient to a Dr. former Mayor Kelly, are
Myrtle Farnsworth of Chicago. |many who have paid $300 and
Farnsworth instructed the pat-|for its mythical benefits It
fent to stand in her stocking feet | ‘no curative value
pn two silver plates wired to a|says the Food and
“many-dialed gadget.” After re- istration.
cording “pulsations for more The notorious Koch Cure is
than an hour, the gadget found! chemical treatment for
14 “frightening conditions,” in-|invented by Dr. W. F
cluding “possible diabetes” The Detroit Federal agents
fee for diagnosis was $35 tried to suppress this
This device is the “Drown|Years ne Koch prac .
machine,” named for the late Dr. |guoted the author ee of
Ruth Drown, a Los Angeles Yr B almen) tic .
chiropractor. In Chicago the de- ica a ey
mand for Drown treatments is so | denounce ns
heavy that patients may wait
months for an appointment. The
machine, it is claimed, not only
but cures any disease it
and even “shortwaves"
treatments to
The federal government
ny glass vi
tinue to
be deluded by
Only 6 Weeks Left
For Vets to Apply
For Bonus Payment |
Only six weeks remain for vet-| Sheriff's Sales
erans or survivors of veterans to
make application for the Penn-| By virtue of
sylvania State bonus. warned the grits of
area Red Cross. | Facias,
malpractice which
are urged to
who propose to
all who claim to
“secret” treatment.
Fieri Facias,
for filing can take up
weeks, it
Pig Jr, chairman of the Wome | | the
service department of Cambri
Red C t i] Courthouse, Ebensburg, Pa,
County R ross Chapter, No. § on
lost, T the de ent will as- |
a Monday, June 5, 1950, at
to four | man Pleas, to me directed,
“a | plaintiffs
and has filed
Drown business
cures when at-
clothing The
its maker calls
ii lattaornevs for
Drug Admin-
cure fc
thousands of cancer victims con-
its promo
difficult to
combat, Miss Browning says, for
they knew how to avoid acts of
could bring
them afoul of the law. Patients
check physicians
: them,
| through local medical societies or
| accredited hospitals, and to avoid
Aliag Fieri Facias, Alias
In many cases, work in getung |{.veri Facias and Vend Expon. :
the necessary documents together | ....4 out of the Court of Com-| Al
was stressed. George | wil be exposed to public sale at
| Street, ana being marked
{ known as Loot No. 18 on the plan
{of lots of Brookdale. For further
| description see
| 587, page 193
Having erected thereon
5 single frame dwelling Bouse
H E. Sorber,
Deed Book Vol
FIL. FA. NO. 18
lotsa in
Township, Car ounty
sylvania, fronting 150 feet On
Z- south side of Barah Street
extending back 100 feet to
Streat, having Thomas Street
the west side and Lot No 11
ly the east and being known
al numbered as Lots Nos RK 8 a
10 on the
al Thomas Byrne For
18 see Cambria C
Book, vo 592. page 32%
al | dwelling
Owner or
H. Hig
Three Susquel
nhria C
I owner
Peduzzi &
the plaintiff
FIL. FA. NO. 18
All the right title and
e of Michael Kupetz and
Kupetz, his wife, of in
situate, lying
and being in
Borough of Rarneshoro, Ce
of Cambria and State of
svlvania, bounded and
Blas follows, to wit
¢ Beginning at a post on
southerly side of the right of
9f Cambria and Clearfield
the Pennsylvania
ympany and on Hine
of George BRedlock
said right of way south
grees 30 minutes east a
of 52 feet to a post in
land of Joseph Kupec
along li of land
" Bion of
| road &
ed west
of the Susquehanna River;
along sald river in
direction a distance of
a distance of 150
of George Sedlock:
attorney f{«
plan laid out by
minty Records Deed
Two-story frame
HH. Hochstein
and to all
certain ot or piece of ground
of land
thence along
78 de
of said Joseph
Kupec mouth 11 degrees 30 minut-
or jess. to the West Branch
a westerly
53 feet,
or less, to x post in line of
line of land of George Sed.
a lock north 11 degrees 30 minules
east a distance of 150 feet to
post on sald right of way,
place of beginning
Taken in execution at
of William Suwinski
Suwinak!, his wife.
