PAGE anx Child Expe rts Discuss Emotional And Physical Problems of Tots Six is an awkard age and as ually painful to the child as it is exas movements than it was a perating to the parents. ago. His coordination, tor There is a real physical and ple, is not good as it emotional basis for the personal cause of ges taking place ity change, according to Toni eves Taylor. Writing about this pro. Quick gro blem period in collaboration with his limbs makes Dr. Frances 1. Illig, Child Vision than a younger Research Project, Yale Medical ing a he takes a School, she points out that some tumble; he falls off of the trouble arises from the winning a fact that the child is part boy mishaps and still part baby himself and “In some ways six is as pain- at adults or hildren ful to the child as the crucial! are likely to him time later on when he will change One of from boy to adolescent. At six, as at 12 or 13, he goes through im- portant changes both : gical and physical “The awkwardness you exasperating in your has a real physical his need for activity ed at this age his be lezxs equipped for 850 char his wth taking place him tree his bike a8 he is Th unexpected furious with race ather laugh at dis the =siX t he mos! ONS things the pavcholo- to about year-old fact that he frequently have ivilized himself hefors But ahandaor dre did a ye like a p forgotten or behavior. He af well as he and he acts there 8 & id's they can't find so six-vear-oid basis. While is accelerat- loon the ck body may act an wieldly ETOwW quis year jumsier child when clim? sudder just make hi ENTRAR rd iv g © fingers ars ir Rememb a good fut in time: saves INC i | Ph, 4 aTABLE —-— InO34 com America’s Don’t go from on: 1 aoe to another becawe of improper fit! See one of our Exxa Jertux Fitmasters and be fitted with vour correct size, width, heel height and last. Choose from a wealth of pretty styles at really mode ate prices. Some INNA JITTICK Sivies ore made i= sizes 1 te 12 widthe AAAAA w» 118 $7 4 sq ENNA JETTICKS fit better because they are better fitted Paul’s Shoe Store, Barnesboro six is more id than a your too that the child at susceptible to disease, y to catch & « hild Emotional six-year-old Kk | 48 physical and equally 3 1ed Y Ol inside a8 Hpeci changes just changes important to Are may dis er them child's sudden lack of contr irresponsibility that I wher was five in quick changes of | mood hard to explain v harder to bear He starts at high ¢ irsatar 4 3 {fo Rt Ba NCe ER ithert exam was be the in an not present are speed ir ther qe ry wf who 2 SHE Ins £ a E reason for this ders aris and leave go are seh av Barnesboro Plans Work On Reservoir uring that the Flarneshs are K repair waler reser past HH) ¥ Fe rRey The fr ¥ ! Yel } repal pi Eo | _ BIGLER AVE. SPANGLER, PA. If the surface is bare wood or badly weathered paint, make cer- tain a prime coat of new Du Pont House Paint Primer is applied. It DULUX Trim and Trellis Finishes Resist Fading Outside trim ond shutters keep thelr durable DULUX Trim and Trellie. Bre on eonily covers solidly. dries quick ty. In seven colors, including @ sow Blwe and Bright Red thet resin! fading! Save the surface and you save all! 1 mare like- Rex the i} ’ { hi YWEVEer, under Was thal and ever fx pre Ra UNION PRESS COURIER Patton Vote DEMOCRAT U. 8 SENATE ist Ind Ward Ward Myers 6 GOVERNOR 488 Diiwore? 184 Morris $5 38 Hoowers i 8 i LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Davis 1H 1064 Miisrmanns 3 152 SECY INTERNAL AFFAIRS 3 2m JUDGE SU FPREME on RY a DE St PERIOR Con RT 4 ONGRESS FS il ii a 144 ASSEMHALY {SEL OND DISTRI hres y Bee Roem inated ( COMMITTEES fir WW STATE Ome man ang H 3 “aR L ng BARR 8 PARTY COMMITTER ” t sRc Ty PTeris oh 183 REPURIJCAN ' & SENATE wh GOVERNOR 4d 134 oe ho LIBEL TENANT UYERNOR 4 jd a4 SECY INTERNAL AFFAIRS $ id 14 gow ie 1&3 JUDGE SUPREME (OURT trim 85 0 FS i144 JUDGE SUPE RIOR co nl 18 Fad oh Wr { ONGRESS # IHS 164 ASSEMBLY (SECOND DISTRICT, I hisee LO » feiss Lie Sent 