James Wildeman,
LEVY. FA. NO. 17
the right, Utle and
of William 1. Umilauf,
er and terre tenant,
Cline and E Marie Cline,
gagors of in and to ail
the Borough of Geistown
partly in tbe Township of
the mul!
and John G
mors -
those car
tain lots of land situale partly in
fleet on
Williams Street
back between parallel
lines a distance of one hundred
twenth (120) feet to Hogback Al-
ley, having land now or formerly
¥ William Turner on one side and
land now or formerly of Frank
Kovachik on the other side
Tract No. 2 Fronmting ons hun-
jrad twenty (120) feet on Hill
Street and extending back be-
parallel lines a distance of
ne hundred twenty (120; feet to
Hogback AHey, having land now
ir formerly of Wiliam Turner on
me mide and land now or former-
ly of Nick latz on the other
Being the same two tracts of
land which John Gomiiar Sr, wid
wer, Frank Fiket and Angela
Fiket, husband and wife by their
feed dated the 15th day of Peb.
raary i949 and recorded in Cam-
in Deed Book Vol 604
veyed to William
and Rose J Hoch-
stain, husbarsd and wife refend.
ints herein.
Subject to such
and ex-
hria County
\t page 90
exceDlions, re
fons ons and restric
tions 58 may be contained in prior
conveyance in the
hain of title to the
eo] premises
Having thereon erected a frame
welling house
Taken in execution at the sit
of the KRlovenian Ravings and Loan
Association of Fran Cone-
Geo 8 Dulansey
FI. FA. NO. 21
George Ruff and Grace 8. Ruff
husband and wife, owners or re
puted owners Lot of land West.
mont Borough,
Pennsylvania, situate at the north.
east corner of Menoher Highway
and Stanford Avenue Fronting
939 feet on the
Menoher Highway and 12073 feel
wn the northeasterly side of Stan
ford Avenue, and having thereon
erected a two and one-half story
frame dwelling house, known #&s
705 Stanford Avenue Bee Deed
Book Vol 482, page 144 and Deed
Book Vol. 543, page 27, records
of Cambria County, Pennsylvania
Taken in sxecution at the suit of
Johnstown Bank and Trust Com-
Graham, Yost, Meyers & Gra.
ham. attorneys for plaintiff
Fi. FA. NO. 23 |
All the right tlle and interest
of George A. Black end Emma M
Black, husband and wife, of in
and to all that certain lot. of
ground situate in Adams Town.
ship, Village of Gramiingtown,
County of Cambria, and Btate of
Pennsylvania, bounded and deecri-
bed as follows:
se rvat condit!
struments of
attorney for
* oa
abave descib- |
Cambria County.
| Moses Miller,
north skde of |
iby same north 8&0
and ad and described as follows:
formerly of E. A. Davis; thence |
Tract No. 1 Fronting forty (40)!
along the land of E. A Davis a
distance of 240 feet to
now or formerly of the
Fork Water Company, thence al-
ong the line of said land and at
right angies thereto, a distance of
52 feet to a point; thence turn-
ng and running at right angles
r+ distance of 240 feet to a post
at the said Te tap Road; thence
along satd Township Road a dis
frp vf Ae fa eet iy a post at the
of E. A Davis and
beginning Bounded
one side by land of EE A
[ravis and on the other side by
and now or formerly of OP
Having thereon erected a frame
welling house having a postoffice
address of R. D. 1, Box 142 South
Fork, Pa
Being the same of ground
which Annie Viola Bailey and Ja-
ob Bailey by their two deeds re-
orded in Cambria County in Deed
Books Vols. 540 at pege 10 and
582 at page 271, conveyed to
George A. Black and Emma M
Black, husband and wife
Taken in execution ‘at the suit
f the Slovenian Savings and Loan
Association of Frankiin
mangh, plaintiff.
Geo. 8 Dulansey,
the plaintiff
Fl. FA. NO. 28
All the right, titie and interest
f Clarence 8 Neller and Flor
ence K. Netler, husband and wife,
Wf, in and to all those three cer-
tain pieces or parcels of jand sit.
ate in the Township of Richland,
Cambria County, FPennxyivania
bounded and described as follows
Parcel No. 1. Beginning at the
enter line of a public road, now
known as Arbutus Avenue al cor-
ner of land now or formerly of
Arbutus Camping
Ground and Charles Shaffer;
thence by land now or formerly of
said Charles Shaffer, north B89
jegrees west 7.5 perches, thence
degrecy west
| 38 perches. thence by the same
north 11'% degrees east § perches;
thence by land now or formerly of
the George EB. Conrad Estate
south 78 degrees east 25.5 perch
es. thence along the center line of
said public road south 13 de-
grees west 14 perches 0 the place
beginning. Oontaining 2 acres
Parcei No 2 FHeginning at a
print (n the center of a public
road now known as Arbutus Av
enue and corner of land now or
formerly of the (George E
rad Estate: thence by the center
line of said public road, south 12
degrees west 6 perches, thence
by lot now or formerly of Clara
Rose, north 78 degrees west
55 perches, thence by land now
or formerly of Charles Shaffer
ne of land
the place of
sn the
{ ire
attorney {or
the land |
South |
Parcel No. 3 Beginning at al
| post on the line of lands now or
formerly of T. P. Hancock, C. B
Rose and Charles Shaffer, thence |
along the line of land now or for- |
merly of C. B. Rose, south 80
degress east 1R8 perches to a
post thence, continuing along
said land south RS degrees east
71.5 perches Lo the center line of a
public road, now known as Arbu-
is Avenue thence along the
center line of said public road,
sa: thence north 65! degrees |
woat 28 7 perches to a post at the
Hine of land now or formerly of
Charles Shaffer: thence along the
line of said land, north 28 degrees
rast 18 perches to a post at the
line of land now or formerly of
C B Rose the piace of begin:
Excepting and reservi
coal, minerals, mining rights and
privileges heretofore sold and
conveys! and also excepting and
reserving the portion of the land
used, owned or occupied by the
township for a township road
Having thereon srected a frame
fwelling formerly used as a club
heme, a frame shed and other
buildings, known and
as 240 Arbutus Avenue
Being (he same pleces or par
cols of land which Edwam E
levergood, single man, by bis
feed daled the 31#t day of July
1845, and recorded in Cambria
County in Dead Book Vol 5438
and page 58 conveyed to Clar-
ence 8 Neiler and Florence K
ng ail the
the spt
execution at
of the Slovenian Savings
loan Association of
Gen 8 Dulansey
the plaintiff
LEV. FA. NO. 2%
All that certain plece or parcal
af ground smtuste In
Borough. Cambria County, Penn.
sylvania, bounded and described
va follows
Fronting 115 feel, more or leas
on west shle of Main Strest, hav.
ing Freemont Avenue for its
southern boundary and lot of J
M. Adams as its northern bound.
ary. Being premises formerly as
sensed as property of Clara
Stricker sstate and identified on
the assessment rolls of Cambria
County as Property No. 480551
No imorovemants.