7 STATE COMMIT TES (08 Thal ang Se Ww A £3 PARTY (OMMITYIEE Carrolitown Vote DEMOCRAT I 8 SENATH Ean GOVERNOR ‘ 17 LIFUTENSANT GOVERNOR wh bd 5 & AFS ATRA { Lor _- ie iis SLPFERIOR (OURT SECY INTERNAL ILDGE SUFRE ME LDR {ANIL REARSN 2 ily & ASSEMBLY (SECOND DISTRICT ATATE COMMITTEE FARTY WORnAL Patrick Onsmptetl Msudse Parabaogh Mary Van Koxeibery Lago: Lacey { COMMITTEE Pi 3 Mar REPUBLICAN UU. & SENATE Dhue bo] bs Kunkel $4 % GOVERNOR Pine 41 4 Cenk e 3 14 Williams 3 3 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Clark be Wades " 4 Woot 13 Le SECY. INTERNAL AFFAIRS ark 18 13 Stack 4 # Livengood 9 42 JUDGE SUPREME COURT Troutman is 19 Beil 3 3» JUDGE SUPERIOR. Co yr Gunter Winoet = *e CONGRESS Sa yiow a4 Tn ASSEMBLY (SECOND DISTRICT) Three to De pormilsted Cheek 38 43 Davia he a3 ¥ ll &7 #1 Sal £18 a § STATE C OMMITTRE One man and one Ta CEMIeN = Hoover n Cavanaugh +4 Haws 3 : PARTY COMMITTEE Man woman each precinct Kathisen Eck «© Cernld Sherry 9 Jatnes POs P tye il Thomas Wenased 3 Helen Wenani bh ) $19,000 In Damages In Truck Collision three destroy Two men were injured yu trucks were virtually and damage amounting to $19,000 resulted last Thursady morning in a crash on Route 22 about 1% miles east of Ebensburg Injured were Harry A. Saitta ‘of Pittsburgh and Pleasant M Plyler of Mt. Clemens, Mich | Baitta was driving a lractor- trailer rig and Plyler was opera- ting a truck which was hauling another truck hitched in picka- back fashion The Plyler truck, taccording to state police, appar ently crossed the highway and ‘crashed into the trailer-truck which was traveling in the oppo- site direction. | After striking the trailer, Ply- ‘lers’ two trucks continued along egde of the road for about 130 | feet ore knocking down two iguard posts and plunging down a 100-foot embankment Damage to ithe tractor-trailer was estimated at $11, 000; to the trucks, $3,000 ved FISH ARE DIFFERENT Fish are not subject to the infections | Mrs. Mary DeHaven greater value in covering up de- fects Dies At Hospital Mra Mary Dae. of Barneshoro E D 1, died at 2:05 a m Tuesday, | May 18 in the Miners” Hospital Spangler. She was born on 26. 1X72 in Barnesboro R jsughter of Thon bara (Keith) Caphe She ig survived by Fuber the 34 Mich {Ohio Norfolk Mrs er and Mr Edith Marsteller, and bath of Barnesboro A 18) ving are 21 grand hildrer: and 20 great-grandchild. rer Funeral servicer will i mi. (IDET): in the Garman Church of God by Rev. E wmgster and interment wil xii ana County are not labeled to declare the Barneshore » + - OF ” —————— Haven 77 i On a8 And art her {owned Blain and ire gpry be held at } & tiva 7 A. La rr Dowell's "Brn at Gey emnatery Methodist Conference To Begm This Thursday Oe nation Pre. reading v Yo BT firs Warn Housewives On Buying Reddish Wax-Coated Spuds to make the potatoes appear of prefence of color and the preser- “The fact that consumer packs said ©2772 RECREATION PARK — OPENS — DECORATION DAY Tuesday, May 30th | have complained to the depart vative is also a violation of the ment that, upon boiling, the water law,” a department spokesman and the turn hye. pinkish . Department Housewives are __ reported to are warning distributors. ALL PICNIC FACILITIES SWIMMING POOL SWINGS MUSHBALL DIAMOND epariment's sxXamir Wan ndings of a sample dia ion treatment of ¥ inlation of the Pernnsyiv awa ach tatoes | AIA Bre anen they which We're rea your order for ES SIR . . . the finest Dodge models we've ever sold are on the way to our showroom right now. Factory production is in full swing. Now is the time to get your order in. KIDDIES’ RIDES SLIDING BOARDS GAMES CONCESSIONS FREE PARKING Come and Have Fun at the Patton Recreation Park now fo fake Quick Delivery Spring is bere and you want to emjoy your new Dodge now. You'll be surprised how easily and quickly you can own a new 1950 Bigger Value Dodge if you act at once! Jicst a few dollars more than the lowest priced cars/ PATTON MOTOR SALES CO. 400 PARK AVE. PATTON, PA.