(ramers or repatea swners 0
J. Sticker and Flalph Sticker
Clarence E Davia attorney
FI. FA. NOS. 27 & 2%
All that certain Jot of ground
situate in the Borough of Pation
County of Cambria and State of
Pennayivania, Ddeing knows and
Taken in
attormey for
12 degrees west 32 perch- |
numbered |
i TO perches
POTLAR® | olaintiff
Beginning at Joint or corner |
of lot of Samuel Weakiand on the
west side of Fifth Avenue: thence in Cresson Township, Cambria
south by line of said avenue, 50
feet to a corner; thence by line of
lot of LL. B. Daly west 150 feet to
an alley; thence by sad alley
north 50 feet to corner of lot of
the same Suimuel Weakland;
thence east by line of said Weak-
land lot,
Raymond J Biller,
R. J. Biller, owner or
Description found in Deed Book
Volume 301, at page 165
Hammon and Hasson,
for plaintiff
Land, Cambria Township, Cam
bria County, Pennsylvania lots
128, 130, 131 and 132 on Mylo
Park Long Addition No. 2, see
Plat Book Vol 2, page 137, Cam-
bria County records. Fronting 200 |
feat on Woodland Street. Reserv
ing coal ard mining rights
Improvements One and one-
half story frame dwelling, com.
postition roof
Owners or reputed
Waiter 1. Brotliers
M. Brothers his wife
Philip N. Schettig,
land Barr Townanip Cambria
County, Pennsylvania,
iands of John Donzhue and
others, containing about 58 acres,
Rescrving ali miner.
als and mining rights For des
sttorney for
Leription see Dee] Book Vol 548,
| page 133, Cambria County records
Improvements Two - story
| frame dwelling nnd out-buildings
Owners or reputed owners
Elvie Patterson, wha survived
Jamen Patterson
Shettig & Swope, atlorneys for
Fi. FA. NO. 31
Graf! T. Johnpon, owner
puted owner
lot of ground in
Johnst SWI,
or re
the Sixth
Cambria Coun
ty. Pa
Fronting 24 feet 9 inches on
the southwesterly side of Sher.
man Street and extending Ddack
between parallel lines 150 feet to
Grant Street, together with the
building therson erected, known
as 732 Rherman Street, Johns
tawn, Pa
Taken in execution at the
af Cambria Building & loan
F1. FA. NO. 2
All the right, title and interest
of Ray Zimmerman and Nellie
Zimmerman, his wife owners or
E Custer,
attorney for
150 feet to Fifth Ave |
nue, the piace of beginning Hav- |
{ing thereon erectnd a garage
otherwise |
‘coal and minerals, together with
mining rights and privileges and
Attorneys |
‘Ray Zimmerman and Nellie Zim-
and Aleths
adjoining |
mentioned land
lot No 110 in Plan Number
Four (No 4) of the lots laid out
| County, Pennsylvania, by ths
Cresson Coal and Coke Company,
said plan being recorded in the
office for the recording of deeds
in and for Cambria County in
Miscellaneous Record Book Vol.
6. page 580,
Having erected thereon a (wo
and one-half story frame dwell-
ing house,
Excepting and reserving all the
release of damages ax contained
in prior conveyances.
Title to wh' h became vested in
merman, his wife, by deed of the
'Gallitzin Building and Loan A»
sociation, dated September Sth,
i942, and recorded in the office
for the recording of deeds ete, in
iand for Cambria County in Deed
Book Volume 512, at page 1231.
Taken in execution at the suit
of Gallitzin Savings and Loan
Association of Gailitzin, Pa
G. Harry Isaacson, attorney for
FI. FA. NO. 38
All the right, title and interest
of Tony 8 Oliver and Lynn B
Oliver, husband and wife, of in
and to, all that certain plece of
land situate in the Borough of
Dale, County of Cambria, and
of P bounded
and described as follows:
of Lamison AHey south 23 de
grees 55 minutes west a
of 33.17 feet to a
northeast corner of
iate of Melvin Ray
thence along the line
05 minutes west a
3908 feet to a stake
ins of lard now or
[Guido Bernardinelli: thence
‘the lime of land of Guido
tance of oT
the point and place of
Having erected thereon a 2%-
story frame, single dwelling house
known as the R 217 David
pany by its deed dated September
18 1948 and recorded September
27. 148, in Cambria County Deed
Book Vol 586
veysd to Tony 8 ly Byes
B. Oliver, husband and wife
sist persong who have not yet]
1:15 o'clock p. mm, Eastern
made application. {
The home service department | 1, vyione Saving Time, or 12.15
Eastern Standard
will aid veterans to obtain a cer-| Lo o» m
tificate in leu of discharge if! yo. yp. following described real
estate, to wit:
their original papers have gn
lost. Too. the department will as | :
sist widows of Pe tarans to get Conditions Of Sale
their papers together. | The purchase money shall be
A widow must have a marriage | paid at the time of s&ie or by
certificate and if she is remarried | Friday, June § 1830, at 1:15]18 feet, thence by same south 24
snd has children must be able to o'clock p mm. Fastern Daylight | degrees 11 minutes east 17 feet
show the birth certificates of the (SBaving Time, or 12:15 p m | thence by same south 03 degrees
children. If she is remarried she Eastern Standard Time otherwise | 8 minutes wést 12 thence
the property will again on Friday {by same south 25 degrees 57
June §, 1350, at 1:15 fo'ciock p | thence by
is ineligible for the bonus but her
children, if fathered by the de- minutes west 25
m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time | same south 39 degrees 10 minutes
for 12:15 o'clock p m. Eastern feel. thence by same
ceased veteran, are entitled to the |
money. west 25
Parents of deceased veterans Standard Time be put up and | south 43 degrees 48 minules west
are eligible for bonus money il sold at the risk and expense of | 25 feel, thence by same south 50
the veteran wis unmarried the person to whom it was [degrees 26 minutes west 40 feet
giruck off. who in case of any |cormer of land of Jessie FF, Miller
deficiency on such sale shallithence leaving said Road
Miss Elsie lL. Brown, daugh- make good the same jin A northwesterly direction
ter of Mrs. Ray Brown of Bar- FL FA. NO. 11 | » Lot No. 17% along land
kg a Ea ei All the right, title and interest | Of Jessie F. ee or
15 in Falls Church, Va. of John Howard Hand and Mar-jf 0 "0 Tr raid an
A acley is a graduste of Karel M. Hand, husband and wife Ae —. brs gain
arb Art sp ower gegrees D4 minutes east
Pan State College. Her husband in that certain Jot of ground o a point on the State
is resident physician at the Mer. ®ituate in East Taylor Township, . ., 1, jiace of beginn BR.
cer Cin Cambria County, Pennaylvanis Hain tha MrEer Tak 4% gh |
: aS ———" fronting & distance of 40 feet of OE om the Como ois Tam
h = nb 178 un the Oakmont Plan
Watch out for the fellow who the northerly side of Becond t2 Tecorded ta iat -Hoaok Vi
has several irons in the fire, so Street in the Village of Brookdale ve “ gg RY
to speak, for you are apt to be and extending back between age 64 a
+, ot $5 i we 8853 at
burned LE parallel lines 120 fe to. Third | story oN house
of which is used as a restaurant
MORE SAVINGS BONDS BOUGHT No 2. Beginning at a point in
the center line of the Slate Road
leading from Geistown to Lorain
thence south 22 degrees 10 minut-
ea west 108 48 feel. thence slong
[land of John LL. Geisel south 75
‘degrees 33 minutes west 151.20
SRN TT TTYYRES | feet; thence along land of Bubur-
I u {ban Realty Company north 051
Cambria County, Pennasyi-
described as follows
No. 1. Beginning al a point on
the state road Jeading from
Johnstown to Geistown, hence
along said State Road south Bo
degrees 50 minules east 3808
feet to a post, thence by same
south 53 degrees 19 minutes cast
Robert 8 Glass, attorney for
reputed owners, in and to all that
certain lod of ground situate ly-
ing, ard being In the Borough of
Cresson, County of Cambria, and
[tate of Penmnyivania, bounded
and deacribed An follows, viz
north 114 degrees east 8 perch. numbersd as Lot No 21, Block 42
Beginning at a post at the ss thence by land now or for- on the General Plan of Patton
Township Road leading from the merly of George E Conrad Estate Borough aa laid out by the Chest
Btate Highway known as Routes south TR degrees east 255 perches Creek land and Improvement
No. 53, to the Bouth Fork Reser: 'o the place of beginning Con- Company, bounded and described
voir, at the ine of land ‘now or taining 1 acre as follows
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg., Pa,
May 8 1950 5128
5 woul pi 1
erected a 2
the first floor
A ——————
degrees 03 minutes west 238 68
311 feet; thence along the center line
! TAA : of said State Road north 88 de
" es grees 38 minutes west 180.85 feet
thence still along same north 59
degrees 068 minutes east 10047
; thence still along same;
south S54 degrees 45 minutes east
118.87 feet to the place of begin- |
»rotions of wots No |
1008, 100% and 1010 lying south
of said State Road as shown on
the plan of Sarah A Schrader |
recorded in Plat Book Vol 2.)
en in execution at the suit
of Constantine Gaus and Eliza- |
Add Fireball power to all this—the
roominess of wide, deep seats— the light-
ness of Buick controls and the liquid
silkiness of Dynaflow Drive®*—and you
have a car just too good to miss.
Low-pressure tireson wide, Safety-Ride
rims, that stop heel-over and sway on
rou won't be the first to say that—
not by a long shot.
Firm, sure, quick-acting shock sbsorb-
ers, promptly snubbing the after-bounce
of the bigger bumps.
One of the first things you notice, when
you step from another make of car into
beth Gaus.
AR Harman. ALOIIAY: Buick, is the wonderful difference in
for plaintiffs. the Buick ride.
PL FA. NO. 19
All the right, title and interest
of Willtam H. Hochstein and Rose
J. Hochstein, husband and wife,
of, in and to: All those two cer-
tain tracts of land situate lying
County of Cambria
a hace of Pennsylvania, bound-
Come try one, won’t you? Your Buick
dealer will be delighted to demonstrate
without obligation— delighted to show
you that if you can afford a new car, you
probably can afford a Buick.
iiandand rm BOADMARTER sptiensl of sobre cost om SPECIAL
— ha
The important thing is what these all
add up to.
Freedom at last from jounce and jiggle.
A level, floating, road-free passage over
almost any kind of road, with even the
worst of them tamed and geantied as
never before.
There are good technical reasons, if
they interest you . . .
Soft coil springs all around, the gentlest
type of spring man knows how to make.
A stout torque-tube, acting like the
husky keel of a battleship to steady the
whole carnage.
AND WITH IT GOES: 10/R.COMPREISION Firebol voive-in-heod power
in three engines. (New F.263 engine ® SUPE mode.) « NIFW.- PATTERN STYLING, with
MULTL. GUARD forefront, huper-through humcmrs, ” dowbie bubble” tollohts + WIDE-ANGLE
VISIBRITY, close-up road wew both ferverd and beck + TRASNIC-MAMDY SIZE, lus over-off
length for saver porking and Garaging. short feraing redive + EXTRA- WIDE SEATS sroded
between the axive + SOFT BUICK RIDE, from offical wringing, Sefuty-Bids sum, lwo
Prosmrs tem, td stwadying torgee-tebe WIDE ARRAY OF MOORE with body by Fur.
The girdle that's expertly designed to give you
trim, nlim lines. 16’ All-elastic with satin elastie
streteh front and back panels for extra control
and two-way stretch Leno elastic side panels for
freedom of motion. High waistline with a side
gipper; 6 garters. Sizes 26 to 34.
phone 4491 . . . CARROLLTOWN
Toe tn HEREFY LU TATLOR ABC Mutwark. seers Mond seeing.
prone ®*!
purox Oo
PHONE 2171